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Page references followed by fig indicate an illustration or photograph.


actions: children on origin of, 128; free will and, 67, 121–27; Good Samaritan, 117–18. See also behavior; moral behavior; rituals

afterlife: children’s beliefs regarding, 130–32; guilt trip theory on belief in the, 234. See also death

Air-Crib” experiment, 84 fig

alchemy, 155

Alexandra of Greece, Princess, 194

Allen, Woody, 16

“Aloa, The Alligator Boy,” 136, 137 fig

alternative medicine, 157–59

Alzheimer’s disease, 148, 243–44

American Medical Association, 189

analytical-rational reasoning, 244–46

the Anasazi, 177

animals: cellular memory experiments with, 181–82; Christian belief regarding lack of souls in, 151; Darwin’s evolutionary theory on changes in, 58–60; genetic engineering of, 146–50; God’s “Great Chain of Being” inclusion of, 153–55; “gravity error” experiment and, 95; Jewish dietary law regarding “unclean,” 139–40; mind-reading by, 117; Pavlov’s conditioning experiments with, 82–83; taxonomy classification of, 140–41. See also biological concepts

animal symbols: “Lion-Man” (Hohlenstein-Stadel), 40 fig; prehistoric art, 39–41

animism, 97, 244

anthropomorphism, 98–99

anti-religion attitudes: of atheists, 64; growth of contemporary, 55–56

apophenia, 235

“apparent mental causation” belief, 18

Aristotle, 145

art: authenticity and originality issues of, 203, 205–7, 220; psychological essentialism in contemporary, 203–6

art forgery, 203

associative learning: attacks on idea of, 84–86; conditioning mechanism of, 82–83

atheists: anti-religion attitudes of, 64; comparing countries of origin of, 64–65; examining biological bias of, 23

athletic rituals, 14–15

Atran, Scott, 54, 55

attachment items: duplicating experiments on, 211–13; emotional reactions to, 208–11 fig

Auld Sod Export Company, 193

Auschwitz, 201–2, 251

authenticity: emotional basis of sense of, 220; essential reasoning and, 206–7; provenance used to prove, 203; of Sam’s “quiggle,” 207–8


babies: analysis of natural world by, 91–92; facial expressions and, 109 fig–10; as Good Samaritans, 118; grasp reflex of, 75 fig, 76, 87–88; “magic tricks” attention by, 88–90; “out of sight, out of mind” sense of reality by, 86–87, 88; rules for decoding reality by, 89–90; “shapka” experiment with, 114–15; understanding of biology by, 141–43. See also children; newborns

“Babies Are Smarter Than You Think” (Life magazine), 80

“Baby Einstein” (Walt Disney Company), 78

Barbarella (film), 184

Baron-Cohen, Simon, 108, 199

Barrett, Justin, 47

Bartlett, Sir Fredrick, 86

Báthory, Countess Erzsebet (Elisabeth), 171–72

Beckham, David, 16

behavior: conditioning mechanism of, 82–83; moral, 117–22; obsessive, 15–16, 52; unseen gaze or staring, 224, 227–29, 232–34. See also actions; rituals

behaviorism: associative learning approach of, 83–86; Chomsky’s attack on, 85, 86

beliefs: afterlife, 130–32, 234; “apparent mental causation,” 18; children’s fantasy figure, 5–6, 48; dual model of reasoning and, 244–46; environmental impact on, 102–4; groups united through common, 164–65; intuitive reasoning generating knowledge leading to, 7–8, 33–36, 46–55, 73–76, 246–48; metaphysical, 139; phobia, 51–54; sacred soil, 193–94; taboo, 162–63, 252; unseen gaze, 224; vision, 224–25. See also religious beliefs; supernatural beliefs

Bering, Jesse, 234

bestiality, 29

Big Brother’s watching, 232–34

“Big Girls Don’t Cry” (Fergie), 208

bigotry, 183

biological concepts: childhood construction of, 138–39; children’s essentialist thinking about, 145–46; early childhood understanding of, 141–43; essence of life, 143–45; freaks as abnormality, 135–38, 174–76; genetic engineering pushing boundaries of, 146–50; kosher animal categories, 139–40; living force of, 138–39; taxonomy as, 140–41. See also animals

bizarre experiences, 1–4

Blade Runner (film), 129

Blanc, Lori, 69

“Blankie” (security blanket), 209

blank-slate metaphor, 81–82, 86–87

Bloom, Paul, 121, 125, 211

Bouchard, Thomas, 66

Boyer, Pascal, 54, 55

brain: amygdala and ventral striatum structures of, 230; DLPC (dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex) of the, 240–43; dopamine system of the, 237–39; environment and wiring of the, 65; evolutionary psychology on development of the, 9; frontal lobe of, 27, 76, 240; mind as created through the, 132–33; mind as operating system of the, 81–82; natural reflexes of the, 74–76; natural rhythms settled into by the, 12; Penfield’s epilepsy experiments on the, 125; supersense as natural product of the, 237, 239; visual cortex area of the, 10–11. See also mind design

