Aaron, Richard, 490, 491
Abraham, F. Murray, 662
Action on the North Atlantic (film), 177
Adams, Joan Vollmer, see Burroughs, Joan Vollmer
Adams, Julie Vollmer (Burroughs’ stepdaughter), 101, 102, 120, 124, 142, 143, 144, 146–47, 148, 153–54, 156, 167, 168, 171, 185, 204, 205, 217, 610
Adams, Paul, 100, 101, 124, 125
“Adventure of the Speckled Band, The” (Doyle), 644
Advocate, The, 578
“Afternoon Ticker Tape” (Burroughs), 344
Ah Pook Is Here (Burroughs), 604
Aiken, Wilford M., 36, 44
Aldrich, Fred, 645
Aleman, Miguel, 184
Alexander the Great, 227
Algebra of Need, The, (Mottram), 604
Algren, Nelson, 287, 317
Allerton, Eugene (pseudonym), 198–204, 207–10, 214–15, 216, 218, 221, 224, 228, 240, 247, 262, 337, 450–51, 643
Alsop, Kenneth, secretary of, 628
Altamont riot, 412
Altman, Roberto, 490
American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, xvii, 1–14, 586, 611–12, 613, 614–15, 653, 658
Artists and Writers Revolving Fund, 4
American Arithmometer Company, 17, 20
American College Dictionary, 288
American Tragedy, An (Dreiser), 365
Amin, Idi, 374
Anderson, Jack, 78–80, 81, 83–84, 87, 129–30, 252, 628
Anderson, Laurie, 583, 605
Anderson, Poul, 495
And Hickman Comes (Ellison), 11
And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks (“I Wish I Were You”) (Burroughs, pen name Will Dennison/Kerouac, pen name Mike Ryko), 119, 677
Angert, Eugene, 27, 39, 41, 44, 63, 64–65, 649
Anheuser-Busch family, 30
Anna Karenina (Tolstoy), 618
Ann of Bavaria, 639
Ansen, Alan, 276, 277, 284, 285, 291, 292, 394, 397–98, 400, 401, 402, 404, 418, 499, 644, 645, 662
background of, 166
European travels of, 248–49
letters to, 371, 511, 579, 600
on Naked Lunch, 398
scholarship of, 283, 379
under surveillance, 277
Antaeus (mythical giant), 253
Anti-Everything, 348
Apocalypse Now (film), 574
Apollinaire, 294
Apt, Marvin, 197, 198, 207
Aptel, Dr., 270
Aquinas, St. Thomas, 350
Arbus, Diane, 437
Argosy, 201
Arminger, Priscilla, see Russell, Vickie
Artaud, Antonin, 177, 178, 220, 273
Ashbery, John, 4, 8, 509–10
“As I Was Saying” (Ruark), 254
Atlantic Monthly, 34
Atlas, Charles, 630
Auden, W. H., 78, 178, 200, 248, 255, 283, 290–91, 305, 499, 514, 627
Auer, Jane, 259, 260
Augustine, Saint, 367
Autobiography of a Wolf (Burroughs), 39, 41
Autoerotic Fatalities, 378
Avedon, Richard, 437
Babi Yar (Yevtushenko), 662
Back to China (Fiedler), 596
Bacon, Francis, 285
Balch, Anthony, 417, 454, 480–81, 490, 507, 511, 521, 649
Baldwin, James, 1
Ballard, J. G., 601, 676
Balog, Michael, 504
Balzac, Honoré de, 121
Bankhead, Tallulah, 101
Bard, Stanley, 435
Barelli, June, 638
Barelli, Pat, 638
Barellis, the, 638
Barfield, Nancy, 560
Bargain Paradises of the World, 466
Barker, Bernie (pseudonym), 128, 129, 130, 135
Barker, Don (pseudonym), 128
Barkley, Charles, 671
Barnum, Berteina, 456
see also De Bakey, Teina Barnum
Barr, Alfred, 415
Barr, Candy, 339
Barrault, Jean-Louis, 438
Barriga, Rogello, 215
Barris, Chuck, 482–83
Barrymore, John, 87
Barth, John, 4
Barzini, Luigi, ix
Baudelaire, Charles, 96, 251, 341
Baxter, James Phinney, III, 62, 85–86
Beard, Charles, 3
Beard, Peter, 587
Beatles, the, xvi, 411, 412, 454, 509
Beat movement, xiii, xviii, 242, 268, 291, 306–8, 348, 399, 409, 439, 493, 613, 646, 660
attacks on, 308–9
and Black Mountain Review, 306
energy of, 388
as literary movement, 330–31
meaning of, 165–66, 288, 290
publicity on, 339–41
and punk scene, 571–72
scandals of, 304
supportiveness in, 307
vs. hippies, 474–75
Beatty, Warren, 608
Beck, Henry, 71, 649
Beck, Julian, 364
Beckett, Samuel, 248, 296, 297, 311, 344–45, 354, 365, 478, 492, 524–25, 575, 590, 612, 644
Bedroom Philosophers (de Sade), 298
Beiles, Sinclair, 301–2, 312, 328, 332, 334, 345, 346, 404
Bell, Clive, 307
Belli, Bill, 327–30, 340
Bellow, Saul, 1, 360
Bemelmans, Ludwig, 293
Benchley, Robert, 24
Benét, Stephen Vincent, 2, 3
Benton, Bill, 552–53
Beria, Lavrenti, 386
Berrigan, Ted, 428, 437
Best American Stories, 429
Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, 589
Betsellie, Melvin, 667
Bianco, Joe, 574, 575, 576, 577
Big Table, 317–18, 332
Billy the Kid, 630
Biography of a Grizzly Bear (Seton), 39, 41
Bissett, Bob, 463
Black, Hugo, 369
Black, Jack, 39–41, 89, 129, 222, 630
Black Mountain Review, 306, 315
Blackmur, Richard, 305
Black Panthers, 412, 443, 471
Black Rider, The: The Casting of the Magic Bullets (rock operetta), 663–64
Blade Runner: A Movie (Burroughs), 604
Blake, William, 38, 71, 121, 206, 281, 307, 600
Blavatsky, Madame, 328
Bliss, Barnaby, see Cotton, Don
Block, Amy Huntington, 509
Blondie, 516
Blondin, Antoine, 332
Bloom, Danny, 503, 510, 616
Bloomsbury group, 307
“Blowin’ in the Wind” (Dylan), 403
Blueboy, 578
Bly, Robert, 516, 517, 544
Bockris, Victor, 582–83, 585, 587, 591–93, 598, 599, 606, 666
Bogart, Humphrey, 177
Bogomoletz serum, 140–41, 223
Books & Bookmen, 363
Book Week, 429
Borges, Jorge Luis, 365
Bosch, Hieronymus, 223, 367
Boswell, James, 248
Bosworth, Henry, 53
Bovart, O. K., 27
Bowie, David, xvi, 479, 516, 576, 591
Bowles, Jane, 278, 284–85, 322, 323, 429, 431, 433, 442, 446–47, 448, 492, 578–79, 624, 625, 632, 641
Bowles, Patrick (pseudonym Marcus van Heller), 294
Bowles, Paul, x, xi, 1, 249, 258–59, 269, 271, 278, 279–80, 284, 285, 328, 371, 384–85, 398, 403, 418, 429–32, 442, 448, 492, 573, 578–79, 612–13
background of, 259–60
on Burroughs, 325
on Dream Machine, 433
and hallucinogens, 393
homosexuality of, 259
letters to, 315, 317, 343, 405, 413, 578, 579
as Moroccan expert, 428–29
and Naked Lunch, 334, 385
outsider attitude in Morocco, 322–23
personality of, 260–61, 402, 446–47
on psychic experiences, 399
on Tangier, 280, 432
vs. Irving Rosenthal, 430–31
Boyer, Joseph, 17, 18, 20–21
Boyle, James Le Baron, 64, 65
Brady, John, 484–85, 489–90, 507, 554, 651
Brancusi, Constantin, 276
Brando, Marlon, 288, 574
Brautigan, Richard, 626
Breeething, The Book of (Burroughs), 604
Breger, Udo, 663
Brennan, William J., 368–69
Breton, André, xi, xiii, 320, 346, 639
Bridges, Harry, 95
Bridges, Lloyd, 534
“British Bards Abroad” (Gysin), 597
Brookner, Howard, 555–56, 597–98, 626, 650
Brossard, Chandler, 94, 114, 224, 248
Brown, Andreas, 490
Brown, James, 563
Browning, Peaches, 156
Brownstein, Michael, 544–45
Broyard, Anatole, 497–98, 631, 632
Bruce, Lenny, 428
Buchwald, Art, 332
Buck, Pearl, 120
Buckley, William F., 241, 474
Budd, David, 445, 479, 662
Buddhism, see Naropa Institute
Bumsell, Maître, 333, 338, 347
Burgess, Anthony, 382, 440, 491, 600–601, 627
Burke, Edmund, 305
Burns, George, 644
Burns, Robert, 167, 355
Burr, Aaron, 444
Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 596
Burroughs, Edmund (great-grandfather), 16
Burroughs, Helen (aunt), 18, 20, 26
Burroughs, Helen (grandmother), 19, 20
Burroughs, Horace (uncle), 18, 20, 26, 436, 610
Burroughs, Ilse Herzfeldt Klapper (wife), 68–69, 71, 74–76, 141, 649
see also Klapper, Ilse
Burroughs, Jenny (aunt), 18, 20, 26
Burroughs, Joan Vollmer, 99–100, 102–3, 120, 135–36, 142, 158, 160, 225, 266, 284, 426, 459, 538, 624
affair begins with Burroughs, 133–34
Benzedrine habit of, 125, 134, 141, 142, 144, 145, 148, 154, 155, 156, 160, 167, 171, 181, 185, 188, 191, 212, 213, 543
burial of, 214, 217, 287
Burroughs’ dream of, 492
death of, xviii–xix, 208–15, 214, 230, 245, 262–63, 329, 423, 426, 460, 511, 526, 546, 569–70, 582, 643, 649, 663, 674
desperation in, 205, 206, 210
financial problems of, 141, 142
gives birth to Billy, 154
letters to Allen Ginsberg, 144–45, 150, 201
in Louisiana, 167–68, 171, 174, 179–81
loyalty of, 181
in Mexico, 185–86, 188–89, 191, 193, 196, 200–201, 204–9
in Naked Lunch, 375
pregnancy of, 143, 146, 148
relationship with husband, 148, 158, 168, 172–73, 188–89, 200–201, 213, 215
sense of humor, 205
sexual needs of, 100–102, 141, 172–73, 206
in Texas, 144–45, 146, 147–48, 153–55, 156, 158
Burroughs, Laura Lee (Burroughs’ mother), 21, 26–27, 28, 35, 36, 37, 44, 47, 51, 52, 71, 88, 136, 268, 426, 428, 432, 434, 436, 515, 537, 564, 568, 569, 610–11, 618, 624, 629, 649
alarmed at son’s depression, 55–56
angry letter to son, 341–42
after birth of grandson, 154
death of, 480
feel about people, 27
as grandparent, 230–32, 420–23, 425
in old age, 457, 458, 459–61, 463–64, 480
Burroughs, Miggy (sister-in-law), 27, 34, 217, 230, 231, 434, 463, 480, 610
Burroughs, Mortimer (Mort) (brother), 27, 28–29, 32, 33, 35, 44, 47, 230, 251, 436, 459, 480, 598, 648, 649
birth of, 26
death of, 610
letters from, 458, 459, 463–64
moroseness of, 64
relationship with father, 29, 34
responsibilities of, 216–17, 434, 460–61, 463–64
Burroughs, Mortimer (Mote) (father), 20, 35, 36, 37, 44, 47, 66, 86, 136, 341, 426, 434, 463, 515, 564, 568, 569, 618, 623, 629, 666
birth of, 17
after birth of grandson, 154
