‘Sugar Mice (in the Rain)’, Marillion, 1987, EMI

EARLY THE FOLLOWING MORNING Tom entered the office to find Roddy lying on the sagging sofa in Tristesse Books’ Reception area, hiccupping with sobs, staring at the rain running down the window that overlooked the courtyard. The floor immediately surrounding him was scattered with crumpled, tear-filled tissues and stacks of red and blue covered school notebooks. His knees were pulled up to his chest, a copy of Happy Ending propped open on them. He turned the last page, closed the cover and bawled.

‘Oh for … get a hold of yourself, dammit!’ snapped Tom.

‘Gets me every time.’ Roddy held up the book. ‘Three times now.’ He gulped back another wracking sob. ‘That ending …’

Tom snatched the book angrily from him. ‘Don't talk to me about damn endings.’ He gestured to the exercise books on the floor. ‘Now do your marking.’ With that he marched off towards his office. ‘Oh, Jane says hi,’ he called over his shoulder.

The mention of her name triggered a fresh bout of blubbering. ‘That poor lassie,’ Roddy wailed, ‘She must have led such a shocking life to write like that.’

Tom stopped at the end of the short corridor. There was something in what his friend had just said that struck a chord. He wasn't sure what it meant yet, but he had a feeling it was important.

‘What were you saying?’ he asked Roddy.

‘The lonely page, the endless introspection, the mind plagued with funky thoughts. It's how writers tick, isn't it? No misery, no poetry.’ Roddy reached for another tissue and blew his nose loudly.

Tom heeled shut his office door, flopped down in his chair and, muttering a few choice oaths, hurled the offending copy of Happy Ending across his desk, knocking Napoleon to the floor. As he bent to retrieve the fallen emperor his phone rang. He swiped at it irritably.


‘Pandemic Media have upped their offer,’ said Anna, ignoring his bad-tempered tone. ‘But they want an answer by the end of the month.’

He didn't want to hear that, especially not after today. Jane Lockhart had writer's block; their exchange at the Walter Scott had confirmed it. Her new novel wasn't arriving today or any day soon. ‘Anna—’

‘Tom, you're going bankrupt.’

He didn't respond.

‘Did you speak to Jane?’ she asked after a few seconds’ silence.

‘Yes,’ he said eventually. ‘She's very happy. Happier than she's ever been, apparently.’

‘And her novel?’

Happy. A small thought started to form in Tom's mind. Not like a gentle root sprouting from the rich, loamy earth into the warmth of a clear spring sky. Nothing as bright and hopeful as that. This was a thought born in a much darker place; an evil twin of an idea that latched onto his back with scaly fingers and was now pressing hard. Do it. Do. It. As he considered whether or not to pursue the devilish brainwave, he felt the idea already growing.

‘Hello? Tom, you still there?’

He could still hear Anna talking on the other end of the line, but she seemed far, far away. He couldn't do it, could he? It was thoroughly reprehensible, morally repugnant, potentially unforgiveable.

He smiled thinly.

Who was he kidding?

He met up with Roddy that evening at the multiplex on Renfrew Street. It wouldn't have been Tom's first choice, but Roddy had insisted. Roddy had a soft spot for the more mainstream Hollywood offering, especially if it hung on some improbable high concept—sharks in space; the president's a time-travelling robot—or it was part of a series whose sequels had reached upper single digits.

‘I can't believe you actually pay to watch this crap.’

Tom clutched two twelve-ounce Cokes, one of which he could feel leaking stickily over his hand. He looked on with undisguised disgust as Roddy chuted an assortment of synthetic looking pick ‘n’ mix sweets from their hatchery tanks into a cavernous bag.

‘One,’ said Roddy, raising a finger. ‘Don't dismiss Werewolf House 6: This Time It's Were-sonal! until you've seen it, you snobby git. And two. You paid.’ He grinned. ‘Compensation for the benefit of my about-to-be-imparted sage advice.’ Roddy gestured to a shovel laden with yellow and white rubbery sweets. ‘D'you like Fried Eggs?’

