Four Fun “Tails” of
Chaos and Murder
Contributing Authors:
Maria Hudgins
Teresa Inge
Heather Weidner
Jayne Ormerod
Bay Breeze Publishing
Norfolk, VA
To Fetch a Killer
Four Fun “Tails” of Chaos and Murder
All characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Furthermore, all incidents, descriptions, dialogue, and opinions expressed are the products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real.
Copyright 2021 by
Maria Hudgins, Teresa Inge,
Heather Weidner, and Jayne Ormerod
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior written permission of the author.
Cover Design by San Coils at
ISBN 9798511607276
Published by
Bay Breeze Publishing
Norfolk, VA
Wow. Four books. Four stories in each book. Too many dogs to count. That’s a lot of kibble handed out in hopes of making our story dogs behave! (Although sometimes they didn’t.)
What is the appeal of dogs in stories? Their loyalty? Their intelligence? Their intuitive desire to protect? Their excellent sniffers to help chase criminals? Or is it people and our universal love for our pets? Yes, to all. And more.
For those reasons, credit for the success of the series goes to the dogs. Their actions and attitudes brought so much to the water bowl. Some have made repeat appearances. Some were one-and-dones. Some are based on real canine companions—either fully or loosely—and others are pure figments of the author’s imagination. All are playful, loving, protective, and integral to the story. And all now hold a special place in our hearts.
As always, it’s you, our faithful readers, to whom we owe a tremendous amount of gratitude. We write for your enjoyment and momentary escape from reality. We are happy to have you along for the ride as killers are collared and peace is restored. Reviews are nice, too, and thank to those who do take the time to leave them.
We hope you’ve enjoyed these canine capers as much as we’ve enjoyed writing them. And it gives us warm fuzzies when we are able to donate a portion of the proceeds to organizations whose goal is to improve lives of all animals.
None of us expected the journey to create mysteries which include mutts as characters to last this long. But it has. And it’s been fun. But it’s time for each of us to move on to other writing adventures, many taking our fictional mutts with us. Don’t worry, we’re all still writing! Be sure and check out our individual websites to keep up with future releases.
As is fitting for the end of the Mutt Mysteries journey, we give the last word to the mutts.
~Maria, Teresa, Heather, and Jayne