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I call El Patron from the car as I drive. He messaged me last night to tell me he’d be back today.
‘Marcel, I’ve been trying to reach you.’
The confident tone of his voice makes my chest tighten. El Patron always acts like he owns the world, that everyone else should fall over for him.
‘I’ve been busy.’ My fingers grip the steering wheel, my knuckles white. ‘When did you get back?’ I force myself to sound casual.
‘This morning. I returned as soon as I could.’
I focus on the car in front of me, keeping my breathing even.
‘Where is my daughter? I’ll have someone pick her up.’
‘She’s safe. With me.’ I feel my heart rate beginning to increase.
‘You’re a good man, Marcel. I’ll be forever in your debt for looking after her. Where is she? Harry will come for her.’
‘I’ll bring her to you, Antonio.’
‘OK. You will come to my house. I’ll have Maria prepare dinner for us, to thank you.’
‘I’ll bring her tomorrow.’
‘Tonight, Marcel. Tomorrow I’m at the club.’
‘I’ll bring her to Nio’s tomorrow, then.’
‘Tonight. I’ve missed my princesa. I want to see her.’
‘Not tonight. I have something to do.’
‘Then Harry will collect her.’
‘No. I don’t trust anyone with her. Not after what happened.’
‘Marcel, Harry is one of mine. You can trust him.’
‘It’s not Harry I don’t trust. But Harry can’t handle things like I can.’
‘That’s true, Marcel, you are an excellent fighter. But Harry’s got a gun and he knows how to use it. Daleylah will be safe with him.’
‘I’ll bring her to Nio’s tomorrow.’ I say it firmly, hoping to put an end to the negotiation.
‘Angelina’s is too impersonal. Come to my house.’
My palms are slick with sweat. I know he’s used to getting what he wants but right now I’ve got the upper hand.
‘You know what happened at your house. I have bad memories there and I still don’t trust your security. We’ll meet at your club.’
‘My security is not to be questioned, Marcel. The breach has been addressed, like I told you. Angelina’s is not a place for a girl like Daleylah. I don’t want her there, especially after what happened. It’s too exposed.’
‘I’ll be with her. She’ll be safe.’
‘Marcel.’ His voice is hard. ‘I’d prefer to meet somewhere less public. Come to my house, or I’ll have someone collect my daughter.’
‘Antonio, your club tomorrow night, or nowhere. We’ll be there at seven, before it opens.’ I cut the call before he can respond, my heart racing.
I have to warn my crew. Going up against El Patron is a step I didn’t want to take, but it’s unavoidable. He’s played me and put his daughter at risk and those two things can’t be overlooked. Not if I want to be able to face myself in the mirror again.
I turn off at the exit and drive to the gym. Dylan looks up as I enter and nods when he sees me. He’s giving a private lesson to two kids, holding hand pads up as they take turns to hit.
I shake hands with a few of the regulars and pick my way through the equipment past the fighting ring to the back. Bram is on his way from the showers; he follows me into my office and shuts the door.
‘We’re meeting El Patron at Nio’s tomorrow evening. We’re going to have a talk with him about what happened.’
‘You spoke with Dale about it?’
‘Kind of. I told her I think her old man was responsible for the attempt on her. I told her I think she’d be safer staying with me.’
‘What she say about that?’
‘Not much. Kind of walked away and shut the door in my face.’
Bram grins. ‘Went well, then?’
‘We have to be prepared. El Patron’s not going to be too pleased with me if Dale decides she doesn’t want to go home.’
‘No, can’t imagine he would be.’
‘We’ll have to up our security here.’
‘But would El Patron hit us? If you’re looking after his girl?’
‘I dunno. I mean, if she tells him she wants to stay with me he might go for it.’
Bram pulls an unconvinced face. ‘You really think he’ll just let her go? Hey, go hook up with Slater, you’ve got my blessing. And make sure you use a rubber, sweetheart, we don’t want any little Slater junior dropping in here, becoming an heir to my empire.’
‘It’s not about fucking sex, Bram. It’s about what’s best for her. Where she’ll be the safest.’
‘Bullshit,’ he mutters, then holds up his hands. ‘Not that I blame you. I wouldn’t be able to let her go, either.’
‘Have you heard anything from Bana?’ I ask, unbuttoning my shirt and hanging it up.
‘Deal’s still going ahead. In two days.’
‘Good. And no rumours about Solo?’ I ask.
‘Nothing. Let’s see what Bana says when he gets back.’
‘Yeah, and once we get this thing with El Patron ironed out we can move on. We’ll finish the deal with Bana and, as soon as we get paid, Carl and Sepp can get on with finding a property for the new gym. There’s been too many distractions lately. We’ve not been focused on business.’ I pull a club polo shirt over my head.
‘Speak for yourself. I’ve focused like hell, you’re the one who’s been off on holiday.’
‘Yeah, well, I’m back now.’ I step out of my trousers and put on a pair of sweat shorts.
‘Are you?’ Bram arches an eyebrow. ‘Who’s going to babysit Dale when you’re working?’
‘If she’s at mine, she’s safe. She won’t need looking after. And if she decides to stay with me, then I’ll tell Bana that she’s no longer with El Patron and that should get her off the target list.’
‘Yeah, but it’ll put us on El Patron’s list.’
‘Maybe, maybe not. But we know how to handle ourselves better than she does.’ I hang up the trousers then grab a bottle of water. ‘I want you to come tomorrow night,’ I tell him, as I open the door and walk to the gym. He follows me.
‘I wouldn’t miss it if you paid me. Carl’s coming, too.’
‘The more the merrier.’