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The day was departing, and the darkened air was releasing all living creatures on the earth from their toils; and I alone |
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prepared myself to undergo the war both of the journey and of pity, which memory, unerring, will depict. |
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O muses, O high wit, now help me; O memory that wrote down what I saw, here will your nobility appear. |
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I began: “Poet who are my guide, consider my strength, if it is powerful enough, before you entrust me to the deep pass. |
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You say that the father of Silvius, still in corruptible flesh, went to the immortal realm and was there with his senses. |
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Therefore, if the adversary of all evil was liberal to him, considering the high effect that was to come forth from him, and who and what he was, |
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it does not seem unworthy to a man of intellect; for he in the Empyrean heaven had been chosen to be father of mother Rome and her empire: |
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and Rome and her empire, to tell the truth, were established to be the holy place where the successor of great Peter is enthroned. |
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Through this journey that you claim for him, he understood things that were the cause of his victory and of the papal mantle. |
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Later the chosen Vessel went there, to bring back strengthening for that faith which is the beginning of the way of salvation.
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But I, why come there? or who grants it? I am not Aeneas, I am not Paul; neither I nor others believe me worthy of that. |
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Therefore, if I abandon myself to the journey, I fear lest my coming may be folly. You are wise, you understand better than I speak.” |
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And like one who unwills what he just now willed and with new thoughts changes his intent, so that he draws back entirely from beginning: |
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so did I become on that dark slope, for, thinking, I gave up the undertaking that I had been so quick to begin. |
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“If I have well understood your word,” replied the shade of that great-souled one, “your soul is wounded by cowardice, |
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which many times so encumbers a man that he turns back from honorable endeavor, as a false sight turns a beast when it shies. |
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That you may free yourself from this fear, I will tell you why I came and what I heard in the first moment when I grieved for you. |
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I was among those who are suspended, and a lady called me, so blessed and beautiful that I begged her to command me. |
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Her eyes were shining brighter than the morning star; and she began to speak gently and softly, with angelic voice, in her language: |
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‘O courteous Mantuan soul, whose fame still lasts in the world and will last as far as the world will go, |
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my friend, not the friend of fortune, on the deserted shore is so blocked in his journey that he has turned back for fear; |
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and I am afraid that he may be already so lost that I have risen too late to help him, according to what I have heard of him in Heaven. |
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Now go, and with your ornamented speech and whatever else is needed for his escape help him so that I may be consoled. |
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I am Beatrice who cause you to go; I come from the place where I long to return; love has moved me and makes me speak. |
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When I shall be before my lord, I will praise you frequently to him.’ Then she was silent, and I began: |
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‘O lady of power, through whom alone the human race rises above all the contents of that heaven whose circles are smallest, |
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so pleasing to me is your command that obeying, had it already taken place, is slow; no more is needed than to unfold your desire. |
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But tell me the reason why you do not shrink from coming down here, into this center, from the spacious place where you desire to return.’ |
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‘Since you wish to know so deeply, I will tell you in brief’ she replied, ‘why I do not fear to come inside here. |
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One must fear only those things that have the power to harm; not other things, for they are not fearful. |
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I am made by God, in his mercy, such that your misery does not touch me, the flame of this burning does not assail me. |
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There is a noble lady in Heaven, who grieves for this impediment to which I send you, so that she vanquishes harsh judgment there on high. |
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She called Lucia in her request and said:—Now your faithful one has need of you, and I put him in your hands.— |
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Lucia, enemy of all cruelty, moved and came to the place where I was sitting with the ancient Rachel. |
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She said:—Beatrice, true praise of God, why do you not help him who loved you so, who because of you came forth from the common herd? |
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Do you not hear the anguish of his weeping, do you not see the death that attacks him there, by the torrent where the sea has no boast?—
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In the world there have never been persons so swift to seek their advantage or to flee their loss, as I, after hearing such words spoken, |
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came down here from my blessed throne, trusting in your virtuous speech, which honors you and those who have heeded it.’ |
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After she had spoken all this to me, she turned her shining eyes, shedding tears, which made me quicker to come here. |
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And I have come to you as she willed: from before that beast I have taken you, that deprived you of the short path up the mountain. |
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Therefore what is it? why, why do you stand still? why do you nurse such cowardice in your heart? why do you not have boldness and freedom, |
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seeing that three such blessed ladies have a care for you in the court of Heaven, and my speech promises you so much good?” |
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As little flowers, bowed and closed in the chill of night, when the sun whitens them straighten up all open on their stems: |
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so did I become with my tired strength, and so much good boldness ran to my heart, that I began like a person freed: |
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“Oh full of pity she who has helped me! and you courteous, who have quickly obeyed the true words she offered you! |
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Your words have so filled my heart with desire to come with you, that I have returned to my first purpose. |
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Now go, for one same will is in both: you are leader, you lord, and you master.” So I said to him; and when he had set forth |
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I entered upon the deep, savage journey.