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Rapidly dashing between corn stalks and trees was a woman with purple hair. She was rushing to the site of this great light that glittered over a small area in the field. Her hair whipped behind her in flashes of purple and blue, a reflection of the beautiful cosmos that beckoned her to enter it. As she darted between the yellow and green of the corn, she heard her name being called from just a few yards behind her.
Strange, enormous flowers came into view, dazzling her with their myriad of colors, and filling her nostrils with a sweet scent that lured her to the light. The field grew thicker with these flowers that illuminated the ground, their bulbs seeming to glow brighter, as the sky above grew darker. Though she had never been here before, she could have sworn it was familiar and reached out to touch the soft petals of the absurd flowers that stood as tall as the corn stalks. The length of their stems was incredible, their petals stretched towards the sky as if calling for the universe to bring down something otherworldly. A slew of colors decorated them, colors that she could not identify. But they inspired such happiness that she pushed on.
The beam of light glowed in the distance, expanding and compressing every so often as to alarm the runner. Her heart was beating fast inside her chest as her legs pumped smoothly against the moving earth, feet trampling stalks that were in her path. The light dimmed suddenly and she thought she might not make it in time to see what it was. For all the years seeking this strange, beautiful light, it would be such a disappointment not to be allowed entry into it. This dream had been a persistent part of her existence and she was determined to discover its meaning, even if it meant pushing the physical boundaries of her body and mind.
Amelia sprinted harder as a loud ringing filled the air and vibrated the very fabric of existence. Heart pounding, she came upon a clearing that seemed to sit outside of time, every minute stopping in that moment as she crossed the threshold into it. She spun around as her eyes danced across the stalks surrounding the area, their stems pushed down to the ground to create a gentle circle. Looking up, she found a metal structure that hummed faintly in the evening breeze coming from the north. It clicked a few times as a circle formed above her head, watching as the metal separated to allow the same light gradually to come into view. It enveloped her and defeated the darkness around the small circle while pulling her up towards the sky, a floating sensation overcoming her body.
Light of weight and filled with hope, Amelia smiled while floating up into the metal craft. It was as if everything had finally come together and she would be able to see the true nature of this elusive detail in her life. All of her dreams had featured this moment where she was weightless in the glittering light that catapulted her into another world enveloped by mirrors. She looked around to find herself looking back in every direction, turning only to find more clones of her image. They floated in a vast black hole dotted with bits of light that shimmered brightly. It seemed such an odd thing to be caught in a small space that seemed so large, but that’s how she had always felt on earth. This place offered a sense of refuge from the daily torment she felt being trapped on that planet, having mostly nothing to do with social norms and regular human contact.
It wasn’t that Amelia was a hermit, not exactly. She simply felt that her life was meant for something much greater than attending college and obtaining a degree in astronomy. Her eyes yearned for the great sights beyond the atmosphere, a universe filled with endless possibilities that stretched towards the far reaches of existence. But how could she discover that by engaging in the ridiculous social demands of her town? She didn’t find much of a need to be part of a group or even to hold a relationship, yet she yearned for the intimacy that the cosmos might provide. Her desire was to know the world and that beyond it, to become one with everything all at once.
Unfortunately for Amelia, in her cream she would always begin to fall from the mirrored room that depicted the many different forms of her against the cosmos. The lightness would fade and her body would hit the sheets as she gasped for air, realizing that oxygen didn’t exist past the atmosphere where she was catapulted. As she sat up, she reached for the ceiling as she so often did after the wretched dream; a dream which teased her with the hope of escaping the mundane and made her feel as though she might never be able to discover anything other than this ridiculous life she led. Looking about, she found her dorm room in a heap of clothes and books, the shelves cluttered with planetary models and sci-fi figurines.
There were space ships lining the ceiling and glowing stars decorating the walls. The majority of her decorations had something to do with space. A little blue box next to her bed read 3:03 AM and she sighed upon seeing it.
“What am I doing?” she asked herself out loud. “Why am I awake at this hour every night?”
But soon, drowsiness overcame her, and her body began to drift back into the sweet slumber. She would have the answer to her question, though she did not know it yet. Time was moving forward whether the purple-haired beauty liked it or not, and she would soon meet her destiny.
PACING NERVOUSLY AROUND the cockpit of his ship was the prince of the planet Degau. All of the accomplishments in the universe had made Ero’an one of the most popular Degaurians in history, yet he still felt as if something was missing from the wonderful life he led. While contemplating what had him feeling so incomplete, a miniature blob was sitting atop the gray chairs near the navigating equipment fumbling with a ray gun. The noise the blob made caused Ero’an to twitch with displeasure.
“Herman, would you please stop fiddling with your atomic ray? I’m trying to think!” snapped Ero’an, stopping in front of his incredibly short companion.
The little green blob looked up with his round eye at the prince, who was fuming from his nostrils. What a sight the prince made when he was under great duress, the gills on his neck flaring as he huffed.
“My apologies, your highness,” said Herman, setting the gun down on a nearby control panel. “I was simply trying to fix it. What has you so vexed, sir? You’ve been in this fit for weeks.”
“I have been very discontent, Herman, very discontent!” replied the prince loudly while waving his arms. “It’s as if the universe has conspired to make me the most accomplished, yet unfulfilled man in existence!”
“You are to be the next ruler of a wondrous planet and you have achieved every success known to the galaxies. How could you possibly be unfulfilled, my good lord?” asked Herman.
The green glob rolled down to the metal ground, his eye appearing on the other end of his body, making a soft popping noise. Perturbed, the prince peered down at the giant iris and studied it briefly before replying.
“I have no lover, no girlfriend, no wife. I have no one to travel with me, save for you. You have been such a wonderful companion, but I yearn for a woman’s touch. Moreover, I fear my age requires marriage in order to properly rule my planet,” said Ero’an.
