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<title>French Level 9: Advanced: Volume 2</title>
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<h2 class="h2">Get Your Hands on France's Biggest Treasure!</h2>

<p class="noindent">There is nothing I love as much as curling up in bed under a warm blanket, and losing myself in a French book! It's the easiest way to take a vacation, fall in love with mysterious French men, or even leave the Earth, without ever leaving my French apartment! I had a little trouble finding the perfect French book at first, but now I know I travel to at least four distant lands or at least four French romances sweep me off my feet a month! The best part is that my French has improved too! I get to practice my French language skills while I enjoy a good French book! How did I find out about these great French treasures? Well, I found them on Audio Blog 24 on FrenchPod101, of course!</p>
<p class="noindent">Learning French with FrenchPod101.com is the most fun and effective way to learn French! In this French Audio Blog lesson, you will learn about French literary history, and how and where you can get your hands on France's biggest treasure! To get your hands on some of our biggest treasures just stop by FrenchPod101 and pick up French Lesson notes as well as other great French learning material to accompany this lesson! Remember to do so before you begin this lesson if you think you might need extra help because this lesson is spoken completely in French!</p>
<h3 class="h3">Line-By-Line Transcript</h3>
<p class="noindent"><strong>Formal French</strong></p>
<p class="noindent"><strong><span style="color: #000080;">Mettez Votre Main sur les Plus Grands Trésors en France !</span></strong></p>
<p class="noindent">Petite tournée des librairies.La culture du livre est très importante en France. Nous essayons au maximum de protéger notre patrimoine littéraire avec les nombreux auteurs qui ont contribué à la notoriété de la littérature française dans le monde. Vous avez sûrement déjà entendu parler de Marcel Proust ou encore de Victor Hugo… </p>
<p class="noindent">Mais avez-vous aussi entendu parler du célèbre Prix Goncourt qui récompense les auteurs de langue française pour le meilleur ouvrage d'imagination en prose.</p>
<p class="noindent">Tout ça pour dire que les livres et la lecture font parti du rayonnement culturel de la France.</p>
<p class="noindent">Moi, j’adore lire des livres. Il y a quelques années, je pouvais en dévorer un tous les 2-3 jours mais désormais je ne lis plus que très rarement. Les livres font travailler l’imagination et me font voyager dans des lieux incroyables !</p>
<p class="noindent">Mais c’est souvent difficile de trouver un livre quand on ne sait pas quel style lire et surtout il y a tellement de choix qu’on ne sait plus où donner de la tête !Même en lisant la quatrième de couverture pour découvrir le thème du livre, on n’est jamais sûr de son choix.</p>
<p class="noindent">C’est pour cela que j’aime aller demander conseil auprès des libraires de ces toutes petites librairies de Paris dans le quartier de Saint-Michel où l’on peut trouver tous les livres que l’on veut ! En général, ils connaissent bien leur travail et on n’est jamais vraiment déçu de leurs renseignements. Au-delà de ça, il est aussi agréable de se balader dans ces petites boutiques où l’on peut flâner et sentir l’odeur des livres !</p>
<p class="noindent">Vous pourrez aussi trouver des boutiques qui vendent des livres d’occasion à des prix très attractifs. Mais en général, le but est plutôt de trouver un livre qui n’est plus disponible neuf.</p>
<p class="noindent">Et puis lorsque vous en aurez marre de vous balader, vous pourrez toujours aller prendre une boisson ou quelque chose à grignoter dans un café parisien !</p>
<p class="noindent">Et vous, avez-vous déjà lu des livres d’auteurs français même traduits ?</p>
<p class="noindent"><strong>Formal English</strong></p>
<p class="noindent"><strong><span style="color: #000080;">Get Your Hands on France's Biggest Treasure!</span></strong></p>
<p class="noindent">Small tour of bookstores. Book knowledge is very important in France. We try as much as possible to protect our literary heritage, with numerous authors having contributed to the French literary fame in the world. You probably already know about Marcel Proust or even Victor Hugo. </p>
<p class="noindent">You may have heard about the well-known Goncourt Prize, which rewards French authors for their best work of prose released in the year. All this to tell you that books and reading is part of the cultural influence of France. </p>
