Chapter 5

Teddy felt pretty good in spite of everything that had gone down yesterday. Six hours of sleep and she hadn’t woken up once until her iPhone alarm buzzed at 6 a.m. The bed, though narrow, was comfortable and provided a good night’s rest although she could have easily slept four more hours. At 7 a.m., room service delivered a breakfast tray laden with scrambled eggs, Applewood smoked bacon, buttered whole grain toast and coffee to her room, courtesy of Martha with a lovely note that said, “See you later, dear. Eat hearty. It’s going to be a long day.”

All in all, it wasn’t a bad start, and Teddy was looking forward to the challenge of assuming her new position at the Riviera. Smiling broadly, she walked down the hall, visualizing her office—a newly renovated room with a view of the Atlantic Ocean. Who was she kidding? After the room he’d assigned her, he probably had a tiny office waiting for her, far removed from all the action.

When she arrived at the entrance of the corporate offices, Teddy smoothed the front and back of her hot pink sheath dress to be sure there was no wardrobe malfunction this time. Leo’s secretary was seated in the reception area, which had been empty yesterday. She greeted Teddy warmly and introduced herself as Maria Eugenia. Right away, Teddy felt an affinity with the woman with the beautiful green eyes and ready smile.

“Your father is a wonderful man,” Maria Eugenia said. “I was hired by him before he brought Mr. Guerra in for the renovations.”

“It’s so nice to meet you, Maria Eugenia. I didn’t realize you replaced Kathy when she left,” Teddy said.

“Kathy still comes by to visit. Even though she says she’s happily retired, I think she misses the Riviera…and your father,” Maria Eugenia said loyally.

Teddy sighed. Everyone loved working for Daddy. He was unfailingly kind and generous to his employees and they in turn were loyal. It was disconcerting that much of the old guard was gone, replaced by new personnel that Teddy didn’t know.

“The Riviera has a way of growing on you. And Daddy is the best there is.” Teddy paused before the office door. “It’s strange not to find him in his office these days.”

Maria Eugenia nodded, but didn’t say anything.

“Love your necklace, by the way,” Teddy said, admiring the coral and gold statement necklace

“Thank you.” Maria Eugenia smiled and ushered Teddy into the conference room adjoining Leo’s office where The Amoeba, Martha, Leo and a young blonde girl were gathered around a long walnut table. Maria Eugenia discreetly closed the door behind her, leaving Teddy with the assembled group.

The air crackled with tension as Teddy heard The Amoeba say, “Thank God, we squashed the bed bug rumor before it hit the news.”

“Bed bugs?” Teddy repeated incredulously. “Who on earth would have spread such a rumor? And why?”

The Amoeba abruptly shut her mouth and the room grew silent. Her eyes zeroed in on Teddy with forced politeness. “Well, look who’s here.” Her glossed lips curled into a saccharine smile. “The prodigal stepdaughter.” Lola’s plastic face was so heavily injected with Botox it barely moved when she talked. “I trust your accommodations were adequate?”

Her sarcastic tone was meant to goad Teddy into battle, but she wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of a public showdown. “I slept just fine,” she said coolly. “Thanks for asking, but I won’t be staying there tonight. I—”

“Come in and sit down, Theodora,” Leo said cutting off the rest of Teddy’s reply.

Teddy gave him a cordial nod and ignored the shiver that skittered up her spine when her eyes met his. Impeccably dressed in a dark blue Hugo Boss suit, Guerra’s pristine white shirt contrasted sharply with his dark olive skin. Teddy’s gaze settled on his manly hands, folded on the table before him, his blunt-tipped long fingers entwined.

She mentally shook herself and looked away when he unclasped his hands and placed his palms on the table. Stop mooning over him! Guerra is arrogant, complicated and most importantly, your adversary. Remember that.

No matter how hot he looked, he was dangerous to her peace of mind…and a lot of other things Teddy didn’t want to consider at the moment. She took a seat at the far end of the table and leveled a cool gaze at him.

“I believe you know everyone here except for Ashley, my assistant,” Leo said, gesturing to the earnest young blonde seated beside him.

Teddy raised a hand in greeting. “Hey, Ashley. Nice to meet you.”

Ashley rose from her chair and approached Teddy. She clasped her hand and shook it firmly. “Pleased to meet you, Theodora. It’s an honor to meet Mr. Behr’s daughter. If I can be of service showing you around or helping you get acquainted with the renovations, don’t hesitate to ask.”

Ashley’s southern drawl was as thick as blackstrap molasses and her high-pitched voice ingratiating as she studied Teddy with stark curiosity.

“Call me Teddy. Everyone does. Well…almost everyone,” Teddy said, nodding toward Leo. “I like your southern accent, Ashley. What part of the South are you from?”

Ashley paused and the way she stared at Teddy made her wonder if her image had been tainted by gossip. “I’m from Kentucky, but Miami is my home now,” Ashley said and hastened back to her seat. “I spend most of my days here.” She glanced at Leo as if seeking his approval.

“Ah, I see. Slave driver, is he?” Teddy quipped with a roll of her eyes.

Ashley’s eyes shot open and she looked around the table to gauge everyone’s reaction, but they were all watching Teddy. “No. Not at all,” she rushed to say. “I love my job and there’s plenty to do here. I don’t mind the extra hours.”

Ashley was pretty, young and eager to please, so Teddy could understand how Leo would want her as an assistant. Maybe she was older than she looked. She had big, blue eyes, an hourglass figure in a gray business suit that showed a hint of abundant cleavage and a nasal voice that didn’t match her officious manner. Teddy wondered how Ashley had gotten the job. Either she had an amazing pedigree and credentials…or she’d slept her way there. Seeing the possessive way Ashley watched Leo, Teddy wouldn’t be surprised if it was the latter.

