Seven Minutes in September.

It does not stop.

It just does not stop: Thursday afternoon, in September of 2014, I received seven emails in seven minutes, detailing dozens of cases of recent black mob violence all around the country. Many on video.

This was a week or so before the President’s speech to the Congressional Black Caucus.

Let’s take a tour of seven minutes in September, starting in Cincinnati. A bus full of black students beat two sisters, on video, on the way home from school.180 A few days before that, another bus full of black people beat, then robbed a white man after a Labor Day party. Then they stole a bike. All the time laughing. All of it on high definition video.181

And every story, every YouTube video produces at least one person to say ‘oh yeah, that happens here a lot.’

How about Dayton: Every six months city leaders put on the “Urban Nights” festival in an attempt to persuade the suburbanites that downtown is fun — and safe. Every six months, large groups of black people disrupt the party with fighting, mayhem and property destruction.

In 2014, even the chief of police had to break out the pepper spray to quell a disturbance at Urban Nights. Not to worry, regular large scale fighting is not that big of a deal, says the chief. And, besides, said a local business leader, “the last thing we want is for people to say I’m not coming downtown.”

That is just about the most truth we can expect from business, political and media leaders in Dayton or anywhere else when it comes to black mob violence and how they minimize, ignore and condone it.182

The same email contained details about large-scale black mob violence that closed the Montgomery County fair just a few miles outside of Dayton just a few days before that. A group of black activists called the Street SoulJahz say they have the solution — more programs to give the kids something to do.183

Which is problematic because people involved in black mob violence always look like they are already having such a good time.

How about Antioch, in the San Francisco Bay area: Black mob violence involving hundreds of people at a local shopping center near a school is now so intense and so frequent that McDonald’s and Taco Bell are closing their doors when a nearby school lets out.

The police chief in Antioch said breaking up large-scale violence is not his job. After all, he said, the disturbance happened on private property, and that makes it the job of the property owner, who said that was the job of the school, who said the police were responsible …

And oh yeah: It’s been happening a long time. On video.184

Said one scribe in the local press: “Since 2005 when volumes of Section 8 families moved to Antioch from Oakland and Richmond, the city suddenly became a dangerous city where not only at nights but at days we dare not to walk on streets or even parking lots without bringing a gun!! It is ridiculous!!”

An Oakland fireman recently said a white police officer detained him because of racism that makes white people feel “threatened by black people.” The day after his complaint, video from the cop’s camera showed the fireman was treated with deference and respect after the 40 seconds it took to eliminate him as a suspect in a burglary.

That was just one of at least three recent cases of false allegations of police racism and abuse, all caught on video, also in Los Angeles and Portland, Oregon.185

I get a lot of emails from England, like the one a few months ago where a London nightclub owner said regular and intense black mob violence was responsible for closing down his nightclub — and 15 others over the last six months.186

These are not the ‘pull up a stool and ask Charlie for a cold one’ kind of nightclubs. Rather, these are the multi-story, glittering, upscale experiences where Puff Diddy or whatever his name is now will sell you a bottle of vodka for $150 or more.

This latest episode of black mob violence was not that widespread, but more dramatic nonetheless: A black mob threatened police officers with violence as they tried to subdue a black suspect. One of the mob posted the video on his Facebook page with a message to his “New York homies” that police brutality against black people had now crossed the Atlantic. Judge for yourself: It’s on video.187

They even have the Knockout Game over there:

In Kansas City, Kansas, police spend more time at the schools than many of the students. In the latest video, a black student punches a girl in the face. Another student says violence is so widespread in this predominantly black school that now even the teachers are afraid.188

And oh yeah, that has been happening there a long time.

In Brooklyn, a large group of black people fought, created mayhem and defied police outside the gleaming new Barclay’s Center. No: I do not know what they were doing there other than hurling N-bombs at cops and laughing at the carnage. You figure it out: It's on video.189

In Athens, Georgia on Wednesday, 60 black people fought each other, police and school officials. That’s about it really, other than, oh yeah, it’s been happening there a long time.190

In a St. Louis suburb, a large group of black people have been fighting, destroying property, creating mayhem and generally threatening the well being of this otherwise safe and calm and quiet middle class neighborhood. The center of the mob’s attention: Basketball courts that residents now want to replace with shuffleboard courts.

A black reporter dutifully asked a local politician if he is racist for even considering removing these recreational opportunities for under-served youth. He meekly answered no.191

Also in St. Louis, in nearby Ferguson, the same school district that birthed the newest poster boy for the war on black people in America— Michael Brown — suspended 20 percent of the students in two black schools.192

Including Brown’s alma mater, where they recently observed a minute of silence in his honor at a football game. The coach said he hoped it would restore normalcy to the school.

Last year, a reporter at the Fox affiliate talked with a teacher who described what normal looks like at Ferguson schools: Constant chaos. Constant violence, now spilling over in attacks on teachers. And oh yeah, that has been happening there a long time, said the reporter, as he rifled through a stack of papers documenting recent incidents.193

But to the present, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch was ready with an explanation for the recent bulk removal of black students from black classrooms in the soon to be re-named Michael Brown Memorial High School (OK, I made up that part) in Ferguson: The white teachers were to blame.

“Many new teachers are white and previously taught in more affluent suburban schools,” explained the paper. “Some are struggling to connect with their students, most of whom are black and come from impoverished backgrounds.”194

The penalty for not “connecting” is taunting, harassment and violence so bad that many white teachers quit St. Louis-area schools after the first day of classes.

And oh yeah, that’s been happening there a long time.

Finally in Ferguson, hundreds of black people showed up at a city council meeting to accuse white public officials of racism. And to demand the indictment and conviction of the white police officer who shot Michael Brown.195

And if that did not happen, they promised there would be more black mob violence, even greater than before. They were telling the truth about that, at least.