Herman considered this thought for a moment while rolling his eye, his wiggling lips curving into what might have been a smile or a grimace. No one could be sure with Herman, for he was such an oddly shaped alien with no real bones or skin. The amorphous blob was indeed a common genetic trait of his planet who sought only to help others. They made great companions, though when they died, usually without warning, they simply melted into their surroundings. It was truly an awful sight for anyone who loved the little gelatin creatures, but it was also the way of the universe. While rolling forward over the prince’s boots, he left a little inkling of a print on the surface that Ero’an scuffed out while huffing again.
“Have you considered consulting the mystics, sir?” Herman asked while rolling towards the navigating screen. “They are not far from us.”
“Hmm. Agreed. Take us to the planet of the ancients for consultation! Use the hyper speed so that we may make haste. And don’t fiddle with that gun until I’ve received my news,” said the prince. He stepped up to the platform in order to view the blackened skies filled with magnificently colored clouds.
Without hesitation, Herman rolled over to the navigation board and began pressing buttons with his gelatinous fingers – or whatever one might call those strange, stubby arms – and they zipped off into the direction of the planet Mykonos, which was named, oddly, after a Greek island on the planet earth that was mostly a tourist location.
They arrived at the docks and registered, choosing one of Ero’an’s favorite mystics, whom he frequently visited during his most stressful months. Inara was such a wise woman who knew so much about the universe that she was to live on Mykonos for the remainder of her life. It pleased Ero’an to have such an honest, insightful woman nearby for him to see, especially when he needed advice. Inara, though, would rather be off on a merchant ship, making a living telling fortunes to stray sky pirates.
This particular meeting would pay for the next year of bills as the prince always tipped handsomely, so Inara greeted him with her biggest smile as he embraced her in the way common to Degaurians. Ero’an sat down and shooed Herman away from their table, telling him to gather some items while they were here at the local shop to use on their trip.
“You come seeking a hidden truth,” said Inara while holding his hands over her crystal ball. “It has you disturbed, and you wish to relieve yourself of it.”
“Yes,” whispered Ero’an while closing his eyes.
Inara swatted his hand and then proceeded with her reading, waving her fingers over the glass that Ero’an held as smoke filled the center. There were no gimmicks here on Mykonos. Everything was as it was, or so their slogan claimed, and none of the tables and rooms were fancily decorated with mystical hogwash. Save for the coverings and paintings, it was a rather empty room without table cloths where visitors could be sure they were getting the most honest readings.
“I see numbers,” said Inara while furrowing her brows together. “They seem to be...coordinates?”
Ero’an leaned forward with fascination and hope bubbling in his gut, the void in his heart pulsing with the potential love for a beautiful woman.
“Yes, I see it clearly now. Take down these numbers,” Inara said.
Pulling out a sheet of paper, Ero’an wrote down the numbers given to him and stood, feeling the victory of his trip overcoming his entire being. His blue skin shimmered as he called for Herman while Inara attempted to gather his attention, saying there was much more to his reading that was pertinent to his journey.
“That was all I needed, fortune teller,” replied the proud prince while tossing metal money cards on her table. “Be well. I may never see your age-cracked face again.”
With that, the two companions left the stammering mystic who begged for them to stay for the rest of the reading. It had only been ten minutes and they still had twenty remaining. The information flashing before her eyes was that of bloodshed and horror, a dismal future that would only be avoided if the proud prince would listen. Inara sat with this knowledge in quiet peace, accepting the scenes and releasing them to the universe as was custom to do. Their fate is not my responsibility, she thought while gathering her payment. And I will not chase that which is not my responsibility.
BACK ON THE PLANET earth, Amelia was wandering about a frat party located in a barn. It wasn’t her usual scene, but some of her friends had dragged her out in an effort to socialize her.
“Melia, come on, you look beautiful in this outfit. You have to go,” said Sara, a classmate from biology.
“But I feel so weird around people. I’d rather be looking at the stars,” Amelia replied with some hesitation.
“Have a few drinks, talk to people, and then go look at the stars. Just try to talk to somebody other than yourself for once,” Sara said while patting her hand gently. “It’ll be fun. I promise.”
Groaning, Amelia walked around the edge of the party while Sara bounced from circle to circle, her short blonde hair bright under the flashing lights as she jumped to hug people. Amelia sighed. It wasn’t particularly crowded and the music had an edgy sound, beats rumbling into each other and then smoothing out into softer tones that penetrated the dancing bodies. Everyone seemed preoccupied with each other or drinking, both of which Amelia had no interest in, so she wandered towards a ladder on the other side of the barn that looked like it might lead up to the roof. As she studied the sturdiness of the wood, a young man intercepted her vision with a wide smile.
“Hi,” he said while leaning against the wood. “What’s your name?”
His eyes glittered a bright blue, resembling the pattern of clouded galaxies from her space books. An awkward smile crossed her lips and she twirled a lock of purple hair around one finger, adjusting her blouse with the other.
“Amelia,” she replied while holding out her hand.
“I’m Jax,” replied the tall, slender figure before her. “It’s nice to meet you. Where are you from?”
This conversation clearly didn’t interest the distracted Amelia who was still trying to find a way to get up to the roof of the barn. Her eyes darted away from the cosmic blue and up the wooden ladder to the loft area covered in hay, stacks of it falling over as she wished for a way out.
“Jersey,” replied Amelia while looking back at Jax. “Are you having fun yet?”
It seemed an odd question, but it had just popped out of her mouth. Just then, though, the hay above began to vibrate violently from a terrible rumbling that caused the entire party to fall silent. Jax looked up towards the ceiling that gradually shook harder the closer the noise came towards the barn. The partygoers mostly assumed it was a farming plane that was about to land and had flown too close to the roof; whatever it was had caused hay to fall down from the lofts and fell on top of the unsuspecting party boy. Amelia laughed loudly and climbed over the stack, wishing the boy well in all his life’s endeavors. Up the ladder she went towards the loft, hastily pushing the wood under each foot and catapulting herself up into the small space that was now cleared by the rumbling vibrations.