death of, 436, 457
as grandparent, 230, 231–32, 420–23, 425
letters to, 52, 54
meets and marries Laura Lee, 26–27
relationship with sons, 27, 29, 34, 436, 611
supportiveness of, 82–83, 84, 115, 116, 136, 138, 216, 217
Burroughs, William III (Billy) (son), xviii, 432, 433, 436, 466, 526–70, 588, 594, 610, 623, 649, 651
abscess operation for, 539–40, 541, 558, 562
adolescence of, 421–26, 428
alcoholism of, 483–84, 487–88, 526, 527, 549, 550, 552, 555, 558, 567
as baby, 156, 167, 168, 172
birth of, 154
as child, 185, 204, 205, 206, 216, 217, 230–31, 232
childhood with grandparents, 420–22
death of, 569, 570, 604
depression after crises, 543–48, 558, 559, 560, 563, 565
and drugs, 457, 458–59, 460, 461, 462, 550
estate of, 569
fears of, 230–31
at Green Valley School, 456–58, 463, 464, 483
hemorrhaging of, 529–30
hospital focus for, 559–60, 567
and Jo-Anne Kyger, 548–49, 550, 552–53, 555
liver functions after operations, 541–42
liver transplant for, 521, 532–39, 587
meets and marries Karen Perry, 464–65
memory of mother, 230, 421
and mother’s death, 526, 546, 569–70
near death with cirrhosis of liver, 529–30
personality of, 505–6
in psychiatric hospital, 551, 552
relationship with father, 232, 423–26, 458–62, 505–6, 537–38, 546–47, 552, 553–54, 556–58, 560–61, 563–64, 569
and shooting incident, 422–23
in Tangier (Morocco), 423–25
vanishes, 456, 458
Burroughs, William Seward (grandfather), 15, 436, 675
adding machine of, 5, 16–19, 21, 515
death of, 20, 21
Burroughs, William Seward, II (Billy):
accidental killing of Joan by, xviii–xix, 208–15, 329, 426, 460, 511, 526, 546, 569–70, 582, 643, 649, 663, 674
affair starts with Joan, 133–34
affair with Allen Ginsberg, 245–47, 282
and alcohol, xv–xvi, 193–95, 207, 276, 406, 523–24, 581, 589, 599
and American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, xvii, 5–11, 611–12, 613, 658
archives of, 490–91, 658
arrested, 115–16, 135, 158–59, 179–80, 214–17, 333
and artist as outlaw, 307–8, 669–70
and Beat movement, xviii, 242, 339–40, 493
belief in magical universe, xii, xiii, 251–52, 328, 342, 511, 632, 640
birth of, 15
Black Rider libretto written by, 663–64
and the Bomb, 58–59, 124, 376, 378
as bourgeois, 129, 478–79
canonization of, 665, 674
CAPS award for, 515
in car accident, 83–84
and cats, 168, 193, 224, 621, 622–25, 628, 640, 643–44, 646, 649, 650, 673, 676
change in, after Naked Lunch, 383, 395
childhood of, 28–29, 30–36, 39, 617, 618
and chloral hydrate, 51–52
citation for, 10
commercialization of, 665
as counterculture leader, xvi, 57, 508, 585, 658
criminal-in-making persona, 40–41, 89–90, 93, 129, 130–31, 143
and cultural revolution, 592
cut-up method of, xii–xiv, 342–45, 346, 360–61, 383–84, 396, 413, 428, 432, 438, 445, 448, 449, 451–52, 479, 484, 494, 586, 619, 643, 662
death and burial of, 672–75
deaths of those close to him, 31
discharged from army, 88
drafted in army, 87
dreams of, 289, 492, 520, 523, 668, 669, 676
and drugs, xi, xv, xvii, 129–31, 134–38, 143, 156–58, 163–64, 168, 169, 171, 172, 174, 179–82, 183, 187–90, 192, 193, 227–28, 229, 264–65, 269–71, 274–75, 312, 336, 337, 338, 340, 423, 424–25, 460, 461, 515, 573, 588–91, 593–96, 598–99, 672, 674
and England, 478, 483, 488–90, 491
erratic behavior of, 193–94
as exterminator, 90–91
failing health of, 664, 672
family of, 5, 15–29, 31–32
and fantasies, 283, 300, 329–30
feeling of apartness, 34, 66, 250–51, 303–4
feminine side of, 246, 247, 618
final years of, xviii, 657–76
and finger incident, 80–81, 372, 587–88, 668
and fold-in method, 360–61, 362
fortieth birthday of, 250
guilt over Joan’s death, xviii–xix, 211–13, 245, 262–63, 423, 426, 570, 643, 663
and hallucinogens, 233–37, 239, 392, 393
at Harvard, 60–67
homosexuality of, 38, 55, 56, 70, 78, 83, 87, 92, 172–73, 186, 195–96, 200, 201, 202, 213, 214, 224, 228, 238, 239, 245–47, 263–66, 289, 337, 423, 453–55, 470, 475, 483, 502–3, 617–18, 628, 669
hounded by police, 181, 182, 183
and Indian incident, 609–10
Institute of Contemporary Arts tribute to, 667–68
international literary reputation of, 338
introduced as America’s greatest living writer, 606, 665
irascibility of, 168–69
and Jews, 82–83, 590
and laissez-faire capitalism, 25
lectures at Naropa Institute, 516–17, 652, 673
and legacy as artistic revolutionary, 675–76, 678
lemur phase of, 660–62
letter from Timothy Leary, 387, 391
marijuana-growing of, 143, 144–47, 156–58
marries Ilse Klapper, 71
and messages from other planets, 281, 396
in Mexico, 183, 184–229
misogyny of, 329, 451, 493–94, 618–19, 669
and Nova Convention, 581–86
original personality of, 617–18
paintings of, xviii, 651–52, 653–54, 658, 662–63, 664–65, 670
and popular culture, xvi, 578, 665, 670
posthumous publications of, 676–78
in psychiatric hospitals, 81–82, 180, 668
on psychiatrists, 150, 176, 182, 668
psychoanalysis for, 79, 81, 88–89, 252, 300
and punks, 572–73, 578, 585, 588
readings of, xvi, 437–38, 507–9, 515, 521, 524, 528, 593, 597, 599, 600, 604, 626, 645
reality of spirit world to, xviii–xix, 212, 213, 251–52, 663, 666, 667
relationship with father, 27, 29, 34, 436, 611
relationship with son, 232, 423–26, 458–62, 505–6, 537–38, 546–47, 552, 553–54, 556–58, 560–61, 563–64, 569
relationship with wife, 148, 158, 168, 172–73, 188–89, 200–201, 213, 215
religion embraced in final years of, 666–67, 673
sardonic humor of, 148
on Saturday Night Live, 606, 658, 665
in Scandinavia, 286–87
in schools, 35–36, 44, 45–59, 247, 252
and Scientology, 466–71
sense of mission, 25, 251
seven-book deal with Viking, 636–37, 668
at seventy, 626–28
sexual troubles, early, 65–67
siege mentality of, 417, 427
and son’s estate, 569
in South America, 201–4, 232–40
stance as writer, 619–20
syphilis contracted by, 67, 70
teaching at City College, 499, 502, 506
teaching in Switzerland, 481–82
trauma in childhood, 33–34, 81, 82, 300–301, 467, 617
on trial in France, 338, 339
UFO and alien interests of, 665–66, 678
vegetable farming of, 139–40, 160–61, 169, 172, 181, 182–83
and visualization techniques, 487
women to, 329, 493–94
and writer’s block, 513
writing of, xviii, xix, 39, 192, 213, 214, 269, 272–73, 279, 281–82, 283, 286–89, 670
Burroughs Adding Machine Company, 20–21
“Burroughs Man,” 23
Butler, Bernie (pseudonym), 256
Butler, Nicholas Murray, 122
Bye, Ambrose, 641
Bye, Reed, 641
Byron, Lord George Gordon, 76, 331, 341
Byrum, John, 580
Caesar, Julius, 36
Cage, John, 5, 583
Cahen, Fritz-Max, 68
Cain, William J., 465
Cain’s Book (Trocchi), 355, 356
Calder, John, 344, 353–54, 356, 417, 524, 584
Caldwell, Erskine, 1
Calisher, Hortense, 7, 8, 9, 10
Calligraffiti of Fire (Gysin), xiv, 642
Calne, Dr. R. Y., 537
Cancer Biopathy, The (Reich), 150
Candy (Southern/Hoffenberg), 12, 297, 302
Cannon, “Uncle Joe,” 372
Cantab Heretics Society, 337
Canterbury Tales, The (Chaucer), 662
Cantos (Pound), 379
Capital and Other Writings (Marx), 100
Capote, Truman, ix, 94, 281, 397, 453, 611
Capuchins, 235, 239
Carmichael, Hoagy, xvi, 492, 627
Carpio, Luis, 197
Carr, Lucien, 94–95, 96, 97, 98, 102, 104, 120, 122, 123, 136, 174, 178, 210, 478, 650–51
assessment of, 111
background of, 91–92
commits murder, 112–15
and David Kammerer, 91–94, 103, 105–6, 108, 110–11, 112–18, 119, 245, 288, 677
and Joan Vollmer Burroughs, 204–6, 210
in Mexico, 189, 204–6
redemption of, 161–62, 244
shipping out to Paris foiled, 106–10
Carr, Marion Gratz (Lucien’s mother), 91, 92, 93, 112, 117, 650
Carr, Russell, 91
Carroll, B. J., 304
Carroll, Paul, 317
Cassady, Carolyn, 266, 580
Cassady, Neal, 164–66, 169, 178, 225, 245, 266, 391, 580, 623
death of, 466, 580
driving pot to New York, 156–57, 387–88
Kerouac’s letter to, 394
personality of, 149–50, 156, 165, 169, 170, 171
in Texas, 154–56
as womanizer, 274
Castañeda, Carlos, xvii, 511
Cat Inside, The (Burroughs), 645–46
Cato, 63
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, 221, 310–12, 347, 350, 361, 374, 469, 478, 642
Cerf, Bennett, 220
Cervantes, Miguel de, 381
Cézanne, Paul, 161, 343
Chamberlain, Wyn, 437, 445
Chandler, Raymond, 222
Chapin, Roy, 56
Chaplin, Charlie, 241
Chase, Arthur, 46–47, 50–51
Chase, Hal, 102, 103, 105, 117, 124, 125, 126, 130, 132, 134–35, 141, 149, 196–97, 206–7
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 61
influence of, 616
Chester, Alfred, 418, 429–32
Chicago Daily News, 316
Chicago demonstrations, 471–74
Chicago Review, 315–17, 318
Chicago Tribune, 657
Chirac, Jacques, 671
Cholnoky, Tibor de, 439
Churchill, Winston, xvii, 219, 612
Ciardi, John, 349, 366–67
Cicognas, the, 276
Cities of the Red Night (Burroughs), xviii, 513, 514, 590, 600–604, 630, 661
advance on, 608
reviews of, 600–601
sale of, 604
story of, 602–3
themes of, 601–2
City of Words (Tanner), 382
Clark, Eleanor, 1
