No. B.S. 1749/201/37

From…The Rear-Admiral in Charge, H.M.A. Naval Establishments, Sydney.

To…The Secretary, Naval Board, Melbourne.

Date…16 July 1942

Subject… Midget Submarine attack on Sydney Harbour 31 May - 1 June 1942.

  1. Submitted for the information of the Naval Board is the following report on the Midget Submarine Attack on Sydney Harbour, 31 May – 1 June 1942:
  2. Appendices supporting the narrative are attached:
    Appendix I – Chronological sequence of events.
    Appendix II – Sources of information.
    Appendix III – Submarine and Torpedo particulars [not included here].
    Appendix IV – Loop indications and signatures.
    Appendix V – Lessons learnt [not included here].
    Appendix VI – Recommendations for recognition of personnel.
  3. It is considered that four midget submarines participated in the raid. Of these, two are known by their actual Japanese numbers (No. 14 and No. 21). They are thus referred to in the following narrative. The other two unknown midgets are referred to as “MIDGET A” and “MIDGET B” respectively.
  4. It is considered that the force, which attacked Sydney, consisted of five “I” class submarines, four midget submarines, and one, possibly two, float planes.
    These were:
    “I” 21 (Float plane)
    “I” 24
    “I” 22
    “I” 27
    “I” 29 (Possibly float plane)
    Midget No. 14
    Midget No. 21
    “Midget A”
    “Midget B”
  5. The attack was possibly preceded by aerial reconnaissance, which may have been carried out on 19, 30 and 31May.


  1. A reconnaissance of Sydney Harbour, especially the Naval Anchorage area, was carried out by one biplane single float plane at approximately 0420K/30 May.
  2. Allied warships in Sydney Harbour at that time included the following:
    No. 1 Buoy – HMAS “CANBERRA”
    No. 2 Buoy – USS “CHICAGO”
    No. 4 Buoy – USS “PERKINS”
    No. 5 Buoy – USS “DOBBIN”
    No. 6 Buoy – HMAS “BUNGAREE”
    Birt’s Buoy – HMS “KANIMBLA”
    Off Robertson Point – HMAS “AUSTRALIA” [sic - “HMAS WESTRALIA”]
  3. The plane, which was burning navigational lights, approached the harbour from a northerly direction, flew over the Naval Anchorage; circled the USS “CHICAGO”twice, and departed in a due east direction.


  1. The contents of Midget No. 21 (ample food supplies, first aid kit, charts, lists of call signs etc.) suggest that this was by no means regarded as a “suicide” venture.
  2. The establishment of “picking up dispositions”, rendezvous at which midgets were to rejoin their parents, had been made. Five of such rendezvous were spaced at fairly regular intervals (an average of eighteen miles apart) two to the northward and three to the southward of Sydney.
  3. The waiting parent submarines were in each case spread two miles apart on a line of bearing at right angles to the coast line.


  1. Weather conditions were reported outside the Heads at 1900K as – sea rough, moderate swell, wind S. by W. force 4, dark and overcast. The moon was full and rose at 1813K. Dawn on Monday, 1 June, was at 0545K; high tide 2125K, height 6 feet.
  2. Four midget submarines (Midget 14, Midget 21, “Midget A” and “Midget B”) were released (from “I” Submarines 22, 24, 27, and 29) off Sydney Heads, a short distance to seawards, but outside the loop area, during the afternoon of Sunday, 31 May.

MIDGET NO. 14 [I-27]

  1. The first attempt at entry was made by Midget No. 14. and was unsuccessful. She crossed the loop 2001 and, by 2015, was caught in the nets (centre portion, close to Western Gate). She was unable to free herself, and blew herself up at 2235. Her propellers were thickly covered with grease when the wreck was recovered. No food had been touched, neither had sanitary utensils been used.

“MIDGET A” [I-24]

