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AB (Extraordinary Pacification) Aktion 421

ABCD Powers 256, 257, 260, 264

Abetz, Otto 201, 211

Abraham Puls & Co. 474

Abwehr 125

Abyssinia 6–10, 43–4, 183, 189, 317, 536, 537

Acheson, Dean 532, 553

Action Français 270

Addis Ababa 8

Adolf Hitler Shock Troop 71

Adolf-Hitler Schools 104

Adowa 5

Afrika Corps 338, 378, 446

Agrarian Party 55

Air Sea Rescue Service 174

Akjimenko, Colonel A.Z. 349

Akselrod, Zelig 460–1

Aktion Reinhard camps 403–4, 412, 454, 541

Alamogordo 526

Albania 5, 74, 189, 191, 297, 314

Albrecht, Berty 270 Ålesund 299

Aleutian Islands 525

Alexander, General Harold 310, 343, 357, 390

Alexander I, King of Yugoslavia 6, 40

Alexandria 171

Alfieri, Dino 313

Algeria 278, 356, 357

Algiers 379

Alibert, Raphaël 208

All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage (Cheka, later OGPU, later NKVD) 82

Allenstein 539

Allied Northwest African Air Force 507

Alsace 84, 149

Alsos Project 521

Alvensleben, Ludolf-Hermann von 124

Amann, Max 98–9

Ambrosio, Vittorio 533

America First 182–3

Amery, Leo 159

Amiens 456, 458

Amsterdam 471

Anami, Major General Korechika 552

Anderson, Fred 498

Anderson, Sir John 288

Anderson, Lieutenant General Kenneth 357

Anglo-German Naval agreement (1935) 31, 44

Anglo-US summit (1943) 520

Anschluss 34, 53, 54, 55, 70, 148

Anti-Comintern Pact (1936) 11, 20, 31, 108, 113, 194

anti-Fascist Popular Front 80

anti-Semitism 36, 77, 101, 122, 143, 153, 182, 183, 213, 249, 318, 401, 404, 421, 447, 449, 523

Anti-Soviet Trotskyist-Zinovievite Centre 90

Antonescu, Marshal Ion 223, 313

Antonov, General Alexei 345, 349

Anzio 374

Apeldoorn 473

appeasement 110, 115, 169, 254, 420

aftermath of Munich 69–75

final talks 60–8

and Nazi Germany 53–60

personnel 47–53

as popular policy 38

‘realistic’ policy 39–47

support for 159, 255

Arabs 446–7

Arbeiderbladet 195

Arctic Circle 82

Ardeatine Caves 309–10

Ardennes offensive (1944) 361

Arendt, Hannah 415, 420

Argentina 144

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 379

Arizona 260

Armenians 543, 546

Arnim, Hans-Jürgen von 438

Arnold, General Henry ‘Hap’ 351, 354, 498, 506

Asaka, Prince 19

Ascq 284

Assisi 468

Astrakov, Georgy 111, 114

Atlantic, Battle of the 161

Atlantic Charter 253, 258

Attlee, Clement 159, 170, 335, 353

Aubrac, Jean-Pierre 271

Aubrac, Lucie 271

Aubrac, Raymond 271

Auchinleck, Claude 189

Aus der Fünten, Ferdinand Hugo 473

Auschwitz 73, 77, 78, 220, 411, 413–14, 415, 417, 418, 430, 432, 449, 451, 453, 454, 455, 458–9, 471, 514, 541, 554

