
abject, 185; exhibitions about, 143

aclu, 138

adoption, 97

adulteration, 90

adventure, 123, 185, 188, 191, 203

advertising, 44, 113, 162-63, 186

aesthetics, 10, 67

affective labor, 104, 109, 115-16, 118 Affordable Care Act (aca), 138 agency, 13, 18, 104, 137, 152, 172-74, 184 allergies, 6

allocation protocol, 54 allomothering, 38, 141, 144 alternative reality, 197 altruism, 115, 144, 146-47, 177 American Academy of Pediatrics (aap), 3, 41

Anand, Nikhil, 64, 158 Ant Farm, 190 Anthropocene, 25

anthropology: as art, 191-92; at home, 8; of the future, 25, 198, 203; of the United States, 9-11 antibodies, 39 art, 27, 143, 172, 190-92 art history, 28, 143 atomic-era ideology, 46 Austin, J. L., 82 autoethnography, 9-12 avant-garde, 172, 181, 187, 194

Barclay, Barry, 109 Barthes, Roland, 20 Bayat, Asef, 13, 113, 152, 156-58 Berlin Free-Zone Project, 198 Beuys, Joseph, 172 biocapitalism, 16, 23, 158, 165, 169,


blood screening, 52-53, 58-59 body farming, 169, 184 Bokoras, Bobbi, 138 brand, xi, 161-63 Breastapo, 136

“breast milk is best,” 3, 44, 48, 81, 123 breast pump, 47, 60, 85-88; patent, 86 Bynum, Caroline Walker 151

cannibalism, 184

care work, 118, 143

Carroll, Kathleen, 105, 109, 118

Carter, Pam, 48

Cassidy, Tanya, 4

celebrity lactation, 33

Chang, Heewon, 12

charity, 73

cheese, 170-71, 179

Cheney, Melissa, 39

circulation, 35, 81, 167

civil society, 24

class, 11, 14, 48

Cole, Juan, xiv commercialism, 23, 60 commodification, 23, 38, 60, 82, 161-65,179 communication, 58 communitas, 155; asynchronic communitas, 155

community-making, 25, 79, 144, 189, 203

competency, 5, 18, 202 competition, 119

contamination, 37, 51, 53, 88-91, 140 coping, 97-98 corn syrup, 6 Counter Culture Labs, 170 counternetwork, 21, 71, 80 cow’s milk, 46, 91, 94, 117, 170 Cox, Rupert, 192 Crapanzano, Vincent, 193 Crumley, Carole, 112-13, 200 cultural material, 17

David, Stephanie Dawson, 83, 168-69

DDT, 88

death, 98, 147 Debord, Guy, 172 decision making, 18, 59, 71 defrosting, 62

demographics, 41-42, 124-26 Diderot, Denis, 140 disease transmission, 52-53, 58, 90 dissent, 23-24, 81, 159, 189, 195, 203 distribution protocols, 54, 57, 70 dithyramb, 19 Dobkin, Jess, 143 Douglas, Mary, 140 Dr. Brown’s Natural Flow Electric Breast Pump, 88

Eats on Feets, 55 Elyachar, Julia, 96 environmentalism, 89 epistemology, 71 ethics, 83 ethnicity, 41 eusociality, 146 event, 18, 82, 173 exclusion, 70

exclusive breast feeding, 42 experience, xvii, 27, 188, 193, 201

Faircloth, Charlotte, 138

Fed Ex, 68-69

feminism, 89, 136

flavor, 7, 37, 61, 67, 180

food, 151, 164, 170, 177, 180-82, 184

foremilk, 35

formula, 5-8, 42-43; hospital swag bag, 6, 43; ingredients, 6 Foster, Hal, 191 Fraser, Nancy 80 free space, 153, 197 freezing, 60-61

galactic citizenship, 131 gift, 52, 75, 166 Giles, Victoria, 50, 77, 142 Godfrey’s Cordial, 49 gold, 66-67, 131 Goodman, Paul 155 gratitude, 77, 101, 116, 122 Guinness World Records, 85