Clarke, Arthur C., 435
Clash, The, 591
Cleaver, Eldridge, 412
Clockwork Orange, A (Burgess), 601
Cobblestone Gardens (Burroughs), 604
Coburn, James, 409, 576, 659
Cocteau, Jean, 121
Cohen, Ira, 418, 426, 430, 431
“Cold Lost Marbles” (Burroughs), 498
Cole, Pat (pseudonym), 163, 164, 179, 627
Coleman, Ornette, 485, 486
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 62, 318, 377
Collected Works (Crane), 121
Columbia Psychiatric Institute, 176, 177–78
Columbia Spectator, 118
Commentary, 308, 430
Communist Manifesto (Marx/Engels), 61
Compton-Burnett, Ivy, 354, 355
Condo, George, xiv, 661
Confessions (De Quincey), 131
Connell, A. J., 46–58, 496, 625
Connolly, Cyril, 402
Conrad, Joseph, 379, 494, 670
Cook, Mary, 324
Cookson, Jimmy, 628
Copeland, Arnold, 197–98
Corso, Fortunato, 242, 243
Corso, Gregorio Nunzio (Gregory), 7, 244–45, 291–92, 309, 394, 397, 400, 401, 404, 420, 516, 550, 597, 627, 646, 652
background of, 242–44
and Beat Hotel, xiii, 641, 642
and Beat movement, 330, 331
criminal career of, 242–43
drug habit of, 312, 419
and Jacques Stern, 312–13, 328
letter to, 315
poetry of, xiii, 291, 305, 317, 346, 614, 615
provocativeness of, 245, 291, 292, 302, 304–5, 309, 310, 328, 345, 398–99, 528, 641–42, 659–60
womanizing of, 292, 310
Corso, Michelina, 242
Cotton, Don (sobriquet Barnaby Bliss), 258–59, 260, 279, 289
Counterfeiters, The (Gide), 105, 478
“Country Love Story, A” (Stafford), 492
Country of the Blind, The (Wells), 239
Coward, Noël, 101
Cowin, William I., 366, 367, 368
Cowley, Malcolm, 1, 2–5, 273
Crane, Hart, 1, 5, 121, 123
Crawdaddy magazine, 515
Crazy Horse, 538
Creeley, Robert, 274, 290, 306, 615
Crile (pseudonym), 179–80, 181, 186–87
Cronenberg, David, 664
Crowley, Aleister, 341
Cru, Henry, 98, 99
Cult of the Spankers, 369
Culture Hero, 443–44
Culverwell, John, 475, 480, 507
Cummings, Anne, see Mason, Felicity
Cummings, E. E., 452
Cunningham, Merce, 583
cut-ups, by Burroughs, see Burroughs, William Seward, II
Cuyler, Susanna, 515
Dahlberg, Edward, 316
Daiches, David, 355
Daily News, 114, 116, 595
Daily Worker, 107
Daimler, Harriet, see Owens, Iris
Dali, Salvador, xi, 321, 576
Dalton, David, 591, 592
Daniels, Jimmy, 63
Daniels, Price, 339
Dante Alighieri, 366, 382
Darkness at Noon (Koestler), 391
Dassin, Jules, daughter of, 642
Dead Fingers Talk (Burroughs), 417
“Dead Flowers” (Jagger/Richards), 439
Dean, Joseph, 261
Dean, Loomis, 339, 340, 342
De Bakey, Dr. Michael E., 564
son of, 565
De Bakey, Teina Barnum, 564–66, 568
see also Barnum, Berteina
Debray, Régis, 500
De Chadenedes, John, 627
Decline of the West (Spengler), 98, 121
de Farniente, Beauregard (pseudonym), 294
de Gaulle, Charles, 116, 296, 309, 374
De Grazia, Al, 481
De Grazia, Edward, 365–66, 368, 481
de Kooning, Willem, 285, 391
Denial of the Soul (Peck), 666
Dennison, Will, see Burroughs, William Seward, II
Dent, Dr. John Yerbury, 275, 302, 314, 336, 377, 404, 416, 417
De Pew, Charles, 44
De Quincey, Thomas, 62, 131, 589, 591, 599
Der Freischütz (Weber), 663
Desperate Years, The, 445
De Ville, Count, 276
Dewey, Thomas E., 117
Diable au Corps, Le (Radiguet), 101
Dial-A-Poem, 443
Dickinson, Emily, 637
Diedrich, Hunt, 3
Diggers, 411
Dillon, Matt, 653
Di Prima, Diane, 351, 443
“Discipline of DE, The” (Burroughs), 497
Divided Self, The (Laing), 652
Divine Comedy (Dante), 366
Dodd, William E., 24
Dodge family, 231, 421
Dole, Dr. Vincent P., 598
Dollfuss, Chancellor Engelbert, 68
Donleavy, J. P., 293, 298–99
Donovan, Colonel, 85
Don Quixote (Cervantes), 381
Doors of Perception, The (Huxley), 390
Dos Passos, John, 2, 195
Dostoevsky, Fëdor, 96, 116, 219
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 506
Drake, Hamilton, see Hoffenberg, Mason
Dreiser, Theodore, 365
Dr. Sax (Kerouac), 225, 272
Dr. Strangelove (film), 482, 498
“Drugs and the Empirical Expansion of Consciousness” (symposium), 392
Drugstore Cowboy, 665
Dryden, John, 102, 272, 641
Dr. Zhivago (Pasternak), 297
Duchamp, Marcel, 310, 343
Dude/Gent, 416
Duncan, Robert, 267, 273
Durrell, Lawrence, 343, 362
Dutton, Dry-hole, 199–200
Dylan, Bob, 388, 389, 403, 419, 557, 613
Earp, Wyatt, 497
East Village Other, 409
Easy Rider (film), 482, 574
Eaton, Casindania P., 9
Ebersol, Dick, 606
Ebers papyrus, 233
Ecuadorian Indians, 234
Edel, Leon, 8, 9
Edward VIII, King of England, 69
Eenis, Vail, 158–60
Einstein, Albert, 151, 337, 643
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 241, 317, 345, 389
followers of, 307
years, 388
“Electric Ian-A Tawdry Brief Life” (Levy), 522
El Greco, 605
Eliot, Tommy, 434
Eliot, T. S., 25, 31, 39, 59, 61–62, 305, 379, 452, 586, 637
Elliott, Jack, 304
Ellison, Fanny, 12
Ellison, Ralph, 2, 3, 11–13
presents Gold Medal for fiction to Bernard Malamud, 11–13
Ellisor, Arch, 147, 158
Ellmann, Richard, 353
Eluard, Paul, xi
Elvins, Kells, 56, 64, 139–41, 143, 181, 191–92, 216, 222, 262–63, 375, 618, 649
alcoholism of, 416
collaboration with Burroughs, 72–73, 118, 416
in Copenhagen, 285–86
death of, 415–16
and home dry cleaning machine, 139
oil investments of, 140
personality of, 191–92
as prison psychologist, 74
support of, 194, 195
in Tangier, 264–65
and vegetable farming, 160, 169
as womanizer, 38–39, 416
Elvins, Marianne, 191–92
Elvins, Mimi, 285–86, 415–16
see also Heinrich, Mimi
Elvins, Mrs. (Kells’s mother), 139
Elvins, Peter, 139, 192, 416
Elvins, Politte, 37–38, 46
Elvins, Tao, 192
Elvinses, the, 37
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 251, 274, 308, 408, 409, 506
principles of, 377
Emerton, Michael, 642
Empson, William, 478
Encounter magazine, 306, 372, 478, 493
Encyclopedia Britannica, 44
Endgame (Beckett), 524
Epstein, Jason, 219
Ernst, Max, x
Eros, 369
Escobar, Marisol, 244
Esquire, 73, 221, 286, 471, 472, 474, 644
Euripides, 554
Evans, Mary, 33–34, 35
Evergreen Review, 330, 364
Ewing, Dr., 530
“Explaining the Beat Generation” (Kerouac), 288
Exterminator! (Burroughs), 384, 497–98, 590
Eyeless in Gaza (Huxley), 405
“Factory,” 219
Faithfull, Marianne, 479
Falstaff (Verdi), 248
Falwell, Jerry, 44, 599
Fanatic, The, 521–22
Fanchette, Jean, 345
Farben, I. G., 23
Farmer, Eugene, see Fermi, Enrico
Faulkner, William, 2, 273, 360
Faure, Élie, 302
Fawkes, Guy, 489
Fawks, the, 30
F.D.A., see Food and Drug Administration
Federn, Paul, 33, 79, 668
Fellini, Federico, 597
Fellowship of the Ring, The (Tolkien), 390
Feltenstein, Dr. Milton, 67
Ferguson, Flo, 408
Ferguson, Maynard, 408
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 274, 306, 613, 614
Fermi, Enrico (Eugene Farmer), 58
Fiedler, Leslie, 404, 507, 596
Fields, W. C., 38, 86, 87, 411, 633
Finkelstein the Loft King, 436
Finnegans Wake (Joyce), 381
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 628
Flanner, Janet, 514–15
Flaubert, Gustave, 96, 618
Flegenheimer, Arthur, see Schultz, Dutch
Floating Bear, 351–52
Flowers of Evil, The (Baudelaire), 251
Flynn, Errol, 304
Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.), 152
Foot and a Half George, 41
Forcade, Tom, 582
Ford, Charles Henri, 284, 514
Ford, Ruth, 514
Fords, the, 21
France, 338, 339
France, Anatole, 53
France, censorship in, 295–96
Francesca, Piero della, 441
Francis, Mrs. (Sis’s mother), 34–35, 36
Francis, Sis, 34, 36, 44
Francis of Assisi, Saint, 24
Franco, Francisco, 75, 103, 256, 365
Frank, Alice, 44
Frank, Robert, 438
Frankau, Lady, 416–17
Frankel, Dr., 70
Franklin, Danny (pseudonym), 55
French, Doc, 197
Freud, Sigmund, 33, 64, 79, 151, 413, 479, 668, 669
Frogé, Gait, 345–46
From A to B and Back (Warhol), 587
Fuller, Dr., 202–4
Furey, Bobby (pseudonym), 422
Furey, Ralph, 122
Further Adventures of the Wild Boys, The, see Port of Saints
Gabin, Jean, 333
Gaddis, William, 248
Gaea (goddess of earth), 253
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 1, 10, 613
Gale, Robert F., 604
Garavelli, Joe, 30
Garbo, Greta, 100
Garrett, Pat, 51, 630
Garver, William Maynard, 136–38, 145, 158, 226–28, 232, 287, 449, 627, 649
Gass, William, 4
Gauguin, Paul, 80
Gay Sunshine, 578
Genet, Jean, 291, 311, 366, 471, 472, 473, 474, 477, 644, 651
Geography of Genius, The (Lee), 26
Getty, John Paul, Jr., 462, 493
Getty, J. Paul, 493
Ghost of Chance (Burroughs), xviii, 661–62
Gide, André, 67, 105, 478
Gifford, Eric, 256, 264
Gillespie, Dizzy, 391, 627
Gilley, Mr., 147–48
Gilmore, Bill, 78, 612, 649
Gilroy, Harry, 437
Ginger Man, The (Donleavy), 293, 298
Gingrich, Newt, 675
Ginsberg, Allen, xiii, 95, 98, 102, 104, 105, 110–11, 119, 120, 121–23, 125, 126, 134, 135, 141, 149–50, 165, 170, 173–74, 182, 204, 205, 217, 225, 241–42, 247–48, 265, 266–69, 282–85, 291, 292, 300–301, 304, 309, 325, 332, 333, 337, 387, 394, 399, 400, 405, 412, 420, 426, 439, 449, 466, 490, 491, 501, 504, 509, 514, 519, 524, 529, 546, 551, 553, 568, 583, 589, 597, 626, 633, 641, 642, 650–51, 652, 658–59, 662, 664, 667, 668, 670, 673, 675, 678