Auschwitz-Birkenau 453, 456, 457

Australia 39–40, 118, 445, 481

Austria 5, 6, 29–30, 32, 33, 51, 55, 124, 157

Austro-German agreement (1936) 33

Austro-Hungarian Empire 1, 39

Axis see Rome-Berlin Axis

Azuma, Shiro 562


Babadzhanian, Major General A. Kh. 349

Babelsberg film studios 106

Babi Yar 250, 408

Bach-Zelewski, Erich von dem 395, 397, 398, 399, 444

Backe, Herbert 228

Baden 149

Bader, Douglas 174

Badoglio, Marshal Pietro 8–9, 199, 533, 535

Baisingen 436

Baku 236

Balbo, Italo 187

Baldwin, Stanley 37, 43, 44

Balkans 73, 182, 188, 217, 290, 293, 296, 297, 316, 338, 430, 536, 537, 548

Baltic States 112, 113, 145, 155, 224

Banka Island 561

Banzai, General Ichiro 312

Baranowicze 395, 399

Barbarossa see Operation Barbarossa

Barbie, Klaus 271

Barcelona 10, 35

Bardia, Battle of (1940) 188

Bardonnie, Louis de la 269

Barthou, Louis 6, 40

Bartov, Omer 392–3

Bassenger, General Gerhard 439

Bastianini, Giuseppe 169

Bataan death march 525, 557, 560

Battel, Lieutenant Albert 463–4

Bayreuth 61

BBC 50, 60, 63, 66, 116, 191, 273, 274, 310, 319, 438, 449

Beaverbrook, Lord 160, 335

Beck, Jòsef 112

Beck, General Ludwig 32, 58

Bimagedzin 131

Behr, Kurt von 437

Beijing 18

Belgium 31, 46, 127, 158, 448, 549

Belgrade 484

Bell, George, Bishop of Chichester 503–4, 505

Belzec 148, 404, 411, 463

Ben Gurion, David 449

Benès, Eduard 59, 63, 70, 72, 304, 305, 307

Bennett, Alan 180

Bennett, General Gordon 262–3

Bentivegna, Rosario ‘Paolo’ 308

Berchtesgaden 60–1, 111

Bergen-Belsen 548

Beria, Lavrenty 91, 154, 345

Berlin 20, 33, 34, 44, 57, 66, 70, 72, 99, 110, 116, 139, 152, 177, 184, 227, 312, 406, 412, 417, 436, 478, 479, 481, 499, 500, 512

Berlin, Isaiah 185

Berlin Lichterfelde 98

Bermuda 181, 184

Bernau 125

Bernières, Louis de, Captain Corelli’s Mandolin 317

Bertolucci, Bernardo 2

Bessarabia 112, 145, 247, 254

Best, Geoffrey 161

Best, Werner 124, 211, 219, 220, 292, 293, 467

Beutelsbacher, Lieutenant 243

Bevan, Nye 334

Bevin, Ernest 335

Bey, Kemal 543

Białystok 153, 395, 407

Bianchi, Colonel Mario 315

Bichelonne, Jean 203

Biddle, Tammi 454

Biebow, Hans 414, 422–3, 425, 429

Billancourt 496

Binder, SS-Unterscharführer 432

Bingen, Jacques 270

Birmingham 177, 490

Biscari 380

Bischoff, Helmuth 128

Bismarck 163

Bismarck, Otto von (grandson) 319

Bismarck, Prince Otto von 22

Black Book of Soviet Jewry 461–2

Black Brigades 536

Black Sea 95

Black Watch 372

Blackett, Patrick 490–1

Blair, Squadron Leader Tommy 481

Blamey, General Thomas 382–3

Bletchley Park 444

Blobel, Paul 250

Blomberg, Werner von 32, 33, 320

Blood Pledge League 17

Bloody Sunday 25

Blücher 158

Blum, Léon 41, 204

Bobrov, General Alexander 347

Bock, Fedor von 119, 123, 126, 221, 232, 234

Bock’s Car 531

Bodman, Baron von und zu 219

Boer War 81

Bohemia-Moravia 124, 147, 449, 549

Bohlen, Charles ‘Chip’ 350

Bohr, Niels 520

Böll, Heinrich 391–2

Bolsheviks, Bolshevism 25, 31, 36, 58, 77, 81, 82, 85, 89, 93, 94, 101, 102, 105, 155, 227, 237, 327, 346, 352

Bomber Command 51, 164, 167, 176, 178, 179, 289, 297, 454, 455, 508, 514

aims of 482–4

and area bombing 487–9

and ‘Bomber’ Harris 492–500

missions and casualties 481–2

opposition to missions 501–5

organisation of 478–81

path to promiscuous bombing 484–501

superstitions 481–2

see also Royal Air Force (RAF)

