Cited References & Resources by Topic

Climate and Site

[1] Geiger, R., R. H. Aron and P. Todhunter. 2009. [1950] . The Climate Near the Ground. Rowman and Littlefield, NY.

[2] Olgyay, V. 1963. Design with Climate. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.

[3] Reynolds, J. 2002. Courtyards: Aesthetic, Social and Thermal Delight. John Wiley and Sons, NY.

[4] Wolfe, J. N., R.T. Wareham and H. T. Scofield. 1949. Microclimates and macroclimate of Neotoma, a small valley in central Ohio. Bulletin of the Ohio Biological Survey 1:1–267.

Climate Data


[5] Brager, G. S. and R. J. de Dear. 1998. Thermal comfort in the built environment: a literature review. Energy and Buildings. 27:83–96.

[6] Daghigh, R. and K. Sopian. 2009. Effective ventilation parameters and thermal comfort study of air-conditioned offices. American Journal of Applied Sciences. 6(5):943–951.

[7] Fanger, P. O. 1972 [1970] . Thermal Comfort. McGraw Hill, NY.

[8] Han, J., W. Yang, J. Zhou, G. Zhang, Q. Zhang, and D.J. Moschandreas. 2009. A comparative analysis of urban and rural residential comfort under natural ventilation environment. Energy and Buildings. 41:139–145.

[9] Humphreys, M., J. F. Nicol, S. Roaf and O. Sykes. 1995. Standards for Thermal Comfort: Indoor Air temperature Standards for the 21st Century. Taylor and Francis, London, UK.

[10] Humphreys, M. and J. F. Nicol. 2002. The validity of ISO-PMV for predicting comfort votes in every-day thermal environments. Energy and Buildings. 34:667–684.

[11] Nugroho, A. M., M. H. Ahmad and D. R. Ossen. 2007. A preliminary study of thermal comfort in Malaysia’s single story terraced houses. JAABE 6(1):175–182.


[13] Ander, G. D. 2008. Daylighting, in Whole Building Design Guide, Accessed Dec 26, 2008

[14] Baker, N., K. Steemers. 2002. Daylight Design of Buildings. James & James Ltd., London.

[15] Boubekri, M. 2008. Daylighting, Architecture and Health. Architectural Press, Elsevier, Amsterdam.

[16] British Standards Institute. 1982. BS8206 Pt 2. Code of Practice for Daylighting. BSI.

[17] Building Research Station. 1966. Integrated daylight and artificial light in buildings, Digest #76, Second Series, H. BRS, England.

[18] Enermodal Engineering Ltd. 2002. Daylighting Guide for Canadian Commercial Buildings. Public Works and Government Services, Canada.

[19] Heschong-Mahone Group. 2003. Windows and Classrooms: A Study of Student Performance and the Indoor Environment. California Energy Commission Technical Report. P-500-03-082-A-7. Sacramento, CA.

[20] Köster, H. 2004. Dynamic Daylighting Architecture. Birkhaüsen, Basel, Switzerland.

[21] Lam, W. 1986. Sunlighting as Formgiver for Architecture. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, NY.

[22] Lechner, N. 2001. Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Design Methods for Architects 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, NY.

Energy Efficient Building

[23] Christian, J. E. and J. Kosny. 2003. Thermal Performance and Wall Rating. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Building Envelope Research,

[24] Edminster, A. and S. Yassi. 1998. Efficient Wood Use in Residential Construction. Natural Resources Defense Council, New York, NY.

[25] Guertin, M. 2009. Attic insulation upgrade. Fine Homebuilding. 200:68–73.

[26] Haggard, K. and S. Clark, Eds. 2000. Straw Bale Construction Sourcebook. California Straw Building Association/SLSG. Santa Margarita, CA.

[27] Ireton, K., ed. 1999. Energy Efficient Building. Taunton Press, Newtown, CT.

[28] Marshall, B. and R. Argue. 1981. The Super Insulated Retrofit Book. Renewable Energy In Canada, Toronto, Canada.

[29] Parker, D.S., J. R. Sherwin and M. T. Anello. 2001. FPC Residential Monitoring Project: New Technology Development - Radiant Barrier Pilot Project. Contract Report FSECCR-1231-01, Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, Florida.