Brandes, Bernd, 178–79

Bransgrove, Shirl, 200

Bransgrove, Steve, 197–201

Breaking the Spell (Dennett), 49

Brinkley, John R., 188–89 fig

British Broadcasting Standards Commission, 173

brother-sister incest, 162–63

Brown-Séquard, Charles Édouard, 189–90

Brugger, Peter, 238

Burke, Pat, 193

Bush, George W., 162

Buzan, Deborah Skinner, 85

Byron, Lord, 171


“Camillagate” tapes, 185

Campbell, Naomi, 109

cannibalism: academic debate over, 176–77; Armin Meiwes case of, 178–79; of Countess Báthory, 172; reasons for practice of, 177–78

cannibal worms experiment, 181

Capgras syndrome, 218–19

Carey, Susan, 142

Carnegie Commission study (1969), 62

“A Case of the Haunted Scrotum” (Harding), 110, 111 fig

Castiglione, 225

The Cat in the Hat (Seuss), 77

causal reasoning error, 231

cellular memories, 179–84

Chanel No. 5, 143

Charles I, King (England), 191

Charles, Prince (England), 185

chemistry between people, 112–13

Chesterton, G. K., 63–64

child rape, 186

children: “apparent mental causation” beliefs of, 18; appeal of creationism to, 61–62, 98; copy machine duplication experiments with, 211–13, 216 fig–17; death as understood by, 130–32; dualism of, 127–28; essentialist thinking of, 145–46; fantasy beliefs of, 5–6, 48; gullibility of, 7; as intuitive magicians with reality misconceptions, 96–104; intuitive reasoning-knowledge-beliefs process by, 7–8, 33–36, 46–55, 73–76, 246–48; intuitive theories used by, 90–100; language development of, 85–86; life force as understood by, 152–53; mind design in, 18–19, 99–100; religious beliefs of family adopted by, 103–4; security blankets and attachment items of, 208–13; staring behavior by, 230. See also babies; newborns

“chi” (life force), 139

chimera, 175–76

Chinese medicine, 156–57

Chomsky, Noam, 8, 85, 86

Christian fundamentalism: creationism acceptance and role of, 56–57; growing political influence of, 56

Churchill, Winston, 194

CigArrest, 158

civet cat musk, 143

Clarke, Arthur C., 101

Clear, Rosie, 173

coco de mer nut, 156 fig, 157

collecting memorabilia: the joys and reasons for, 197–99, 220; provenance and authenticity issue of, 203, 206–8, 220; Steve Bransgrove’s theory on, 199; Steve Vee Bransgrove Collectables (Frome) for, 200 fig; symbolic value attached to, 201–3

communication: CIA machine speech recognition experiments with, 80–81; gaze as form of, 229–32. See also language

conceptual-logical reasoning, 244–46

conditioning mechanism: Pavlov’s experiments on, 82–83; reinforcement and punishment elements of, 83–86

confirmation bias, 230–31

contamination response: cultural influence on, 160–62, 163–64; essentialism and, 169–70; exorcism and, 32, 185; killer’s cardigan stunt example of, 21–22, 27–28, 29, 101, 160, 163, 170; Macbeth effect and, 31, 185; obsessive hand-washing as, 52; “once in contact, always in contact” principle of, 161–62; as organ transplant issue, 183–84; physical contact explanation of, 30–31; ritual behaviors ignoring normal, 68–69; Rosin’s research on, 28, 29; to sex, 185–87; social conformity explanation of, 30; to TV Dinners episode by public, 173–74; wisdom of repugnance and, 162–64. See also magical contagion; social connectedness

contrast effect of storytelling, 55

control illusion, 15–16

copy machine experiments. See duplication

Corinthians 13:11, 246

Cotard’s syndrome, 219

creationism: appeal to children of, 61–62, 98; as originating in the human mind, 60–62; widespread acceptance of, 56–57

creation myths, 7, 61

creativity, 239

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, 177

Critique of Pure Reason (Kant), 73

culture: belief origin and spread through, 47–48; contamination response and influence of, 160–62, 163–64; origins of supernatural ideas of, 7–8; rituals passed down through, 6; sexual attraction influenced by, 186; supernatural thinking rooted in, 6–7, 63–64, 71. See also society

