Chapter 19

Bad Design—the Human Blood Clotting System: It Led to the Communist Russian Revolution

Another thing that the ID folks have deliberately overlooked is the prominent role that our badly designed blood clotting system has had on human history. If the human blood clotting mechanism were as marvelous as the ID folks claim it is, then the Russian Revolution probably would never have succeeded.


Figure 19.1 Alexei.

Think about it. The last Russian czar had an only son named Alexei, who would have become the czar after his father died. However, Alexei had hemophilia—a blood clotting disorder. This type of hemophilia leads to frequent uncontrollable bleeding even if the body has suffered no injury at all, not even a small cut. These days, due to scientific advances, we can treat hemophilia successfully. But in those days, no cure or reliable treatment existed.

Alexei’s blood clotting disorder led his mother to become overly dependent on a self-proclaimed faith healing monk named Rasputin. She believed that he could successfully treat her son’s incurable clotting disorder.

Unfortunately, Rasputin was a very disreputable character. He made lots of enemies for himself, and for the poor, deluded czar and his wife. He convinced the czar to personally command his troops during World War I. This had terrible consequences for the army, and for the Russian war effort. What’s more, the czar’s wife, who was Alexei’s mother, then became the acting ruler of Russia, making all the decisions about how to conduct the war and run the country. With the czar away from home, Rasputin gained even more influence over her. Soon, the country was in chaos. Eventually, the royal family’s inept handling of both the country and the war lead to the communist takeover of the Russian government, the formation of the Soviet Union, and eventually to the subjugation of Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and other Eastern European countries by the Soviet Union.


Figure 19.2 Rasputin.

If Alexei hadn’t had his blood clotting disorder, then the Russian royal family would not have become dependent on Rasputin, and wouldn’t have taken his bad advice.

Without Rasputin, they probably would have better handled the problems of their country and the First World War.

So, the faulty human blood clotting system was a leading cause of the Communist takeover of Russia and much of Eastern Europe. Does the Creator really want to take responsibility for the seventy-two years of Communist totalitarianism in Russia, and the subjugation of most of Eastern and Central Europe?

Is the Creator a Communist? Are Intelligent Design promoters Communist sympathizers?

The Hemophilia Is Sex-Linked

What’s more, this form of hemophilia is inherited genetically, and only men can get it. This is called being sex-linked. So—does this Creator prefer women to men?