The idea and support for this book came from Richard Warner who has a unique passion and drive in providing nutrition information for the wider public. We are also grateful to our editor, Richenda Milton-Thompson, for guiding us throughout the process with her customary wisdom, patience and understanding. Over much of the eighteen months, she has coped admirably with having three authors in entirely different places, geographically, professionally and domestically.
A special acknowledgment is due to Annie Cassidy for her extensive work on earlier drafts of several chapters in the present book. She was an invaluable co-author on our previous book and has had a most positive influence on this one.
We have been fortunate to have a number of expert professional and patient advisers who have helped us in planning, writing and reviewing the book. They have been so generous in giving their time to review the manuscript and the book has benefited enormously from their insightful comments and contributions. We are also very grateful to those people who contributed and tested recipes for the cookery section of the book and to those who have helped in other ways. Particular thanks go to Yajnik Bhageerutty, Naomi Cohen, Gillian Green, Michael Green, George Hartley, Sam Kanisius, Clare Jackson, Ronnie Jackson, Althea Mahon, Andrea McManus, Helen Millar, Freddy Rebello, Joe Ross, Sirak Sargent and Paul Slater.
We greatly appreciate the help and support of our renal and dietetic colleagues at St George’s Hospital, London and at Middlemore Hospital, New Zealand. A heartfelt thanks also goes to our friends and families for their unstinting love, help and support. Without all of them, this book would have never been completed (although some of the younger members could have been a little more obliging at times).
Last, but not least, we are grateful for the invaluable experience gained through our work as renal dietitians in sharing the questions, knowledge and advice of people living with chronic kidney disease. They have informed us and inspired us in writing this book. We hope that, in return, we have succeeded in helping to make eating for health as easy and enjoyable for a far greater number of people than we, as clinicians, could ever hope to see.
Helena Jackson, Claire Green and Gavin James
London, 2009