Inferior view
FIGURE 13.15 Inferior Surface of the Brain, Showing the Origins of the Cranial Nerves
The facial nerve (VII) is somatic motor, sensory, and para-sympathetic in function. It controls all the muscles of facialexpression, a small muscle in the middle ear, and two hyoidmuscles. It is sensory for the sense of taste in the anteriortwo-thirds of the tongue (see chapter 15). The facial nerve suppliesparasympathetic innervation to the submandibular and sublingual
salivary glands of the mouth and to the lacrimal glands ofthe eye.The vestibulocochlear (ves-tib′ ū -l ō -kok′l ē - ă r) nerve (VIII), like the olfactory and optic nerves, is exclusively sensory and trans-mits action potentials from the inner ear responsible for the specialsenses of hearing and balance (see chapter 15).