Chapter-by-Chapter Changes
The boxed reading on abnormal membrane potentials wasconverted into regular text to highlight this material.
The analogy for saltatory conduction of action potentials wasrewritten to be more relatable to everyday life.
Projection in the somatic sensory cortex has been rewritten and anexample of knowing where to slap a mosquito has been added.
Clinical Impact on ALS has been updated to include rates ofprogression of the disease, with the example of StephenHawking.
Chapter 12
The Stretch Reflex section has been rewritten to match theProcess Figure. Importantly, the section now begins with thereadily recognized knee jerk reflex to describe the stretch reflex.The knee jerk had previously been a Clinical Impact.
Reciprocal innervation has been rewritten to emphasize that itreinforces the withdrawal reflex by allowing the coordinatedcontraction of flexor muscles and relaxation of the opposingextensor muscles.
Text was rewritten so that information on innervationand function was consistently introduced upfront foreach nerve.
Clinical Impacts were updated (Bionic Sensors), renamed tohighlight the relevant disorder (Crutch Paralysis, Funny Bone),or integrated into the text (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome).
Chapter 15
Improved accuracy of Neural Pathways for Olfaction.
Chapter 16
Revised section 16.6, Functional Generalizations Aboutthe Autonomic Nervous System, to fully describe eachgeneralization relative to the information presented inthe chapter.
Chapter 17
The “Learn to Predict” questions were separated from thevignette for clarity.
Rewrote the analogy about the difference between the nervoussystem and the endocrine system using twitter as a deliverysystem.
Table 17.2 was completely revised for clarity. New figures forhormone molecules replaced the previous figures. The table isalso now more clearly laid out.
Figure 17.5 was edited to show a portion of the blood streamand the relationship for Ca
-regulating hormone secretion.
The boxed reading of agonists and antagonists was integratedinto the chapter text to better highlight this information.
Chapter 13
Development of the CNS now includes an expandeddescription of the notochord. In addition, the anatomical termsin table 13.2 are now matched to the text.
Reticular formation role in arousal and awareness is nowincluded.
Hypothalamic functions have been clarified.
Clinical Impact on traumatic brain injuries has been updatedto include professional athletes and portions have beenintegrated into the text since this is an increasingly relevantpathology.
The clinical importance of hemorrhagic bleeding has beenemphasized by moving this information from a Clinical Impactinto the main text in the Blood Supply to the Brain section.
The clinical importance of the blood-brain barrier has beenemphasized by inclusion of material previously in the ClinicalImpact on Drugs and the Blood-Brain Barrier.
Chapter 18
Used heat map to target areas of difficulty for students.
Explanations were clarified and comparisons to everydaysituations and structures were made to allow for greaterunderstanding.
Etymologies were given where helpful.
The “Learn to Predict” questions were separated from thevignette for clarity.
Clarified the explanation of releasing and inhibiting hormones.
Revised figure 18.12 for consistency.
Revised figure 18.7 for consistency.
Added a “Microbes in Your Body ” boxed reading.
Chapter 14
The section on Sensation has been revised with changes inTable 14.1. For example, the field sobriety test as an example ofproprioception has been added.
Likewise, the section on Sensory Receptors has similarly beenrevised.
The section on Sensory Pathways, especially the AnterolateralSystem, has been revised to more closely follow the figures.
Figures 14.8, 14.9, and 14.10 have been clarified by inclusionof numbers to more easily follow the sensory pathway.Figure 14.10 has been simplified by removing anatomicalsections not included in the posterior spinocerebellar tract.
Chapter 19
Revised figure 19.1 clearly identifying buffy coat in centrifugedblood sample.
Revised ABO Blood Group to better explain the nomenclatureof antigens, antibodies, and blood types.