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At the edge of a high cliff, made by great rocks broken in a circle, we came above a crueler crowding; |
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and there, because of the horrible excess of stench cast up by the abyss, we moved back beside the lid |
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of a great tomb, where I saw writing which said: “I hold Pope Anastasius, whom Photinus drew from the straight way.” |
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“Our descent will have to be delayed, so that our sense can become a little accustomed to the evil smell; and then we can disregard it.” |
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So my master; and I to him: “Find something to compensate, so that the time may not be lost.” And he: “You see I am considering it.” |
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“My son, within these rocks,” he then began to say, “are three smaller circles descending step by step, like those you are leaving. |
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All are full of cursed spirits; but so that later the mere sight of them may suffice, hear how they are constricted and why. |
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Of every malice gaining the hatred of Heaven, injustice is the goal, and every such goal injures someone either with force or with fraud. |
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But because fraud is an evil proper to man, it is more displeasing to God; and therefore the fraudulent have a lower place and greater pain assails them. |
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Of the violent the first circle is full; but because violence can be directed against three persons, the circle is divided and constructed in three subcircles. |
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To God, to oneself, and to one’s neighbor one can do violence, that is, to them and to their possessions, as you will hear with clear reason. |
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Death by violence and painful wounds can be inflicted on one’s neighbor, and on his possessions ruin, fires, and wrongful extortion; |
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thus homicides and whoever wrongfully strikes, spoilers, and bandits, all are tormented in the first subcircle in different groups. |
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One can turn a violent hand against oneself or one’s own possessions; therefore in the second subcircle each must uselessly repent |
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whoever deprives himself of your world, or utterly squanders and undermines his wealth, and weeps where he should be happy. |
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One can use force against the Deity by denying it and cursing it in one’s heart or by scorning Nature and its goodness; |
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and therefore the smallest subcircle stamps with its seal Sodom and Cahors and whoever speaks with scorn of God in his heart. |
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Fraud, which bites at every mind, a man can use against one who trusts in him or against one who has in his purse no cause for trust. |
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This latter mode seems to cut solely into the bond of love that Nature makes; thus in the second circle find their nest |
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hypocrisy, flattery, casters of spells, impersonators, thievery and simony, panders, embezzlers, and similar filth. |
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The former mode forgets the love that Nature makes and also that which is added to it, from which special trust is created; |
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thus in the smallest circle, at the point of the universe where Dis is enthroned, whoever is a traitor is eternally consumed.” |
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And I: “Master, your reasoning proceeds most clearly and divides very well this pit and the people it possesses. |
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But tell me: those of the greasy swamp, those driven by the wind and beaten by the rain, and those who collide with such harsh words, |
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why are they not punished inside the ruddy city, if they are under God’s wrath? and if not, why are they treated so?” |
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And he to me: “Why does your wit,” he said, “so wander from its usual course? or where does your mind gaze mistaken? |
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Do you not remember the words with which your Ethics treats so fully the three dispositions that Heaven refuses, |
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incontinence, malice, and mad bestiality? and how incontinence offends God less and acquires less blame? |
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If you consider this judgment well and bring to mind who those are that undergo their penitence higher up and outside, |
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you will see clearly why they are separated from these wicked ones and why God’s justice hammers them less wrathfully.” |
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“O sun that heals every clouded sight, you content me so when you resolve questions, that doubting is no less pleasurable than knowing. |
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Turn back a little yet again,” I said, “to where you say that usury offends God’s goodness, and untie that knot.” |
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“Philosophy,” he said, “to one who understands it, notes, and not merely in one place, how Nature takes its course |
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from the divine intellect and art; and if you take good note of your Physics, you will see, after not many pages, |
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that your art follows Nature as much as it can, as a disciple follows the master; so that your art is almost God’s grandchild. |
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From these two, if you bring to mind the beginning of Genesis, we must draw our life and advance our people; |