“A letter has arrived for you,” Mdjai said without getting up from Ceros’ lounge chair. To the casual observer, it would appear Mdjai was close to falling asleep.
Ceros knew better. He looked over his shoulder. A young servant boy was standing in the doorway, nervously switching his weight from one foot to the other. Clearly the boy didn’t want to be there. Ceros motioned him forward.
“I was told to give this to the prince and only the prince.” The boy’s eyes flicked from one face to the next then back to Ceros. “Is that you, sir?”
“Yes. I am he.”
The boy put a folded note in Ceros’ outstretched hand.
“Thank you.” Ceros broke the seal and read the scribbled words inside. He nodded once to Gehiji to let him know it was from the kidnapper then asked the boy, “Who gave you this note?”
“One of the girls from the market.”
“Were you given any other instructions?” Ceros asked.
“No, my prince.” The boy paused then added, “But I was told I was being watched and if I didn’t deliver the note right away, they would find out where I lived.”
“Were you paid anything for your troubles?”
“A copper pence, my prince.”
Ceros reached into his desk and pulled out a money pouch. He handed the boy several coins. “Thank you. I’m sorry your day was disturbed.”
The boy looked at the silver pieces in his hand. His eyes widened and a grin blossomed. “Oh, wow.” He bowed as he backed toward the door. “Thank you, my prince.”
As soon as the boy disappeared through the outer door, Ceros said to his waiting friends, “I’m to present myself on the west bank of the oasis before moonrise. Needless to say, I am to go alone. If I do not comply, they will deliver Danet’s body in the morning.”
“The oasis is east of the city?” Mdjai asked Ceros.
“Yes.” He held on to his calm while the boy was here, but he was sorely tempted to give in to his anger now that he didn’t have an audience. At least an audience that was unfamiliar with his moods.
“I will gather what we’ll need,” Gehiji said. “I don’t suppose I need to remind you that you need to calm yourself before you unintentionally shift.”
“No, you don’t,” Ceros growled.
Ceros? What’s happened? Danet asked through their connection. You’re very angry. Why?
The note from the kidnappers came.
What did they want?
They want me to meet them at the oasis before moonrise.
Ceros held a hand up to Gehiji when he started to say something. He pointed to his head to let him know he was talking to Danet. Gehiji nodded his understanding.
You aren’t going, are you? Danetasked.
Of course I’m going, he scoffed.
You can’t!
Why can’t I?
Because you’re the prince! And we don’t know whom or what you’ll be facing. It’s too risky.
Why do I feel as if I have just been insulted? Did the woman have no faith in him? It’s improbable that I’ll be facing an entire army by myself. Not that I haven’t done that before.
I… You have?
It will be fine, he assured her. I’ll go and see what these people want, hopefully find out who is involved or behind it, we’ll rescue you and return to the palace and all will be well. Nothing to it.
Nothing to it? she asked incredulously. Somehow I doubt it will be as easy as walking in, asking a few questions, making a few promises and leaving.
No. Probably not. But we’ll improvise. He forced himself to project confidence and more calm than he really felt.
Yes. Now, like I said earlier, you need to keep your eyes and ears open. Any information you can send me about your location and those with you will be helpful.
Please don’t do this. I’m sure whoever is behind this will realize when you don’t show that you couldn’t put the throne at risk over a servant.
Ceros growled. You are not a servant.
I was. She sighed. Even now, I’m really just a highly educated servant. My status simply allows me the luxury of choosing whom I serve.
When we get back to the palace, we are having a serious discussion about how you see yourself.
Ceros, I can’t stand the thought of you deliberately putting yourself in harm’s way because of me.
Danet, he said mimicking her, I can’t stand the thought of you being harmed in any way because of your association with me. I will see that you are freed.
Fine! Send one of your oversized friends to handle it. Why does it have to be you?
He growled again. Because I need to do this.
Enough. We will also discuss your habit of arguing with me when we return.
She fell silent. Part of him wanted to continue arguing just to know she was well and unharmed but she was never going to convince him to stay in the palace while she was captive.
It might have hurt her feelings that he cut her off but they didn’t have much time and he needed to concentrate. He would make it up to her later.
Once she was safe in the palace.
And they were alone.
With a jar of honey.
What are you planning to do with the honey? she asked.