Cutty Sark (19th-century clipper), 206

Cutty Sark Trust, 206


Damasio, Antonio, 26, 27, 126

Damasio, Hanna, 26, 27

Darwin, Charles, 57, 58

Darwinism, 57–60, 62

Dawkins, Richard, 7, 46–47, 57, 58, 71

death: childhood understanding of, 130–32; understood as life force departure, 151–52. See also afterlife

decision-making: cost-benefit analysis of, 251; dualism role in, 124–25; free will and, 123–24; fueled by emotions, 194–95; group cohesion undermined by market-driven, 251–52; “The Numskulls” (cartoon) example of, 122–23 fig, 125, 127, 168, 229; “Sophie’s choice,” 251

deliberative-effortful-intentional-systematic reasoning, 244–46

dementia, 243–44

Dennett, Dan: on comparing religion to viruses, 49; on “the intentional stance,” 118; religious service attendance by, 62–63; on “Supers” vs. “Brights” believers, 64–65

Descartes’ Baby (Bloom), 121

Descartes, René, 124

Diana, Princess (England), 2, 199

disgust, 28–29

dissociated disorders, 218–19

DLPC (dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex), 240–43

DNA: cellular memories of transplanted, 179–84; chimera and shared, 175–76; Human Fertilization and Embryology Bill allowing research on, 148; SARS hijacking of, 156–57

“Doctrine of Signatures” reasoning, 155

Dokic, Jelena, 15

dopamine system, 237–39

Dracula, Vlad (“Vlad the Impaler”), 170–71

dualism: children’s, 127–28; decision-making role of, 124–25; mind-body, 121, 124–25, 126–27, 132–33, 152

dual model of reasoning, 244–46

duplication: attachment item experiment on, 211–13; essentialism implications of, 215–17; hamster experiment on, 216 fig–17; The Prestige (film) treatment of, 214–15


eBay “soul” sale, 101

Einstein, Albert, 22

Einsteinian baby image, 76–80

“élan vital” (life force), 139, 150

“the Elephant Man,” 136

Elgin Marbles, 202

Elizabeth II, Queen (England), 212, 213

Emin, Tracy, 204

emotional reactions: brain amygdala/ventral striatum structures and, 230; decision-making fueled by, 194–95; disgust as, 28–29; to duplications, 211–13; to killer’s cardigan stunt, 21–22, 27–28, 29; to risk, 27–28; Rozin’s research on evil and, 28, 29; to security blankets and attachment items, 208–11 fig; seeking out other’s, 253; sex and related, 184–87; social encounters triggering, 167–70

The End of Faith (Harris), 64

English soccer mass mentality, 24

environment: atheists and influence of, 65–67; conditioning by association of events in, 82–86; impact on beliefs by, 102–4; twin studies on influence of, 66–67; wiring of the brain and the, 65

epilepsy experiments, 125

essence of life, 143–45. See also life force

essentialism: biological implications of, 176; cannibalistic, 176–79; cellular memories and, 179–84; children’s essentialist thinking, 145–46; contamination response and, 169–70; contemporary art context of, 203–6; duplication and implications of, 215–17; genetic manipulation in context of, 146–50; psychological, 139, 143–44, 145; sexual, 184–87

eternal youth myths, 172–74

Euclid, 224

Evans, Margaret, 61

“evil eye,” 225

evil objects: contamination response to, 21–32; exorcism of, 32

evolutionary psychology, 9–10

evolutionary theory, 57–60, 62

exorcism rites, 32, 185

explicit reasoning, 244–46


Faces in the Cloud (Guthrie), 111

faces/facial expressions, 109 fig–12. See also gaze

Fairchild, Lydia, 174–75

falling cannonballs experiment, 19

fantasy figure beliefs, 5–6, 48

Fearnley-Whittingstall, Hugh, 173–74

Fellows of Royal Society, 62

female bank worker case, 50 fig–51, 242

Fergie, 208

Fludd, Robert, 154

The Fly (film), 147

folk medicine, 155

Fonda, Jane, 184

foods: magical, 155; phallic-shaped, 155–56

Ford, Harrison, 16

fountain of youth myths, 172–74

foxglove plant (digitalis), 155

Francis of Assisi, St., 192

freaks/freak shows, 135–38, 174–76

free will: belief in, 67, 121; decision-making and, 123–24; mind-body dualism and, 121, 124–25, 126–27, 132–33, 152; mind experience of, 126. See also moral behavior