Haberman, Jurgen, 80 handfeeding, 50, 85 Haraway, Donna, 148 heavy metal contamination, 89 help, 63

heterarchy, 21-22, 112-13, 130, 200 hierarchy of need, 57, 83 hindmilk, 35

HIV, 52, 90, 131

home pasteurization, 60 horizontality, 21, 112 hui, 109, 171 human connection, 7 Human Milk Banking Association of North America (hmbana), xv, 52 Human Milk for Human Babies (hb4hb) 55-56 human rights, 156 Humilk, 162 hyperobjects, 172

ice cream, 182 idiosyncrasy, 155

images: role in ethnography, 19-20 in vitro fertilization, 126 infant mortality rates, 52 informal economy, 23, 154 Informed Comment, xiv infrastructure, 63-64, 69, 125 Ingold, Tim, 174, 192-93 ingredients: formula, 6; breast milk,


instinct, 18, 23

insufficient milk syndrome, 46 insurance, xi, 46, 179 intentionality, 137, 154, 156 Irving, Andrew, 192 Isis, 133

Islamic law, xiii

jaguar milk, 151 Jodorowsky, Alejandro, 160-61

joy, 155

Khatib-Chahidi, Jane, 183 kinship, xiii, 183 Klee, Paul, 27 Korova Milk Bar, 183

Kristeva, Julia, 141 Kubrick, Stanley, 183

labor, 46-48, 68, 120-21, 138 lactation: consultant, 48, 102-3; depictions of, 28-30; inducing, 7; hormone therapy, 7 La Leche League International (lll), 3, 22, 36, 43, 135 Larkin, Brian, 65 Latour, Bruno, 174 legal issues, 52, 82-83, 127, 138 liability, 151, 168-69 liberation aesthetic, 195, 198 lifestyle, 58 liminality, 139-40 Lingis, Alphonso, 148, 155 lipase, 37

liquid gold, 67, 162

Lost and Found, 1

love, 54, 63, 98, 116, 123, 139

Mad Max Fury Road, 184 Madonna Lactans, 28-30 magic, 141, 193 magnetic hub, 20 mail, 61-62 male lactation, 7 mammals, 35 matching, 57

material culture, 16, 65-66, 109, 171

maternity leave, 68

matter, 171-75

mattering, 17, 172

Mauss, Marcel, 166

McCloud, Scott, 20

McCulloch, Warren, 112, 200

medical records, 58-59, 90, 95

metastructure, 71, 80

methods, 14-15 microactivism, 23, 136, 153 midwifery, 186 militancy, 45, 138

milk, 35-37, 107; bank, 3, 46, 52-54, 100; benefits of, 35, 42-43; biological roles, 39; contaminants, 37; fortifier, 132, 178-79, 187; immunological functions 39; production, 35; sibling, xi, xiv; station, 46, 50-52 Milkshare, 54 “milky match,” 57 Milky Mommas, 101, 103 Milky Way, 131, 134 Miner, Horace, 193 miracle, 30-32, 73 moloko-plus, 183 money, 53

Morton, Timothy, 172 mother::child dyad, 17, 112, 173 mothering, 6, 43, 138, 147 motivation, 80, 147

National Organ Transplant Act, 168 national resource inventory, 168, 183 native ethnography, 9 natural birth community, 18 naturalness, 88, 111, 122, 147 Needham, Orwell, 85-86 neoliberalism, 158, 146, 147, 158 Nguyen, Vinh-Kim, 131, 133 Nicu care, 45, 54, 109, 114, 132 non-lactating parents, 49 nurture kinship, xiii

objectivity, 11-12

online avatar, 69

Only The Breast (otb), 54, 60

ooze, 30

oral contraceptive, 47

Ordinary Affects, 11, 109; futuristic imitation of, 164 ostranenie, 193

Palmquist, Aunchalee, 4, 92 Papanel, Victor, 190-91 parenting style, 19, 138 passive network, 156 pasteurization, 51-52, 60 patent, 86

