Chapter 24

Standing at the podium on the stage in the grand ballroom, Leo looked down and noted the slight tremor running through his hands. He took a deep breath and surveyed the room filled with the Riviera’s employees, new ones they had recently hired and the old ones who had recuperated enough from salmonella to return to work.

Randolph and Martha sat at the front table beside Teddy, who looked stunning in her magenta dress. Lola was markedly absent and rumor had it she was back in Brazil searching for a new rich husband and the latest in plastic surgery to help her find one. Ashley and Brent were in jail where they belonged. It turned out the FBI and other agencies had been watching Brent for some time.

Phillip, the service manager, had been replaced with Adele Fines, a decent, hard-working woman whom Teddy stole from the Corzo Grand Hotel. The kitchen’s new executive chef, Raymond Linette, whom Teddy had used for one of her philanthropic events, was already garnering rave reviews from critics who had stopped in solely to sample his innovative menu. And Carmen Ortiz had been reinstated in housekeeping.

Leo tapped the microphone and welcomed everyone for the important evening. “All of you have worked hard in spite of the past weeks of high stress and many changes. You deserve recognition for your loyalty and devotion.” He motioned for Maria Eugenia to join him beside the cart filled with Riviera award plaques and gift certificates. For the next half hour, he acknowledged different staff leaders and members for their excellence in service to rounds of applause.

“I have an exciting and very special announcement to share,” Leo said. “Mr. Behr has asked me to tell you that the Riviera Hotel has been awarded the Platinum Medal for excellence and we will be featured in the “Lavish Lifestyles” TV show.”

Booming applause followed Leo’s declaration and when the noise died down, he cleared his throat. “I have one more important announcement to share.” Gazing at Teddy, he motioned for her to come up to the podium. “There is a special member of our team whose valuable contributions should not go unnoticed. Her efforts carry an important theme for all of us. Teddy, please come up—” Before he could finish, Teddy shot up from the chair and slinked out of the room.

Flabbergasted by her reaction, Leo thrust the microphone at Maria Eugenia, who said in an excited voice, “Who will be the first to sing karaoke? I am happy to volunteer,” as Leo ran out of the ballroom after Teddy.

Teddy heard Leo shout her name as she rushed toward the exit, and she turned on him with all the pent-up hurt of the past weeks. "Can't you take a hint? I don't want to talk to you."

"Well, I want to talk to you." Leo shook his head. "You've been ignoring me and there are things I must say to you.”

“How could you mock me in there? Do you think everyone has forgotten about the disasters I caused while Jove was here?”

“That's not what it was about, Teddy.” Leo stared at her, appalled. “Do you really think I would belittle you in front of everyone? I was about to publicly thank you for all the good things you've done these past weeks. The spirit of the staff is at a new high, and they feel supported. The housekeepers are flourishing under Adele’s guidance. She looks after them like a mother hen. All this because of your efforts, and I applaud you, Teddy.”

She stared at him, surprised by his praise. “You no longer think I’m reckless and a danger to everyone?” Teddy’s chin quivered. “You threw me out, Leo.” She still harbored intense hurt from how he’d shunned her.

Leo’s eyes clouded. “I deeply regret hurting you, Teddy. I hope you will forgive me.” Starkly vulnerable, the man she loved with all her heart, stood before her, his dark eyes watching her earnestly as he waited for her response.

Teddy’s breath caught in her throat at the depth of remorse in his eyes. “Yes, Leo, I forgive you.”

“Good, because you mean too much to me to lose you,” he said with an endearing smile. “You are more important to me than any damned Platinum Medal or any business venture.”

“What made you come to this conclusion?” she asked, her heart doing somersaults of joy.

“A wise man recently told me, ‘Every day is a gift,’ and I realized it is only a gift if you are in my life.”

“What wise man?” Teddy said, deeply touched by Leo’s words.

“My father. Don Esteban.”

“You made peace with him?” Surprised and relieved by the news, she searched his eyes.

“Yes, he met with me,” Leo said quietly. “I got closure and am ready to leave the past behind. For that I am thankful.” He paused and drew in a profound breath. “I want to begin my life with you, Teddy. I love you.”

Teddy stared at him as his words coated her wounded heart like a gentle balm. “You do?” she asked wondrously.

His thumb caressed her cheek. “Yes.” Leo drew her into his strong arms and pressed his lips against hers in a soul stirring kiss that said he’d never let her go. “Let’s go back inside. I have much more to say to you.”

“OK,” she said, dazed. She had much to say to him too.

Leo led Teddy into the ballroom and onto the stage where he motioned for the D.J. to stop the music. The room grew silent as everyone’s attention riveted to the stage where Leo and Teddy stood under the spotlight. Teddy looked into the audience and saw Martha and Daddy sitting at the first table, beaming and nodding encouragingly. Her gaze swept the room, taking in the staff members who watched in surprised suspense.

Before everyone, Leo took hold of her hands and held her gaze steadily. “I love you, Teddy. How do you feel about spending the rest of your life with me?” he asked, his eyes vulnerable.

Bursting with love, Teddy stared at the gorgeous, proud man before her, wearing his heart on his sleeve for all to see. She put Leo’s hand over her pounding heart. “This,” she said and stopped to draw a deep breath so her voice wouldn’t quiver. “This is what you do to me, Leo.”

Leo smiled at the memory of the first time he’d made love to her when he had placed her soft hand over his racing heart and he’d said the same, exact words to her.

His heart filled with hope as he got down on one knee and took a small box out of his pocket. “Will you marry me?” he asked, gazing into her wide, golden brown eyes.

“Yes. Yes, of course I will!” she cried, throwing her arms around his neck and nearly squeezing the air from him in a tight hug.

“Don’t cry, querida,” he murmured when he felt her tears drench his shirt. He kissed her wet cheeks and then slid the diamond ring on her finger.

“I’m not crying,” Teddy replied. “My eyes are raining happiness.”

Leo threw his head back and laughed—bold laughter that rang out triumphantly. “Ah, Princesa, keep raining happiness on me.”

Leo rose and pulled Teddy up beside him. He kissed her passionately, bending her backwards with the force of his love, and then he hoisted her high and twirled her around to everyone’s wild applause and congratulatory hoots.

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Turn the page to read an excerpt from Stone and Ivy’s love story in Heart Stealer (Heartthrob Series, Book 6) Each book is a standalone.