Fregoli’s syndrome, 219

Freud, Sigmund, 225

frontal lobes, 27, 76, 240


“Gaia” theory of ecology, 138

Gallup poll (2005), 34–35, 42–43, 64, 102

galvanic skin response, 26–27

Gammons, Ian, 179–80, 181, 184

Gammons, Lynda, 179, 181, 184

gaze: Big Brother’s, 232–34; communication through the, 229–32; fascination of another’s, 225–27; of love (innamoramento), 225; machine for measuring energy of, 226 fig; social power of the, 115–17; unseen, 224, 227–29, 232–34. See also faces/facial expressions

gender differences: in mind-reading, 108; in security blankets and attachment items, 210

genetic engineering, 146–50

Gestalt psychology, pattern perception of, 10–11, 86

ghost beliefs, 234

Gilbert, Dan, 69–70

goat gonad treatment, 188–91

The God Delusion (Dawkins), 46–47

God Is Not Great (Hitchens), 66

God’s “Great Chain of Being” concept, 153–55

God’s “Great Chain of Being” (Fludd diagram), 154 fig–55, 112

Good Samaritan, 117–18

grasp reflex, 75 fig, 76, 87–88

“gravity error” experiment, 94 fig–96

greeting rituals, 68

Gregory, Richard, 11

groups: children’s socialization into society, 253; common beliefs uniting, 164–65; market-driven decision-making undermining cohesion of, 251–52; “social glue” of, 23–25. See also social connectedness

The Guardian, 85

guilt, 233–34

guilt trip theory, 234

Guolizhuang (Beijing restaurant), 155–56

“gut feelings,” 25–29

Guthrie, Stewart, 111


Hahnemann, Samuel, 157

Haidt, Jonathan, 163

hallucinations: dopamine induced, 237–39; schizophrenia and auditory, 234

Hamer, Dean, 66–67

hamster duplication experiment, 216 fig–17

Hanks, Tom, 198

Harding, J. R., 110

Harrelson, Woody, 251

Harris, Sam, 64

“Henry” vacuum cleaner, 119 fig–20

hermaphrodites, 176

Hitchens, Christopher, 66, 67

Hitchens, Peter, 65–66, 67

HIV/AIDS pandemic, 186–87

Hoffman, Albert, 31

Hohlenstein-Stadel “Lion-Man,” 40 fig–41

holism, 139

Holocaust (World War II), 201–2, 251

holy water, 192–93

homeopathy, 157–59

Homo psychologicus, 104–5

Homo sapiens, 104, 108

honesty, 233–34

Hongi (Maori greeting ritual), 68

Hood, Kim, 1, 37, 51

horror stories: Countess Báthory, 171–72; Dracula story, 170–71

Hughes, Howard, 52

Human Fertilization and Embryology Bill (UK), 148

Hume, David, 99, 111

Humphrey, Nick, 104

Hurricane Katrina, 69

Hussein, Saddam, 17


ideal forms theory, 143–44

identity: Capgras syndrome and delusional, 218–19; identical twins and unique, 215–16; through the mind, 128–30

“If You Want to Get Ahead, Get a Theory” (Karmiloff-Smith and Inhelder), 92–93

images: Einsteinian baby, 76–80; prehistoric art, 39–41. See also symbolism

“Imagine” (Lennon), 69

inanimate objects: essential unique properties taken on by, 220–21; evil, 21–32; intuitive theories used to understand, 90–92; magic trick experiments on, 88–90; rules for decoding reality of, 90; as security blankets and attachment items, 208–13; twenty questions game on, 91. See also living things; reality

incest, 162–63

Indecent Proposal (film), 251

Inhelder, Barbel, 92

“the intentional stance,” 118–20

International Congress of Surgeons in London, 190

intuitive reasoning: beliefs connected to, 33–36; beliefs developed through knowledge generated by, 7–8, 33–36, 46–55, 73–76, 246–48; confusion due to, 176; contamination response as, 21–31; dementia as evidence of, 243–44; description of, 25–29; examining ability to ignore, 239–43; as fertile soil for creationism, 60–61; Marjaana Lindeman’s research on, 245–46. See also reasoning

intuitive theories: used by babies to understand natural world, 90–92; children’s reality misconceptions due to their, 96–100; “gravity error” experiment and, 94 fig–96; supersense created through, 223; young children’s use of, 92–96

