
Twenty six


That night, after dinner and the early retreat of the impromptu guests, her mother rushed over to tear out data, see her impressions, and analyze firsthand what was going through her daughter's head.

"Divine child, no doubt. The rather meager father ...

"It is natural, given the circumstances they have gone through.

She told her what she knew, which were mostly headlines that Usem had not developed, because he did not open them too much. Her mother was very sorry.

"Poor child, so small," she muttered. "And what does he intend to do?"

This worried her. Obviously she was sorry for what he had suffered, but she wished Victoria would not commit her future after the chimera he represented, as she saw it.

"He has some relatives of her mother who he plans to contact. And he has studies and work experience.

"Years ago, and you know how hard to get job is ..."

"Enough," she snorted, although she knew she had a point in those words. "Things can not get worse?" We must have hope.

This closed the dialogue. Left alone with herself, Victoria begged for everything to be all right. She decided that next morning she would resume work and talk to Miguel. Her life was upside down and she could not afford this. For her mental health but also for Miguel.

The next morning both she and Usem got up early and met in the kitchen. They greeted each other with some timidity; Amazingly it was the really first lonely moment since they had met again.

Once seated sharing the frugal breakfast, Usem looked at her and reached out to take her hand.

"You have been a light in this dark period that I have had to live ... Almost like a beacon in the storm.

His voice sounded slow and measured. He smiled with his look, every line of that beloved face, appreciating again that peculiar beauty that the years had not been able to drop.

Just as he remembered it, just as he had dreamed it for years. He reproached himself for thinking this way when his wife had just died. His fault. This made him withdraw his hand quickly. The gesture surprised Victoria.

"I will give you back what you did for me years ago and you know it.

"Your parents are wonderful ..."

"Mama has been captivated by your child. And who would not? She is lovely.

There was a silence in which both sought what to say.

"I'm going to get in touch with my uncles today. They have not heard from me for years, I do not know what their reaction will be, but I hope they would support me. They always did it with my mother, so I have hopes.

"Oh, yes," she said.

He would like to say much more, but it was clearly not the time or the place. "Would it ever be?" He wondered. Ready to start her day's work, she said goodbye.

Usem sat pensive in front of his coffee. His whole life began again. There she was this woman so dear, so desired. But he knew he could not think of her now, however much his heart had demanded. I owed it to Dassim's memory. I owe it to Titrit.

He had to act to take reins of his life, and it was vital to recover old bonds that would ease the way. This thought propelled him into action and took the lead to find the phone numbers and addresses of his two uncles. One of them lived in Madrid and the other in Valencia, so they were relatively close. He called them both immediately, though he could only communicate with one of them.

After the initial surprise at hearing of him after so much time elapsed, he showed his joy. It had been his beloved nephew, but then the distance and the time had separated them.

For Usem it was also pleasant to hear his voice; still remembered his visits and the support that his mother had always found in him.

He explained briefly his situation without going into details of what had happened in recent years. There would be time. He needed his support urgently to locate and start generating income that would allow him to stay, he explained. His uncle nodded and went straight to the point, something cut off. Usem could feel a certain reservation in his words.

"Of course I'll help you in whatever I can." But hey, we should talk in person and calmly. I guess you have not talked to Roberto yet.

This was the guy he had not been able to locate. The relationship with him had never been very fluid.

"No, not yet.

"Well, before you tell me otherwise, I'll tell you straight and short. There will be time to go deep. The crisis of the last few years has sucked his brain a little. You see ... "he choked.

-Come on, uncle. What's up? Tell me without fear, I have wide backs.

"When you left so untimely after the death of your mother, he was in charge of managing the inheritance. And then he also took care of what your mother would receive when our father died ...

"Inheritance," Usem thought. When he left, he had not even thought about what he left behind.

"The point is, the money that belong to you was supposed to be in an account in your name. However, I fear that a good part of it has disappeared embezzled by Roberto-he could feel his uncle’s grief in the voice.

"It's like being on a roller coaster all the time," he thought. His life was that.

"Look ... I need some quick help right now." A job, a house. Then and more calmly we will see what to do with what you tell me.

The seriousness of the matter was not lost on him, but his urgencies pushed him to solve the first issue. His uncle agreed and announced that he would travel the weekend to see him. He was anxious to meet his daughter.

The news surprised and even shocked Usem. In that thoughtful state Victoria's father found him, who inquired what was happening. His slow-paced account revealed a sense of uneasiness, which was struggling to come out but was still contained.

"The good part is that you kept in touch again  and your uncle evidently appreciates you." The other is a more serious matter, but if you decide to proceed you will have time.

He nodded. The arrival of Titrit in the kitchen was preceded by laughter. She had risen and cleaned and was amazed by the enormous bathroom, with so many appliances and bottles and smells.

Usem smiled. She had forgotten that her daughter had never lived comfortably, and there were hundreds of things that this new world would bring her that would be a delight. It would take her time to discover and enjoy them.

This comforted his soul in part. He was safe and his future would be as bright as he deserved.