Academic Reports Are In: You Are a Racist.

And disagreeing is proof positive.

Behind every denier of racial violence is a bogus academic report that shows white racism is big, getting bigger, is everywhere, all the time. And causing all the violence that on alternate days they say does not exist.

And a lot of this research is bogus. It is so bogus, I had to repeat the word bogus.

We already started on some of this: The chapter on John Conyers and the made up studies about white people and black people using dope in the same amount. Let’s look at a few more.

How about this fairy tale from Science Daily from 2013, and picked up by editors all across the country: “Smart enough to know better: Intelligence is not a remedy for racism.”

Or how another magazine put it: “How Smart People Hide Their Racism. 749

Let’s get to the conclusions first, then work backward. You know, just the way the “researcher” did: 750

Smart people are just as racist as their less intelligent peers -- they're just better at concealing their prejudice, according to a University of Michigan study.

"High-ability whites are less likely to report prejudiced attitudes and more likely to say they support racial integration in principle," said Geoffrey Wodtke, a doctoral candidate in sociology. "But they are no more likely than lower-ability whites to support open housing laws and are less likely to support school busing and affirmative action programs."

So if you do not support mandatory racial quotas and race-based busing, you are a racist.

Got it?

And as for racism from Eskimos or black people or Asians, we’ll stick to don’t ask don’t tell.

Here’s another: loved this one: In a lab they showed some people some words, then pictures, then they correlated them: 751

“Together, our results provide strong converging evidence for the role of perceptual bias as a mechanism through which economic scarcity enhances discrimination and contributes to racial disparities.”

Perceptual bias? Of course! I smell a Critical Race Theory Fellowship in Hawaii.

Now go back and read the last two paragraphs and instead of the word perceptual, insert the word perpetual, as my computer just tried to do. Weird how it does not change the meaning. Onward.

Ann Coulter has her own favorite bogus study on race: One that shows that the jackboots in our highway patrols are systematically stopping and harassing black drivers For No Reason What So Ever.

Including, famously, former Attorney General Eric Holder. Let’s cut to Coulter752:

As is usually the case with bogus race studies, the pivotal 1993 survey compared speed stops on the New Jersey turnpike to the population of all drivers on the turnpike – not with the population of all speeders on the turnpike.

Such meaningless studies are popular on the left, where it is assumed that people of different races, genders, and ethnicities will always behave identically in all respects.

If fewer women pass the physical test to become firefighters, that can only be because of sexism. If fewer blacks pass the written test — that’s racism. If fewer whites play professional basketball — no, forget that one. Sports are important. (Unlike arson or vehicular homicide.)

Nonetheless, based on the assumption that blacks speed just as much as whites — because to believe otherwise would be racist! — Temple University’s John Lamberth announced that while only 13.5 percent of drivers along a particular stretch of the New Jersey Turnpike were black, 46 percent of those stopped for speeding were black.

And over at, Daniel Greenfield has his own favorite nominee for worst performance in a study that is supposed to show something meaningful: Racism makes people fat.753

Racist microaggressions cause black people to eat fast food and avoid exercise. If you say so, Rutgers.

In Chicago, the Amalgamated Transit Union was trumpeting a University of Chicago report called: Density for All: Linking Urban Form to Social Equity. The money quote:

The disparity in commute times for low wage African-Americans workers in Chicago as compared to others is the product of a country with a huge and growing urban population, yet no serious urban transportation agenda except to benefit the rich, say union leaders.

No discussion of goofy academic research would be complete without featuring some news from the National Education Association -- which is to racial education what roller derby is to ice-skating. Let’s check in with them to see what they are telling their members to take to the classroom.

Here’s the lead sentence from a 2013 article in the NEA journal called “Is Higher Education Propping Up White Privilege?”754

White racial privilege still exists in America—did you doubt it? The latest proof is an extensive study from Georgetown University.

It shows that black students are under represented in the “most selective schools” and are more likely to go to “open access schools.” Here’s the money quote: “the report’s authors acknowledge that their findings do serve as justification for race-based admissions in colleges.”

To its credit, the NEA story did acknowledge one curious fact: The teachers at these crappy public schools who are short changing our underserved, underprivileged, under-everything black students? They are NEA members.

Here’s my favorite one that got tons of attention from around the country: “Study Links White Racism with Opposition to Gun Control.”

These researchers say white people who hold “implicitly anti-black attitudes” are more likely to support that crazy ass second amendment.

But whoa! What are these implicit (!) anti-black attitudes?

Most articles did not really answer that question. So you have to go to the source and dig down past the conclusions, past the urgent calls for more race-based solutions, past the demands for more free stuff and find out.

So is it membership in the Klan? No.

Support for segregation in schools and housing? No.

None of that.

These poindexters found “racist attitudes that are not overt, but nevertheless color one’s view of the world.”

They call it “symbolic racism.”

Or in technical terms: ‘We just made this silly stuff up.’

And here is how they figured that out: “Participants answered four questions taken from the Symbolic Racism Scale. Specifically, they expressed their level of agreement or disagreement (on a one-to-five scale) with statements such as: 755

It’s really a matter of some people not trying hard enough; if blacks would only try harder they could be just as well off as whites.

Irish, Italian, Jewish and many other minorities overcame prejudice and worked their way up.  Blacks should do the same.

How much discrimination against blacks do you feel there is in the United States today, limiting their chances to get ahead?

Generations of slavery and discrimination have created conditions that make it difficult for blacks to work their way out of the lower class.

Over the past few years, blacks have gotten less than they deserve.

Answer these the wrong way and -- like getting your AARP membership on your 52nd birthday, like it or not -- you’ll be receiving your honorary Klan membership in the mail.

Try this test: What will happen if you do these five things:

Stay out of jail.

Graduate from high school.

Don’t have a child unless you are married.

Stay off drugs, and

Get a job, any job.

Give up? Answer: You will not be poor.