“peer-to-peer” exchange, 3 Peirce, Charles Sanders, 16-17, 112, 139 “people of crisis,” 200 performance, 129, 184 Pero, 75

persistent organic pollutants (pops), 88

placentophagy, 38-39

A Place on Earth, 142

policy, 41, 137-38, 189

political conservatism, xiv, 21, 105-6

pollution, 88, 140

posting, 55-57

Powdermaker, Hortense, 9

power, 21, 33, 67, 75-77, 82, 143, 153

pre-term infants, 42, 45, 114

profit motive, 6, 99, 105

Prolacta, 132, 178-79

Prown, Jules David, 16

public health, 41-43

publics, 66, 80-81

pump. See breast pump

purposeful interruption, 20

qualisign, 67 questionnaire, xii quiet encroachment, 152

race, 14, 41, 48

Radical Reconstruction, 197

Ranciere, Jaques, 24

Randolph, Lynn, 143-44 rationality, 18, 92, 146 real life, 201 refusal, 75, 107, 202 regionalisms, 3, 12, 79, 126 regulation, 46, 52, 84, 175, 178 religion, 79, 99, 105, 126, 143 reproductive technology, 127-29 research, 90-93, 146 Reyes-Foster, Beatriz, 4 risk, 18, 22, 38, 45, 88-97, 148-49

Sauco, Max, 73-74 scalies, 196 scarcity, 94

Schlovsky, Viktor, 192-93

Schneider, Arnd, 191

science, 18, 45, 90-91, 148, 150, 177-87

self-care, 77

self-sufficiency, 23

semiotics, 16, 66, 67

shipping, 62

simulated nursing system (sns), 7, 62

Simun, Miriam, 179

Situationist International, 172

smell, 67, 122

smoking, 94

social movement, 154

social occasion, 13

Society for the Anthropology of North America (sana), 9 southern culture, 3, 12, 79, 100, 126 soy products, 6, 94 spider, 174 St. Augustine, 28 standardization, 156, 183 Star, Susan, 64, 69-70 state control of breast milk, 46, 175, 178 Stearn, Cindy, 88 Stern, Leslie, 109

Stewart, Kathleen, 11, 109 Stoller, Paul, 193 storytelling, 133

strangers, 4, 19, 71, 81, 121, 149, 167

Straus, Nathan, 51-52

subjectivity, 173

sun, 131

supermilk, 184

Superstudio, 190

supply, 52, 57

surrogacy, 127-28

Susser, Ida, 9, 11

technology, 82 Teman, Elly, 128 terroir, 180 testing, 52-53

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, 47

therapeutic citizenship, 131

third ear, xviii

Tintoretto, 131

token, 17, 139

transparency, 70

trust, 25, 75, 148-49

Turner, Edith, 155

Turner, Victor, 155

type, 17, 139

type/token distinction, 17-18

universal space, 198

value, 23, 38, 66-67, 166, 168 Van Esterik, Penny, 143 venture capitalism, 105, 170 Venus, 144, 145 Virgin Mary, 28 Visitor Q, 143

War and Architecture, 197 Warner, Michael, 81

waste, 117 water, 158

wet nurse, 28, 49-50, 140, 169 white gold, xii, 4, 67, 131 “white peril,” 51

Wilk, Richard, 147

Wolf, Joan, 8

women’s knowledge, 23

Woods, Lebbeus, 1, 24, 187-88, 194-99

Wright, Chris, 191-92

In the Anthropology of Contemporary North America series:

America’s Digital Army: Games at Work and War Robertson L. Allen

Governing Affect: Neoliberalism and Disaster Reconstruction Roberto E. Barrios

White Gold: Stories of Breast Milk Sharing Susan Falls

Holding On: African American Women Surviving hiv/aids Alyson O’Daniel

Rebuilding Shattered Worlds: Creating Community by Voicing the Past Andrea L. Smith and Anna Eisenstein

To order or obtain more information on these or other University of Nebraska Press titles, visit