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich 503

Bonn-Godesberg 33

Bonnet, Georges 41

Bono, Marshal Emilio de 536

Boothby, Bob 163

Bordeaux 206

Boris, King 270

Bormann, Martin 86, 106, 143, 395, 547

Borneo 263, 561

Bose, Chandra 559

Bothmann, Hans 413, 415

Bottai, Giuseppe 533

Bottomley, Sir Norman 490, 493

Boudarias, Marcel 217

Bouhler, Phlip 144

Bout de l’An, Francis 279–80, 281–2

Bout de l’An, Simone 279, 280, 281, 282

Boy Scouts 103, 154, 206, 464

Bracken, Brendan 335, 450

Bradfisch, Otto 423, 429

Bradley, Omar 353, 380

Brand, Sir Quintin 175

Brandt, Karl-Rudolf 71, 144, 548

Brasillach, Robert 213

Brauchitsch, Werner von 224, 232, 233, 320, 326

Braune, Dr 252

Brecht, Bertolt 308

Brehmer Division 285

Breker, Arno 221

Bremen 480, 497

Brenner Pass 5, 6

Breslau 464, 539

Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of (1917) 24, 37, 173

Brewster, Oswald 526

Briand, Aristide 40

Britain 6–7, 10, 11, 13, 39–40, 41–53, 62–3, 70, 73, 74, 87, 115, 117, 222, 255, 269, 272, 528

British Board of Deputies 459

British Empire 39, 163, 164, 169, 172, 377

British Expeditionary Force (BEF) 167, 168

British Fighter Command 174, 176

British First Army 357

British Legion 38

British Military

2nd Parachute Battalion 378

10 Group 175

11 Group 175

100 Group 289

Eighth Army 126, 343, 347, 357, 378

Brittain, Vera 501, 509, 514

Bromberg 128–30

Brooke, Sir Alan 171, 252, 311, 319, 320, 335, 339–42, 343, 356, 489, 540

Brossolette, Pierre 270

Brothers in Need campaign 108

Brownlow, Kevin 501

Bruller, Jean, Le Silence de la mer 215–16

Brundage, Avery 183

Brunner, Alois 418

Brunsbüttel 177

Brustlein, Gilbert 217

Bryansk 232

Buber-Neumann, Margaret 431, 432, 434, 435

Buchan, John 291

Buchenwald 84, 541, 542, 547

Budenny, Semyon 344–5, 345

Bukharin, Nikolai 90, 91

Bukovina 145

Bulgaria 54

Bullingen 361

Buna 456

Burger, Anton 418

Burma 255, 264, 266, 328, 374

Burma-Siam Railway 560–1

Burza, Battle of (1939) 120

Busch, General Ernst 247, 324

Bush, Vannevar 518, 523

Butt, David 489

Butt Report (1941) 454

Byelorussia 349, 396, 476

Byrnes, James 522–3, 526


Cadogan, Sir Alexander 59, 74, 254, 352, 543

Cadorna, Raffaele 536

Caen 540

Cahiers du Témoinage Chrétien 273

Cairo 296, 297, 338, 351

Cambodia 266

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) 502

Campo Imperatore 535

Canada 40, 118, 167, 173, 445, 481

Canaris, Admiral Wilhelm 133, 245

Cape Matapan 189

Capponi, Carla 308

Carin II (yacht) 99

Carlsbad 56, 59

Casablanca Conference (1943) 498, 507

Case White 119

Castro, Fidel 80

Catholic Church 1, 3, 8, 136, 155, 203, 538

Cavallero, Marshal Ugo 315

CBS 58

Céline, Ferdinand 205

Celle 438

Central China Area Army 560

Century Group 181

Cephalonia 535

Chamberlain, Austen 47

Chamberlain, Ivy 50

Chamberlain, Neville 35–6, 39, 46, 47–52, 53–5, 60–9, 71–5, 102, 118, 159, 160, 163, 164, 167, 170, 289, 335, 486

Chamberlain, Norman 36

Chanel, Coco 214, 471

Channel Islands 190

Chapou, Jean-Jacques 285

Chartres 198

Chechens 79

Chechov, Anatoly Ivanovich 371

Cheka 82

Chełm 131

Chelmno 307, 403, 412–14, 422, 423, 427, 449, 541

Chemnitz 512

Chennault, Major General Claire 256

Chernevo 349

Cherry Blossom Society 17

Cherwell, Frederick Lindemann, Lord 162, 335, 490

Chevalier, Maurice 213, 214, 471

Chiang Kai-shek 18, 20, 256, 257, 351

Chicago Tribune 182

China 13, 15–20, 42–3, 79, 110, 257, 259, 264, 329, 374, 507, 515, 517, 524, 528, 556, 559, 560

