Pull up a Log

Gareth L Powell posted this tweet on the day of the US Presidential election:

If you are that writer in 2056 reading this, please borrow your inventor friend’s time-machine to nip back to us and hand us a copy of your book for review. It’s no use in this timeline now, but it would be good to read what might have been...

While you’re here, writer from the future, I hope you enjoy this Christmas flavoured issue. I like to imagine you returning to your present (hope the radiation levels are normalising), and sharing these wond’rous tales, pictures, poems, reviews, and writings with your friends.

You will also meet our new cover character—Reader. Stephen Pickering leapt at the brief of creating our covers for the coming year and we are delighted with the result.

On another note, a reader contacted us in the summer to say she would love to visit Shoreline HQ, and take a tour—we oblige in our seasonal comic story, and I hope, dear reader, it is as you imagined it would be.

Happy reading everyone!

Noel Chidwick
Shoreline of Infinity
December 2016