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (film), 144

Iraq war (1991), 17

“Irish dirt,” 193


Jacobsen, Tommy “Twinkle Toes,” 197

Jagger, Mick, 112

James, William, 4–5, 20, 74, 219, 249

Jenkins, Alan, 193

Jewish dietary law, 139–40


Kaniza figure, 10 fig–11

Kant, Immanuel, 73

Karmiloff-Smith, Annette, 92

Kass, Leon, 162

Keegan, Karen, 175

Kennedy, John F., 69

“ki” (life force), 139

killer’s cardigan stunt, 21–22, 27–28, 29, 101, 160, 163, 170

King, Brian, 4

King, Martin Luther Jr., 69

knowledge: beliefs from intuitive reasoning and, 7–8, 33–36, 46–55, 73–76, 246–48; blank-slate metaphor of, 80–82, 86–87; modern advances in scientific, 42

Kopi Luwak (gourmet coffee), 28, 143

Krebbs, Indi-Mo, 173

Krebs’s cycle, 138, 139, 150, 151

Kukukukus tribe (Papua New Guinea), 177–78

Kuru disease, 176–77


Ladies’ Home Journal, 84

Lady Seated at a Vestral (Vermeer), 203

LaGrone, Libra, 69

The Lancet (Russ), 226

language: CIA machine speech recognition experiments with, 80–81; descriptions using liquidized, 167; invisible laws governing organization of, 85–86. See also communication

Lascaux caves (Dordogne region), 202–3

Laurel’s “Mouse” wanted poster, 209 fig–10

law of infinitesimals, 157

law of similars, 157

Le Bon, Gustav, 24

Le Loyer, Pierre, 2

Lennon, John, 69

Levi-Leleu, Michel, 201–2

Levi-Leleu, Pierre, 201, 202

Leviticus 11:4–8, 140

Lewis-Williams, David, 37, 39

life force: ancient belief of, 138–39, 150; children’s understanding of, 152–53; death as absence of, 151–52; God’s “Great Chain of Being” belief on, 153–55; Greek’s belief on essential, 153. See also vitalism

Life magazine, 80

Limbic system, 26

Linda the bank worker case, 50 fig–51, 242

Linderman, Marjaana, 245

Linus (Peanuts character), 209

“Lion-Man” (Hohlenstein-Stadel), 40 fig–41

“Little Albert” experiments, 52, 53–54, 80, 181

Livett, Chris, 206

living things: early childhood understanding of, 141–43; essence of life in, 143–45; life force of, 138–39, 150–53. See also inanimate objects

Locke, John, 81, 86

London School of Tropical Medicine, 159

love chemistry, 112–13

love gaze (innamoramento), 225

Lovelock, James, 138


Macbeth effect, 31, 185

McConnell, James, 181, 182

Macdougall, Duncan, 151

McEnroe, John, 15

McNally, Raymond, 171

magical contagion: evil objects, 21–32; Mister Rogers’ cardigan and, 214. See also contamination response

magical ideation questionnaire, 235–37

magical thinking: childhood belief in, 100–101; cultural impact on, 101–2; evolution from childhood to adult, 102–4; modern homeopathy legacy of, 157–59; psychotic mental illness and, 234–37

Magic Johnson, 100, 115

magic trick experiments, 88–90

Malham, Gareth, 101

“mana” (life force), 139

mandrake roots, 155

mania disorder, 234, 239

Marlar, Richard, 177

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 85

mass mentality, 24

The Matrix (film), 86–87, 144

Matthias II, King, 172

medical treatment: goat gonads, 188–91; placebo effect and, 158–59; “weapon salve,” 187–88

medicine: Chinese, 156–57; “Doctrine of Signatures” on folk, 155; modern homeopathy, 157–59

Medusa, 225

Meegeren, Han van, 203

Meiwes, Armin, 178–79

memorabilia. See collecting memorabilia

memory: Alzheimer’s disease and, 148, 243–44; process of working, 240–42

mental illness, 234–37

Merrick, Joseph (“the Elephant Man”), 136

The Metamorphosis (Kafka), 129

metaphysical beliefs, 139

mind: as “black box,” 83; created by the brain, 132–33; identity through the, 128–30; as operating system of the brain, 81–82

mind-body dualism, 121, 124–25, 126–27, 132–33, 152

The Mind in the Cave (Lewis-Williams), 37, 39

mind design: description of, 9; development in children, 18–19, 99–100; early scholarship on, 99; evolutionary psychology and, 9–10; modern experiences with, 41–46; patterns of organizing input and, 10–14; prehistoric art examples of, 37–41. See also brain

mind-reading: by animals, 117; facial expressions as start of, 109 fig–12; gaze and, 115–17; gender differences in, 108; as intuitive skill, 108–9