‘I'm not eating your disgusting Pick ‘n’ Mix.’

‘OK. What about white chocolate-y mouse things?’

‘Put them back.’

‘But they're so sugary and delicious.’

‘Roddy …’

‘OK, OK. Jeez.’ He closed his eyes, weighed the bag in his hand, went back for another scoop of sour fizzy dummies and waited. Tom realised after a minute that he expected him to pay. Grumbling, he put down the drinks and took out his wallet.

‘What's French for Pick ‘n’ Mix?’ asked Roddy.

‘There is no word in French for this nutritional tragedy.’

Roddy took a long pull on his Coke and smacked his lips. ‘So, what was it you wanted to ask me, Grasshopper?’

Tom manoeuvred him away from the growing line of people, vaguely aware of the surprising number of them eagerly queuing for such a terrible movie franchise. In a low voice he said, ‘I have a problem I believe may be suited to your particular talents.’

‘Top Trumps and badminton?’

Tom was in no mood for jokes. Especially not bad jokes. Which didn't bode well for the looming film experience. He took a deep breath and launched into his plan.

‘Let's say a miserable writer, through the supreme efforts of her publisher, becomes successful and happy. Are you listening?’

Roddy was watching a couple of pretty teenage girls swing past in cut-off shorts up to their bum cheeks. The first girl flicked her blonde highlights in his general direction.

‘Hello, sir.’

‘Amber, Roxanne,’ said Roddy, acknowledging them with a look of cold terror.

‘Out on a school night, sir?’ she said teasingly.

‘This your boyfriend, sir?’ added her friend, thumbing at Tom.

The girls sloped off in giggles through the double doors that led to one of the auditoriums and some movie that they were, on the basis of their interaction with Roddy, about three years too young to see.

‘Say nothing and keep very still—you don't want to antagonise them.’

Tom sighed. ‘Can we get back to my dilemma?’

‘OK, OK. Miserable writer becomes successful and happy—I get it. And?’

‘And being happy she is unable to complete her latest miserable novel. So, in order to help her, the selfless publisher embarks on a course of action to return her to the fragile mental state in which she wrote her highly profitable debut.’

He finished his explanation and looked expectantly at Roddy. His friend mulled over the speech in silence, his thought process evidently aided by chewing a handful of jelly beans.

‘Let me get this right. You want to make Jane Lockhart's life a misery so she'll finish writing her book?’

Tom nodded, gratified not only that his friend had cottoned on to the plan with such alacrity, but moreover that he hadn't reacted with deep moral outrage. At least not yet.

‘That is seriously messed up,’ said Roddy. ‘Do they teach you this stuff in France?’

Tom shrugged. ‘We study a broad curriculum.’

‘You are a deeply warped individual, you do know that?’

‘She'll get over it—she got over me fast enough.’ This was going even better than expected. ‘Now, let's talk about the details. Clearly, it is not practical to have Coldplay on wherever she goes, or force her to sit through an endless loop of Lars von Trier films. So, how do you make someone completely, totally miserable?’

The movie was about to begin. Roddy explained that he couldn't possibly devote mental resources to Tom's question during the imminent werewolf hijinks, but promised to think about it when he was less busy, say when he was teaching the following week.

‘Shall we take our seats?’ said Roddy primly. ‘I believe I hear the bell for the commencement of the first act.’

Reluctantly, Tom followed him inside the auditorium. As they passed through the doors Tom experienced a fleeting pang of guilt at the course of action he was now embarked upon. He reminded himself that Jane wanted to finish her novel as much as he wanted her to finish it; in a way he was lending her a helping hand. Thankfully, any further feelings of compunction were lobotomised by two hours and twenty minutes of werewolf-on-cheerleader action.