Out the window she climbed to the clay-tiled roof. She climbed all the way to the apex of the roof and looked out over the fields. The rumbling had stopped as soon as she stood still, but there was no evidence of any plane or flying vehicle anywhere around. Not even the farm house in the distance had a plane next to it, so she felt certain it must have been something else entirely. The music below her feet was back on, causing the roof to vibrate slightly and her heart to pound to the regular rhythm.
Without warning, a whirling shriek filled the air, cutting through the silence and sounding like metal sliding against metal. In the corn field appeared a stretch of light coming from seemingly nowhere. The shriek finally stopped as the light dipped down under a tree and landed. Its glimmer filled Amelia’s eyes. She smiled uncontrollably ear-to-ear with the most delightful gasp escaping her lungs. She looked about wildly for another ladder, hoping perhaps there was one leading down to the ground below that beckoned for her feet to run on it.
Before long, she had shimmied down the pipes, and was dashing between the cornstalks like she had a million times in her dreams, swatting at them happily with her hands.
It was likely Sara calling after her, but she didn’t bother to respond, for her dream was coming to life right before her eyes. The green stems glittered in the darkness while the beam of light slowly came closer, its shimmering white a beacon of hope to the sprinting Amelia, now panting heavily under the dark sky. The rows of corn parted to reveal the path she had followed each night in her dreams and she relished the moment of relief as she dove forward into the clearing. Landing in a pile of cut stalks, she rolled over and looked around for the light that was once there. Where had it gone? Up above was the gentle and familiar hum from nights spent clutching her sheets and she looked up with a hopeful gaze as the clicking noise began, signaling the light’s release. Amelia rose and greeted it with longing, sighing as it swallowed her and lifted her body up towards its source.
ONCE AGAIN, AMELIA found herself inside the cosmic shell of mirrors, multiple dimensions reflecting her image across galaxies in different times. It was every version of her universally possible, every piece of her that she had lived and forgotten. Beyond the mirrors stood Ero’an, impatiently tapping his foot as the earthling appeared in the center of the cockpit. Amelia turned and found the prince in his regal cape, the same color of her hair. She leaned forward to poke his nose to see if he was real.
“May I ask what you are doing, earth woman?” asked the annoyed prince.
Amelia, startled, jumped away from the talking prince who seemed to her to be a rare shade of blue. It was almost the same blue of the boy’s eyes who she had met earlier in the evening, and perhaps he was the same boy, but his face was different. His jaw wasn’t rigid and his lips were a little thicker, not to mention there were gills in his neck that she was sure were latex. As she moved to touch those, the insulted prince grabbed her arm and started yelling.
“Have you no manners?! I am Prince Ero’an Sol of the planet Degau! How dare you reach out to my personal space and expect no consequences!” cried Ero’an while stepping back.
“Excuse me,” said Amelia while crossing her arms. “I am Amelia Stone of the planet Earth and we have manners in my world.”
Herman chuckled behind the prince’s legs, which was met with a disgusted glare. Rolling forward, Herman greeted the now frightened Amelia who squealed as soon as she laid eyes on his one eye. Aggravated, Ero’an threw his head back and groaned loudly, turning to check the coordinates on his dashboard.
“It said here!” he cried.
“We’re here,” said Herman.
“Where?” asked Amelia.
“Silence, earthling!” yelled Ero’an.
“You will not yell in my direction after you have taken me from my home!” Amelia yelled in return.
“I did no such thing! You’re simply trying to hitchhike on my vessel and assuming I’d be nice to you because you’re so gorgeous!” yelled Ero’an while pressing buttons.
“I swear I have no idea how I came to be here!” Amelia cried once more before huffing in the other direction.
Below their knees, Herman rolled his gigantic eye in a loop around the entirety of his body – quite a feat for such an extraordinary creature – and made his blobbish way over to a modulator next to the dashboard that was blinking. He pushed the blinking button and the whirling sound ended abruptly.
“Your highness, the beamer was on,” said Herman while staring at the flustered prince.
A brief silence fell over the trio as Amelia attempted to stifle a giggle and the prince’s pale blue skin began to flush.
“I knew that, Herman,” he said while tapping his foot. “I was just checking the controls.”
While Ero’an and Herman got into a bit of a verbal spat, Amelia floated across the pit towards the window to admire the expanse of the universe sitting before them. It was the most exquisite sight she had ever seen in her life, only something her dreams had shown her that was even more magnificent in its physical form. She couldn’t be bothered by the blundering fool to her right who had begun ranting about finding a wife and child. How can someone be so dismally distracted by love when he has the universe at his fingertips? she thought while pressing her nose to the glass. Pictures did not do this justice, not one bit. Her nose was beginning to hurt from pushing it into the window.
She gazed at galaxies and nebulae she had never laid eyes on before; likely they were far beyond the reach of Earth’s most powerful telescopes. Yet here they were, now, before her eyes. She felt small before such a marvelous display of existence and it made her body ache for the worlds beyond hers. It was such an exciting, expansive view, compared to the mundane, small-town routine she woke for each day. She wished she could live in it.
“My god!” she cried while fogging up the glass.
“I am no deity, woman,” said Ero’an, turning to look at the silly earthling who had never seen space before this moment.
“I believe that is just an expression, sir,” said Herman from his chair.
As Ero’an turned to say something snippy in the direction of his highly sarcastic companion, Amelia fell backwards towards the ground, feeling so overwhelmed by the sight that she fainted. The confused prince walked over to her body, wondering what overcame the woman to fall back in such a dramatic gesture. It seemed to him that earth woman were prone to a medical condition of which he was not privy to, one that he could only discern was due to the motion of his ship, not the fact that they were in the middle of space. This silly prince had never encountered the earth species prior to this moment, so his knowledge of them was nothing short of useless. Herman had no better luck understanding the humans either as he was only as educated about them as the ignorant prince.