affair with Burroughs, 245–47, 282
in American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, 1, 4–5, 11, 586, 613, 614–15
and Beat movement, xviii, 242, 290, 304, 306, 307, 309, 646
and Buddhism, 518, 627, 646
burglary operations from apartment, 174–76
as Burroughs’ agent, 218–21, 245
Carl Solomon’s influence on, 176–79
as character in film, 580
at Chicago demonstrations, 472, 473
Columbia University troubles, 122–23
on consciousness alteration, 403
as counterculture leader, 391, 400, 410
in Czechoslovakia, 445–46
death of, 672, 676
and drugs, 133, 143, 310, 387
editing suggestions of, 645–46
in Establishment, 613, 614
failing health of, 671, 672, 674
fiftieth birthday of, 571
Gold Medal award by National Arts Club, 586
heterosexuality of, 195–96, 241, 245, 247, 266, 267
homosexuality of, 123, 124, 135, 143, 150, 154–56, 173, 195–96, 244–47, 266, 267, 269, 282, 283, 300, 446, 500
on identity, 401–2, 404
in India, 418
letters to, xiii, xviii–xix, 139, 141, 142, 144–45, 150, 153, 161, 169, 171, 172, 176, 180–81, 185–86, 195–96, 201, 260, 267, 268, 269, 272, 288, 289, 314, 315, 334, 340, 393, 406, 407, 408, 500, 663
literary missions of, 310–12
lobbying ability of, xvii, 5–9
on LSD, 409, 410, 411
and Lucien Carr, 111–12, 114–15, 116, 118
as matchmaker, 548, 549
meets Burroughs, 96–97
in Mexico, 262, 266
and modernist tradition, 305–6
and Naked Lunch, 293, 299–300, 304, 306, 315, 368
and Naropa Institute, 516, 518–19, 527, 632, 671
observations of, 205–6, 210–11, 395–98
parents of, 95
personality of, 110, 121
and poet as force for social change, 330–31
poetry of, 272–74, 280, 307, 613, 614
protected background of, 132–33
provocativeness of, 284–85, 290–91, 304–5, 309, 310, 525
and psychiatrists, 150, 173, 176
radicalism of, 95
readings of, 10, 273–74, 280, 509, 515, 524, 613, 671
recognition of, 568
six-book contract with Harper & Row, 634
supportiveness of, xvi, 458, 459, 503, 564, 591, 596, 597, 659, 672
telegrams to, 166, 169, 274
Ginsberg, Louis, 95, 176
Ginsberg, Naomi, 95, 266, 273, 397
Ginzburg, Ralph, 369
Giorno, John, xiv, 507–8, 509, 512, 520, 571, 581–82, 583, 589, 596–97, 607, 643, 645, 646, 650, 660, 662
background of, 441
and Buddhism, 518
and Culture Hero, 443–44
and Dial-A-Poem, 443
homosexuality of, 441–43
and political protest, 444
readings of, 585, 604
rent strike of, 605
supportiveness of, 587
under surveillance, 444–45
Girodias, Marcelle, 294
Girodias, Maurice, 302, 304, 340, 344, 345–46, 384, 513, 514, 525
background of, 294
and censorship, 295–96, 297, 299, 349
and cremation of Brion Gysin, 648
financial problems of, 297–99, 370–71, 427
launches Olympia Press, 293–95
and Lolita, 296–97
and Naked Lunch, 299–300, 302, 315, 332–34, 349, 350, 351, 352
Giroux, Robert, 170, 224–25, 394
Glass, Philip, 584
Glass Bead Game, The (Hesse), 409
Glassman, Joyce, 288
Gnaoua, 430
Go (Holmes), 225
God and Man at Yale (Buckley), 241
Goebbels, Joseph, 23–24, 598
Goering, Hermann, 224, 598
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 30, 645
Gold, Herbert, 372
Golden Bowl, The (James), 348
Goodman, Lord, 385, 416, 418, 447
Gordon, Caroline, 4
Gorky, Maxim, 479
Gorsaline, Jerry, 326, 327
Gould, Elliott, 573–74
Gould, Joe, 94, 375
Gourielli (Georgian prince), 414
Grady, Panna, 439–41, 445, 478
Graham, Sheila, 628
Gramont, Gabriel de, 493
Gramont, Nancy de, 493, 512
Gramont, Sanche de, 493, 512
Grant, Cary, 409, 659
Grant, General Ulysses S., 630
Grateful Dead, 59, 522
Grauerholz, Alvin, 499–500, 593, 594
Grauerholz, James, 10, 12, 509–10, 514, 519, 521, 529, 534–35, 551, 554, 555, 556, 559, 571, 574–75, 576, 577, 580, 588, 605, 606, 607, 610, 615–16, 623, 626, 651, 652, 653–54, 660, 662, 664, 665, 673, 674–75, 676–77
accidents of, 593
background of, xvi, 499–500, 503
and Burroughs’ relationship with son, 505–6, 569
homosexuality of, 502–3, 505, 510
life with Burroughs, xvi, xvii, 523–24, 581, 586, 616, 638, 640, 641, 642, 643, 645, 650, 658, 675
at Naropa Institute, 516, 517
to New York City from Kansas, 500–502, 504
and Nova Convention, 581–82, 584, 585
and readings, 528, 599
supportive competence of, xvi, 503–5, 506, 507, 508, 509, 515–16, 546, 550–51, 563, 567–68, 588–89, 594, 603, 604, 605, 636, 658
violent attack on, 676–77
William Burroughs Communications run by, 658, 674, 676
Grauerholz, Selma, 674
Great Men Who Have Met Me, 22
Greaves, George, 257–58
Greene, Graham, 3, 159, 252, 297, 468, 573, 602, 627, 632, 670
Greenstreet, Sydney, 257
Groetchen, Mark, 402, 403
Grove Press, 330, 344, 366, 427, 432, 448, 493, 494, 497, 579, 586, 615, 676, 677
and cut-up method, 452
and Naked Lunch, 334, 348–52, 364, 365, 370, 371, 677
Groves, Leslie R., 57, 58
Grumet, Jacob, 114, 115–16, 117
Guardian, 669
Guernica (Picasso), 653
Guggenheim, Peggy, 276–77, 291, 292, 416
Guinness, Alec, 139
Gumbo (Thomas), 437
Gun Door (Burroughs), 9
Gurley, George, 671
Guskins, Rhoda, 573
Gysin, Brion, x–xv, 265, 269, 271, 318–19, 334, 336, 398, 417, 418, 439, 447, 455, 480, 490, 491, 507–8, 521, 522, 590–91, 597, 604, 617, 668–69, 670, 673, 677
accident to, 476–77
appearance of, 262, 319
artistic gifts of, xiv, 319
background of, x, xi, 319–22
at Beat Hotel, xii–xiii, 293, 325, 649
collaboration with Burroughs, 445, 586
conspiracy theories of, xiii, 320–21, 395, 437, 476, 512
cremation of, 648
cultural manipulations of, 639
and cut-up method, xii–xiv, 342–46, 383, 384, 396, 413
death of, xiv, 646–48, 660, 664–65
and Dream Machine, 413–15, 433, 437
emphysema of, xiv, 639, 640, 642, 645, 646
finances of, 608
homosexuality of, 441–43, 444
letters from, 385, 413, 444, 512
letters to, 386, 401, 404, 406, 433, 523, 576, 577, 590, 599, 600–601, 607
and magic, 323–28, 395, 429, 441, 442, 503, 601–2
mirror-gazing of, 326–28, 385
misogyny of, 321, 493, 646
as Moroccan, 322–23, 485
near death, xiv, 645
at Nova Convention, 582, 583, 584
operated on for cancer, 512
paintings of, xi, xiii, xiv, 261–62, 340, 513, 521, 590, 639, 642, 651
restaurant of, xi, 261, 262, 272, 323–24
storytelling of, 325
talent of, xiv, 319
versatility of, 319
on women, 321
Gysin, Stella, 395
Hall, Jerry, 591
Halliday, Russell, 364
Hamalian, Leo, 491
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 31, 225
Hammett, Dashiell, 119, 222
Hannibal, 36
Hardwick, Elizabeth, 7
Hardy, Cabell, 554–55, 564
Hardy, Thomas, 110, 116
Haring, Keith, xiv, 643
Harloff, Guy, 292, 301, 642
Harris, Frank, 616
Harry, Debbie, 516, 654
Harvard Communist, The, 61
Harvard Crimson, 389
Harwood, Lord, 353
Haselwood, David L., 383, 384
Haselwood, Jay, 447–48
Hassan I Sabbah, 325, 376, 603, 647
Hasting, Lord, 641
Haverty, Joan, 394
Hawkes, John, 4
Hayes, Harold, 474, 644
Hayes, Richard, 14
Hazzard, Shirley, 1, 3
Healey, John, 197, 198, 207–8, 209
Heard, Gerald, 404–5
Heard, John, 580
Hearn, Lafcadio, 163
Heartbeat (film), 580, 623
Heart of the Matter, The (Greene), 468
Heaven and Hell (Huxley), 390
Heinrich, Mimi, 264
see also Elvins, Mimi
Helbrant, Maurice, 220
Hell, Richard, 670
Heller, Joseph, 7
Heller, Marcus van, see Bowles, Patrick
Hellman, Daphne, 660–61
Hells Angels, 412
Hemingway, Ernest, 4, 11, 195, 224, 273, 500, 612, 632, 646
Henry IV, King of France, 292
Henry VIII, King of England, 191
Henson, Rev. Josiah, 322
Heppenstall, H. Raynor, 359
Herald Tribune, 344, 372, 432
Herbert, Lord David, 254, 256
Hercules (mythological hero), 253, 630
“Heroin” (Reed), 572
Hersey, John, 10
Herzfeldt, Ilse, see Klapper, Ilse
Hesse, Hermann, 409
Heyward, Julia, 583
High Diver (Wishart), 386
Hilsheimer, Rev. George Von, 456–58, 464, 483, 566–67
Hinkle, Al, 164–65, 168, 169, 170, 171–72
Hinkle, Helen, 164–65, 166–69, 170, 171–72
hippies, 411–12
vs. Beat movement, 474–75
vs. punk movement, 572
Hiroshima incident, 123, 124
Hitchcock, Alfred, 385
Hitler, Adolf, 23–24, 58, 64, 66, 68, 77, 82–83, 374, 590
Hobbes, Thomas, 161
Hodge, Ed, 394
Hoffenberg, Mason (pseudonym Maxwell Kenton, Hamilton Drake, Faustino Perez), 297, 302, 304
Hoffman, Abbie, 411–12, 443, 444, 473, 585
Hoffman, Julius J., 318
Hofmann, Albert, 407–8
Holland, Norman N., 366, 367
Hollander, John, 7
Hollingshead, Michael, 408
Holmes, John Clellon, 165, 225, 238, 244
Homosexual in America, The, 196
Hoover, J. Edgar, 308
Hope, Bob, 331
Hopkins, John, 476–77
Hopper, Dennis, 574, 575, 576, 577
Horror Hospital (film), 417
Horton Hatches the Egg (Seuss), 231
House of Joy (Meng), 332
House Un-American Activities Committee, 24
Howard, Gerald, 636
Howard, Richard, 7
“How does the novel form stand today?” (symposium), 354–55
Howl (Ginsberg), xviii, 118, 290, 311, 330, 388, 474, 500, 580, 646
“Howl” (Ginsberg), 178–79, 273, 274, 280, 306, 613
Hoxie, Bob, 31
