This Dover edition, first published in 1984 in association with the American Liszt Society, contains all the music from the volume F. List, fortepiano, tom IX. Vengerskie rapsodii [volume IX of Liszt’s Works for Piano: Hungarian Rhapsodies], originally published by Izdatel’stvo “Muzyka” [“Music” Publishing House], Moscow, in 1975, under the editorship of fa. Mil’shteĭn.
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Liszt, Franz, 1811-1886.
[Rhapsodies hongroises]
Complete Hungarian rhapsodies.
Reprint. Originally published: F. List, tom IX. Vengerskie . Moscow: Izdatel’ stvo “Muzyka”, 1975.
1. Piano music. I. Title. II. Title: Hungarian rhapsodies. M22.L77R553 1984
International Standard Book Number
Manufactured in the United States by Courier Corporation