While standing over the fainted woman, Ero’an received a transmission from his father to return to Degau in order to settle some business. Ero’an responded promptly and also mentioned the purple-haired earth woman who had boarded his ship, a comment to which Herman reminded him was an accident due to the beamer being left on. A sharp look from the prince caused the little blob to roll his eye in the opposite direction. It wasn’t clear yet whether Herman was rolling his eye as most people do in reaction to an awkward situation, or whether he was simply readjusting his body. Due to the nature of the situation, it would seem that Herman was reacting sarcastically to the flustered prince who now set his coordinates to his home planet and began to steer in that direction.
AS ERO’AN FLIPPED THE switch for autopilot, he and Herman returned to the unconscious woman on the metal floor of the cockpit. They leaned over her pristine body which, the lonely prince admitted, had him somewhat aroused. Degau women were lovely and had slender bodies, but this creature was more fully formed. Her breasts rose in a mountainous arc and dipped down into her belly that rose and fell gently with her breathing. The blouse she wore was ruffled around her torso, revealing the milky skin underneath. His eyes followed the path back up to her face that was beautiful in the cosmic light, the small nose and round eyes perfectly set in her face surrounded by the gorgeous purple hair that was now strewn about. As he reached out to touch her porcelain skin, Herman swatted him with a sticky stub and bulged his eye.
“Shall I give her CPR, your majesty?” asked the blob while smirking.
“You shall do no such thing!” cried the prince while standing suddenly. “Shouldn’t you be navigating?”
The little companion wiggled his mouth in a teasing fashion and then waddled over to the control panels, as the prince continued to admire Amelia. While stroking her hair, he admired the different shades of purple and likened them to the distant galaxies he had visited recently. The glow of her hair lit up her face as her eyes fluttered rapidly and slowly opened, the pearly gray of her eyes reflecting the glare of distant galaxies passing by the window. Amelia turned a shade of red as she recognized the admiration in Ero’an’s eyes, flushing so much that she covered her face briefly before allowing him to help her off the ground. Rubbing her head, she peered around at the small space and asked for the restroom.
“Do you need resting?” asks the oblivious prince.
“No, I need to...um...” Amelia stammered over her words nervously, having never needed to explain the bodily functions of a human.
“She needs to relieve herself, sir,” chimed Herman from the control panel.
Ero’an huffed and looked up at the ceiling, but kept his lips tightly shut so as not to agitate the blob-like creature. While guiding her to the lavatory, Herman muttered something to himself in his language of Gorgonish, a rather odd collection of gurgles and grunts that non-Gorgonians never dared attempt to understand. It bubbled through the backside of his amorphous body instead of breathing out of his lips, and roughly translated to, “He’s got his head up his butt.”
Herman and Amelia returned, and Ero’an prepared a set of meals for the three of them. Amelia demolished hers in just a few short bites. Though the meal was small, it filled her completely and she felt she could be nourished for a long time.
“What is that?” she asked while licking her fingers.
“A specialty on my planet. It helps nourish our people more effectively. Have you no meals such as this in your home?” asked the prince.
“No, we eat three meals a day,” replied Amelia.
“That’s so odd,” said Ero’an.
“And highly ineffective,” chimed Herman.
Amelia blinked hard at the two as they were, wondering how they came to be this way. It was not their personality that concerned her so much as it was their existence in general. How were Degaurians, and Gorgonians for that matter, born and bred? She dared not ask lest she start a lengthy history lesson by Herman who knew the many wonders of the universe, if not humans. Earth was largely ignored by many galactic species as it wasn’t seen worth the effort of invading.
Arriving at the great planet of Degau, the prince landed the ship effortlessly and they walked out on to the docks where Amelia began to shiver.
“It’s freezing!” she cried while hugging herself.
Sympathy overcame Ero’an who wrapped his cloak about her shoulders, explaining the difference in atmospheric pressure which Amelia only partially understood. They met with the king and queen who opened their arms to Ero’an and regarded Amelia with a very intrusive curiosity.
“Such hair,” commented the queen.
“And such meat,” said the king.
Herman gurgled from the back of the group and then rolled forward to introduce Amelia as the humanoid they had discovered. The kind and queen pulled her along the path to the court. There, she sat beside them. Her eyes pleaded with Ero’an to get her out of the situation immediately as her social anxiety rose to higher levels than usual. When he had effectively pulled her away from the admirable rulers, they walked a distance away into the fields behind the castle where a great deal of wild flowers grew that had glowing bulbs. The sky was darkening over the length of the planet, the sun seeming so far away...or was that a star?
“This is so beautiful,” she said while stretching out her arms to touch the tall stalks. “And so familiar! I’ve seen these flowers before.”
“Have you ever left your planet before, earthling?” asked Ero’an while lifting her up to touch a bulb. It twitched in her fingers and she giggled.
“No, I’ve never left. Call me Amelia, please. I feel so strange when you call me an earthling,” she responded.
Blushing again, the prince brought her back down to the ground where they heard an intense whinny from just a few yards ahead. Breaking through the stalks was a great beast that appeared to be the combination of a lion and horse. Its long snout extended to Amelia and brushed against her, causing a series of chuckles as she embraced the gentle and soft being. Gently, Ero’an boosted her up on its back and followed suit, the creature taking them out into the plains where three moons hung in the sky. It was as surreal as her dreams and she feared she might wake, the touch of the foolish prince igniting a fire deep in her belly which no man had ever been able to light before. Leaning back into his muscular embrace, she enjoyed the breeze touching her face as they rode away.