Hoxie, Mrs. (Pryne’s mother), 31
Hoxie, Pryne, 31, 649
Hubbard, L. Ron, 466–67, 468, 469, 470, 471, 497, 534
Hudson, Eugene A., 366, 367, 368
Hughes, Howard, 541
Hughes, Langston, 616
Hugo, Victor, 34
Hummel, Odette, 334, 370, 371
Humphrey, Hubert Horatio, 471
Huncke, Herbert, 130, 138, 142, 143, 144, 145, 157–58, 178, 211, 435–36, 440, 446, 447, 627
arrested and imprisoned, 127, 135, 136, 142, 175–76
background of, 126
and Beat generation, 165
and drugs, 126–29, 133, 145, 148, 155, 157, 388
floating around, 126–27
letters from, 153–54
parasitic side of, 173
sexual history of, 132
still alive in seventies, 653
stolen goods of, 134–35, 141–42, 174–75
in Texas, 145–48, 150, 153–54, 155–57
as Times Square hustler, 127, 131–33
Huntington, Archer M., 2
Huston, John, 304
Hutton, Barbara, 254, 256, 278
Hutton, Lauren, 606
Huxley, Aldous, 387, 390, 405, 519–20
Huxtable, Ada Louise, 7
I Am a Camera (Isherwood), 514
Iceman Cometh, The (O’Neill), 587
“I'm Waiting for the Man” (Reed), 572
In Cold Blood (Capote), ix, 453
Incroyables during the Reign of the Terror, 572
Infante, Pedro, 205
Inferential Kid (pseudonym), 573
Ingersoll and Brennan, 119
Institute of Contemporary Arts, 667–68
Interzone (Burroughs), xviii, 270, 635
“Intimations of Immortality” (Wordsworth), 251
Invisible Man (Ellison), 3, 11
Ionesco, Eugene, 173
Isherwood, Christopher, 6, 9, 68, 514, 587
I’ve Got a Whip in My Suitcase (de Farniente, pseudonym), 294
“I Wish I Were You,” see “And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks”
Jackson, Gabrielle Bernhard, 367
Jackson, Robert H., 637
Jaffe, Ira, 598, 599
Jagger, Bianca, 479, 587, 653
Jagger, Mick, 439, 479, 480–81, 582, 591–93
James, Henry, 8, 156, 305, 348, 349, 421, 637
Janiger, Oscar, 409, 659
Jaws (film), 565
Jeffers, Arthur, 324
Jellinek (English teacher), 60
Jester, The, 122
Jesus Christ, 58, 239, 376, 468, 572, 662, 666–67
Jimenez, Eduardo Urzaiz, 215
Joans, Ted, 388
Job, The (Burroughs), 493, 494
John Brown’s Body (Benét), 2–3
John Burroughs Review, 42
Johns, Jasper, 443, 444, 660
Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 65, 248
Johnson, Lyndon, 374, 471, 649
Johnson, Robert Underwood, 2–3, 5–6, 7
Johnsons, 40, 41, 187, 222, 630
Jones, Brian, 485
Jones, James, 601
Jones, LeRoi, 351, 440, 509, 597
Jordan, Fred, 524–25
Journal-American, 138
Journal Officiel, 296
Journey to the End of the Night (Céline), 310
Joyce, James, 225, 248, 353, 354, 478, 525, 601, 634
Jude the Obscure (Hardy), 116
Julius, E. Haldeman, 53
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 225
Jung, Carl, 411
Junky (Burroughs, pen name William Lee), 41, 168, 218–24, 228, 238, 260, 267, 277, 311, 416, 619
insects in, 223
projected film version of, 574–78, 586
reportorial style of, 643
sales of, 224
theme of, 221–23, 224
torturing cats in, 168, 622
Jurado, Bernabé, 186–87, 210, 214–15, 216, 227, 229, 496
Jurado, Katy, 186
Kael, Pauline, 665
Kafka, Franz, 121, 333, 380, 670
Kahane, Eric, 334
Kahane, Jack, 294
Kammerer, David, 96
background of, 91–92
and Buddhism, 110
death of, 112–18, 120, 649, 677
and Lucien Carr, 91–94, 103, 105–6, 108, 110–11, 112–18, 119, 245, 288, 677
personality of, 91
Kansas City Star, 665, 670, 671
Kant, Immanuel, 100
Karkus, Dr. Harvey, 599
Kaull, George, 621, 622, 657
Kay, Aaron, 585
Kaznar, Kurt, 76
Kaznar, Mrs., 76
Keats, John, 92
Keller, Helen, 483
Kellogg family, 231, 421
Ken Kesey and his Merry Pranksters, 387–88, 409, 410
Kennan, George, 10
Kennedy, James, see McCann, Jim
Kennedy, John, 403, 433, 584
Kennedy, Robert, 471
Kennedy family, 231
Kenton, Maxwell, see Hoffenberg, Mason
Kenton, Stan, 627
Kent State, 412
Kenyon Review, 173
Kerouac, Gabrielle (Mémère), 97, 121–22, 125, 169, 394, 419, 477
Kerouac, Jack, 97–98, 102, 103, 111, 121–22, 132, 133–34, 135, 141, 142, 149, 164, 166, 178, 204, 210, 244, 248, 272, 273, 306, 316, 327, 331, 384, 391, 403, 412, 474, 501, 641, 648, 659, 677
affair with Edie Parker, 98–100, 103, 104, 107–8, 113
and American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, 5
appearance of, 98–99, 308
arrested as material witness, 115, 116, 122
attacks on, 308
background of, 97
banned from Columbia campus, 122, 241
and Beat movement, xviii, 165–66, 242, 268, 288, 290, 291, 330, 331, 474–75
Benzedrine habit of, 125, 126
and Big Table, 317
blurb for Junky, 224, 238
and Buddhism, 518
character in film, 580
collaboration with Burroughs, 118–19
and consciousness of generation, 161–62
death of, 477–78, 529
on Firing Line, 474
frozen in time, 387
funeral service for, 104
hospitalized, 126
improvised comic skits, 105
incompatibility within, 580–81
and Kammerer killing, 113, 115, 116
letters to, 117, 156, 160, 161, 181, 260–61, 266, 267, 270
marries Edie Parker, 120
in Mexico, 225–26, 280
mother problem of, 121–22, 125, 169, 394, 419, 477
mumps afflicts, 120–21
New Orleans visit of, 169–71
and On the Road, 219–20, 224–25, 280, 287–88, 307, 334
overnight notoriety for, 287–88
parents of, 97, 121, 125
and paternity suit, 394
personality of, 226
reflections on, 613
shipping out to Paris foiled, 106–10
and Subterraneans, The, 246
in Tangier, 280–82, 325, 642
on V-J Day, 124
white lie of, 267–68
on women, 65
writing of, 307
writing successes for, 174, 221, 280, 287–88
Kerouac, Jan, 394
Kerouac, Leo, 97, 116, 121, 125
Kerouac, Stella, 477
Khan, Aga, 325
Khartoum, Bishop of, 516
Khayyám, Omar, 325
Khrushchev, Nikita, 328
Kidnapped (Stevenson), 34
Kimpton, Lawrence A., 316
King, Martin Luther, 493
King, Stephen, 509
King Lear (Shakespeare), 225
Kingsland, John, 101–2, 103, 134, 142
Kinnell, Galway, 4, 8, 9
Kinsey, Alfred, 132, 241
Kipling, Rudyard, 502
Kittredge, George Lyman, 61
Klapper, Dr., 69
Klapper, Ilse, see Burroughs, Ilse Klapper
Kleinsinger, George, 435
Kluger, Richard, 372
Knots (Laing), 652
Koch, Edward, 585
Koestler, Arthur, 391
Korzybski, Count Alfred, 43, 76–77, 78, 96, 124, 380
“Kreutzer Sonata” (Tolstoy), 361
Krutch, Joseph Wood, 102
Kyger, Jo-Anne, 548–49, 550, 552–53, 555, 562, 566
La Chatta, Lola, 187, 287
Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Lawrence), 305, 317, 349, 364
La Follette, Robert, 24
La Guardia report on marijuana, 182
Laing, R. D., 652–53
Lamantia, Philip, 273, 284
Lancaster, Bill, 122
Lang, Jacques, 639
Lang, Madame, 639
Lardner, Ring, Jr., 509, 510
Laredo bust, 412
Larrouy, Georgette, 487–88, 527, 528, 529, 538, 540–41, 542, 549
Last Don, The (Puzo), 674, 676
Last Movie, The (film), 574
Last Museum, The (Gysin), xiv
Last Words: The Final Journals of William S. Burroughs, 676
Last Words of Dutch Schultz, The (Burroughs), 476, 479, 494, 574, 658
Laszlo, Carl, 589–90
La Touche, John, 76, 322
Laughead, George, 673–74
Laughton, Charles, 191
La Vigne, Robert, 269
Lawrence, D. H., 94, 349, 366, 596
Lawrence, T. E., 224, 411
League for Spiritual Discovery, 410
Leary, Dr. Timothy, 404, 413, 438
background of, 389–90
jail sentences of, 412
letters to Burroughs, 387, 391
and LSD, 378, 388–89, 407–10
at Nova Convention, 583, 585
and psychedelic movement, 389, 390–93, 394, 400–404, 405–11
Leary, Susan, 390
Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 274
Lee, Alene, 245–46
Lee, Alice, 23
Lee, Eufala Ledbetter (Burroughs’ grandmother), 21, 26
Lee, Ivy Ledbetter (Burroughs’ uncle), 21–25, 85, 380
death of, 24
as Father of Public Relations, 21–24
Lee, James Wideman (Burroughs’ grandfather), 21, 26
Lee, Laura, see Burroughs, Laura Lee
Lee, Robert E., 21
Lee, Wideman (Burroughs’ uncle), 85
Lee, William, see Burroughs, William Seward, II
Lennon, John, 388, 389, 509, 673
Let It Come Down (Bowles), 249, 613
Levett, Al the Shades, 304
Levine, Les, 443, 444, 583–84
Levy, Bill, 522
Levy, Eliphas, 251
Lewis, Frances, 567–68
Lewis, Fulton, Jr., 241
Lewis, Sinclair, 4, 349, 374
Liberace, 576
Life, 288, 339–41
Lincoln, Abraham, 15
Lindsay, John, 446
Little, Lou, 97
Logue, Christopher (pseudonym Count Palmiro Vicarion), 294
Lolita (Nabokov), 293, 296–97
Lonely Crowd, The (Riesman), 317
“Long Book, The” (Trocchi), 356
Longley, Raymond, 609
Look Homeward, Angel (Wolfe), 578
Los Alamos Ranch School, 45–59
Loti, Pierre, 322
Lotringer, Sylvere, 581
Louis XIV, King of France, 504
Louis XVI, King of France, xi
Lowe, Bonnie, 514
Lowe, Steven, 513–14, 516, 601, 652–53
Lowell, Robert, 391, 440
Lowes, John Livingston, 62
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), 378, 388–89, 406, 407–11, 659
Luce, Henry, 339, 406
Ludlow Massacre, 22
Lugosi, Bela, 574
Lunas, Carmencita de las, see Trocchi, Alexander
Lunch, Lydia (pseudonym), 573
Lund, Paul (Paul of Birmingham), 257–58, 282, 331–32, 333, 338, 375, 380
Lydenberg, Robin, 381
Lysergic acid diethylamide, see LSD
Mabley, Jack, 316
Macbeth (Shakespeare), 32, 618
MacDiarmid, Hugh, 355
Machiavelli, Niccolò, 22
