Chapter Thirty-Four

All her life, Livvy had heard expressions that she did not understand. Things like, “I know it was a bad idea, but I was so hot for him I couldn’t stop myself,” or, “She’s horrible to me, but I just can’t help myself. I keep going back.”

Rubbish! she would think. People lacked discipline and nothing more. If you didn’t want to do it, you just didn’t.

No matter how tempting some things could be, mastery of the self was all that was needed to resist any urges that were bad for you.

As she twisted under Radoo, she understood all of it. Deep in her stomach was an instinctive, nasty tangle that held caution in it. She had been with people before, and she knew sex could be mindless fun or fulfilling in an intimate sense. But she had never been so excited by someone that she couldn’t think straight.

Now she knew. Her pussy was burning, aching, and pounding all at once. Her nipples were dangerously sharp points, and her hands seemed more sensitive than usual, as if she could absorb Radoo through her palms.

She wriggled under him as he fought to pull her pants off while his lips and teeth nipped at her breasts. She grabbed the back of his head and held his face between her breasts, and when he moaned with pleasure, she felt it vibrate through her like a cascade of fire.

Radoo leaned back on to his knees and grabbed the waistband of her pants, tugging them off. When he stood up and yanked on them, he lifted her bodily from the ground. As the tight pants peeled off her calves, she tumbled to the desert sand, laughing with excitement.

Radoo put his hands on her shoulders and pressed his hips toward her. She flicked her legs out to wrap them around him and wriggled, trying to grind on his incredibly huge cock. He grinned and pressed forward with his hips, but he was very careful not to move too fast.

Livvy grabbed his shoulders and pushed against him, almost pulling herself up off the ground in her desire to join them together. She saw Radoo blinking hard as he fought for control.

“Don’t, my love,” she whispered. “Just let go.”

“But, Livvy,” he touched her cheek as he looked into her eyes, “I want to be careful with you. From the first moment we met I’ve held back. I have to treat you gently.”

“Radoo.” Her voice was rough with tears that threatened to well in her eyes. “My body wants yours—no, it needs it. I’ve never felt like this before. I accept that we are made for each other and we will spend the rest of our lives together. I know you are burning to claim me, and my body is begging to be claimed.”

Begging was not the right word. Livvy felt that if he didn’t throw himself on her soon, she would have to flip them over and take him.

He kissed her and tried to keep it gentle, but she pressed them together and thrust her hips at him. She felt his huge cock press against her throbbing lower lips and she literally lost her mind. She thrashed and scratched at him with her nails until he finally pressed down on her shoulder to give himself balance as he thrust himself in.

With one long, hard stroke, he slid all the way to the end of her. She let out a strangled gasp and they both paused, completely still. She could feel him pulsing within her and all the deep and mysterious muscles that lived deep inside her gripped him and poured with her juices as they spasmed against him.

Livvy was still caught in rapture when he started to move. She let her head drop back and her body lie loosely in the sand as he thrust with his hips in a slow, even rhythm. He bent his head to her shoulder and made small cries through his gritted teeth as his body shuddered and shivered in response to her lust.

He stopped to kiss her, and Livvy felt his cock swelling further and stretching her. The sensation was so exquisite she moaned and thrashed under him. Her pussy clamped tightly against him until there was no space left between them. She was soaking wet and she knew she had never been aroused like this in her life.

Her body had become a sweaty, hot, hungry thing. She could barely think, and she didn’t want to. While Radoo kept up his careful, slow thrusting, Livvy slowly lost all control until she was gasping and mumbling, thrashing against the sandy ground. When Radoo sat up a little, she saw his teeth glinting in the dark. Even though she knew he was only grinning, the sight of those teeth did something to her.

Even though lust exploded within her and her pussy pumped with more juice, her joints and limbs went loose. Some part of her was responding to his teeth like a rabbit to a hawk. As the flood of adrenaline sang through her and left her weak and soft, Radoo growled, and it echoed across the desert for miles around.

She felt the moment when he lost control. Something about the final barrier coming down inside her sent him straight over the edge. He growled again as he ran his lips and tongue from her neck to her chest. He stopped thrusting and grabbed her hips, running his hands up her side to grope her breasts and tease the nipples between his tongue and his teeth. When she responded with breathy, plaintive cries he growled again and shuffled back, grabbing her legs and throwing her onto her stomach. Livvy felt a sharp stab of nervousness in her gut, but before it could take hold Radoo had grabbed her hips and pierced her swiftly from behind.

From this position his cock pressed so hard into the end of her pussy that she screamed, a ringing wave of sound that put Radoo’s growls to shame. She was aching. She was burning. That spot inside her felt tight and bruised and she knew that only he could reach it.

She rested her face on her hands, weakness and tingling flooding her limbs as she gave herself up to his momentum. She was experiencing the real Radoo now, the force that existed beyond his exterior. She was bare, wet and open, giving him everything while he joyously gave it back to her.

Livvy let thought fade from her mind. No matter how intense the experience, whether it was flying a jet or blowing up a mine, she had never lost control. She had never allowed the sensations in her body to override her rational mind.

She didn’t even make a conscious decision to let go. Her mental control was pounded out of her one thrust at a time. Radoo held her hips and increased his speed and power while Livvy relaxed more with each swing of his body.

She felt her pussy trembling and squeezing his cock. Breathy gasps rose in her throat and soon she was crying out, scratching at the sand with her fingers. Radoo let out a roar that shook the air, his cock swelling up inside her so much that neither of them could move.

Livvy was aware of her cheek resting on the cool sand. Her mind was empty, and no thoughts followed. There was only Radoo, his passion and his body, which was joined to hers utterly and completely.

As he finished spilling his hot seed inside her, he let her slip to the ground, and Livvy felt him fall beside her. She reached out and put her arms around his neck, pulling their bodies back together.

Livvy was still free of any conscious thought. Only instinct led her hand to his belly and then to his cock. She knew if she kept going, she might never stop, but that didn’t matter. She was whole and complete, and she would never be alone again.