Minsky, Marvin, 80

missing-square pattern, 10 fig–11

Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (TV show), 213–14

Montague, Read, 237

Moore, Demi, 251

moral behavior: dualism and, 121–22; “the intentional stance” for, 118–20; origins of Good Samaritan, 117–18. See also actions; free will

“Moro” reflex (startle response), 75–76

morphic resonance, 232

“mosaicism” condition, 136, 176

Moss, Kate, 109

mouse with implanted bioframe, 149 fig–50

movement: “shapka” experiment with, 114–15; social connectiveness and, 113–14

Mussolini, Benito, 225

My Bed (Emin), 204


Native American sacred objects, 202

natural selection theory, 57–60, 62

Nature (journal), 191

Neighbors (Australian soap), 77

Neil the Hippie (The Young Ones), 15

newborns: blank-slate metaphor of, 81–82, 86–87; examining “brilliant,” 76–80; facial expressions and, 109 fig–10; grasp reflex of, 75 fig, 76, 87–88; reflexes of, 74–76; world experienced by, 74. See also babies; children

New England Journal of Medicine, 175

Newton’s Laws of Object Motion, 19

NHS (National Health Service) [UK], 158

Niaux cave (French Pyrenees): description of, 37–38, 203; The Mind in the Cave on meaning found in, 39–41; salon noir (black exhibition hall) of, 38–39

Nicorette, 158

9/11, 56

1984 (Orwell), 233

nipplewort (lapsana communis), 155

“The Numskulls” (cartoon), 122–23 fig, 125, 127, 168, 229


obsessive behavior: obsessive hand-washing as, 52; rituals as, 15–16

obsessive-compulsive disorder, 16

The Office (TV show), 174

Oklahoma City bombing site, 69

Olympic Sydney Games (2000), 136

Onassis, Jackie Kennedy, 199

“once in contact, always in contact” principle of, 161–62

The Onion (publication), 80

opposable thumbs, 144

organ transplant patients: cellular memories of, 179–84; contagion, racism, and bigotry issues and, 182–84

originality: emotional basis of sense of, 220; identical replacements vs., 205–6; issues of proportion of, 206–7; provenance used to prove, 203; of Sam’s “quiggle,” 207–8

Orwell, George, 232–33

“out of sight, out of mind” reality, 86–87, 88

oxytocin, 112


Paracelsus, 187

patterns: apophenia sensing of meaningful, 235; creative process and ability to perceive, 239; of events, 11–14; Gestalt psychology on organization of, 10–11, 86; missing-square, 10 fig–11. See also reality

Pavlov, Ivan, 82

Peanuts (comic strip), 209

Penfield, Wilder, 125

persecution, 235

Peter II, King (Yugoslavia), 193–94

Petrarch, 225

Pfeiffer, Michelle, 16

phallic-shaped foods, 155–56

phobias: definition of, 51–52; “Little Albert” experiment on, 52; origins and development, 52–54; preparedness theory of, 54

Piaget, Jean, 86, 88, 97, 101

pilewort (lesser celandine), 155

Pinker, Steven, 9, 124

placebo effect, 158–59

plants: “Doctrine of Signatures” on medical, 155; phallic-shaped, 155

Plato, 143–44, 224

Plimmer, Martin, 4

Plutarch, 206–7

Polidori, John William, 171

post hoc, ergo propter hoc (after this, therefore because of this), 231

prehistoric art: Lascaux caves (Dordogne region), 202–3; “Lion-Man” (Hohlenstein-Stadel), 40–41; The Mind in the Cave on symbols and images of, 39–41; of Niaux cave (French Pyrenees), 37–39, 203; “Venus” figurines, 41

preparedness theory of phobias, 54

The Prestige (film), 214–15

“psychic secretion,” 82

psychology: behaviorism school of, 82–86; essentialism, 139, 143–44, 146–50; Gestalt, 10–11, 86–87

psychotic mental illness, 234–37

punishment and reinforcement, 83–86


Quinn, Marc, 204

“quintessence,” 153

Quirkology (Wiseman), 32


racism, 183

Rand, James, ix rational thinking, 245, 250

Raynor, Rosalie, 52, 54, 75 fig

reality: confirmation bias of, 230–31; creativity linked to altered sense of, 239; dissociated disorders distorting, 218–19; essentialism’s ideal forms approach to, 139, 143–44; intuitive theories used to understand, 90–92; “magic tricks” attention and, 88–90; “out of sight, out of mind” sense of, 86–87, 88; rules followed by babies to decode, 89–90; supernatural thinking to explain, 96–105, 252–53. See also inanimate objects; patterns

reasoning: supersense and dual model of, 244–46; two different types of, 244. See also intuitive reasoning

