Huge thanks to two amazing people: my incredible agent Jennifer Christie from Graham Maw Christie and my talented editor Fiona Crosby of Michael Joseph. Without these two visionary women this book might not have made it into print. Also Jane Graham Maw, for her help and hospitality. I can’t thank Richenda Todd enough for her meticulous copy-editing, she was a pleasure to work with, and Angela Harding, whose artistic skills have created this beautiful cover. I’m also incredibly lucky to be working with the many other wonderful people at Michael Joseph; their enthusiasm is uplifting.
For all their patience and generosity as we sofa-surfed through their lives, I’ll always be indebted to Adi and Cara, Sue and Steve, Janette and of course Polly. Sorry to all of you – for loitering too long in your bathrooms and using all the teabags.
We met many helpful, interesting and thoughtful people on our journey, many of whom are untraceable, but they know who they are. A special thanks to Dave and Julie for their continuing friendship, and Anna, who gave us the thing we needed most – a roof. However, there’s one friend we made on the path without whom we couldn’t have made the journey. His foresight, wisdom and judgement made impossible days possible and encouraged us through the hardest moments. Without the friend in our pocket, Paddy Dillon, we might not have made it to the end of the path. In the writing of this book, I’ve found that he’s just as enthusiastic and reliable in real life as he is on the page.
But, most importantly, all the love to my children Tom and Rowan; thanks for believing that I could walk 630 miles and write a book, when I didn’t believe it myself. And of course Moth. Kind, persistent, inspirational Moth. Love of my life. Thank you.