Ero’an steered the beast towards a cliff that rose high over the colorful terrain, where they stopped to admire the scenery. A chorus of color filled the sky suddenly as night fell and the moons floated up towards the center of the sky, shining bright light down upon their still forms. The flustered prince wrapped a hesitant arm around Amelia, who placed her hands over his vibrating skin, his lips pressing to her ear naturally. They sat this way for a few minutes until the beast whinnied – or perhaps sneezed – and then set out for the royal palace once more. All the while Amelia wondered the same thoughts as Ero’an, their minds circulating the same phrase: “Why hadn’t we kissed?”
TO AMELIA’S SURPRISE, it took a week to travel to Ero’an’s home planet. Hyper speed seems to fly past so quickly that most travelers do not notice the actual time spent. In any case, time was a man-made construct used to enslave the human race into productive structures so that they would emit product without payment, according to the increasingly handsome prince. Amelia regarded the theory with some thought and nodded, her purple hair falling over her face as she was sized for a gown. That evening was their celebratory party for the prince’s return and she was to be his companion for the evening.
“A relief for sure,” commented the queen.
“For he has no other female companions of which to speak,” added the king.
Embarrassed, the prince rolled his eyes up to the ceiling of the room and begged for them to leave, their pressing comments beginning to permanently change the shade of his skin. Amelia giggled as she was led away to the changing room to be fitted for her dress. She was delighted to find such a wide variety of styles. Ero’an looked in the mirror and touched the gills at his neck, wondering how she had felt with them pressed to her shoulder. Part of him was excited at the prospect of having this woman, but she was without child and didn’t seem to fit the mystic’s description. Her presence was purely an accident, yet he felt such amorous feelings when with her. What was happening to his body? Seeing her made his hands shake and his thighs quiver, the aching in his pelvis growing with each interaction. Every giggle elicited a pang in his stomach, which he would relish later in the evening when lying down for sleep.
Amelia returned with her face lit up in blush, her eyes outlined, and her hair up in a stylish bun with wild flower bulbs decorating her ears. The humble prince bowed before the beautiful sight, his eyes lighting up as he drank in the image of her glowing dress of tulle and lace.
“What do you think?” she asked while touching her cheek.
“It’s exquisite,” he replied while taking her arm. “You will dazzle our company.”
The couple walked with an extra pep in their step towards the dining hall to join the king and queen, who were overcome with elation upon the sight of Amelia and her new dress. Everyone in attendance was impressed by her beauty and even more by her purple hair. They had never seen anything like it and it became quite the topic later in the ballroom. As was custom, Ero’an took the arm of his female companion, and led her out to the center of the dance floor, where Amelia’s eyes widened as she took her position. She was never prepared to dance, let alone in regal company, and her feet seemed to catch a few times as they began to spin about the room. After a moment, she was able to follow the rhythm and laughter filled the air as more couples jumped on the floor. What a star she was as she shone brightly in the center of the room!
It wasn’t long before the party ended and the couple jubilantly trotted off towards the staircase to head for their rooms. At the top of the steps, they both panted from moving about so much and Ero’an smoothed a lock of hair out of Amelia’s face. Her eyes shimmered. A fool would have not taken that moment to kiss, which was their last thought before lips joined in blissful union over the weeks spent tortured by titillating thoughts. Ero’an lifted her in her dress, the bulk of the tulle proving somewhat difficult to maneuver, and managed to get her into his bedroom where he didn’t bother shutting the door.
As the two embraced in every way possible, a gurgling sound came from the doorway and it squeaked shut, the two chuckling between kisses. Ero’an lifted the hem of her dress and removed the barrier of her panties, finding the skin beneath delightfully silky. She bayed in delight at his touch, and bent to his will as clothes were torn away. Tulle hit the ground as they heatedly embraced, Ero’an pressing his tool into the surface of her rose bud that swelled upon being stimulated. Her brain wouldn’t focus as his body surged into hers and elicited the most intoxicating moans that signaled his primal energy to burst forth.
Their bodies complied without thought to the rhythm of his hips rocking into hers, a wondrous release of tension unfolding between their skin. Flesh melted into flesh and became one in that moment as her moans met his groans. Tongues dueled fiercely between their lips, the taste of honeysuckle evident on her lips from the drinks she’d had. His eyes slid shut in ecstasy as he explored her secret garden, a tingle growing between them both that started to grow to such an intensity that they cried out in unison. His greedy mouth boldly possessed hers and he pumped hard inside her blossoming tulip, which soon gushed with her incredible orgasm. A final grunt signaled his release, electricity shooting through his body as he shook violently on the bed. The two collapsed in joyous splendor, spent from their passions and overwhelmed by the amazing orgasm that didn’t take long to reach.
Wrapping their arms around each other, Ero’an whispered for her to stay in his room and she nodded in response while tracing circles in his black hair. His gills fluttered for a moment as he inhaled and then sighed, the energy to stand leaving him. Instead, he pulled her up further on the bed and wrapped her in the satin sheets where they both slipped into the surreal silence of their dreams.
COME MORNING, THE SLEEPING couple was awakened by a guard bursting through the door and alarming the two into a panicked state of wakefulness. Ero’an jumped from the bed without clothing, completely unabashed, and listened to the guard as he explained quickly that Ka’lorian space ships were spotted around the edge of the atmosphere and the Degaurian fleet needed to be battle ready. After the guard realized Amelia was naked in the bed, he averted his eyes while sputtering apologies, and exited the bedroom, leaving Ero’an staring at his sweet earthling who was hugging the sheets to her chest.
“You have to leave?” she asked weakly.
“Yes. I’m afraid I have to face this battle. These creatures have been attacking our planet for such a time that it must end now. If you wish to wait for me, I’d be happy to place you under protection with my parents, but I understand if you want to return to your home,” explained Ero’an.
Amelia sat in shock. It was surprising that he would be willing to return her home without harm so that she may live out the rest of her life in peace. But what good would that do? They had just consummated their love for each other and she wanted more than anything to remain in this magical place, with him. She wiped a lone tear from her eye and sat up to meet the prince’s lips who eagerly devoured hers.
