Last weekend I spent the night in my friend's Southern French home. She invited all of my closest friends over, which was great! Many of us have moved to different regions of France since we left school and we have lost touch. We sat all night at her dining table eating this fantastic French cheese fondue she served! It was a perfect choice to keep us all at the table while we ate! The longer we sat eating this French raclette, the more we talked! We were so lost in reminiscing we lost track of the time and were shocked when we realized it was 3:00 am! The French wine and raclette complemented each other as well as the French friendships we rekindled. There's no better conversation starter than French raclette!
Learning French with is the most fun and effective way to learn French! In this French Audio Blog lesson, we will discuss the French cheese and dish, raclette. Remember to pick up the French Lesson notes if you need extra help since this Audio Blog lesson is entirely in French!
Formal French
Vos Amis Pensent-ils Qu'ils Sont un Peu Tartes ?
Ce soir, c’est raclette chez moi ! J’ai invité quelques amis pour qu’on se fasse une raclette car j’adore manger ça en hiver !
Mais vous me direz : qu’est ce que c’est que la raclette ?
À l’origine, c’est un fromage à base de lait, d’origine suisse mais on en produit aussi en France.
Mais on utilise aussi le mot raclette pour parler du plat.
Ce repas est composé de pommes de terre cuites à l’eau bouillante, de fromage à raclette évidemment et de charcuterie.
Avant, il fallait découper des tranches de fromage, mais désormais, il est beaucoup plus aisé de trouver des barquettes avec du fromage prédécoupé.
Il faut mettre le fromage que l’on a acheté dans des poêlons individuels et on le fait fondre dans l’appareil à raclette qui est posé au centre de la table.
Ensuite on peut faire cuire la charcuterie sur le dessus de l’appareil à raclette et on découpe ses patates. Enfin, on met le fromage et la charcuterie sur les pommes de terre et on déguste !
C’est vraiment trop bon, j’ai trop hâte de faire cette raclette ! C’est un repas très simple et très convivial car tout le monde se réunit autour de l’appareil.
Un tel repas est extrêmement plaisant lorsque l’on fait un séjour au ski en hiver mais bon je me contenterais du cadre de Paris !
Par contre, chose très importante, ne pas oublier de le boire avec du vin blanc ! En général, les français mangent la raclette avec du vin de Savoie.
Pour terminer, pensez à aérer un peu la pièce car il fait très chaud avec l’appareil qui chauffe et en plus l’odeur du fromage reste après le repas.
Pas toujours agréable je dois l’admettre…
Et vous auditeurs, avez- vous déjà mangé une raclette ?
Formal English
Are Your Friends Feeling a Little Cheesy?
Raclette night. Tonight is raclette night at my house! I invited some friends so we can make raclette...I love to do that in the winter! But I know you're saying, "what's a raclette?"
Basically, it's a type of cheese that originally came from Switzerland but it's also made here in France.
We also use the word raclette to refer to the dish made from it. We make this dish from boiled potatoes, raclette cheese (of course), and some deli meats.
Originally, people had to cut the raclette into slices, but these days it's easy to find pre-sliced bricks of it.
You have to put the raclette on individual pans. It's melted using a special warming appliance that sits in the center of the table. Then you heat the meat on top of the warmer, put the cut-up potatoes on top of it, put the raclette on top of the whole thing, and dig in!
It's very good—I can't wait to make it! It's a very simple meal and hospitable as well since everyone gathers around the raclette warmer at the table.
This kind of meal is wonderful when you're on a winter ski holiday, but I'll be happy with having it in Paris!
On the other hand, one very important thing to remember is to drink it with white wine! Generally, the French eat raclette with wine from Savoie. Also, after eating, don't forget to air out the room because the warmer heats up the room quite a bit and the smell of cheese will linger for a while afterwards. I have to say it's not a pleasant smell…
Listeners, have you ever tried raclette?
French / English / Class
bouillant(e) / boiling / adjective
évidemment / obviously / adverb
aisé(e) / easy / adjective
prédécoupé(e) / precut / adjective
barquette / small container for food (Literally: small boat) / noun
poêlon / casserole dish / noun
cuire / to cook / verb
patate / potato / noun
charcuterie / cooked meats, cold cut / noun
extrêmement / extremely / adverb
aérer / to air, to ventilate / verb
odeur / odor / noun
Cette soupe est bouillante.
“This soup is boiling.”
Pour faire trente kilomètres, il a évidemment pris sa voiture.
“To do thirty kilometers, he evidently took his car.”
Il a évidemment gagné son match.
“He evidently won his game.”
Il a une vie aisée.
“He has a wealthy life.”
Ce fromage est prédécoupé, c'est pratique.
“This cheese is precut; it's practical.”
Les barquettes sont minuscules !
“The small containers are tiny.”
Les poêlons sont sales.
“The casserole dishes are dirty.”
Il faut laisser cuire encore deux minutes.
“It needs to be cooked two more minutes.”
Les patates sont chaudes.
“The potatoes are hot.”
La charcuterie est dans le réfrigérateur.
“The cold cut meat is in the refrigerator.”
Je suis extrêmement heureux d'être en France.
“I'm extremely happy to be in France.”
J'ai un tonton extrêmement gentil !
“I have an extremely nice uncle!”
Ouvre la fenêtre pour aérer s'il te plaît !
“Open the window please!”
L'odeur nauséabonde est insupportable.
“The nauseating odor is unbearable.”
L’odeur de ce parfum est agréable.
“The smell of this perfume is nice.”