China Garrison Army 18

China Relief Fund 265

Chinchow 35

Chinese Nationalists 11

Chinese-Japanese war 18–20

Chomsk 396

Christian X 193

Christian XI 292

Chuikov, General Vasily 349

Churchill, Diana 164

Churchill, Colonel ‘Mad Jack’ 373

Churchill, Sir Winston 53, 79, 100, 311, 313

and belief in League of Nations 53, 54

and bombing raids 488, 489, 491, 499, 513

and British rearmament 48, 76–7

considered erratic and unstable 51, 234

as decision-maker 168–73

and declaration of war 60

and the Dutch 540

and the Far East 262

Greece and the Middle East 188

and his generals 320, 338–44

knowledge of exterminations 445

and maritime losses 187

and one-man power 49–50, 84

and persecution of Jews 44, 452

and proposed release of Jews 458

religious beliefs 337

and rise of German militarism 45

and Roosevelt 184, 488

and Russian invasion 226

and SOE 287–8, 294

and the Soviet Union 74, 253–5, 520

and Stalin 350, 351–2

suggests anti-Nazi alliance 54, 55

and Ten Year Rule 39

and US participation 253

and Versailles Treaty 36–7

and war crime trials 544

as war leader 158–68, 334–8

Churchill, Winston (grandson) 163

Ciano, Count Galeazzo 11, 31, 67, 71–2, 171, 533

Ciano-Mussolini, Edda 536

Citrino, Idrio 316

City of Exeter, The (freighter) 112

Clark, Alan 80

Clarke, Alan, The Donkeys 342

Clausen, Frits 193

Clavières 285

Cobban, Alfred 4

Cochet, Gabriel 205, 273

Cocteau, Jean 214

Cold War 80, 512, 517, 538

Cole, G.D.H. 80

Colijn, Hendrik 198

Collins, Reverend John 502

Cologne 437, 497–8

Colville, John 337, 489

combat soldiers

atrocities 361–2, 381, 382–4

clean war 377–9

and close-quarter combat 366–7, 370–1

and comradeship 365–7

courage and ferocity 372–3, 383

culture of combat 360–76

and death 369–70, 375–6

desertion 392–3

and distance 362

emotional stresses 368–9

and fear 362–4

and hating the enemy 379

health 391–2

him or us 380–4

logistics 360–1

and patriotism 371–2

premature ageing 368

racism 379, 384–7

and reaction to combat 373–6

and rules of the game 378, 380

and supernatural protection 376

topography 361, 377–8

and training 367–8, 375

training 389–90

and treatment of the dead 364–5, 370

weight of numbers 387–93

Combat 273

Command Staff Reichsführer-SS 394–401, 404

Commissar Order (1941) 121

Committee on Imperial Defence 39

Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies 181, 183

Communism 40, 41, 62, 167, 208, 212, 216, 220, 253, 269, 274, 278, 390, 460, 551–5


compensation and expenses 97–100

concentration camps 80–4

diplomatic relations 107–14

education 104

family values 104–7

female emancipation 105

morality 100–7

one-party states 93–100

personality cults 84–93

similarities and differences 76–80

youth culture 102–4, 106–7

Communist International (Comintern) 11, 80

Communist Sharpshooters and Partisans (FTP) 276

Compton, Karl 523

Comte, Auguste 465

Conant, James 518, 523

concentration camps 142, 304

and construction of the Otto Line 148

deportation to 304, 436–7

entry into 430–1

escapes from 453

evacuation of 541–2

females in 435–6

guarding of 124

Nazi-Soviet comparisons 80–4

and Night and Fog operation 217

and possible Allied bombing of 454, 458–9

rules and discipline 431–2

Russian 91, 96

war crime trials held in 548

work and survival 432–5

see also extermination camps; Final Solution; ghettos; Jews; named camps eg. Auschwitz

Condor Legion 10

Conradstein 143

Constantinople 543

Conti, Leonardo 144

Cool, Frederick 475

Cooper, Sir Alfred Duff 37, 49, 51, 69, 262

Copenhagen 192, 193, 194, 293, 456

Copernicus 122

Coral Sea 382

Corfu 5, 74, 418

Corpo di Spedizione Italiano in Russia (CSIR) 314–15, 316

Corregidor island 263, 383

Corsica 270

Cortot, Alfred 213

Cossacks 549

Cot, Pierre 269

Coulaudon, Emile 284

Council for Assistance to the Jews 469

Courland 113

Coventry 177, 489

Cracow 130, 135, 141, 146, 155, 463, 466, 473

Cranborne, Lord 504

Cranswick, Alan 484

Crete 163, 189, 316

Crimea 95, 148, 234, 252, 409

Cripps, Sir Stafford 38, 226, 334

Croatia, Croatians 2, 5, 314, 414

Crossman, Richard 294

Crüwell, General Ludwig 326, 438

Cuba 42, 81

imageurda, Karel 307

Cyrenaica 314

Czimagestochowa 127, 131

Czechoslovakia 30, 32, 33, 34, 37, 40, 51, 53–60, 54, 55, 110, 111, 157, 159, 175, 303–8