It was the middle of the week when Tom rocked up to the West End secondary school where Roddy was substituting. His battered car grumbled across the tarmac, wheezing past a square of artificial turf that served as a games pitch, before collapsing outside the main building in a bay marked Deputy Head. He spent the next few minutes attracting the attention of half the school by repeatedly slamming the driver's door in a futile attempt to lock it. Across the glass-fronted building windows swung open and curious heads craned out to see who or what was making such a racket.

‘Hey!’ A familiar voice hailed him from a second-floor window. ‘Up here,’ called Roddy, gesticulating wildly. ‘Wait there. I'll be right down.’

When he arrived a few minutes later, Tom was already in the entrance foyer, having been buzzed inside the building by a helpful pupil, despite the proliferation of notice-boards plastered with dire warnings about stranger danger and online grooming.

‘So, what have you got for me?’ asked Tom.

‘It's nice to see you too,’ huffed Roddy.

‘Roddy, I don't have time …’

‘OK, OK. Walk with me. I've a few minutes before Wordsworth.’

They headed across the brightly lit entrance and up a central staircase. Endless corridors thronged with pupils moving between classes. They parted for the grim-faced Tom like shoals of fish before a predator.

‘I still don't know why you asked me to help you make Jane's life a misery,’ whispered Roddy as he led them through the library. Inquisitive faces peered out from behind homework books. ‘I've dedicated the last ten years to encouraging young minds, planting hope and aspiration—’

Suddenly, he turned and barked at a small boy with a shifty expression and a permanent marker. ‘Benson, put it away! Stand in the corner! Face to the wall!’ Then muttered under his breath, ‘Little shite.’

When he looked back at Tom, it was with a sheepish air. ‘OK, so maybe I have some experience in the field …’

Roddy's classroom was filling up. Students wandered about the fluorescent room, thumbs flying over their phones as they dispatched breathless texts, probably to each other. Some girls sat on desks, swinging their legs and chatting loudly. Several boys occupied windowsills, heads buried in their mobiles, shooting up aliens (which was at least preferable to just shooting up). The only places not being used for seating were the chairs.

Roddy slid behind his desk and rooted through a pile of books. Shooing away a surly schoolgirl perched on one corner, Tom occupied her vacated spot.

‘So I've given it some thought and I have an idea,’ said Roddy, examining the book spines. ‘There's no point just shouting at her. You've done that. She just shouts back.’

It was true. Jane stood up to him in a way few of his authors ever did. It was a quality in her that he admired, even though it undercut his most potent weapon.

‘Jane is a writer,’ Roddy continued, ‘so the trick is not simply to upset her. You have to get her in the right mood. Ah-ha!’

He tapped the cover and raised an eyebrow. ‘See?’

Tom scowled as he saw what he was holding. ‘Yes, I see. I see Keats. John Keats.’

‘Just listen, will you?’

‘What's the point?’ Tom asked. ‘Your plan involves actual poetry. I think by definition that makes it a shit plan.’

‘You're not getting it,’ said Roddy. ‘It's a special kind of misery you want. Melancholy. That dull sense of dissociation and alienation that's the source of every artist's creativity. It's like drain unblocker for novelists.’

Tom was on the point of launching into another tirade when he paused. Melancholy. Hmm.

‘You know what, that actually makes sense.’ He congratulated himself on his foresight at choosing Roddy to help him with his delicate mission. ‘Yes, very nice. I see where you're coming from.’ A plan was already forming as he made his way to the door and out into the corridor.

Just then the buzzer sounded and Roddy attempted to shepherd his class into their assigned places. ‘Settle down, you lot, settle down.’ He opened another book of poetry. ‘William Wordsworth.’

The class gave a collective groan. Roddy stared them down until they had occupied their seats and some semblance of order had fallen over proceedings.

‘Wordsworth was, of course, the first of the Romantics to use a MacBook Pro …’

By the time Tom reached his car he had settled on a course of action. He knew Jane intimately. Knew what mattered to her. Knew precisely how to get under her skin.

‘One melancholy writer,’ he announced with unconcealed glee, ‘coming up.’