I didn’t mean to transmit that. He rubbed his hand across his face. You need to go lie down and not listen to anything else I might slip up and say.
Uh huh. As if—
She stopped. Wait. Someone is coming.
I’m here, he reminded her.
To Gehiji and Mdjai, he said, “Someone is coming into her room.”
Gehiji nodded that he’d heard.
Ceros’ mind pictured all sorts of scenarios. He tried to keep them to himself and not transmit them to her. He also struggled to keep his rising anxiety for her to himself.
Not being able to see and hear what Danet did strained his patience.
I know him, she finally said. He’s one of the servants at the palace.
Who is he?
I don’t remember his name. Seems like it’s Jabari or Jafari or something like that. Medium height, slender build and brown hair. He is obviously not a lower-caste servant. He carries himself as if he holds some rank.
Do you remember where he usually works or what he does? I could ask Mother.
He has something to do with arriving dignitaries. There was a pause. They’re taking me to the washing room. I’ll be allowed a moment of privacy before we leave.
Did they say where they are taking you? he asked.
Ceros paced near his desk, waiting for her to say something else. A few minutes later she said, The window in the washing room has been covered by something on the outside. I cannot see out. The only other window is the one in the roof overhead.
That’s okay. It’s almost immaterial at this point. We’ll have to leave soon to make the meeting.
I don’t see anything I could use as a weapon. My hands are free but I don’t want to do anything to the poor young girl who was made to stand watch over me while I took advantage of the facilities.
Don’t do anything foolish, Danet. I swear to you, we will be coming for you.
I know you will, but I don’t want you getting hurt trying to rescue me. It’s you they’re after, not me.
Danet… he warned.
I’m willing to bet they haven’t tangled with an angry mystic before.
Danet, don’t.
He felt a swell of power through their connection, then it was abruptly cut off.
“What’s wrong?” Gehiji rushed to Ceros’ side.
“I don’t know.” Ceros struggled to grasp their connection again but couldn’t find the thread. “She was there. I was trying to talk her out of not doing something foolish. The last thing she said was they hadn’t tangled with an angry mystic before.” He shook his head to clear it. “It was weird. I felt a surge of energy then nothing. Like it was just cut off.”
Gehiji pressed his lips into a grim line.
“Something happened,” Ceros insisted. “We have to get to her now.”
Gehiji put his hand on his shoulder. “Slow down. You must go to the oasis. You must meet whoever is behind this.” He looked him in the eye. “But you can’t go like this.”
“Like what?” Ceros growled.
“Half furry with fangs and claws,” Mdjai said, stepping up to Ceros’ other side.
Ceros looked down at his own hands. His claws were growing longer. Hair was sprouting on his arms.
“You’d terrify your own people if you walked through the palace halls like this,” Gehiji pointed out.
The outer door to his suites opened and closed, making them all freeze and look in that direction.
“Quick. Pull yourself together,” Mdjai whispered.
“We’ll stall whoever it is,” Gehiji reassured him as they both walked to the doorway connecting the rooms.
Ceros scurried to the side of his study that was cast in shadow and watched his closest friends delay whoever showed up. He took several deep breaths and focused on being calm and focused. When he heard his mother’s voice he knew he couldn’t delay forever. He checked his hands to make sure they had returned to normal then stepped out to greet the queen.
“Mother. What brings you this way?”
She presented her cheek for him to kiss. He dutifully obliged.
“I heard a messenger had come.” She gracefully slid over to the lounge and sank into the cushions. She raised a single eyebrow, indicating she was waiting for information and didn’t intend to leave until she had it.
Ceros exchanged looks with Gehiji and Mdjai. Mdjai shook his head and walked out of the room. Gehiji dropped into a nearby chair.
Ceros sighed and ran a hand over his face.
“I don’t suppose I can tell you later, could I?” Ceros asked.
“Why not tell me now?” she said with a wave of her hand.
“Because I only have a minute before I have to meet an unknown person to collect something that was taken from me.”
“You were robbed?” She sat up suddenly, concern wreathing her face.
“Mother, can I please talk to you about this later? I really need to go.”
She waved them away. “Certainly. Go, do whatever you need to do.” As soon as she stood, she paused, a frown on her face. “What was taken?”
“Something far more precious than I realized.”