“I will stay,” she replied while holding his face. “I will stay with you.”
“You’ve made me a happy Degaurian,” said Ero’an with tears in his eyes. “And I will fight twice as hard to return to you.”
“Fight for your people, Ero’an,” said Amelia boldly. “They are yours to care for and I will help you do that.”
The prince was so overjoyed that he took her lips once more before throwing on his battle gear and running from the room. After he left, a Degaurian maid attended to her clothing, and then swiftly escorted her to the royal chambers where the king and queen were being protected.
“You would make such a lovely daughter-in-law,” commented the queen.
“And you have such good genes,” said the king.
“There is no protocol that forbids you from marrying our son,” said the queen. “You are welcome here.”
Amelia blushed and looked around for Herman, who seemed to be missing. As she searched the room for the slimy path that he typically left, a loud boom echoed from the outer doors which two guards went to investigate. Alarmed, Amelia leaned against a small door which gave way to a chamber on the other side, flipping her over and causing her to screech. A gargantuan beast hunching under the hallway snorted loudly through its pig-like nostrils and grabbed her by the scruff, dragging her away.
“Help!” she cried, hoping the king and queen would at least hear that as well. “Help me, anyone!”
The disgusting Ka’lorians, as they were known, were such a filthy species who didn’t do much but destroy other planets for resources. They weren’t very intelligent save for battle strategies, and held the galaxy’s record for most planets demolished. For poor Herman, this was his greatest enemy as his planet had been destroyed by these foul beasts who, simply were unstoppable. Herman gurgled nearby as Amelia was dragged away, noticing that the new princess might be lost sooner than anticipated if he didn’t alert the Degaurian prince who was heatedly engaged in battle. As he ran his blade against Ka’lorian necks, his radio beeped, to which he responded easily with one hand.
“Amelia has been taken!” Herman cried over the speaker while also adding some regurgitating sounds. “She’s being transported as we speak!”
The news inspired the prince to swing his sword harder, lopping Ka’lorian heads left and right while crying out a painful roar. One by one, Ero’an slashed through the giant collection of piggish beasts and made his way to a beaming station in order to reach his love. Up above were the screams of the sweet Amelia, who was ready to retch from the stench of the Ka’lorian beast holding her. He tossed her in an electrical cage and threw a squeaking toy between the bars which she regarded with some curiosity before tossing it back.
“You will lead the prince to us,” roared the beast outside the cage. “And we will have victory over Degau!”
The shrieking noise that erupted from the small group pierced Amelia’s ears and she covered them while panic filled her gut. How in the world was she to escape this awful cage? She had no weapons, no experience, and no knowledge of this disgusting species of alien who clearly didn’t bathe. Their beady eyes mocked her from beyond the green laser bars and she scoffed while tossing her purple hair aside. All she had to do was wait for a moment. She wouldn’t give in to their taunting or painful verbal jabs. It was beneath her to be defeated. Didn’t they know who she was? Amelia Stone, the finder of alien species beyond her planet. It didn’t seem like a great deal in the galaxy, but for earth that was a cosmic achievement. Patiently, she sat and waited for her opportunity.
IT WAS UNCLEAR HOW long Amelia had been kept in that tight cage, her knees aching now because she was so cramped. When she complained, the Ka’lorian scoffed and waved his stubby arms while tending to something else, poking the companion next to him and informing him to transfer the prisoner to the collection cell. This is my chance, she thought, while preparing her body. I wish I could have stretched! Lamenting the fact that her body wasn’t as limber as she had hoped, she still took the moment to appear absolutely relaxed as the Ka’lorian reached in and took hold of her arm. He pulled her from the cell and shoved her forward, instructing her where to walk while poking her back with his stubby finger. Amelia shuddered, but stuck to her initial plan, which she planned to enact within the next few minutes.
As soon as the Ka’lorian beast was next to her, she gripped his sword from his belt and wielded it naturally, as if she had done it many times before, waving the blade over his shoulder and taking his head with it. How do I know how to use this? She thought with excitement as she waved the sword around. While lost in her infatuation with this sudden knowledge, another Ka’lorian came to attack her and she met his sword with the one she had stolen.
“Code twelve! We have a prisoner loose!” he cried as he lunged forward to be met with the glowing blade.
A maniacal laugh escaped the earthling’s lips as she swung around in circles and danced to the beat of battle. She wasn’t sure how she came to know what this was or how to use it, but she was grateful for the surprising knowledge as it came in waves to her mind.
“Not bad for a woman, eh?” yelled Amelia as she struck another sword.
“What’s a woman?” asked the Ka’lorian.
Huffing, she rolled her eyes and responded, “I am!”
Another head rolled and another after that, the waltz music returning to her ears from the night before. She raised her arms up and moved about the room, lopping more heads as she twirled about while pretending the prince was holding her and they were dancing. In a matter of minutes, Amelia had most of the crew defeated save for one small Ka’lorian who cowered in the corner.
“Take me to the controls. I need to be beamed back down,” she demanded while pointing the sword in his direction.
The frightened beast followed her directions and showed her the control panel, surprisingly similar to the ship Ero’an had used to transport her from Earth. She started to demand his compliance, but stopped when the knowledge flooded her brain. As she pressed buttons, the platform in the corner began to whirl and the mirrored room appeared for her to be transferred. She saw no use for this beast any longer, so she slashed his neck and watched his head roll over to the corner where the mirrors had appeared.
To her surprise, Ero’an appeared in the space and stood with his hands pressed to his hips as he studied the scene. Ka’lorian heads and bodies were strewn about, a thick ooze coating the floor and staining Amelia’s boots. She held the sword up towards him, but yielded when she realized who it was and tossed it aside.
“Ero’an!” she cried.
“What mess have you made, woman!” he asked with a smirk on his face.
