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‘Ready?’ Slater asks.
I nod, although I feel like throwing up. I haven’t left this apartment since that night at my father’s club. I’m full of nerves for the exam and the fact that Slater is on edge makes me terrified. He can handle anything, so taking me to my exam making him act like I’m going into a warzone doesn’t feel right. What if something does happen? He must believe there’s a strong chance something will or he wouldn’t be as stressed as he is.
I swing my bag over my shoulder and wait. Slater’s phone rings. He puts it to his ear then hangs up.
‘Dylan’s downstairs. Let’s go.’ He takes my hand.
‘We’re not going in your car?’ I ask, as we take the lift to the ground floor.
I blink at the brightness outside. It’s like I’m exiting a cave, after being inside so long. A black car is parked by the pavement, engine running. Slater opens the back door for me to get in, and then climbs in the front. Dylan doesn’t speak; he pulls away from the kerb and drives, eyes focused ahead of him. He looks as agitated as Slater. I sink down into the leather seat and look at the buildings racing past the window, trying to forget about their stress and my own for the exam I’m about to sit.
‘Where are the others?’ Slater asks Dylan.
‘Bram and Carl are at the back, Sepp is at the front.’
I watch them. They’re both dressed in suits and dark shirts and look like real security guards. Dylan’s eyes are covered by black glasses. Slater’s aren’t, and his intense look is unsettling.
‘Bram met Bana this morning. Handed over the package, no sign that anything was up.’ Dylan’s gaze never leaves the road as he speaks.
Slater nods in acknowledgement, then turns to me in the back.
‘We’re going to drop you by the entrance to the university building that’s connected to the humanities lecture hall. I’ll go with you to the doors, but I won’t go in. Once inside, go straight to the lecture hall and stay there. Do not allow yourself to end up alone anywhere, make sure you remain where there are other people. Always. When the exam’s finished, come straight out. I’ll be waiting for you.’
I nod, my mouth dry. I roll the strap of my bag between my fingers. The car slows as we arrive at the university campus. It feels like a lifetime since I was last here, not just a few weeks. My life has changed so much in that time.
Slater’s voice breaks my thoughts.
He gets out of the car and opens the door for me.
‘Let’s go, little bird.’
He takes my hand and we walk together to the door. I feel looks landing on us as we stride to the building. Slater stands out here among the students with his dark suit and dominating appearance. I move closer to his body, proud to be with him. We slow as we get to the door and, like he promised, he stops just before it.
‘Remember what I said?’
‘I’ll be waiting for you.’
‘Good luck, little bird.’
He runs his fingers down my cheek, leaving a tingling trail of warmth. I stand on tiptoes and plant a quick kiss on his lips, take one last breath of his masculine smell, then turn and walk quickly inside.
I remember what he told me and head straight for the lecture hall where the exam will take place. When I get there, no one is around yet. I’m still early. I dash back to the reception where there are lots of people to wait.
I turn and see my friend. ‘Hey, Sanne.’
She comes over and gives me a hug.
‘Where’ve you been? I’ve been calling but your phone’s dead.’
‘Ah, yeah. I got a new number.’ I write it down for her. ‘Here.’
‘Jordan’s been asking for your number, too.’ She nudges me. ‘He likes you. He was disappointed you left straight away after Paradiso. Shall I give it to him?’
‘Errm. Actually, no. I’ve kind of met someone.’
‘You have?’ Her eyes widen.
‘Yeah.’ My cheeks flush. ‘And I’ve moved in with him.’
‘I had to. It’s complicated. I was only meant to be staying with him for a few days and things kind of progressed between us.’ I give her a half smile and a shrug, although I feel a swell of pride in my stomach.
‘Wow. That was fast work. And your father is OK with that?’
Sanne knows my father is overprotective, which is why I can’t go out and why Juan Carlos drove me to and from uni, but she doesn’t know the rest of it. About my mother being murdered or my father’s business.
‘Well, he was a bit annoyed.’ I remember the look on his face. ‘But Slater‘s strong. He can easily look after me so I’m sure my father will get used to it.’
‘Jordan’s going to be disappointed.’
‘Yeah. I feel bad about him, but we were never together or anything.’
‘No. I’m sure he’ll get over it, anyway. Hey, I’m really happy for you, Dale.’
‘Thanks.’ I twist my bag strap and look around the reception, which is filling up with people. ‘I’m so nervous for this exam.’
‘Me, too. Let’s go through to the lecture hall and wait there. I don’t want to be late.’
We walk together and stand in the queue that has formed outside the double doors. Soon, people are behind us and the line is long. I breathe more normally, feeling safe with so many people around.
‘Actually, San, I have to go to the Ladies. Do you need to go, too?’
‘No, I just went.’ She looks at the door to the exam room. ‘I’ll stay here, keep your place in the line.’
‘Right. I’ll be straight back.’ I hurry to the toilets near reception. There’s a huge queue so I join the back of the line.
‘Why is it so busy?’ I ask the girl in front of me.
‘Two of the toilets are out of order.’
‘Ah, no. I’ve got an exam in a few minutes.’ I step from foot to foot wondering whether I can make it through the three-hour exam without going.
‘If you’re in a hurry, go to the ones in the humanities block. They’re only two minutes away.’
I consider it. Slater said go straight to the exam room, but I have to pee and can’t be late for the exam or they won’t let me in.
‘Yeah, good idea, I’ll go there.’ I run along the corridor and out of the building, heading in the direction of the humanities block. Outside, it’s quieter but there are still a few people around. I duck into the building and go straight to the toilets. It’s only after I lock the cubicle door that I realise I’m the only one in there. I bite my lip. This is exactly what Slater told me not to do, let myself end up somewhere alone.
I have to get out of here as soon as possible. I flush the toilet and am about to unlock the door when I hear a noise, someone entering. My heart speeds up, adrenalin floods my body. Is this someone coming for me? I freeze on the spot, not moving, not breathing, waiting to hear what happens.
The person walks in and stops. Then, nothing. I don’t move. If they came to use the toilet, why aren’t they going into a cubicle? Have they come to kill me? Is this what Slater was worried about? My heart is beating so loudly I hear it in my ears.
The seconds tick by and neither of us moves. I have to get out of here. My hand is shaking as I unlock the door. My plan is to make a dash for the exit. I fling the door open and dart out. It takes a second before I process what I see: a girl at the sink, applying mascara. Our eyes meet in the mirror. She must read the fear on my face.
‘Oh, yeah,’ I mutter, as I wash my hands. I rush out of the Ladies and gasp for air. This is ridiculous, I chide myself. I’ve turned into a paranoid wreck, I have to get a grip.
The exam hall doors are just opening when I get back to Sanne, and the queue starts to move in.
‘Oh, I thought you wouldn’t make it.’
‘The line for the loos was long.’ I run my hand over my forehead, wiping the perspiration away.
‘Are you OK?’ She peers at me. ‘You look kind of red.’
‘I’m just nervous. Good luck,’ I whisper, as we walk into the hall and get steered in different directions.