Machiz, Herbert, 504
MacInnes, Colin, 362
MacIntosh, Russell, 461, 462
MacLaine, Shirley, 10
Macuna Indians, 234
Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 618
Madonna, 653
Mafia, 513
Magritte, René, xi
Mailer, Norman, 287, 354, 356, 440, 632–33
and American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, xvi, 1, 8, 9, 615
on bestsellers, 633
on Burroughs’ sexual orientation, 618
at Chicago demonstrations, 473
as devil’s advocate on censorship, 357–58
on fold-in method, 362–63
on Naked Lunch, 367–68
supports Burroughs, 359, 361–62
on White Negro, 388
Malamud, Bernard, 2, 10, 11–12, 13
Malone, Vincent J., 117
Malone Dies (Beckett), 296
Man and the Masses (Toller), 75
Man in the White Suit (film), 139, 166
Mansfield, Jayne, 241
Mansfield, Katherine, 273
Manson, Charles, 412, 565
Mao Tse-tung, Chairman, 500
Marcos, Ferdinand, 374
Marcuse, Herbert, 613, 614, 615
Marini, Marino, 276, 292
Marisol (sculptress), 8, 437
Marsden boys, 48
Marx, Karl, 151, 219, 411, 479
Marx Brothers, 328
M*A*S*H, 510, 540
Mason, Felicity (pen name of Anne Cummings), xv–xvi, 607, 647–48
Mason, William H., 19
Massek, Colonel, 86, 87
Masterson, Bat, 629
Masterson, Ray, 89, 90, 515
Matilda, Duchess of Argyll, 648
Matisse, Henri, 253
Matson, Peter, 437, 556–57, 608, 633, 634, 635
Matta, Ramuntcho, 608
Matthews, Rives Skinker, 27, 434
Matthiessen, F. O., 61
Matthiessen, Peter, 8, 9
Maugham, Somerset, xvii, 70, 499, 612
Maupassant, Guy de, 53
Mavrikos, Theodore, 364
McCann, Jim (alias James Kennedy), 642, 648
McCarthy, Eugene, 471, 472
McCarthy, Joseph, 241
McCarthy, Mary, 1, 6, 354, 358, 360, 363, 372, 604
supports Burroughs, 365
theory of stateless novel, 354–55
McCarthy era, 330
McCartney, Paul, 454, 671
McClure, Michael, 273, 662
McCrary, James, 673
McGinley, Phyllis, 4
McKnight, Nicholas, 122
McLuhan, Marshall, 440
McManaway, Bruce, 486–87
McMasters, John, 471
Mead, Margaret, 546
Meisel, Perry, 631
Melody, Little Jack, 173–75, 176
Melville, Herman, 601
influence of, 307
Memoirs of a Public Baby (O’Connor), 478
Memoirs of a Young Rakehell (Apollinaire), 294
Memoirs of Fanny Hill, The, 369
Men Against Hitler (Cahen), 68
Mencken, H. L., 3, 6
Mendelssohn, Felix, 69
Meng, Wu Wu, 332
Mercado boys, 239
Mercer, Johnny, xvi
Mercer, Mae, 346
Meredith, George, 110
Merlin, 294, 371
Merry Wives of Windsor, The (Shakespeare), 248
Merton, Thomas, 303
Merwin, W. S., 518–19
Mexico, 184–85
criminal justice in, 214–16
Meyer, Stewart, 14, 506, 516, 576, 587, 588, 589, 593, 594–95, 596, 606, 650
Mezzrow, Mezz, 156
“Michael” (Wordsworth), 624
Michaux, Henri, x, 309, 311, 641
Michener, James, 147, 220
Miles, Barry, 470, 490, 491
Miller, Arthur, 1, 4
Miller, Henry, 280, 294, 348, 353, 354, 357, 358, 364, 366
and American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, 4, 5, 9, 615
on freedom of action, 358–59
on Naked Lunch, 350
Miller, Robert, 64, 68
Miller, Tim, 674
Milles, Carl, 434
Milton, John, 60, 382
Minutes to Go (Burroughs/Gysin/Beiles/Corso), 345–46, 384
Miserable Miracle (Michaux), 309
Mishkin, Edward, 369
Mission, Captain, 601, 661
Mitchell, Joni, 614
Mizner, Wilson, 528
Moby-Dick (Melville), 34, 339, 378
Mohammed V, King, 272
Mohrt, Michel, 310
Molière, Jean Baptiste Poquelin, 313, 314, 373
Molloy (Beckett), 296
Monroe, Marilyn, 4
Monsell, Graham Eyres, 63–64, 65
Montefeltro, Duke of, 441
Montgomery, John, 384
Montoya, Adolfo, 48, 51
Moore, Clinton, 63
Moreland, Dusty, 267
Morgan, Amber, x, 660
Morgan, Eileen, 660, 661, 662
Morgan, Gabriel, 658–59
Morocco, 322–23
see also Tangier
Morris, Wright, 493
Morrison, Jim, 389
Morro Castle, 72
Morton, Al (pseudonym), 422
Moss, Howard, 6, 7
Mottram, Eric, 604
Mowbray, Alan, 101
Mr. Norris Changes Trains (Isherwood), 587
“Mr. Norris Changes Trains” (Isherwood), 68
Muggeridge, Malcolm, 354
Mumford, Lewis, 3
Murchison, Sid, 140
Murphy, Dr., 461, 463
Murphy, Mrs., 93
Mussolini, Benito, 50
“Mutant Monster Beach Party” (Punk, special issue), 572
My Education (Burroughs), 668–69
My Life and Loves (Harris), 616
My Own Mag, 428
Nabokov, Vladimir, 4, 293, 296, 297, 298, 299, 354
Nagasaki incident, 123, 124
Naked Lunch (Burroughs, pseudonym William Lee), xi, xviii, 5, 8, 10, 44, 246–47, 277, 293, 302, 304, 308, 314, 334, 339, 342, 348–82, 398, 418, 452, 474, 493, 495, 500, 561, 576, 589, 590, 603, 604, 635, 658, 660, 673
addiction in, 341, 373–74, 678
and Big Table, 317–18, 332
and Black Mountain Review, 306, 315
Boston obscenity trial for, xvii, 364–70, 677
change in Burroughs after, 383, 395
and Chicago Review, 315–16
on college curriculums, 613–14
credibility of, 375
dreams in, 377–78
experimentation in, 381
fiftieth anniversary edition of, 677–78
in foreign markets, 385
form of, 372–73
and Grove Press, 334, 348–52, 364, 370, 371, 677
importance of, 380–82
last work of literature censored, 370
LSD in, 378
manuscript of, 299–300, 334
material left over from, xviii, 448–49, 619
nominated for Prix Formentor, 365
obscenity trial for, xvii, 364–70, 677
and Olympia Press, 332, 333–34, 348, 350, 354, 677
orgone energy in, 153
plot of, 373
preface to, 338
projected film versions of, 480–81, 482–83, 664
puritan disgust in, 376–77
reviews of, xii, 372, 430–31, 440, 493, 631, 678
royalties for, 371
“talking asshole” routine in, 380–81, 584
theme of, 374–75, 678
title of, 270
and Under Western Eyes, 379
visionary side to, 378
and writers’ conference, 354–55, 361
Narcotics Agent (Helbrant), 220
Naropa Institute, 516–19, 527–28, 544, 552, 652, 671, 673
“Burroughs Week” at, 641–42
Nassau Herald, 22
Nation, The, 317
National Academy of Arts and Sciences, 283
National Enquirer, 645
Neill, A. S., 456
Nemerov, Howard, 6
Nerval, Gerard de, 25
New Left, 411
Newman, Barnett, 437
New Orleans, 181, 182
French Quarter, 163
Newsweek, 372, 578
New Waverly (Tex.), 144
New York City, Times Square area in, 127
New York Dolls, 571
New Yorker, The, 94, 100, 496, 515, 590
New York Review of Books, 372
New York Times, The, 95, 114, 116, 176, 363–64, 372, 378, 432, 437, 497–98, 631, 636, 670–71, 672
Sunday book section, 631
New York Times Magazine, ix
Nicholson, Jack, 10, 409, 576
Nike ads, 665
Nixon, Richard, 374, 582, 632
Nolte, Nick, 580, 623
Norse, Harold, 335–36, 418–19, 470–71
Nouvelle Revue Française, 338
“Nova, Dr.,” 588
Nova Convention, 581–86
Nova Express (Burroughs), 360, 362, 383, 413, 438, 448, 451, 588, 590
November, Sally, 346, 419
Nowicki, Ron, 457, 483
Nuttall, Jeff, 428
Nyswander, Dr. Marie, 598
Observer, The, 453
O’Connor, Philip, 478–79
Odier, Daniel, 493
O’Hara, Frank, 437, 504
O’Hara, John, 3
O. Henry Prize Stories, 429
O’Higgins, Patrick, 414
“Old Angel Midnight” (Kerouac), 317
Oliver Twist (Dickens), 589
Olson, Charles, 287, 306, 391, 478
Olympia Press, 293, 448
bankruptcy of, 298–99
and censorship laws, 295–96, 297, 299
d.b.s of, 294–95, 302, 332
and Naked Lunch, 332, 333–34, 348, 350, 354, 677
O’Neill, Eugene, 587
O’Neill, Paul, 340–41
Ono, Yoko, 504
On the Road (Kerouac), xviii, 169, 290, 306, 327, 474, 500, 581
on bestseller list, 287
On the Road (Kerouac) (continued)
contract for, 280
hero of, 220
rejections of, 220, 224–25, 334, 394
success of, 287–88, 388
theme in, 307
typing of, 219–20
Opium (Cocteau), 121
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 57, 241
“Oral History of the World, The” (Gould), 94
Orfeo Negro (film), 344
Orlovsky, Peter, 282, 285, 396–97, 399, 514, 646, 652
background of, 269
Burroughs’ hostility toward, 283–84, 397
fantasies of, 300
letters to, 304, 403
lover of Allen Ginsberg, 5, 269, 273, 290, 291, 292, 394, 397, 400, 401
physical strength of, 597
Orpheus (mythological figure), 427
Orwell, George, 380
influence of, 469, 613
Orwell, Sonia, 478
Orwig, Brick, 64
Oswald, Lee Harvey, mother of, 649
Othello (Shakespeare), 118, 618
O’Toole, Detective Sergeant, 115, 116, 117
Our Lady of Chalma (Mexico), 190–91
Outline of History (Wells), 227
Owens, Iris (pseudonym Harriet Daimler), 294, 304
Padgett, Ron, 437
Pageant magazine, 288
“Pages from Cold Point” (Bowles), 259
Palermo, Danielle, 665
Palmer, Tex (Tex the Trotskyite), 229
Papen, Franz von, 24
Pareto, Vilfredo, 121
Paris, Beat Hotel in, 293, 298, 300, 301
Paris Review, 295, 435
Parker, Charlie, 628
Parker, Edie, 103, 124–25, 141
affair with Jack Kerouac, 98–100, 103, 104, 107–8, 113
background of, 98
father of, 120
late dates for, 98–99
letters to, 124, 142, 143
marries Jack Kerouac, 120
mother of, 120
sharing apartment with Joan Vollmer Burroughs, 99–101, 103, 104
V-12 boyfriends of, 102, 212
Parker, Helen, 195, 628
Partisan Review, 306
Pascal, Blaise, 622
Paulk, John, 638–39
Paulk, Viola Wolford, 638, 639
Paulks, the, 499, 638
Pearlman style of writing, 34
Peck, M. Scott, 666
Pegler, Westbrook, 182
Pembroke, Earl of, 254