[30] Schmidt, A. C., A. A. Jensen, A. U. Clausen, O. Kamstrup, and D. Postlethwaite. 2004. A comparative lifecycle assessment of building insulation products made of stone wool, paper wool and flax. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 9(2): 122–129.

[31] Venolia, C. and K. Lerner. 2006. Natural Remodeling. Lark Books, NY.

Integrated Design

[32] Bainbridge, D. A. 1980. The basis of passive solar design. Pp. 6–9 In The Second Passive Solar Catalog. Passive Solar Institute, Davis, CA.

[33] Behling, S. & S. 2000. Solar Power: The Evolution of Sustainable Architecture. Prestei, Munich.

[34] Butti, K. and J. Perlin. 1980. A Golden Thread: 2500 Years of Solar Architecture and Technology. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, NY.

[35] Berghage, Dr. R. et al. 2007. Quantifying Evaporation and Transpirational Water Losses from Green Roofs and Green Roof Media Capacity for Neutralizing Acid Rain. NDWRCP 04-Dec-10SG.

[36] Haggard, K. L. 2008. Basics of Passive Solar Design. Solar Today 22(3): 6A–9A.

[37] Haggard, K., P. Cooper. 2006. Fractal Architecture: Design for Sustain ability. Booksurge, Charleston, SC.

[38] Integrated Design. ASHRAE guides,

[38] Klinkenborg, V. 2009. Up on the Roof. National Geographic 215(5): 84–103.

[40] Kwok, A. G. and W. T. Grondzik. 2007. Green Studio Handbook. Architectural Press.

[41] Ludwig, A. 2007. Create an Oasis with Greywater. Oasis Design, CA.

[42] Liu, K. and B. Baskaran. 2003. Thermal Performance of Green Roofs Through Field Evaluation. National Research Council of Canada. Report No. NRCC-46412

[43] McDonough, W., M. Braungart. 2002. Cradle to Cardie: Remaking the Way We Make Things. North Point Press, NY.

[44] Myers, N. 1984. Gaia: An Atlas of Planet Management. Anchor Press/Doubleday & Company Inc. NY.

[45] Nicklas, M. 2008. Today’s Daylighting Challenge: Turning South Light into North Light. Solar Today 22(3): 10A–12A.

[46] Reynolds, J., B. Stein. 2000. Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings 9th Ed. John Wiley & Sons, NY.

[47] Seattle Department of Planning Development. March 2007. City Green Building – Green Roofs Evaluation Project,

[48] SSI. 2008. Sustainable Sites Initiative: Guidelines and Performance Benchmarks. Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, University of Texas, Austin, and ASLA. TX.

[49] UNESCO. 1975. Biosphere Reserves Map. Mab Secretariat Division of Ecological Sciences. Paris, France.

[50] U.S. EPA. 2009. Green Roofs- Heat Island Effect,

[51] University of Waterloo. 2008. Living Wall: A Feasibility Construction for the Student Life Center.

[52] Vaccari, D. 2009. Phosphorous: A Looming Crisis. Scientific American 33(6): 54–59.

Life Cycle Costs

[53] Biegler, T. 2009. The Hidden Cost of Electricity. Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering Parkville, Victoria, AU.

[54] Bainbridge, D. A. 2004. The price falls short. Solar Today 18 (5):62, 59.

[55] Bainbridge, D. A. 2009. Rebuilding the American Economy with True Cost Accounting. Rio Redondo Press, San Diego, CA. Accessed 6/09

[56] European Commision. 2003. External Costs. Directorate-General for Research Information and Communication Unit. Brussels.

[57] Fuller, S. 2008. Life cycle cost analysis. Whole Building Design Guide. National Institute of Building Sciences, Accessed 6/09

[58] Koomey, J. and F. Krause. 1997. Introduction to Environmental Externality Costs. In CRC Handbook on Energy Efficiency. Boca Raton, FL. Accessed 5/09

[59] Greening the Building Life Cycle – excellent links

[60] Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability. BEES 4.0 Software Accessed 6/09

[61] Material intensity per service, Accessed 6/09

[62] Athena Impact Estimator and EcoCalculator Accessed 6/09

[63] EPA region and power plant specific data

Natural Heating and Cooling

[64] Bainbridge, D. A. 1978. Natural cooling: practical use of climate resources for space conditioning in California. Pp 138–153. In E.F. Clark, and F. de Winter, eds. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on the use of solar energy for the cooling of buildings, San Francisco, California, U.S. Department of Energy/University of Colorado, Boulder.

