Way back at the beginning of this book, you read about violence against immigrants and refugees in Rochester.
Black mob violence against immigrants is hardly unique to Rochester. It is happening all over the country against all sorts of immigrant groups.791
In San Francisco, the headline tells the story: “Dirty secret of black on Asian violence is out,” said the Chronicle in 2010. "In 85 percent of the physical assault crimes, the victims were Asian and the perpetrators were African American.792
The paper said police are to blame because they “seem intent on downplaying the role of race.” And all this time people like me have been blaming reporters for doing the same thing. Go figure.
Hispanics are targets too. Here is 2008 headline from the SF Weekly: Epidemic of Violence Against SF Day Laborers. “It’s happening to everyone,” said one victim.793
In Connecticut, the 2013 headline says it all: “Gang Terrorizes Immigrants” in Stamford.794
The local Fox affiliate also reported “In a New Jersey town several years ago, teenagers were traveling there from New York to prey upon immigrants, beating them up and mugging them on a regular basis.”
Maybe they were talking about Englewood, where in 2013, NorthJersey.com reported “a disturbing pattern of attacks against Hispanic immigrants in the city.”795
Occasionally the attacks even rise to the level where black media cover them. In 2010, MSNBC’s black web site, the Grio, said a series of black on Hispanic attacks in New York was the result of “tensions between blacks, Hispanics.” Hispanics are “afraid of being targeted by blacks while walking on the street,” said the Grio.796
They got that half right.
That is a curious way to describe racial violence from one group to another. No one would say that Emmett Till was murdered because of racial tensions between white and black.
Or how about the relentless racial violence that happened for years at South Philadelphia High School, black on Asian?797
Or how about this story from Spring Valley, New York in May of 2012: 798
“Three Hispanic day laborers were severely beaten early Wednesday by three black men during a robbery, leaving one in a drug-induced coma because of head injuries and his brother in serious condition.”
And oh yeah: It’s been happening there for a long time:799
The robbery continues a pattern of day laborers being attacked for their money in the village.
Similar stories of black on immigrant crime are easy to find in Philadelphia, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Dallas, Brooklyn, Minneapolis, Georgia: How many examples would you like? How many cities are immigrants and refugees settled in the ghetto? That is how many there are.
In Philadelphia, a web site called IslandMix.com reported that Liberian immigrants were the objects of frequent and intense racial violence. "It's been going on for a quite a while," said Sekou Kamara, 25, a Liberian immigrant and Temple University student who runs a music and video store. "It's just the first time we've seen it in the newspapers."800
Academic enablers follow black mob violence like mushrooms in a cow pasture. Let’s listen to this fabulist employed as a professor at Yale University. His name is Elijah Anderson.
Talking in Philadelphia Weekly about black on Asian crime in schools that at one point sent 13 people to the emergency room in one day from one school, Anderson denied there was any particular problem with black on immigrant crime:801
“It’s a human thing. It could be Asians who get jumped. It could be blacks. It could be white, Italian, Jewish, whatever, if you know what I mean. This is not unique to blacks and Asians.”
He’s a busy guy; he gets a lot of awards for saying stuff like this. 802
So did Walter Duranty. So does Jennifer.