Editorial Board
Malcolm Barber (Reading), Peter Edbury (Cardiff),
Bernard Hamilton (Nottingham), Norman Housley (Leicester),
Peter Jackson (Keele)
Titles in the series include
Peter Jackson
The Seventh Crusade, 1244–1254
Sources and Documents
Malcolm Barber and Keith Bate
Letters from the East
Crusaders, Pilgrims and Settlers in the 12th–13th Centuries
Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach
The Gesta Tancredi of Ralph of Caen
A History of the Normans on the First Crusade
Colin Imber
The Crusade of Varna, 1443-45
Carol Sweetenham
Robert the Monk’s History of the First Crusade
Historia Iherosolimitana
Damian J. Smith and Helena Buffery
The Book of Deeds of James I of Aragon
A Translation of the Medieval Catalan Llibre dels Fets