A startling new trend swept newsrooms across the country in 2013: Reporters told the truth about black mob violence.
OK, it was just two reporters and two stories in one week. But it happens so rarely that it seems like a torrent.
Let’s start in Baltimore: Second only to Chicago in the frequency and intensity of black mob violence in its downtown. Second only to Chicago in the unwillingness of the media and police administrators to confront it.
From the Fox affiliate in Baltimore we learned two things in August 2013: Black mob violence in the upscale downtown area is now so bad that even the local press cannot ignore it.695
And that because of this violence, a major company headquartered there is talking about moving out.
The story begins with an August report of a black mob attacking white people in the Little Italy section near downtown. All on video.
First reference: The predators were those troublesome “teens,” as usual. But then this popped out of seemingly nowhere:696
These "mob" crimes are a sensitive subject in the political world. Last year, when Delegate Pat McDonough referred to "Black youth mobs terrorizing Baltimore," he took heat from critics who felt his remarks were racist.
In this case, the mob of teens in Little Italy were African-American, though there is no indication that race was a motive in this most recent assault.
To be accurate, city officials and most media managers are the ones who are the most “sensitive:” They don’t report it. Or even admit it. They get touchy when readers confront them about it.
As we have seen with Halvorsen, they even blame white people for it.
To be fair, victims of the black mob violence are not sensitive, they are angry. And want something done about it. Curiously, they are turning for solutions to the same city officials who deny there is a problem in the first place.
Let me know how that works out.
True to form, the local Fox affiliate repeated the standard mantra that there is no evidence of a racial motive. I just checked and this much is true: Members of the violent black mob carried no signs. Issued no press releases. Did not chant: “Burn, baby, burn.”
But this is also true: The mob violence in downtown Baltimore is a black thing. All the mobs are black. Most of the victims are white, or immigrant shop owners. And it happens a lot.
Surely that means something. Surely the pattern speaks to motivation. At least one reporter at the Washington Post thinks patterns speak to motives.
Calling Mary Curtis. Calling Mary Curtis. You are needed in Baltimore.
Some Baltimore readers said ‘oh yeah, this has been happening for a long time.’ Said Keith Scott Williams in the readers’ comment section:
Same thing happened when Trayvon was killed. There were 4 large groups of over 100 young people during St Patty's Day trolling Federal Hill and the Point for retribution. One police officer requested over the mic that the National Guard be called out to control the groups but then was told to shut up by the Chief.
“It is not racially motivated? Seriously?” asked Bill Fisher.
Seriously. (And oh by the way, see if you can find a story of large groups of black people creating a riot on March 17, 2013.)
Let’s leave Baltimore and The Sun for Bloomington and the Pantagraph.
Illinois: The headline sets the stage, but does not really prepare us for the rare journalistic event to come: (Bloomington Police Department) warns against walking alone at night after attacks.697The story starts out slowly, with the usual reference to racially ambiguous crowds wreaking havoc:
Several recent reports of people being attacked by groups of young men have prompted the Bloomington Police Department to issue a warning about walking alone late at night and in the early morning hours.
In the news business, they call this the “nut graph:”
The suspects, police said, are traveling in groups of three or more and have been described as black men in their late teens or early 20s.
Three or more? As in 30 or 300 or 3,000?
In Bloomington, like Baltimore, we don’t learn how many attacks there have been. Or how many people are in the mob. Other than lots and lots.
One resident whom the Pantagraph chose not to identify said she’s had family members and neighbors hurt in the attacks.
“There have been several and I don’t think all of them are being reported,” she said. “People need to be aware there is danger out there, and these groups are doing some crazy stuff. It’s an important issue and people are getting hurt.”
The paper reported several strategies to avoid black mob violence. Most involve staying inside and locking your doors. Not on the paper’s list is the once tactic people use that some say works the best:
“If you are in an area where your life is threatened when you walk out the door, you should acquire a Concealed Carry Weapons permit,” said Steve Kates, an Arizona expert in self defense and the host of the Phoenix talk show A Call to Rights.
“Then you should learn how to use a weapon to defend yourself if you are confronted with a life-threatening situation. As many of these mobs are. Everything else is just begging for mercy. And that is the worst tactic of all.”
Kates urges his Phoenix listeners -- and now people in Bloomington as well -- to “refuse to be a victim.”
Let’s move from one center of intense and frequent black mob violence-- Bloomington -- to another: Omaha. Forgive me for being surprised, again.
During the same week that Bloomington finally admitted it had a problem, a group of “rowdy” and “violent” and “dangerous teens” took over a park in Omaha. The local newspaper and TV and news stations did not report if race had anything to do with the presence of the teen mob.698
Nor did they tell us how they knew so much about the ages of the people who are terrorizing this neighborhood.
The reader comments are not much help: They are either absent or completely scrubbed of any reference to the race of the predators or the victims.
But we do know it has been happening for years. And the police say it is the neighbor’s fault for allowing it to happen because they now stay away from the park.
Maybe they were part of the “gangs” of 20-30 black kids (who) had been harassing shopkeepers and customers, stealing and more in local malls over the Christmas season,” WND reported in January, quoting a resident of Omaha. Her friend “quit not long after as she said it has become scary and no one from the property owners, police will do anything about it.”
In Omaha? Yes, Omaha.
From Louisville, a WND reader sends this along from WDRB News:Black mob arrested in Kentucky attack:699
Police say 18-year-old Brejon L. Ford and three accomplices approached a man and attacked him. According to the arrest warrant, Ford punched the victim in the face.
As the victim was walking away, police say one of the suspects hit him with a tree log.
Police say Ford and his accomplices then began hitting the victim several times in the head with their fists, all the while calling him names including "honky," "cracker," and "white trash."
Guess that makes three.
By the way, there’s your evidence of racial motivation: people using racial epithets right?
Right? Right?
Aamador? Jennifer?
So many questions. So few snarky reporters to answer them.