  1. The second entry was made by “Midget A”. She crossed the loop at 2148, and entered the harbour unobserved.
  2. “Midget A” was not sighted until 2252. She was then sighted by “CHICAGO” and a ferry in the proximity of Garden Island. She was also sighted by Dockyard Motor Boat “NESTOR” and an officer on Ferry Wharf, Garden Island, at the same time. She was then close to Garden Island (200 yards off ) and proceeding towards the Harbour Bridge.
  3. “Midget A” was fired on by “CHICAGO” and apparently turned towards North Shore instead of proceeding further up the harbour. She was next sighted at 2310 from the Oil Wharf at Garden Island (by the A.M.S. Vessels “WHYALLA” and “GEELONG”), in the direction of Bradley’s Head. They fired at her and kept the area under observation with searchlights for half an hour.
  4. “Midget A” fired two torpedoes from the direction of Bradley’s Head at 0030. One of these failed to explode, after running ashore on Garden Island. The other passed under the Dutch submarine K-9, which was lying alongside “KUTTABUL” at Garden Island, hit the sea bottom and exploded, sinking “KUTTABUL”.
  5. It is presumed that these torpedoes were fired at “CHICAGO” at No. 2 Buoy, who was about to slip and proceed. The dock floodlights, which would have silhouetted “CHICAGO” were extinguished just before the torpedo was fired. “Midget A” then escaped, passing over the loop on her exit from the harbour at 0158.

“MIDGET B” [I-22]

  1. “Midget B” made an unsuccessful attempt to enter the harbour but failed to reach the effective loop (No. 12) or, consequently, the boom. She was sighted by “YANDRA” (the duty A/S Vessel on patrol within the Loop Area) and later by “LAURIANA” who illuminated her until intercepted between the Heads, at 2254, by “YANDRA”.
  2. Two separate attacks were carried out by “YANDRA” on “Midget B” during a period of nine minutes, starting from the time she attempted to ram the submarine at 2258 until her second attack – a full pattern of six depth charges – at 2307.
  3. It is considered that “Midget B” was destroyed by this second attack, in position 023O 3.6 cables from Hornby Light.

MIDGET No. 21 [I-22]

  1. Midget No. 21 entered the harbour at 0301, at which time she crossed No. 12 Loop. She proceeded up the harbour unobserved until she reached the Bradley’s Head vicinity. Here she was sighted by “KANIMBLA” and fired on at 0350 and gave rise to the unconfirmed contact made by “DOOMBA” off Robertson Point at 0450.
  2. She was detected in Taylors Bay and attacked with depth charges, first by “SEA MIST” at 0500, then by “YARROMA” and “STEADY HOUR” intermittently until 0827. The effect of these attacks was clearly shown in the great amount of damage done to Midget No. 21, which was evident in the wreck when it was recovered. It is probable that the first attack caused the submarine to run into the bottom, because the lower bow cap was damaged and both caps were jammed, although set to release. The torpedo tubes had both been fired, although the bow caps had jammed on release. The lower tube had been fired with the external adjustment fittings engaged, and these had sheared off when the torpedo moved in the tube. This suggests that an attempt to fire was made in a hurry, and was prompted by, or interrupted by, the depth charge attacks. The tubes can be fired only from the Control Room; the release of the bow caps can be carried out only from Forward; other operations on the tubes may be carried out from the Control Room or the forward compartment.
  3. Both members of the crew were shot through the head; the demolition charges had been fired but the fuses (sic) were drowned. It is possible that the junior member of the crew had attempted to escape, as he was found with his boots off. The Captain was wearing boots. This suggests that an early depth charge attack damaged the midget, and later ones progressively wrecked her.


  1. It is, then, considered that four midget submarines attempted to enter the harbour, of which only two – “Midget A” “Midget 21” succeeded in passing the boom, and of which one – “Midget A” – got away again.
  2. The other three midget submarines were destroyed: Midget 14 in the net at 2235/31. “Midget B” between Heads at 2307/31. Midget 21 in Taylors Bay between 0500 and 0827/ June.