Pennsylvania Railroad, 22
Pepys, Samuel, 444
Perez, Faustino, see Hoffenberg, Mason
Perkins, Maxwell, 327
Perry, Al, 465
Perry, Karen, 465, 466, 483, 484, 487, 526, 528, 534, 538, 542
background of, 464
legal allegation of, 569
marries Burroughs’ son, 464–65
Perry, Libby, 465
“Personal Magnetism” (Burroughs), 42–43, 52
Peru, 238–39
Petit Dictionnaire Classique, 320
Pétomane, the, 381
Petronius, 373
Phantom of the Opera, The (film), 627
Phipps, Harry, 312
Picasso, Pablo, xi, 77, 653
Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan), 678
Pilot, The, 107
“Pipers of Pan” (Moroccan musicians), 485–86
“Pit and the Pendulum, The” (Poe), 544
Place, Pat (pseudonym), 573
Place of Dead Roads (Burroughs), 591, 628–31, 635, 658
advance on, 608
autobiographical elements in, 629–30
death in, 630
models of masculine behavior for gay community in, 629
morality in, 630
reviews of, 631
time in, 630
Western scene in, 629–31
Plato, 100
Platt, Charles, 609
Playboy, 434, 435
Playgirl, 578
Plimpton, George, 294–95
Plumed Serpent, The (Lawrence), 596
Plutonius, 357
P.M., 107
Podhoretz, Norman, 308
Poe, Edgar Allan, 259, 335, 411, 544
Pond, Ashley, 45–46
Poons, Larry, 437
Pop, Iggy, 516, 571
Porte, Madame, 625
Portman, Mikey, 394, 400, 403, 415, 416–17, 648
background of, 385
and drugs, 417–18, 480, 573, 627
ever-present, 401, 402
irresponsibility of, 386, 398, 399, 404, 475, 573
personality of, 396–97, 416, 424
vices of, 385
as worshiper of Burroughs, 385, 386–87
Portman, Mrs. (Mikey’s mother), 417–18
Portman, Suna, 417
Port of Entry (exhibit), 670
Port of Saints (Burroughs), 495–96
Post family, 421
Pound, Ezra, 3, 267, 290, 306, 379, 423, 637
Pound, Omar, 423
Power, Tyrone, 315
Praul (philosophy professor), 61
Prentice, David, 446, 447, 510–11
Presnell, Madison, 392
Prince, James, 595–96, 606
Process, The (Gysin), 320, 476
Proust, Marcel, 89, 100
Psi Men and His Many Wives, 332
psychedelic movement, 389, 390–93, 394, 400–404, 405–11
Publishers Weekly, 494
Pueblo Indians, 45
Pulitzer, Joseph, 30
Punk magazine, 572
punk movement, 571–73, 578, 585, 588
vs. hippies, 572
Puzo, Mario, 674, 676
Queer (Burroughs), xviii, 225, 228, 634–35, 643
Quest, 578
Quinn, Edward, 491
Rabelais, François, 357
influence of, 352
Rachou, Madame, 293, 301
Radiguet, Raymond, 101
Rambouillet, Madame de, 440
Randle, Kevin, 666
Ransom, John Crowe, 173
Rashomon (film), 519
Rauschenberg, Robert, 402, 443, 444, 504, 505, 608, 660
Raven, Simon, 356
Ray, Man, 310
Reader’s Digest, 49, 371
Reagan, Ronald, 590, 600, 613, 614
Really the Blues (Mezzrow), 156
Reardon, Paul C., 370
Reds (film), 608
Reed, John S., 56
Reed, Lou, xvi, 516
Reeves, Lawrence, 422–23
Reich, Wilhelm, 43, 150–53, 511
background of, 151–52
death of, 152
Food and Drug Administration investigation of, 152
influence of, 400, 449
irrationality of during investigation and trial, 152
and orgone energy, 151–53
in prison, 152
visions of, 153
Reithorst, Anthony (Dutch Tony), 255, 258, 264
“Religion and the Intellectuals” (symposium), 306
Rembar, Charles, 351
Remembrance of Things Past (Proust), 368
Resnick, Marcia, 585, 591–92, 593
“Return to St. Louis” (Burroughs), 434, 435
Rexroth, Kenneth, 272–73, 274, 306, 309, 614
Rexroth, Martha, 274
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 24
Richards, Keith, 582, 583, 584, 585, 593
Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, duc de, 504
Riesman, David, 317
Rimbaud, Arthur, 95, 106, 111, 116, 323, 360, 421, 629
and cut-up method, xii, 345
as renegade of culture, 96, 308
Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Coleridge), 62, 367
Rioch, David, 88, 89
Rio Grande Valley (Tex.), 160
Ripa, Dean, 644
Ritual and Belief in Morocco (Westermarck), 254
Rivers, Larry, 420, 437
Road to Xanadu, The (Lowes), 62
Robinson, Carolyn, 164
Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 211, 278
Rockefeller, David, 443
Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 22–23
Rockefeller, John D., Sr., 22, 23, 24
Rockefellers, the, 21, 22, 23, 25, 231
Rockets Redglare (pseudonym), 573
Roehm, Ernst, 66
Rogers, Will, 437
Rolling Stones, 412, 439, 485, 516, 582, 591, 592–93, 666
Roman Orgy (van Heller, pseudonym), 294
Rooks, Conrad, 438–39
Rooney, Mickey, 473
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (FDR), xvii, 10, 50, 57, 61, 273
Roosevelt, Theodore, 2, 45
“Roosevelt After Inauguration” (Burroughs), 351–52
Roots of Heaven, The (film), 304
Rorem, Ned, 7
Rosenbergs, the, 241
Rosenthal, Irving, 315–18, 418, 430–31, 617–18
Rosset, Barney, 344, 413, 650
background of, 348
and censorship, 348–49
and Floating Bear case, 352
legal battles of, 349, 350–53, 365–66
letters from, 350, 351, 352
letters to, 350, 352, 364, 371
and Naked Lunch, 334, 349–52, 364–66, 370
personality of, 348
and Tropic of Cancer, 349, 350–51, 352–53, 365
Roth, Philip, 1, 317
Rothko, Mark, 520
Roux, Madame, 280
Ruark, Robert, 254
Rubinstein, Helena, 414–15
Ruby Ridge case, 672
Ruskin, Mickey, 585
Ruspoli, Princess, 324
Ruspolis, the, 324, 325
Russe, Ann, 36, 44, 60
Russell, Vickie (Priscilla Arminger), 128, 131–32, 157, 173–75, 176
Sackville-West, Victoria, 356
Sade, Marquis de, 298, 350, 436
St. John, Louise Marie, 439
St. Louis:
clubs and traditions in, 30–31
and Mississippi River, 31
tornado in, 36–37
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 30, 66, 344, 435
Salinger, J. D., 4, 671
Salt Chunk Mary, 40, 41, 67
Sandburg, Carl, 2–3
Sanders, Ed, 583
Sanders, George, 282
Sanderson, LuAnne, 149, 165, 166, 170, 171
Sarraute, Nathalie, 365
Sartre, Jean Paul, 311, 615
Saturday Evening Post, 346
Saturday Night Live, 606, 658, 665
Saturday Review, 366, 600
Satyricon (Petronius), 373
Schaeffer, Ursula, 547, 559, 562
Schapiro, Meyer, 176
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 10, 12, 403, 613
Schmitt, Donald, 666
Schorer, Mark, 349
Schubert, Franz, 525
Schultes, Richard Evans, 233–35, 236, 237
Schultz, Dutch (Arthur Flegenheimer), 432, 438, 445, 494, 498
see also Last Words of Dutch Schultz, The
Schuschnigg, Kurt von, 68
Schwab, Dr., 56
Science and Sanity (Korzybski), 76–77
Scotsman, The, 363
Scott, Hazel, 298
Scott, Walter, 665
Screaming Flesh, 369
Scudder, Rogers, 30, 51–52, 60, 63, 65
“Sea and the Mirror” poems, 248
Sea Hunt (TV show), 534
Sea Is My Brother, The (Kerouac), 107
Seale, Bobby, 443
Seale, Dr. John, 645
Searle, Alan, 499
Season in Hell, A (Rimbaud), 116
Seaver, Jeannette, 586
Seaver, Richard, 294, 371, 497, 586, 590, 633
and Cities of the Red Night, 603, 608
confidence in Burroughs, 603–4
and cut-up method, 452
vs. Andrew Wylie, 634–36
Self, Will, 669
Semmelweis, Ignaz, 408
Senseny, Mrs., 35
Seton, Ernest Thompson, 39
Seven Types of Ambiguity (Empson), 478
Seward, William H., 15
Sex Secret of a Locomotive (Gysin), x
Shafrazi, Tony, 653, 662
Shakespeare, William, 60, 225, 367, 618, 666, 670, 676
and cut-up method, 345
and fold-in method, 360, 363
quoted by Burroughs, 61, 96, 97, 144, 600, 670
Shankar, Ravi, 438
Shannon, J., 608
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 330
Sheltering Sky, The (Bowles), 249, 260, 613
Shor, Toots, 113
Siddhartha (Hesse), 409
Silverberg, Ira, 615, 626
Simon, Slim, 226
Simpson, Louis, 219, 306
Simpson, Wally, 69
Sin for Breakfast (Drake, pseudonym), 302
Sitwell, Edith, xii, 305
Skerl, Jennie, 604
Smart, Nick, 327
Smith, Harry, 646, 659
Smith, Judy, 333
Smith, Lillian, 365
Smith, Patti, xvi, 516, 578, 584–85, 675
Smith, Virginia, 545
Smith, William Jay, 6
Snell, David, 339, 340, 342
Snyder, Gary, 273, 405, 410, 516, 518, 548, 615
Soft Machine, The (Burroughs), 383, 448
autobiographical elements in, 449
horror in, 450
sex in, 449–50
version of creation myth in, 450
SoHo Weekly News, 515
Solomon, Carl, 119, 176–79, 219–21, 224, 267, 273
Sommerville, Ian, 347, 383, 385, 394, 396, 397, 398, 404, 413, 415, 418, 436–37, 469, 475, 476, 480, 490, 521–22
appearance of, 335
background of, 335–36
as Burroughs’ lover, 337, 426–27, 446, 453, 503, 628, 649, 651
death of, 337, 521, 522–23, 612
electronics abilities of, 399, 423–24
homosexuality of, 424, 426, 427, 453–55, 459, 470, 503, 628, 651
letters from, 401, 463
letters to, 446, 521
paranoid period of, 426
personality of, 399, 416, 427, 655
physical problems of, 337
supportiveness of, 336–37, 425
Sontag, Susan, 4, 524
Southern, Terry, 297, 299, 482–83, 626
and Chicago demonstrations, 471, 472, 473
irreverence of, 12, 472
at Nova Convention, 585
and projected film version of Junky, 574, 575, 577
Speed (Burroughs’ son), 487, 556–57
Spellman, Cardinal Francis, 243
Spender, Stephen, 306, 360, 362, 478
Spengler, Oswald, 98, 121, 124, 288
Spock, Dr. Benjamin, 241, 472
“Squeal” (Simpson), 306
Stafford, Jean, 492
Stalin, Joseph, 95, 358, 374
Standard Oil, 24
Stanwyck, Barbara, 98, 102
Starr, Ringo, 454, 509
Starzl, Dr. Thomas Earl, 539, 541, 559, 560
appearance of, 532
background of, 530
Burroughs’ son, Billy, liver transplant for, 534–37
and controlled addiction, 555
letters to, 545, 564
and liver transplant operations, 530–32, 534–37
and organ transplants, 530–31
overall impression of, 531–32
Starzl, Frank, 530
Steegmuller, Francis, 1
Steig, William, 100
Stein, Chris, 516, 653
Stein, Gertrude, 7, 221, 259, 343
Steinbeck, John, Jr., 542–44
Steinberg, Florence, 44
Steiner, George, 493
Stern, Dini, 313, 314
Stern, Jacques, 321, 336, 651
background of, 312
and Burroughs’ face, strange changes in, 328
and drugs, 312–15
and Junky, projected film version of, 574–78
and personality of, 313
as storm center, 314
Stern, Richard, 63, 64, 65, 316, 317, 649–50
Sterne, Laurence, 221
Stevens, Captain, 331
Stevens, John Paul, xvii
Stewart, Potter, 509
Stimson, Henry L., 57
Sting (singer), 626
Stooges, the, 571
Strachey, Lytton, 307
Strange Fruit (Smith), 365
Strieber, Whitley, 666
Strong Brown God, The (Morgan), xv
Strummer, Joe, 591
Students for a Democratic Society, 471
Styron, William, 1
Subterraneans, The (Kerouac), 246, 419
Summerfield, Arthur, 317
Survive magazine, 621
Susskind, David, 411–12
Swales, Peter, 668, 669
Swift, Jonathan, 382
Tales of the South Pacific (Michener), 147
Talking Heads, 516, 572
Tangier (Morocco):
beauty of, 278
cosmopolitanism of, 253
currencies of, 253
deterioration of, 578–79
drifters in, 255–58, 269
drugs in, 254, 331
end-of-the-world feeling about, 269, 270
exemption of, 254–55
fashionable gathering places in, 261–62
freedom in, 254, 432
free enterprise in, 253–54
geographical position of, 252–53
homosexuality in, 254, 255, 258, 423, 424
as imaginative construct, 270
as international zone, 253, 258, 272
languages of, 253
magic in, 255
origin of, 253
outside social contexts in, 280
population of, 254, 255
safety in, 279
Spaniards in, 324
transients in, 255–58, 269
women in, 255
world capital of stranded, 255
see also Morocco
Tanner, Tony, 382
Tate, Allen, 4, 305
Taylor, Edgar C., 60
Teachings of Don Juan, The (Castañeda), 511
Tenant, The (Malamud), 11–12, 13
Tennyson, Lord Alfred, 644
Tercerero, Dave (Old Dave), 187–88, 189–90, 194–95, 226, 228, 280, 375, 627
Terms of Endearment (film), 10
Texas, see New Waverly; Rio Grande Valley
Theory of Games and Economic Behavior (Von Neumann), 343
Theroux, Paul, 664
Thief’s Journal, The (Genet), 291
Think and Grow Rich, 586
Third Mind, The (Burroughs/Gysin), 445, 586
Thomas, Mack, 303–4, 309, 338–39, 437
Thomson, Virgil, 2, 7–8, 612
Thoreau, Henry David, 251, 409
Thorn, Alice, 670
Thurber, James, 4
Ticket That Exploded, The (Burroughs), 360, 362, 383, 448
autobiographical sequence in, 450–51
ending of, 451
futility of love in, 450–51
Nova conspiracy in, 451
Time Machine, The (Wells), 237
Time magazine, 1, 290, 293, 372, 411, 677
Times Literary Supplement, xii, 297
Times (London), The, 363, 507
Times Picayune (New Orleans), 171
“Times They Are A-Changin’, The” (Dylan), 403
Titanic, 72
Toilers of the Sea (Hugo), 34
Tolkien, J. R. R., 390
Toller, Ernst, 75–76
Tolstoy, Leo, 361, 618
Total Beast (Thomas), 339
Touch of Danger, A (Jones), 601
Towers Open Fire (film), 417
Town and the City, The (Kerouac), 119, 174, 221, 224, 287
Treasure Island (Stevenson), 34, 602
Trilling, Lionel, 111, 123, 149, 176, 305, 396
Tristram Shandy (Sterne), 221
Trocchi, Alexander (pseudonym Carmencita de las Lunas), 294, 355–56, 359, 360, 452, 573, 627
Trocchi, Lynn, 356
Tropic of Cancer (Miller), 348, 349, 364, 370
on bestseller list, 350
legal battles over, 350–51, 352–53, 365, 368–69
Trotsky, Leon, 149
True Confessions, 42
Truman, Harry, 123
Trungpa, Diana, 517
Trungpa Rinpoche, Chögyam, 516, 517, 518–19, 533–34, 550
Tucci, Niccolò, 361
Tuchman, Barbara, 10, 12
Tuck, Porter, 256–57
Turner, Bill, 44
Turn of the Screw, The (James), 421
Twain, Mark, 253, 671
“Twilight’s Last Gleaming” (Burroughs), 72–73
Twilight World, The (Anderson), 495
Two Cities, 345
Twombley, Cy, 504
Two Serious Ladies (Auer), 259
Two Years Before the Mast (Dana), 602
Tzara, Tristan, 320
UFO Crash at Roswell (Randle and Schmitt), 665–66
Ulysses (Joyce), 225, 273, 368
“Uncle William” column, 428
Under Western Eyes (Conrad), 379
Unfortunate Traveler, The, 373
United Mine Workers, 22
University of the New World, 481–82, 483
Unnameable, The (Beckett), 296
Until She Screams (Perez, pseudonym), 302
Updike, John, 1, 496
Valentino, Rudolph, 471
Van Doren, Mark, 123, 176, 244, 305
Van Gogh, Vincent, 80, 177, 237
Vanity Fair, 378
Velvet Underground, 516, 572–73
Verdi, Giuseppe, 248
Verlaine, Paul, 111
Vicarion, Count Palmiro, see Logue, Christopher
Vico, Giovanni Battista, 121
Victory (Conrad), 494
Vidal, Gore, 4
View of Toledo (El Greco), 605
Village Voice, 388, 411, 573
Villon, François, 308
Vision, A (Yeats), 116
Visions of Cody (Kerouac), 273
Volkisher Beobachter, 70
Vollmer, David W., 99, 142, 217, 230
Vollmer, Joan, see Burroughs, Joan Vollmer
Vollmer, Julie, see Adams, Julie Vollmer
Vollmer, Mrs. (Joan’s mother), 217, 230
Volpis, the, 276
von Blomberg, William P. Frere, 64
Vonnegut, Kurt, xvii, 1, 626
von Neumann, John, 343
Vortex, Johnny (pseudonym), 573
Voyage au Bout de la Nuit (Céline), 221
see also Journey to the End of Night
Wain, John, 440
Waits, Tom, 663
Waldman, Anne, 516, 518, 544, 548, 583, 589, 597, 641, 673, 675
Walker, Jimmy, 113
Wallace, George, 477
Walters, Raymond, Jr., 363–64
Warhol, Andy, xiv, 437, 441, 444, 445, 572, 585, 587, 591–92, 593
followers of, 440
Waring, Tom, 54
Warner, Dr. Richard, 545–46, 547, 552, 555, 563
War Powers Act, 58
Warren, Earl, 369
Warren, Robert Penn, 1
Washington, George, 596
Waste Land, The (Eliot), 25, 59, 379
Watson, Alan, 453–55, 459, 462, 469, 470, 480, 503
Watt (Beckett), 296
Watts, Alan, 387, 404–5, 410
Waugh, Evelyn, 573
Weathermen, 412
Weber, Carl Maria von, 663
Wechsler, Herbert, 176
Weissenberger, Rex, 66, 649
Welch, Denton, 213–14
Wells, H. G., 227, 237, 239, 411
influence of, 404
Welty, Eudora, 3, 509
Wescott, Glenway, 3, 7
West, Nathanael, 374
West, Rebecca, 357
Westermarck, Edward, 254
Western Lands (Burroughs), xviii, 65, 635, 650, 651, 654–56, 658, 675
characters in, 654, 655, 656
coins in, 655
ending of, 656
and life after death, 655
publication party and signing for, 653
as quest book, 654–55, 656
question in, 656
road to, 655
Whalen, Philip, 273, 516
“When Your Time Comes to Go” (Elvins), 416
White, Kay, 128, 138, 148
White, Mrs., 19, 436
White, Phil, 135, 627
background of, 128
and drugs, 128–29, 130, 131, 134, 138
hangs himself, 217–18
as pickpocket, 128, 136, 217, 449
White Thighs (Vicarion, pseudonym), 294
Whitman, George, 335, 336
Whitman, Walt, 123, 274, 290, 307, 335
influence of, 305, 307
Who Walk in Darkness (Brossard), 248
Wiggers, Dr. Herbert, 79, 81–82, 668
Wild Boys, The (Burroughs), 462, 476, 483
alternate society in, 494–95
autobiographical elements in, 495
characters in, 495, 624
cloning in, 495
homosexual warrior packs in, 494–95
Wild Boys, The (Burroughs) (continued)
leftover material from, 495
sexual frenzy in, 645
Wild Boys Redux, see Port of Saints
Wilde, Oscar, 57, 101, 257, 411, 648, 669–70
William Burroughs Communications, 658, 674, 676
Williams, Oscar, 274
Williams, Sheila, 266, 267
Williams, Tennessee, 509, 573, 611, 627
Williams, William Carlos, 221, 247, 283, 285, 290, 306
Willis, Bill, 462
Wilson, Angus, 354, 361
Wilson, Edmund, 4
Wilson, Harold, 385
Wilson, Robert, 663–64
Wilson, Robert Anton, 583
Wilson, Woodrow, 2, 22
Wilt, Napier, 316
Wingate, John, 287
Winkler, Michael, 649
Winston, Harry, 415
Wishart, Michael, 386
With Open Mouth (Lunas, de las, pseudonym), 294
With William Burroughs: Report from the Bunker (Bockris), 587
Wojahn, Virginia, 534, 536, 538, 539, 545, 569
Wolberg, Dr., 136, 246
Wolfe, Thomas, 105, 307, 578
Wolfe, Tom, 614
Wolfert, Michael, ix
Wolfner, Baron Yanche, 68
Woman Thing, The (Daimler, pseudonym), 294
Women in Love (Lawrence), 94
Wood, Arthur, 48, 57
Woods, Eddie, 198, 207, 214–15, 216
version of accidental killing of Burroughs’ wife, 208–10
Woodstock, 412
Woolf, Virginia, 307, 514
Wordsworth, William, 60, 178, 251, 624
“Writer and Commitment, The” (symposium), 356
Wylie, Andrew, 582
and seven-book deal with Viking, 633–36
Wylie, Craig, 634
Wyn, A. A., 218, 219, 220, 228, 238
Yacoubi, Ahmed, 402
Yeats, W. B., 116, 238
and New Vision, 106
prominence of, 637
psychic society of, 251
quoted, 137
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny, 597, 662
Yippies, 411, 443, 471, 472
You Can’t Win (Black), 39, 40–41, 89, 129, 222, 630
Young, Celine, 102–3, 106, 112, 113, 117, 120, 124
Young and the Evil, The (Ford), 514
Zappa, Frank, xvi, 516, 584, 589, 626