Meet Everyone’s Favorite Teenage Psychopath…
Morgan’s story begins in the second book of the Lucy Guardino thriller series, with Lucy’s husband, Nick, playing a significant role as Morgan tries to shun her serial-killer father’s indoctrination and give up violence.
To see how Morgan’s story fits in Lucy’s world, the stories in order are:
SNAKE SKIN, Lucy Guardino FBI Thrillers Book #1
BLOOD STAINED, introduces Morgan and Jenna
KILL ZONE, features Morgan and Jenna, introduces Andre
The Renegade Justice Thrillers (taking place in the year between KILL ZONE and AFTER SHOCK):
FIGHT DIRTY, Renegade Justice #1
RAW EDGES, Renegade Justice #2
ANGELS WEEP, Renegade Justice #3
LOOK AWAY, Renegade Justice #4
TRIP WIRE, Renegade Justice #5
The Lucy Guardino Thrillers continue, chronicling Lucy’s departure from the FBI and her new adventures at Beacon Falls:
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