Signed G. C. Muirhead-Gould



2000 Recorded crossing on No 12 Loop.
2015 (approx.) Watchman sighted suspicious object in the nets near Sheerlegs – Western Channel. Watchman and mate proceeded in skiff to investigate.
2130 (approx.) Watchman proceeded to “YARROMA” and reported suspicious object. (“YARROMA” was duty Channel Patrol Boat at West Gate.) “YARROMA” would not approach owing to fear that object was a magnetic mine.
2148 Recorded crossing on No 12 Loop.
2152 “YARROMA” reported “Suspicious object in net” and was told to close and give full description.
2210 “YARROMA” reported object was metal with serrated edge on top, moving with the swell. “YARROMA” was ordered to give fuller description.
2220 (approx.) Stoker from “YARROMA” sent in Maritime Services Board skiff to investigate and reported object as a submarine. “LOLITA” closed “YARROMA” Captain Bode, “CHICAGO”, left TRESCO with suggestions that he should go to sea with “PERKINS”.
2227 N.O.C.S. to All ships, Sydney – “Take A/S precautions.” Port closed to outward shipping.
2230 Watchmen sent back to work. “YARROMA” reported – “Object is submarine. Request permission to open fire.” “GOONAMBEE” ordered to proceed forthwith to investigate object at West Gate. Second Duty Staff Officer proceeded to CPBs not duty. (“GOONAMBEE” was duty M/S Vessel in Watsons Bay.)
2235 “YARROMA” reported submarine had blown up.
2236 N.O.C.S. TO GENERAL - “Presence of enemy submarine at boom gate is suspected. Ships are to take action against attack.”
2252 “LAURIANA” noticed flurry on water ahead to port, investigated with searchlight, which showed conning tower of submarine, distance 60 feet to 80 feet. Signalled Port War Signal Station, Channel Patrol Boat and Minesweeper entering harbour and Channel Patrol Boat at boom. (“LAURIANA” was one of four duty Naval Auxiliary Patrol Boats.) No Response. “CHICAGO” to N.O.C.S. – “Submarine periscope sighted about 500 yards off our starboard bow, heading up the channel.”
2250 to 2253 (approx.) USS “CHICAGO” at No. 2 buoy switched on searchlight and opened fire towards Fort Denison – red tracers (pom-pom). Dockyard Motor Boat “NESTOR” halfway between ferry wharf and No. 2 Buoy noticed disturbance in water 40 yards ahead. “CHICAGO’S” searchlight then illuminated periscope of submarine, coming towards “NESTOR”. Submarine was steering towards harbour bridge 200 yards off Garden Island. Officer on Ferry Wharf saw periscope in “CHICAGO’S” searchlight. Shots falling all around it.
2254 “YANDRA” sighted conning tower 400 yards away 028O-3 cables from Hornby Light. (“YANDRA” was duty A/S Vessel on patrol within Loop Area.)
2255 “YANDRA” approached to attack.
2258 “YANDRA” attempted to ram submarine, which reappeared 100 yards astern, damaged, and slowing turning to starboard. Position 283O 2.5 cables from Hornby.
2259 “YANDRA” carried out A/S Sweep. Negative results.
2300 “GOONAMBEE” proceeded to Watsons Bay to Gate in West Channel. Patrolled Bradley’s Head to Gate. “YANDRA” at West Gate.
2303 “YANDRA” sighted conning tower 600 yards away.
2304 A/S contact obtained. “YANDRA” prepared to attack.
2307 “YANDRA” fired pattern 6 depth charge set to 100 feet. Position 023O3.6 cables from Hornby Light. Submarine was not seen after explosions.
2310 “GEELONG” fired at suspicious object in line to left of Bradley’s Head and, with “WHYALLA”, swept with searching lights for half an hour. (“GEELONG” was A.M.S. refitting alongside oil wharf.) - (“WHYALLA” A/S vessel self refitting alongside “GEELONG”)
2314 N.O.C.S. signal – “All ships to be darkened”
2315 “BINGERA” ordered to immediate notice. (“BINGERA” was Stand Off A/S vessel at No. 7 Buoy.) U.S.S. “PERKINS” slipped and was ordered back to buoy by “CHICAGO” securing again at 2340 to No. 4 Buoy. (“PERKINS” at four hours’ notice at No. 4 Buoy.)
2330 “BINGERA” to N.O.C.S. – “Ready to proceed”
2334 “BINGERA” ordered to “slip and carry out A/S search in harbour. Submarine reported passing – proceeding towards harbour bridge.”
2336 “BINGERA” reported – “Ready to proceed.” Rear-Admiral and Chief Staff Officer proceeded down harbour.
2340 “PERKINS” secured again No. 4 Buoy. “BINGERA” slipped and proceeded up the harbour.
0000 Rear-Admiral and Chief Staff Officer boarded “LOLITA”.
0025 Flood lights new dock extinguished by orders N.O.C.S.
0030 “KUTTABUL” hit by torpedo. All lights on the Island were extinguished by the explosion and the telephones went out of order.
0034 Lights and telephone switchboard, Garden Island, came into service.
0045 “BOMBAY, “WHYALLA” ordered to raise steam. (“BOMBAY” was A.M.S. at four hours’ notice at No. 9 Buoy.)
0045 “PERKINS” slipped.
0103 “BINGERA” ordered to sweep between Bradley’s Head and Garden Island.
0110 >N.O.C.S. – General – “Enemy Submarine is present in the harbour and ‘KUTTABUL’ has been torpedoed.”
0120 >Submarine K-9 slipped and proceeded up harbour in tow. (K-9 was alongside “KUTTABUL”.)
0121 “ADELE” ready. Told to remain at Buoy. (“ADELE” was Stand Off Examination Vessel at Watsons Bay.)
0125 “SAMUEL BENBOW” reported – “Crew at action stations raising steam.” (“SAMUEL BENBOW” was Stand Off M/S Vessel at Watsons Bay.)
0158 Crossing reported on No. 12 Loop.
0214 >“CHICAGO” to N.O.C.S. – “Proceeding to sea.”
0230 “WHYALLA” to N.O.C.S. – “Slipped and proceeding to sea.”
0230 to 0245 Staff Officer, Channel Patrol Boats, received orders to proceed and patrol when ready vicinity Bradley’s Head. “TOOMAREE” – East Boom Gate. “MARLEAN” – West Boom Gate. Stand off Channel Patrol “SEA MIST” – West Boom Gate. Boats at Farm Cove. “STEADY HOUR” to contact Duty CPBs at boom – “LOLITA” and “YARROMA”.
0243 “PERKINS” to sea” reported by P.W.S.S.
0245 “STEADY HOUR” ordered “SEA MIST” to patrol Bradley’s Head – Boom.
0256 ”CHICAGO” to sea” reported by P.W.S.S.
0300 “CHICAGO” reported – “Submarine entering harbour.”
0301 Crossing reported on No. 12 Loop.
0305 “WHYALLA” to sea” reported by P.W.S.S.
0307 N.O.C.S. ordered “BINGERA” – “Carry out A/S patrol in vicinity of ‘CANBERRA’.”
0320 “BOMBAY” reported – “Ready to proceed.”
0335 CPBs proceeded on patrol. Lieutenant Adams embarked in H.M.I.S. “BOMBAY” and proceeded to sea on A/S Search as per N.O.C.S. 1735z/31.
0340 LFB 92 reported sighting submarine five miles off Port Hacking at 0105k/1 June.
0350 >“KANIMBLA” switched on to searchlight and opened fire. “BINGERA” searched area. (“KANIMBLA” was 12 hours’ notice at Burts (sic) Buoy.)
0450 (approx.) “DOOMBA” signalled “BINGERA” about submarine contact off Robertson Point. This was investigated without result. “CANBERRA” signalled unconfirmed sighting torpedo track from Bradley’s Head at 0440. (“CANBERRA” at four hours’ notice at No. 1 Buoy.) (At immediate notice from 0115 (pencilled addition to report).)
0500 “YARROMA” and “SEA MIST” and “STEADY HOUR” all patrolling. Red Verey’s Light seen in Taylors Bay by “YARROMA” and depth charge explosion heard. “YARROMA” proceeded to scene at full speed and en route saw three more Verey Lights and heard further detonations.
0500 (approx.) “STEADY HOUR” sighted suspicious object. Whilst proceeding up West Channel “SEA MIST” attacked and fired Verey light (red). “SEA MIST” reported three submarines.
0500 (approx.) “SEA MIST”, at request of “GOONAMBEE”, investigated suspicious object in Taylors Bay. Fired two depth charges on each occasion firing a red Verey light before so doing. Aldis lamp was used to illuminate target.
0511 N.O.C.S. stopped all sailings from Newcastle and Port Kembla.
0532 “BOMBAY” to sea.
0540 P.W.S.S. reported two red flares, apparently from ship anchored on bank. Rear-Admiral-in-Charge and Chief Staff Officer proceeded down harbour.
0545 “BOMBAY”, “WHYALLA”, “YANDRA” on patrol outside Heads.
0640 “STEADY HOUR” dropped depth charge (“STEADY HOUR”, “SEA MIST” on patrol Chowder Bay – Bradley’s Head.) “STEADY HOUR” dropped second charge and marked buoy in same place.
0658 “YARROMA” picked up A/S contact of submarine – confirmed dropped one charge.
0718 to 0721 “YARROMA” – second attack – one charge. Brown oily tinge in disturbance – oily smear arose.
0725 “STEADY HOUR” reported attacking definite ASDIC contact – oil and air bubbles.
0730 “WHYALLA” and “BOMBAY” joined company and conducted search. C.S.O. proceeded down harbour. On “WINBAH’S” arrival at Taylors Bay: Reported by Commanding Officer, “STEADY HOUR”, that his anchor had caught up in submarine and light oil film and large bubbles clearly visible.
0755 “YARROMA’S” third attack – same attack as 0718-0721.“WHYALLA” and “BOMBAY” joined company and conducted search. C.S.O. proceeded down harbour. On “WINBAH’S” arrival at Taylors Bay: Reported by Commanding Officer, “STEADY HOUR”, that his anchor had caught up in submarine and light oil film and large bubbles clearly visible.(Then stationary.)
0827 “YARROMA” – fourth and last attack – Oil and air bubbles continued to rise.


