Fifteen Minutes Outside is a must-have publication for every family, school, and childcare provider who wants to keep kids active year-round. Reading this book is an eye-opener. It is one of the most important books of this decade on how outdoor life can improve the health of families and particularly the health of our children.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the rate of childhood obesity in the United States has more than tripled in the past thirty years. In a society where kids spend more of their time watching TV and playing video games than engaging in creative non-electronic play, Rebecca Cohen’s book is timely. Reversing the trend of childhood obesity is an imperative for the well-being of the next generation, and Rebecca offers valuable, sound solutions for creating and keeping healthy families: focusing on loved ones teaming together around simple and fun healthy lifestyle practices such as eating healthy and getting outside every day, together.
When I first met Rebecca, I was struck by her warm personality, and we connected immediately. She distinguished herself immediately as a passionate, enthusiastic, and goal-oriented individual committed to helping transform people by introducing them to healthy lifestyles. I am a strong believer of women who can set goals and visions for a better future, and Rebecca’s combination of heart, intellect, and determination promises that positive impact. I am reminded of the African cultural saying: “It takes a village to raise a child.” Rebecca shows us that by taking our children, nieces, nephews, and friends outside for fifteen minutes each day, any of us can become that powerful “village” to each other.
Rebecca’s message is also about helping each child develop lifelong healthy habits by getting up close and personal with the wonders and bounty of Mother Nature. For example, family time outside provides everyone with invaluable experiences such as growing vegetables, creating a monarch habitat, skipping rocks, attracting hummingbirds, or simply walking in the beautiful sunshine.
This book is jam-packed with sound and doable ideas. Rebecca explains easy outdoor activities for every day of the year, and she gives practical ideas of how to stay (actively) warm in winter and cool in summer.
We’re part of a busy society, and perhaps we don’t have hours of spare time every day, but we can certainly spare at least fifteen minutes to kick a ball, take a walk, play tag, or watch the clouds race. When we are out of the house and in the fresh air, we are away from distractions, and family members naturally open up to conversations that allow us to learn more about one another. These are the moments that naturally add up to not only an active and healthy lifestyle, but also to closer family relationships.
Just beyond our doorstep is a world waiting to be explored, where we can easily tap into our children’s curiosity and follow their lead to uncover what they love so much about the simplest things in life—right in our own neighborhood! I’ll also let you in on a little secret: some time outside every day can have a positive impact on any of us, not just the kids.
Every parent, teacher, health practitioner, and civic leader will find Rebecca’s book not only inspiring, as she provides practical and innovative strategies to get our children to move more, but also authentic and simple, as she advocates for every person’s health and happiness.
Thank you, Rebecca, for your ongoing passion for helping all of us focus on healthier and happier lifestyles. We and our children are grateful.
Dr. Tererai Trent
Dr. Tererai Trent is the founder of Tinogona Consulting Services. As the company’s principal evaluator, Dr. Trent has assessed the effectiveness of a wide range of grant programs across the globe. Dr. Trent’s personal passion is in women and children’s education and transformative resources for families. She resides in California.