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When consciousness returned, after closing itself up before the pity of the two in-laws, which utterly confounded me with sadness, |
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new torments and new tormented ones I see around me wherever I walk, and wherever I turn, and wherever I look. |
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I am in the third circle, with the eternal, cursed, cold, and heavy rain; its rule and quality never change. |
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Great hailstones, filthy water, and snow pour down through the dark air; the earth stinks that receives them. |
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Cerberus, cruel, monstrous beast, with three throats barks doglike over the people submerged there. |
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His eyes are red, his beard greasy and black, his belly large, and his hands have talons; he claws the spirits, flays and quarters them. |
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The rain makes them howl like dogs; they make a shield for one of their sides with the other; castout wretches, they turn over frequently. |
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When Cerberus, the great worm, caught sight of us, he opened his mouths and showed his fangs; not one of his members held still. |
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And my leader opened his hands, took up earth, and with both fists full threw it into those ravenous pipes. |
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Like a dog that baying hungers and is silent once he bites his food, for he looks and struggles only to devour it, |
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so became those filthy snouts of the demon Cerberus, who thunders over the souls so that they wish they were deaf. |
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We were passing through the shades that the heavy rain weighs down, and we were placing our soles on their emptiness that seems a human body. |
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They were lying on the ground, all of them, save one, who raised himself to sit as soon as he saw us passing before him. |
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“O you who are led through this Hell,” he said to me, “recognize me if you can: you were made before I was unmade.” |
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And I to him: “The anguish that you have perhaps drives you from my memory, so that it does not seem I have ever seen you. |
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But tell me who you are, who are put here in so painful a place, and have such a punishment that if any is greater, none is so disgusting.” |
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And he to me: “Your city, which is so full of envy that the sack already overflows, kept me with her during my sunny life. |
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You citizens called me Ciacco; because of the damnable sin of the gullet, as you see, I am broken by the rain. |
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And I, wretched soul, am not alone, for all these endure similar punishment for similar guilt.” And he spoke no further word. |
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I replied: “Ciacco, your trouble weighs on me so that it calls me to weep; but tell me, if you know, to what will come |
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the citizens of the divided city; if any there is just; and tell me the reason so much discord has assailed it.” |
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And he to me: “After much quarreling they will come to blood, and the party from the woods will drive out the other with much harm. |
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Then later this party must fall within three suns and the other rise, with the power of one who now hugs the shore. |
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Long will they hold high their brows, keeping the others down under heavy weights, no matter how they weep or are shamed. |
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Two are just, and no one heeds them; pride, envy, and greed are the three sparks that have set hearts ablaze.” |
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Here he put an end to the tearful sound. And I to him: “Again I wish you to instruct me and make me the gift of further speech. |
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Farinata and Tegghiaio, who were so worthy, Iacopo Rusticucci, Arrigo and Mosca, and the others who turned their wits to doing well, |
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tell me where they are and cause me to know them; for great desire urges me to understand if Heaven sweetens or Hell poisons them.” |
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And he: “They are among the blacker souls; various sins weigh them toward the bottom: if you descend so far, you can see them there. |
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But when you are back in the sweet world, I beg you, bring me to people’s minds: no more do I say to you and no more do I answer you.” |
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His direct eyes then he twisted into oblique ones; he stared at me a little and then bent his head; with it he fell level with the other blind ones. |
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And my leader said to me: “Never again will he arise this side of the angelic trumpet, when he will see the enemy governor: |
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each will see again his sad tomb, will take again his flesh and his shape, will hear what resounds eternally.” |
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Thus we passed through a filthy mixture of shades and rain, with slow steps, touching somewhat on the future life; |
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so I said: “Master, these torments, will they grow after the great Judgment, or will they be less, or equally hot?” |
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And he to me: “Return to your philosophy, which teaches that the more perfect a thing is, the more it feels what is good, and the same for pain. |