Redford, Robert, 251

Regina Apostolorum (Vatican), 32

reinforcement and punishment, 83–86

religion: Christian fundamentalism, 56–57; connection between the supernatural, and, 20; Dawkin’s condemnation of, 7, 46–47; as form of supernaturalism, 68; overlap between science, the supernatural, and, 46

religious beliefs: adolescent adoption of family, 103–4; afterlife, 130–32, 234; compared to viruses and parasites, 49; creationism, 56–57, 60–62, 98; examining the origins and spread of, 46–55; God’s “Great Chain of Being,” 153–55; of scientists, 62–64; VMAT2 gene linked to individuals with, 66–67. See also beliefs; sacred values; supernatural beliefs

religious supernatural beliefs: description of, 42; holy water, 192–93; secular vs., 42–43

“reptilian” brain, 26

Resolution 111, 213

risk, 26–27

rituals: athletic, 14–15; cultural practice of, 6; evidence of everyday, 68–70; exorcism, 32, 185; Hongi (Maori greeting ritual), 68; illusion of control reinforced by, 16–18; providing illusion of control, 15–16; Skinner’s experiments with birds and, 83–84; supernatural belief basis of, 16–18. See also actions; behavior; supernatural beliefs

Road Runner cartoons, 95

Robocop (film), 128

Rogers, Fred, 213–14

“royal touch” belief, 191–92

Rozin, Paul, 28, 29, 160

Russ, Charles, 226, 227

Ryder, Winona, 16


Saatchi, Charles, 204, 205

sacred soil, 193–94

sacred values: individual and personal calculation of, 251; social connectedness conveyed through, 191–94, 253. See also religious beliefs; supernatural beliefs

Sagan, Carl, 250

salon noir (Niaux cave black exhibition hall), 38–39

Sam’s “quiggle,” 207–8

Sanner, Margareta, 183–84

SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), 156–57

schizophrenia, 234, 236

science: biological manipulation through genetic, 146–50; modern advances in, 42; morphic resonance phenomena supported by, 232; overlap between religion, the supernatural, an, 46; public fear of, 43–45; secular supernatural beliefs and, 42–46

Science (journal), 227

scientists, religious beliefs, 62–64

Scopes monkey trial (1925), 57

secondary sexual characteristics, 190

secular supernatural beliefs: Gallup poll (2005) on, 42–43; religious vs., 42

security blankets: duplicating experiments on, 211–13; emotional importance of, 208–11 fig

The Selfish Gene (Dawkins), 58

Self (Quinn), 204 fig–5

Seligman, Martin, 54

September 11th, 56

Seuss, Dr., 77

Sex and the City (TV show), 117

sex hormones treatments, 189–91

Sexton, Jacob, 31

sexual attraction: “chemistry” of, 113; cultural influences on, 186; experiments regarding, 168

sexual intercourse: contamination response to, 185–87; danger of supernatural reasoning regarding, 186–87; essentialism response to, 184–87

“shapka” experiment, 114–15

Shelley, Mary, 171

Shermer, Michael, 3

Shoah Memorial Center (Paris), 202

similia, similibus curantur (law of similars), 157

Sinatra, Frank, 113

Singer, Isaac Bashevis, 67

Skinner, B. F., 83–85

Skinner, Deborah, 84–85

“Slinky,” 114

Smuts, Barbara, 116

snake phobias, 54

social connectedness: through cellular memories, 179–84; chemistry element of, 112–13; facial gaze and, 115–17; judgments as colored by, 167; sacred values conveying sense of, 191–94, 253; sexual intercourse and, 184–87; timing and movement elements of, 113–15; triggers for emotional responses to, 168–70. See also contamination response; groups

“social glue”: definition and function of, 23–24; as heuristic for interacting with others, 24–25; mass mentality and, 24

society: children’s socialization into, 253; common beliefs uniting, 164–65; market-driven decision-making undermining, 251–52; social glue of, 23–25. See also culture