“Would you like some Cuban coffee? I can ask Maria Eugenia to bring you some,” Ashley asked, cutting into her thoughts.

“I would love it,” Teddy said. “I’ve been craving Cuban coffee since I got back to Miami.”

“There’s no time for that, Ashley,” Mr. Killjoy interjected. “The meeting is over.”

“Do you want me to bring you another cortadito before I leave?” Ashley asked Leo in a solicitous voice. She gestured to his empty demitasse that must have held the strong Cuban coffee and steamed milk.

“No, thanks,” Leo said agreeably, so different from the stern tone he used with Teddy. “Let’s reconvene at lunchtime. I need to go over the final guest list with you before we send it to catering.”

“Looking forward to it. See you later,” Ashley chirped, her parting smile for Leo as bright and cheerful as a sunflower.

“Everyone is free to leave but you, Theodora.” Guerra’s brusque baritone resonated through the room.

“Why did you start without me? You told me to be here at 8 a.m.,” Teddy said.

“I did,” Leo confirmed.

“Theodora, our weekly meetings are at 7 a.m.,” Ashley piped in, annoying Teddy with her complacent smile. “The meeting adjourned earlier than usual today and the department heads have returned to their offices. We were just going over a few issues.”

Teddy shot Martha a questioning look to which she responded with a discreet wink that said, “hang in there”.

Without another glance at Teddy, The Amoeba imperially rose from the table with her large black and white Chanel bag in her left hand. She gestured to Martha with her right hand. “Martha, wait up. Randolph wants you to call him at 10 a.m. He has a slew of things lined up for you.”

Martha nodded and followed behind The Amoeba who spoke to her in a snooty tone.

Once they were gone, Teddy turned her full attention to Leo. “What’s going on? I walk into a conversation about bed bugs and everyone shuts up as if I’m an outsider.”

“There are no bed bugs,” he said evenly. “That was a nasty rumor and our public relations team has resolved it.”

“Well, thank goodness for that.” Teddy shuddered. Just hearing the words “bed bugs” made her skin crawl. “You told me to be here at 8 a.m. sharp and I was. But you ended the meeting before I got here. Why?”

“You weren’t a part of it.”

Teddy caught the irony in Guerra’s tone. She got up and walked toward him, preferring to stand nearby rather than speak from afar. It was time to get down to business. “What is my position?” she asked in a pleasant tone. “And where is my office?”

Hard, black and unblinking, Leo’s eyes didn’t waver as he said, “You will work where we need you. Some days it will be in catering or housekeeping. Other days it might be at the front desk or if you’re lucky, the concierge’s station. You will also give support to Ashley in her duties, but you won’t have an office.”

Utterly despicable. Burning resentment surged from the tips of Teddy’s kitten-heeled pink sandals to the tips of her straight blonde strands. Her face burned and she was sure it was colored flamingo pink. This was the limit. If Guerra thought he was going to delegate her to errand girl he had another thing coming. And report to Ashley? No way! She clutched her iPhone and punched in the security code, her fingers poised to make a defining call.

“Put the phone down.” Leo’s blunt command caught her unaware and she stared at him. “Don’t bother calling your daddy,” he warned. “You’re already ruining his health.”

“I am not ruining his health.” Teddy’s hands formed frustrated fists. “I’ll call Daddy whenever I want to. I’m his only daughter and his door is always open to me.”

“Sit down and listen. I’m only going to say this once,” Guerra said curtly. “You are not going to call your father to whine and complain. If you do, you’ll risk sending him to the hospital again.”

Teddy gasped and clutched the chair in front of her. “What do you mean hospital again?”

“After your recent mischief in Venice, your father’s blood pressure shot through the roof and he ended up in the emergency room.”

“Oh no,” Teddy moaned. “What happened?” Daddy had always been so strong and healthy.

“They thought it was a heart attack, but after a battery of tests, a heart attack was ruled out.”

Teddy’s pulse leaped with fear. “What was it then?” she whispered.

“Extreme stress. Going forward, your father has strict orders for healthy eating, exercise and no stress. I repeat no stress, especially in the form of a spoiled princess.”

“Stop calling me that!” Teddy snapped. “Why didn’t you tell me yesterday that Daddy had been in the hospital? Why didn’t anyone tell me?” She felt desperately worried. Daddy’s health was in danger and she might have caused it. It made her heartsick to think she could have killed him.

“Your father forbade everyone to tell you. For some reason, he still protects you as if you were a little girl.” The steel underlying Guerra’s words weren’t lost on Teddy as she stared into his hard eyes. “You are under my authority now, Theodora, and you owe me big time. Not only for destroying my hotel, but for the money I shelled out to save your pampered ass.”

“I know about the money,” she hissed through clenched teeth. “You don’t have to keep reminding me! Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you get every last cent.”

“Damn right, Princesa, but you won’t be running to your daddy this time. You don’t want to do anything to hurt him.” He gave a meaningful pause. “Do you?”

Teddy’s heart constricted at Leo’s brutal question. How could he bring up something so distressful in such a heartless way? She had already lost her mother at a young age. The thought of losing Daddy was too painful to imagine. Her fingers crept up to her neck and she gripped the tiny gold birthday locket Daddy had given her.

Going to him was out of the question. She would never compromise her father’s health for selfish reasons. It was time to suck it up and cooperate with Guerra. The odious man held all the strings. It was either that or face his guillotine…