Czerniaków, Adam 149, 421


Dachau 77, 82, 83–4, 117, 286, 415, 431, 542, 547, 548

Daily Mail 176, 450, 485

Daily Telegraph 450

Daladier, Edouard 41, 56, 62, 64–5, 67–9, 204

Daladier-Marchandeau Law (1939) 208

Dalton, Hugh 31, 38, 69, 170, 179, 288, 290, 291–2, 294, 298

Daluege, Kurt 445, 549

Dannecker, Theo 211

D’Annunzio, Gabriele 1–2

Danzig 110, 116, 117

Darlan, Admiral François 219, 275, 448, 522

Darnand, Joseph 279

Darwin, Charles 23

Das Reich 99

d’Astier de la Vigerie, Emmanuel 269, 275

Davidson, Randall 503

Davies, Joseph E. 350

Dawidgorodek 398

Dawson, Geoffrey 46

De Gaulle, Charles 164, 202, 203, 272, 274–6, 290, 296, 297, 337

De Valera, Eamon 204

Déat, Marcel 205

Defence Requirements Committee 41

Défense de la France 273

Delestraint, General Charles 275

Denikin, Anton 344–5

Denmark 158, 177, 192–4, 217, 292–4, 464

Der Stürmer 22, 122

Derain, André 213

Deutsche Rundfunk 57

Dietrich, Sepp 97–8

Dijk, Ans van 476

Dill, Field Marshal Sir John 162, 313, 335, 341

Dimbleby, Richard 69

Dnepropetrovsk 252

Dollfuss, Engelbert 5, 6, 29–30, 41

Dongen, van (artist) 213

Dongo 537

Donovan, Colonel ‘Wild Bill’ 506

Donskoy, Dmitry 389

Doolittle, Lieutenant Colonel James 385

Doorman, Admiral Karel 264

Doorn 543

Dora-Mittelbau 541, 547

Douglas, Captain Keith, ‘How to Kill’ 371

Doumenc, General Aimé 112

Dowding, Sir Hugh ‘Stuffy’ 168

Drange, Major Günther 240

Dresden 512–14, 525

Duchessa d’Aosta 298

Dunkirk 168, 170, 171, 185, 343, 488

Dürkefälden, Karl 437–8

Dutch East Indies 255, 257, 263, 267, 328

Dutch Jewish Council 472

Dzerzhinsky, Felix 82


Eaker, Ira 498, 506

East Africa 6

East Asia 12, 13

East Galicia 152, 404

East Prussia 29, 117, 135, 229

East Yorkshire Regiment 381

Eastern Front 187, 209, 210, 225, 234, 238, 238–9, 251, 284, 286, 366, 374, 380–1, 387, 391, 424, 448, 463, 488, 512, 536, 539

Eberhard, General Kurt 250

Economist, The 186

Eden, Anthony 21, 30, 43, 45–6, 50, 54, 166, 253, 254, 255, 352, 446, 447, 451, 453, 457, 458

Edward, Duke of Windsor 32, 180

Eger 63

Egypt 187–8, 340, 427, 446

Ehrenburg, Ilya 388–9, 461

Eichmann, Adolf 131, 147, 415–17, 420, 448, 457, 473

Eicke, Theodor 83–4

Einsatzgruppen 124, 129, 138, 232, 240, 241, 244, 247, 248, 249, 250, 252, 253, 395, 402, 407, 409, 411, 420, 421, 444, 548

Einstein, Albert 461, 520

Eisenhower, Dwight D. 313, 353, 355–8, 511, 529, 540

Eisenhower, Mamie 357

Eisenlohr, Ernst 56

Eisenstein, Sergei 387

El Alamein 361, 379, 440

Eliáš, Alois 304

Elkes, Elkhanan 428

Ellis, John 372

Elversum 194

Emergency Powers Act (UK) 167

Empire Air Training Scheme 175

Enola Gay 529–30

Eritrea 6

Esjberg 177

Essen 497

Estonia 113

Eternal Jew, The (film) 386

Europe 13, 29, 34, 39, 52

extermination camps 78, 307, 401, 412, 438, 454, 459, 462

see also concentration camps; