glittering orbs rotate in the air
tearbeams glimmer on the walls
distressed monkeys rotate on their tails
a tear glistens on a cheek
a tear glistens on a cheek
the street lanterns outside blink the greetings of the deceased
who refuse
of course
to show the living the path
there is no path
do I sense the floral scent of thy pores
venerable judge?
there is no path
do I detect the filthy stink of the words
the human stench of the shadow?
oh, there is no path
a child sleeps on a trampoline – a sister dreams of a water slide
a child sleeps on a trampoline – a sister dreams of a water slide
glittering orbs hang in the air and call forth shadows on the walls
the moon rotates in a spiderwire
there is no path