<p class="noindent">Me, I love to read books. A few years back, I could devour one every two or three days. However, now I only read rarely. Books make the imagination work and allow me to travel to incredible places! </p>
<p class="noindent">However, it’s often difficult to find a book when one doesn’t know what style they enjoy reading—especially when there are so many choices. One cannot make up his mind. Even when reading the back cover to discover the book theme, one cannot be sure of his choice.</p>
<p class="noindent">That’s why I like to go ask for advice in the small bookstores in the Saint Michel neighborhood in Paris, where you can find all the books you want! In general, the staff knows their work well and you are never disappointed about the information they give you. Beyond this, it is also pleasant to walk in the small boutiques where you can stroll around and smell the odor of the books!</p>
<p class="noindent">You can also find small stores selling used books at very attractive prices. In general, the goal is rather to find a book, which is not available new anymore. And when you are fed up with strolling around, you can always go get a drink or something to nibble on in a Parisian café!</p>
<p class="noindent">And you, have you already read translated books from French authors?</p>
<h3 class="h3">Vocabulary List</h3>
<p class="textcenter"><strong>French / English / Class</strong> <br/> auteur / author / noun <br/>rayonnement / radiance / noun <br/>désormais / from now on / adverb <br/>incroyable / incredible / adjective <br/>quatrième de couverture / back cover / Noun <br/>thème / theme / noun <br/>conseil / advice / noun <br/>renseignement / information / noun <br/>au delà / moreover / adverb <br/>flâner / to roam (move aimlessly) / verb <br/>d'occasion / used, second hand / noun <br/>en avoir marre / to be fed up with / expression <br/>grignoter / to nibble (to eat) / verb <br/>traduire / to translate / verb </p>
<h3 class="h3">Expansion Section</h3>
<hr/><p class="noindent"><strong>auteur</strong> <br/>L'auteur de ce livre est très populaire. <br/><em>"The author of this book is very popular."</em> </p>
<hr/><p class="noindent"><strong>rayonnement</strong> <br/>Le rayonnement de la France est international. <br/><em>“The radiance of France is international.”</em> </p>
<hr/><p class="noindent"><strong>désormais</strong> <br/>Désormais, les femmes ont le droit de vote. <br/><em>"From now on, women have the right to vote."</em> </p>
<hr/><p class="noindent"><strong>incroyable</strong> <br/>Cette montre est incroyable. <br/><em>"This watch is incredible."</em> <br/>Incroyable, mais vrai. <br/><em>"Incredible, but true."</em> </p>
<hr/><p class="noindent"><strong>quatrième de couverture</strong> <br/>La quatrième de couverture n'indique rien d'intéressant. <br/><em>“The back cover doesn't indicate anything interesting.”</em> </p>
<hr/><p class="noindent"><strong>thème</strong> <br/>Le thème de ton histoire est lassant. <br/><em>“The theme of his story is boring.”</em> </p>
<hr/><p class="noindent"><strong>conseil</strong> <br/>Je préfère te donner un conseil: N'y va pas ! <br/><em>“I prefer to give you advice; don't go!”</em> </p>
<hr/><p class="noindent"><strong>renseignement</strong> <br/>Ses renseignements étaient mauvais. <br/><em>“Her information was bad.”</em> </p>
<hr/><p class="noindent"><strong>au delà</strong> <br/>Au delà de son amitié pour elle, il l'aime. <br/><em>“Beyond his friendship for her, he loves her.”</em> </p>
<hr/><p class="noindent"><strong>flâner</strong> <br/>Je flâne dans les boutiques de prêt à porter. <br/><em>“I hang out in the ready-to-wear clothing stores.”</em> </p>
<hr/><p class="noindent"><strong>d'occasion</strong> <br/>C'est une occasion en or à saisir. <br/><em>"It's a golden chance to take."</em> <br/>Sa voiture d'occasion est en panne. <br/><em>“His used car has broken down.”</em> </p>
<hr/><p class="noindent"><strong>en avoir marre</strong> <br/>J'en ai marre de son caractère insupportable. <br/><em>“I'm fed up with his unbearable character.”</em> <br/>Tu en as marre des sorties en famille ? <br/><em>“Are you fed up with family outings?”</em> </p>
<hr/><p class="noindent"><strong>grignoter</strong> <br/>Je n'ai plus rien à grignoter chez moi. <br/><em>“I don't have anything to munch on at my home.”</em> </p>
<hr/><p class="noindent"><strong>traduire</strong> <br/>Je traduis l'espagnol. <br/><em>"I translate Spanish."</em> </p>