Chapter 10

“What are you doing here?” Leo’s tone was ice cold as he addressed Lola.

Incensed at her boldness, Teddy watched The Amoeba saunter into the room as if she belonged there.

She reclined on the sofa and tossed her sleek dark hair over a bare shoulder. With lithe gracefulness, she crossed one leg over another and gazed up at him as her bare thigh slid out of the deep slit in the dress. “We have to talk.”

“Not now,” Leo said curtly. “It’ll have to wait until tomorrow.”

“This can’t wait.” She gestured to the two empty shot glasses with arched brows. “Entertaining someone?” Her shrewd eyes scanned the room with fervid curiosity.

When Leo didn’t deign to answer, The Amoeba shrugged and lit a cigarette. She drew in a deep drag and blew out a long string of smoke that reached all the way to the bedroom.

Wrinkling her nose, Teddy waved the air in front of her and silently applauded when Leo strode over and took the cigarette from The Amoeba’s hand.

“I’ve told you not to smoke here.” He crushed the cigarette butt in one of the empty glasses on the coffee table.

Lola chuckled low in her throat as her curved lips issued a wicked challenge. “When have I ever obeyed you?” She arched her back and thrust her breasts forward as she indolently stroked her cleavage, her dark eyes smoldering with unconcealed invitation.

A muscle ticked in Leo’s clenched jaw. “What do you want?”

Teddy was glad he wasn’t responding to The Amoeba’s attempts at seduction. Was it because Teddy was in the other room? Hopefully, it wasn’t the only reason.

“Jove is royally pissed. By the time Randolph and I could get to him, he had already left, but I heard he’s out for revenge over the humiliation. I don’t blame him after what Teddy put him through. How are we going to make it up to him?”

“I’ll take care of Jove. What happened to him was unfortunate, but it was an accident,” Leo said in a blunt tone.

“Oh, please. Teddy is a screw-up. You’ve said so yourself many times.”

“I don’t think that anymore. She’s worked hard all week.”

The Amoeba stared at him in disbelief. “You must be joking. After tonight you should kick her spoiled ass back to Paris for good.”

“Where’s Randolph? Shouldn’t you be with him instead of here?” Leo asked coolly.

“He went home to rest. Or try to rest. That brat is going to be the death of him.” Lola shook her head with disdain.

Teddy cringed at The Amoeba’s cruel words.

“It’s late. Go home,” Leo said shortly.

Lola rose from the couch and walked up to him, her manner imperious. “As soon as you have a plan, I want to hear it. So does Randolph.”

Leo remained silent, his profile taut.

“Good luck with Jove. And with my husband’s brat.” Lola rolled her eyes. “You’re going to need it on both counts.” She snorted sarcastically and strolled out of the room.

The moment Leo swung the door shut behind Lola, his gaze riveted to the bedroom. Teddy ran into the living room as he headed toward her. It irked her that The Amoeba would go to Leo’s room at this late hour. What was she up to? Daddy would not approve of his much younger wife’s late-night visit to Leo. Neither did Teddy.

“I’m not even going to address the spiteful things Lola said…or her visit,” she said, stung by Lola’s derision and steamed over her blatant flirting with Leo.

“I wasn’t expecting her,” he muttered.

He might not have unexpected her visit tonight, but The Amoeba had acted like she came to Leo’s quarters often. The thought made Teddy want to leave the room. “I have to go. Thanks for the ointment…and for sticking up for me,” she added.

“Don’t go.” Leo’s rough-edged voice and the harsh set of his jaw stopped her cold. He slid his hands in her hair and tilted her head back until she gazed into his dark eyes, burning coals in an austere face.

You are a fire in my blood that I can’t put out until I have you. I want you.

The memory of his passionate words made Teddy shiver as unfulfilled lust enveloped them, fogging her senses. Her hands clenched by her sides, needing, yearning to wrap around his strong neck and rekindle the dizzying seduction he’d begun earlier. But after Lola’s interruption, she was suddenly wary.

What was Leo’s plan? To have a fling with Teddy and then shun her when he grew tired of her? Was he using her to slake his sexual hunger? She knew little about his personal life, other than the fact that he made her ache for him like no other man had.

Leo’s sensual mouth hovered above her ear and his warm breath sent acutely pleasurable sensations coursing through her. “I’m going to have you—all of you,” he promised. A slow quiver wracked her body as he kissed her, a hard, demanding kiss that made her lips swell beneath his and her body catch fire.

The feel of his velvet tongue possessively stroking hers brought carnal images of their nude bodies entwined in fervent lovemaking, and Teddy could scarcely breathe for the intense longing it provoked. Pressed against his hard arousal, she grew pliant in his arms. When Leo made love to her he would be fierce and magnificent—she was certain of it. A soul-stirring, knee-buckling craving for consummation overtook her defenses at the thought of his erotic possession.

To Teddy’s surprise, he suddenly released his hold on her and expelled a harsh breath of resignation. “But not tonight,” he said, taut with restraint.

Teddy cast her eyes downward so he wouldn’t see her wretched disappointment, painfully aware of how effortlessly he had reduced her to a quivery mass of hot desire.

She drew a shuddering breath and left his room on unsteady legs, more vulnerable than ever before. Without chancing a backward glance, she walked to the elevator and punched the downward arrow button. She heard his door close and she groaned, trying to make sense of their intimate moment.

The elevator doors opened and Teddy was shocked when Ashley stepped out looking gorgeous in a low-cut, form fitting sapphire gown that matched her eyes. So different from her prim, business day look.

“What are you doing here?” she demanded giving Teddy a probing once-over.

“I was wondering the same thing about you,” Teddy countered.

Ashley’s chin went up. “I need to see Leo about a business matter.”

Teddy’s eyes flicked over Ashley from the top of her exposed cleavage to the tips of her delicate stilettos. A business meeting? Not in that sexy get up.

Ashley turned away with her head thrust high and a superior air.

Had Ashley been Leo’s date for the evening? Jealousy blazed in Teddy’s heart and her stomach constricted with bitter disappointment. Small wonder Leo had abruptly released her and said they wouldn’t be making love tonight. He had been waiting for Ashley! How naïve of Teddy not to consider that Leo might be interested in seducing other women besides her? And what would stop him from hooking up with Ashley who so obviously wanted him?