Society of Homeopathy (UK), 159

“something there” reality: the origins of, 37–41; universal believe in, 4–5

“Sophie’s choice,” 251

souls: animals believed to be without, 151; belief in the, 151; eBay sale of, 101

Spelke, Liz, 89

Spencer, Herbert, 58

spirit beliefs, 234

staring behavior. See unseen gaze

startle response (“Moro” reflex), 75–76

stepping reflex, 74–75

Steve Vee Bransgrove Collectables (Frome), 200 fig

Stoker, Bram, 170

storytelling contrast effect, 55

Styron, William, 251

Subbotsky, Eugene, 100–101

sucking reflex, 74

supernatural: bizarre experiences believed proof of, 1–4; connection between religion and the, 20; contrast effect of stories on the, 55; overlap between science, religion, and, 46

supernatural beliefs: anthropomorphism as, 98–99; culture as root of, 6–7, 63–64, 71; dual model of reasoning and, 244–46; evidence of everyday, 68–70; Gallup poll (2005) on, 34–35, 42–43, 64, 102; guilt trip theory on ghost, 234; intuitive reasoning, knowledge, and, 7–8, 33–36, 46–55, 73–76, 246–48; magical thinking of, 100–104, 157–59, 234–37; plausibility of, 8–9; reality explained through, 96–105, 252–53; religion as form of, 68; religious vs. secular, 42–43; rituals based on, 16–18; sacred soil and, 193–94; “Supers” vs. “Brights” believers of, 64–65. See also beliefs; religious beliefs; rituals; sacred values

supersense: beliefs and experiences characterizing, 237; benefits of, 248, 249–53; common experiences of, 223–25; dual model of reasoning and, 244–46; intuitive theories creating, 223; as natural product of human brain, 237, 239; psychiatric disorders connections to, 235–37; research into brain mechanisms of the, 238–39

Sylvia, Claire, 180–81

symbiosis, 138, 139

symbolism: of Lennon’s piano, 69; of Mister Rogers’s cardigan, 213–14; prehistoric art animal, 39–41; of security blankets and attachment items, 208–11 fig. See also images


taboo beliefs, 162–63, 252

Teresa, Mother, 32

Tesla, Nikola, 215

Tetlock, Philip, 250

Theseus’ ship, 206–7

Times Higher Education Supplement (UK publication), 157–58

The Times (newspaper), 190

Titchener, Edward, 227

top ten factoids, 32–33

Townsend, Jamie, 174

transplant patients: cellular memories of, 179–84; contagion, racism, and bigotry issues and, 182–84

“the Transported Man” stage illusion, 214–15

turmeric root, 155

Turner Art Prize (1999), 204

TV Dinners (TV show), 173

“20Q” (electronic hand-held game), 91

twenty questions game, 91

twins: absorbed, 174–76; unique identities of identical, 215–16

twin studies, 66–67, 174


UCLA’s Institute for Child Development study (fictional), 79–80

“unclean” animals, 139–40

universal grammar, 85–86

unseen gaze: common concerns about the, 232–34; developing sense of the, 228–29; power of the, 224, 227–28

U.S. Department of Agriculture, 43

U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 62


Vadim, Roger, 184

vampire myth, 170–72

Vauvenargues, Marquis de, 90

“Venus” figurines, 41

Vermeer authentication, 203

“vibes,” 25–29

“virgin cure” myth, 186

Virginia Tech shooting site, 69

vision beliefs, 224–25

vitalism: ancient belief of, 138–39, 150; goat gonad doctor’s application of, 188–91. See also life force

vital life energies, 138

“Vlad the Impaler,” 170–71

VMAT2 gene, 66–67

Voronoff, Serge, 190–91

Vyse, Stuart, 6


Waco, 69

Walsh, Stella, 135–36

Walt Disney Company, 78

Wari tribe (South America), 177

“water cooler conversations,” 32–33

Watson, John, 52, 53–54, 75 fig, 80, 83, 181

“weapon salve” treatment, 187–88

Wegner, Dan, 18, 126

West, Fred, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30

“What Are Friends For?” (Smuts), 116

“The Wisdom of Repugnance” (Kass), 162

Wiseman, Richard, 32

working memory, 240–42

World War II Holocaust, 201–2, 251


Young British Art movement (1990s), 204

The Young Ones (BBC broadcast), 15

Young, Pamela, 210–11 fig

Young, Rabbi Roderick, 210, 211


Zoological Society of London survey (2005), 51