  1. Documents recovered from Midget 21 (Translated at Navy Office, Melbourne).
    These disclosed the existence of an “Advanced Detachment” comprising:
    Four Surface Vessels.
    Eleven “I” Class submarines: I-10, I-16, I-18, I-20, I-21, I-22, I-24, I-27, I-28, I-29, I-30.
    Eight “Midgets”: 9, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28.
    Call signs for aircraft attached to I-10, I-21, I-29, I-30.
    It is interesting to note that Midget No. 14 is not mentioned.
  2. Charts recovered from Midget 21
    Picking up “Dispositions” apparently placed five “I” class submarines at various rendezvous North and South of Sydney. Therse were: I-21, I-22, I-24, I-27, I-29. Two of these, I-21 and I-29, were allotted aircraft call signs.
    The courses from Sydney to the rendezvous off Broken Bay (shown on photostat of chart attached) led to four “I” class submarines (I-22, I-24, I-27 and I-29), leaving I-21 apparently free to act as leader and possibly with her aircraft in lieu of, and not in addition to, a midget.
    A working chart showed fixes due east of Sydney heads, the seaward one being marked “1625”. These fixes (marked on attached photostat of portion of charts were:
    Outer South Head Light 2600 7.2 miles.
    Outer South Head Light 2530 4.1 miles.
    Outer South Head Light 2470 3.6 miles.
    Outer South Head Light 2600 1.7 miles.
    Courses were marked on a Sydney Harbour chart recovered from Midget No. 21.