“At least you know I am a woman,” she said while running to him.
Catching her in his arms, he held her up by her butt and rubbed his nose into hers.
“And who would not know that?” he asked curiously.
“These creatures,” she responded while gesturing wildly. “They had no idea what I was!”
“They’re not the smartest,” commented the prince.
“I couldn’t tell,” she said while chuckling.
The reunited couple embraced each other and kiss, their celebration interrupted by rapid fire coming from below. No one was manning the ship and it was beginning to make its decent towards the surface of Degau. Realizing they were being shot at by their own soldiers, Ero’an took hold of the controls and yelled over his radio for them to cease fire. Panicking, Amelia tried the controls for the beamer and began setting up their transfer until the whirling abruptly stopped. The light for the control beeped rhythmically under her fingers while she pressed it repeatedly, groaning with frustration when it wouldn’t start.
“What does blinking mean?” she asked as the ship plummeted faster to the ground.
“How should I know?” snapped the prince while pressing other buttons.
“Don’t you know how to fly these things?!” she cried.
“Some of these controls are different, you know,” said the prince.
“Now isn’t really the time for your pride to make an appearance, Ero’an. We need to do something fast. Isn’t there manual on this ship?” Amelia asked while bracing herself against a seat.
“There must be a booklet somewhere,” said Ero’an, eyes darting around.
“Not a manual! Manual as in we can manually drive the ship, you twit!” yelled Amelia.
As the ship fell rapidly from the atmosphere, and the two lovers yelled, Amelia pressed a few more buttons and took hold of the lever that apparently controlled the ship. She pulled it back and they belly of the ship hit the ground, slamming them down as it skidded to a halt in the fields. Flower bulbs were scattered everywhere as the couple collected themselves from the metal ground of the cockpit, brushing each other off and coughing from the fumes emitted during their crash. Stumbling, they made their way from the rubble to encounter a slew of soldiers surrounding them with ray guns.
“STAND DOWN!” YELLED the prince as the soldiers began to apologize. “Would you kill your prince?”
Amelia shook her head and began to laugh, the shock wearing off and leading her into the more comical side of her rescue. While Ero’an had done well to appear, she was the one who had led them to safety and, in a sense, had been the rescuer. Never had she imagined herself a heroine in any of the worlds she saw herself on, but here, she was one. Ero’an wrapped an arm around her as the soldiers applauded their appearance, helping them each from the rubble around them.
“Behold, my savior,” said Ero’an while presenting her to the king and queen who came out to greet them. “My beautiful bride and savior.”
“Bride?!” yelled Amelia with wide eyes.
“Will you do me that honor, darling earth woman who has captured my heart?” asked the kneeling prince.
Gasps rippled through the crowd of soldiers as they awaited Amelia’s response, her eyes only growing wider at the embarrassment she was suffering. She nodded immediately and accepted his kiss while smiling, tears falling freely from her eyes that were doomed to remain wide open in perpetual shock. How had they come to this? And what would it mean? She hadn’t bothered to check in with her home planet, but that smile only pulled her in harder. While studying the features of his face, she became light-headed and fell backwards against the soft and bulbous flowers. Ero’an shook his head and turned to Herman who was scraping stray petals from his skin.
“It appears I must get us a cushion to carry for her,” commented Ero’an while shaking his head. “I don’t understand why she keeps doing that.”
“Perhaps it’s the atmosphere, sir,” said Herman while poking his leg. “Here, she loves these particular flowers.”
Ero’an collected the little bouquet from Herman and then lifted his new bride to carry her into the castle, hoping perhaps rest will do her well. On the way, his parents followed and spoke with the young prince about his future.
“We absolutely approve of your decision, dear,” said his mother while admiring the sleeping Amelia. “She will do so well to protect our planet.”
“Indeed. She is quite a spirited earthling. Strong and passionate like us Degaurians,” said the king.
“Thank you. I can’t tell you how much this means. She’s been so wonderful,” said Ero’an when they reached his room.
“We’ll make the arrangements for your wedding,” said his mother.
“Thank you, Mother,” Ero’an responded with genuine gratefulness, his heart fluttering and giving way to astonishing emotions that he had never before encountered.
After his parents left them, Ero’an laid Amelia out on the bed and admired her peaceful features. Her chest rose and fell in a regular breathing pattern that inspired him to sigh, stroking her neck as she slept. The war outside had ended and now he could sleep at night knowing that his people were safe. If ever they should need to war again, he knew he had a strong princess at his side who was more than capable of defeating evil species from all over the galaxy. Her strength inspired him to do more, to be better. It was enough to make his heart swell and expand, allowing room for the endless possibilities of love.
Ero’an stretched out next to her after removing his armor. He continued to admire her face, the image of her lips enough to arouse him. She opened her eyes as he thought this and he blushed with embarrassment, prompting her to question his suddenly flushed face.
“You turn me on,” he said while nuzzling her neck with his nose. “That’s all.”
The compliment caused Amelia to smile and she kissed him, running her hands over his bare back and shivering with excitement at the feeling of him nude. She eyed his body and then plunged down the bed to his erect member which twitched in response to her mouth enveloping it. Sliding her tongue over his shaft, she gripped the head with her lips and sucked dutifully, lingering briefly underneath the head and dipping back down to take the entirety of him in her mouth.
“Oh, darling, please,” he whispered with his hand pressed to the back of her head. “Let me ravish you.”
“Yes, dear,” replied Amelia as she came up to greet his lips.
While dueling tongues, she lowered her body gently over his wand and bounced, her hips shaking against his thighs as she rode him like the beast in the fields. Their bodies met heavily with each bounce, the surface of their skin tingling with every touch and kiss. Mouths hung open in ecstasy as she rolled over his body in long strides to cloak every bit of his wand that was begging to burst. Sitting up, she grasped his shoulders and hypnotized him with her gray eyes, the stars inside them twinkling with pleasure and deviance. Focused totally on her, he gripped her hips to help her grind which inspired their moans to grow louder. He kissed the slender column of her throat, tracing her back with his fingernails and pumping hard into her silky insides.
