Letter from a Mom About School.

Another forgotten victim.

Mr. Flaherty,

I am so grateful that someone is reporting on black-on-white violence.

My 22-year old daughter was forced to attend elementary, middle and high school in schools that were majority black, due to racial-based busing in Wake County, NC.  She was assaulted repeatedly at school, and once on the school bus.

The assault on the school bus was so horrifying for her that she literally soiled herself in fear.  She dared to tell a group of black kids on the bus to stop hitting a younger white child in the head and to leave him alone. For that, she was attacked, taken down to the floor of the bus, and stomped on.

She had a footprint on her forehead and when I took her to the urgent care, she had a sprained neck and was covered in bruises. When I took the medical records and photos taken by the doctor to the school and demanded that something be done, I was told that because an ambulance was not needed, it was not considered an assault.

I asked my daughter what the bus driver did while all this was going on, and she said nothing. When I contacted the school, I was told that the bus driver (who was black) had not reported the attack.

The result of the school’s investigation was to subsequently suspend my daughter for the same amount of days as the perpetrators because one of them had a scratch on his leg (where she tried to get away from the attack.)

When my daughter’s friend reported that one of the perpetrators was at school the next day – he was supposed to be suspended – I was told by the school this was none of my business.

In another assault, she was dragged through the cafeteria by her hair, for no reason other than the black girl did not like the way my daughter was dressed.  The school administration – from superintendent down to the bus driver – continually refused to acknowledge these race-based assaults.

In fact, my daughter was simultaneously suspended for the same amount of time as the perpetrators each time because they had “scratches” or “marks” on them where she tried to get away from them during the assault.

I tried to file charges of assault against the perpetrators on the bus, but after the police officer visited the parents of these violent bullies, the safety of my daughter and myself was subsequently threatened through “word of mouth”, and as a single mother, I did not feel prepared to defend us against additional violence, and so their intimidation worked.

I did not file charges.

While many of her friends were moved into private school in order to avoid further attacks, I was a single mother who could not afford to do so.

I begged repeatedly to be allowed to transfer her out of her “assigned” school due to these assaults, however there were so many white students being moved out of these schools by parents who could afford private school, that the school system was not about to allow the loss of one of their “token white” students, and I was refused without explanation.

I was temporarily relieved when the judicial system stated schools could not assign students based on race; however, that was quickly countered by the use of “income-based” assignment...which amounted to the same thing.

While chaperoning school trips, I was called a “white bitch” to my face by black students, and was on the receiving end of numerous threats of violence against me, for no reason other than I was making these kids follow the rules during the trip.

When I went to school officials regarding these incidents that I experienced, I too was told, “Yeah, some of these kids are bad news.”  I was then essentially told to move along...nothing could be done about it.

The last year we lived in this area, I caught a black kid breaking into my car.  He was caught down the street with items from my car and when the officer asked if I wanted to press charges, I said yes.  The kid received 30 days suspended sentence, despite his long record of crimes.

Over the next 3 months we were threatened and intimidated continuously.

Gangs of black boys would stand in front of our house and just stare with their arms folded across their chest.  When I called the police, they would be gone by the time they got there.

My daughter’s car windows were all broken, and a week later our yard was vandalized.  Word was sent to me that more was to come and that it was payback for my choosing to press charges.  One day while I was at work, my daughter came home after early release from school, and found our house violently ransacked and vandalized.

Precious heirlooms from my father, who had recently passed away, were thrown about and shattered. No closet, drawer or shelf was left alone.  Items were thrown all over the house and broken, curtains and clothes were shredded, every room had been destroyed.  Kitchen appliances were smashed and ruined.

Everything of value I had was gone – computers, a camera I used to shoot weddings on the side for extra money, my daughter’s game system, my great-grandmother’s silver, my jewelry box with jewelry left to me by both of my grandmothers.  All gone.

That was it.  That was all we could take.

I took the insurance money and I rented a U-Haul and we collected what belongings were not destroyed, and we left.  I called the bank where I had my mortgage and told them I was sending them the key to the house.

We were so psychologically beat down, that I didn’t even have the emotional strength in me to withstand putting the house up for sale. We left and never looked back.

My daughter is now so scarred from these incidents that she has severe depression, low self-esteem, and does not trust anyone in authority because she went to school officials for support and justice after these incidents, only to receive equal suspension in return due to “zero tolerance” policies.

She is having a very difficult time moving into adulthood because of this.

Please keep up your brave reporting.  People have got to know what is really going on, because the Media will continue to sugar coat it due to political correctness.

Kure Beach, NC