[65] Bainbridge, D. A., K. Haggard and P. Cooper. 2007. Water walls: an effective option for high performance buildings. Solar Today. July/August, 38–41.

[66] Clark, G., F. Loxom, C. H. Treat and C. Allen. 1979. An Assessment of Evaporative, Radiative and Convective Cooling Processes and Their Application in Selected Cities in the U.S. Trinity University, San Antonio, TX for U.S. Dept. of Energy. Publication P.C.-1.79.

[67] Cramer, R. D. and L. W. Neubauer. 1965. Diurnal radiant exchange with the sky dome. Solar Energy 9(2):95–103.

[68] Givoni, B. 1991. Performance and applicability of passive and low-energy cooling systems. Energy and Buildings. 17:177–199.

[69] Givoni, B. 1998. Climate Considerations in Building and Urban Design. Wiley, NY.

[70] Haggard, K. L. and P. W. Niles. 1980. Passive Solar Handbook for California. California Energy Commission. Sacramento, CA.

[71] Haggard, K. L., P. Cooper, J. Rennick and P. Niles. 2000. Natural conditioning of buildings. Pp. 37–69. In L. Elizabeth and C. Adams. Alternative Construction: Contemporary Building Methods. John Wiley and Sons, NY.

[72] Heidarinejad, G., M. Heidarinejad, S. Delfani and J. Esmaeelian. 2008. Feasibility of using various kinds of cooling systems in a multi-climates country. Energy and Buildings. 40:1946–1953.

[73] Mazria, E. 1979. The Passive Solar Energy Book. Rodale Press, Emmaus, PA.

[74] Niles, P. W., K. L. Haggard, and H. R. Hays. 1976. Nocturnal cooling and solar heating with water ponds and movable insulation. ASHRAE Transactions 82:793–807.

[75] Santamouris, M., K. Pavlou, A. Synnefa, K. Niachou and D. Kolokotsa. 2007. Recent progress on passive cooling techniques: advanced technological developments to improve the survivability levels in low income households. Energy and Buildings. 39:859–866.

[76] Spanaki, A. 2007. Comparative studies on different types of roof ponds for cooling purposes: literature review. Advanced Ventilation Techniques in the 21st Century. Crete Island, Greece.

[77] Wright, D. 2008. The Passive Solar Primer: Sustainable Architecture. Schiffer, PA.

Orientation and Solar Control

[78] Cramer, R. D. and L. W. Neubauer. 1959. Solar radiant gains through directional glass exposure. ASHRAE Transactions 65:499–513.

[79] Neubauer, L. W. 1972. Shapes and orientations of houses for natural cooling. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 15(1): 126–128.

[80] Olgyay, V. & A. 1976. Solar Control and Shading Devices. Princeton University Press, Princeton, MA.

Radiation and Other Fundamentals

[81] Anderson, B. and M. Riordan. 1976. The Solar Home Book. Brick House Publishing, Andover, MA.

[82] ASHRAE. 1972. Handbook of Fundamentals. NY.

[83] Chen, B., J. Maloney, D. Clark, W.N. Mei and J. Kasher. 1995. Measurement of night sky emissivity in determining radiant cooling from cool storage roofs and roof ponds. Passive Solar Research Group, University of Nebraska, Omaha, NB.

[84] Bainbridge, D. A. 1978. Indio Cool Pool experiment. Alternative Sources of Energy 32:6–10.

[85] Cramer, R. D. and L. W. Neubauer. 1965. Diurnal radiant exchange with the sky dome. Solar Energy 9(2):95–103.

[86] Davis Energy Group. Nd. Nightsky® system cools rooftops, saves energy,

[87] Givoni, B. 1991. Performance and applicability of passive and low-energy cooling systems. Energy and Buildings 17:177–199.

[88] Hay, H. and J. I. Yellott. 1969. Natural air conditioning with roof ponds and movable insulation. ASHRAE Transactions. Part 1 (75): 165–177.

[89] Levinson, R. and H. Akbari. 2001. Effects of Composition and Exposure on the Solar Reflectance of Portland Cement Concrete. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report LBNL-48334, Berkeley, CA.

[90] Marceau, M. L. and M. G. VanGeem. 2007. Solar reflectances of concretes for LEED sustainable sites credit: heat island effect. PCA R&D Serial No. 2982 Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL.