The sight that joined their heated flesh because increasingly sensitive, her bud blossoming over his tool and tingling with every bounce. Legs entangled, he kneaded into her bosom with his hand and gripped her back with the other to steady her grinding. Their frenzied race to fulfillment was near completion as their moans climaxed, their bodies stiffening beneath the weight of pleasure. Molten waves of bliss suddenly flooded their bodies and they each took turns crying out while gripping each other, their achievement evident. With happy gasps, they fell over on the bed without separating, too wrapped up in the blissful moment to part. Sunlight filtered through the glass and illuminated their sweating forms, which were now fused as one.
SOME WEEKS AFTER THE wondrous victory of the Degaurians, Amelia was out in the field teaching the young people of the planet how to fight with a sword. Her class was mixed with men and women who ranged in age, all of them admiring her as the new princess who had come to save them from the dreadful Ka’lorians. Her hair had faded from purple to blonde, but her beloved prince promised to make a run to Earth soon in order to retrieve the proper supplies to uphold her beautiful image.
“No matter what,” said Ero’an. “I still think you’re beautiful.”
The compliment made her flush with endorphins, as she imagined the fun they would have later on when they got back to their bedroom. As she helped a woman gain balance with the sword, she felt something stirring in her gut that made her ill. Nausea swept over her body in cold waves, making her sweat suddenly from the dizziness it was causing. Noticing her discomfort, the woman took her hand and asked if she was alright, to which Amelia responded that she wasn’t sure.
“Perhaps you are tired from the exchange. We will fetch you some water,” said the woman while helping her sit.
As the other students ran off to get Amelia some water, she cried out in pain and leaned her head into the bosom of the woman. She gripped her hand, yelling that someone should fetch the prince and take her to the doctor inside the castle. The woman gasped and placed her hand on Amelia’s stomach, which seemed to be vibrating beneath the skin.
“Send for the prince!” she cried while helping Amelia stand.
“No, I must sit,” begged Amelia while pulling the woman down.
“Your majesty, you are in labor,” said the woman. “We have to get you inside before—”
“Labor?!” cried Amelia while yanking the woman’s arm. “How is that possible?!”
“Well, you and prince went to bed, I presume, and you—”
“Not that! How did it happen so soon?” asked the confused princess.
“Our gestational period is very brief, only a matter of weeks for a typical Degaurian pregnancy. The babies are small, but grow quickly because of—”
“Never mind that. Get me inside. I feel a breech or something...”
What was the proper terminology? Amelia had no clue. She only knew that the pain was infinitely stronger than menstruation and it made her knees buckle. Feeling queasy, she doubled over and vomited all over the ground, blue goo oozing over the soil. The flustered prince came running from the gates and helped his princess over the bridge to the infirmary where a doctor waited for them with a smile on his face.
“Ah, we are to welcome a lovely little prince into the world, eh?” asked the doctor while helping Amelia up on the chair.
“Don’t talk. Just...get it out,” said Amelia as she propped her legs up in the stirrups. “Oh, no, I’m not even prepared for this. Ero’an!”
“Yes, my love?” he asked, rubbing her arm.
“How do I do this?” Amelia asked while tearing up.
“You’re doing wonderfully. Just keep breathing and we’ll get you through the whole thing,” said Ero’an as the doctor sat in his chair.
Underneath her legs was a bucket filled with some kind of water, or a thin, clear goo, which was used to transition newborns into the world of the Degaurians. Looking down, Amelia gasped.
“Is that where it’s going to fall?” she asked Ero’an.
“Yes, dear. That’s how it’s done,” he replied.
“But its head,” she said.
“What head?” asked the doctor and Ero’an in unison.
Looking between them both, Amelia groaned and cried out again as the labor pains took hold once more, signaling for her to begin pushing. She huffed as she began to push the form out of her body, the limbs feeling extra slippery and slimy which confused her as well as comforted her. Squishy isn’t terrible, she thought. And as long as it doesn’t have tentacles I’m fine. Another wave of pain crashed over her stomach and she screamed, pushing harder than she ever had in her life. The prince remained at her side throughout the ordeal, whispering all manner of encouragements even as they were met with snappy responses and apologies. Rubbing her head, he asked the nurse for warm towels and she obliged, laying them over Amelia’s stomach. It calmed her for a moment and Amelia thanked the nurse, still squeezing Ero’an’s head as more contractions came barreling over her body.
“I see something here,” said the doctor.
Another push sent the form flying from her body and landing in the bucket below with a gentle plop. Gasping with relief, Amelia turned to Ero’an to ask what she had just birthed and how in the world that liquid gel helped with the transition. The question left them both as they heard the beginning sounds of crying and then began to weep with joy. Raising up the supple creature, Amelia was met with another wave of relief as she was handed a baby girl with little gills in her neck and no tentacles.
“No tentacles,” she sighed.
“Pardon?” asked the doctor.
“Nothing,” she said quickly while wiping the little girl’s face.
“She’s beautiful,” Ero’an said as he leaned into his wife. “You did an amazing job. What shall we call her?”
Amelia thought for a moment and met his cheek with a kiss.
“Imagica,” she whispered. “I think we should name her Imagica.”
Swollen with joy, the prince burst into a fit of tears as he laid kisses upon his girls, the stress fading away as he realized his fate had come to fruition. The beautiful family sat for a moment to rest before being moved to another room in order to sleep, nursing their new baby girl with love and affection. It would be the ending of Amelia’s earthly existence, but the beginning of her happy life with the amazing otherworldly prince who was no longer a blundering fool, but a happy one. This joy would carry him through his life and he would bestow it upon each child they had after Imagica, populating their planet with love and strength that would eventually permeate the universe.