Although two loops were in operation (No 11, laid in 14/15 fathoms, and No. 12, laid in 6/7 fathoms) signatures were registered on No 12. only.

Four signatures were observed on this loop, at 2001, 2148, 0158 and 0301. At first these were all believed to indicate inward crossings. Subsequently, however, it was decided that the 0158 signature could have recorded a crossing in the opposite direction from the other three. It has accordingly been taken as an outward crossing. Prints of signature are attached.



The following are recommended to the notice of the Naval Board for their display of zeal and determination throughout the operation:

Mr James Cargill, for his vigilance and initiative and for his personnel efforts to report a suspicious circumstance to the proper authorities; and To a lesser degree Mr W. Nangle who helped him.

Lieutenant A. G. Townley RANVR and the crew of HMAS “STEADY HOUR”.

Sub-Lieutenant J. A. Doyle, RANR(S) and crew of HMAS “SEA MIST”. [Lieutenant R. T. Andrew was in command of Sea Mist at the time.]

Lieutenant J. A. Taplin, RANR(S) and the crew of HMAS “YANDRA”.

Engineer Captain A. B. Doyle, CBE, R.A.N.

Commander (E) C. C. Clark, R.A.N. These officers arrived at the scene minutes after the explosion and commendable fortitude in searching the vessel for any men who might have been trapped. In doing so, they had to wade in deep water and in hazardous conditions in darkness, as it was not known at the time which portions of the decks had been rendered dangerous by the explosion. They rendered assistance to a number of men who had been shocked by the suddenness and force of the action.

Bandsman M. N. Cumming, Official Number, 20501. This rating, who was on board “KUTTABUL” at the time of the explosion, showed determination in diving into the water from the vessel, swimming a few yards and assisting a rating on to “KUTTABUL’S” deck. He also again dived into the water into “KUTTABUL’S” wreckage in order to see whether anyone needed assistance. Although no great courage or endurance was necessary, he displayed commendable initiative.

Mr F. J. Lingard (Torpedo Fitter). For the removal of pistols and primers from torpedoes, and demolition charges from submarines, this work being carried out entirely voluntarily.

The Skipper and crew of Naval Auxiliary Patrol Boat, “LAURIANA”. For prompt action in illuminating submarine.

The Captain and crew of HMAS “YARROMA”. For their part in the sinking of Midget 21. It is considered that this action redeemed, to some extent, their earlier failure.

All personnel of the Dockyard First Aid Party. For their efficient handling of casualties.