[91] Martin, C. L. and D. Y Goswami. 2005. Solar Energy Pocket Reference. ISES, Freiburg, Germany.

[92] Moore, T. 2008. Simulation of radiant cooling performance with evaporative cooling sources. Center for the Built Environment, Berkeley, CA.

[93] Renne, D., R. George, S. Wilcox, T. Stoffel, D. Myers and D. Heimiller. 2008. Solar Resource Assessment. Technical Report, NREL/TP-581–42301. National Renewable Energy Lab, Golden, CO.

[94] Rosenburg, N. J. 1974. Microclimate: The Biological Environment. Wiley, NY.

Site Evaluation

[95] WMO. 2008. Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation, WMO-No. 8, seventh edition, Guide-7th Edition-2008.html

Solar Radiation Data: USA–1990/–2005/ maps

Solar Radiation Data: World

Sustainable Materials

[96] Bainbridge, D. A. 2004. Sustainable building as appropriate technology, pp. 55–67, 75–77. In J. Kennedy, editor. Building Without Borders: Sustainable Construction for the Global Village. Island Press, Washington, DC.

[97] Easton, D. 2007. The Rammed Earth House. Chelsea Green, White River Junction, VT.

[98] Haggard, K. and S. Clark, Eds. 2000. Straw Bale Construction Sourcebook. California Straw Building Association/SLSG. Santa Margarita, CA.

[99] Houben, H. and H. Guillard. 1984. Earth Construction Primer. CRATerrre, Brussels, Belgium.

[100] King, B. 2006. Design of Straw Bale Buildings. Green Building Press. San Rafael, CA.

[101] Miller, D. and L. 1980. Rammed Earth Homes: Manual For Building a Rammed Earth Wall. Greeley, CO.

[102] Minke, G. 2009. Building with Earth. Berkhauser, Basel, Switzerland.

[103] Snell, C. and T. Callahan. 2005. Building Green. Lark Books, NY.

[104] Steen, A. and B., D. A. Bainbridge and D. Eisenberg. 1994. The Straw Bale House. Chelsea Green, White River Junction, VT


[105] Allard, F. ed. 1998. Natural Ventilation: A Design Handbook. James and James, London, UK.

[106] Bahadori, M. N. 1985. An improved design of wind towers for natural ventilation and passive cooling. Solar Energy 35(2): 119–129.

[107] Harris, D. J. and N. Helwig, 2007. Solar chimney and building ventilation. Applied Energy 84:135–146.

[108] Stavrakakis, G.M., M.K. Koukou, M. Gr. Vrachopoulos and N. Markatos. 2008. Natural cross ventilation in buildings: building-scale experiments, numerical simulation and thermal comfort evaluation. Energy and Buildings. 40(9): 1666–1681.

Water Heating

[109] Bainbridge, D. A. 1981. Integral Passive Solar Water Heaters. Passive Solar Institute, Davis, CA.

[110] de Winter, F. 2005. Solar Water Heating with Backup Heating: A Review. Proc. of the 2005 Solar World Congress of ISES, Orlando, Florida, USA, August 6–12.

[111] de Winter, F. 2006. The Potential US Market for Solar Water Heaters. Proc. of the 2006 Annual Meeting of ASES, Denver, CO, July 8–13.

Wildlife Protection

[112] Brown, H., S. Caputo, E.J. McAdams, M. Fowle, G. Phillips, C. Dewitt and Y Gelb. 2007. Bird-Safe Building Guidelines. SCAPE Landscape Architecture for NY Audubon Society. New York, NY.

[113] Glass-a deadly trap for birds. Swiss Ornithological Society



[116] Cochran, W. W. and R. R. Graber. 1958. Attraction of nocturnal migrants by lights on a television tower. Wilson Bulletin, 70:378–380.

[117] Dunn, E. H. 1992. Bird Mortality from striking residential windows in Winter. Journal of Field Ornithology. 64(3): 302–309.

[118] Evans, W. R., YAkashi, N. S. Altman and A. M. Manville II. 2007. Response of night-migrating songbirds in cloud to colored and flashing light. North American Birds 60:476–488

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[120] Gehring, J. P. Kerlinger and A. M. Manville II. 2009. Communication towers, lights, and birds: successful methods of reducing the frequency of avian collisions. Ecological Applications, 19(2):505–514.

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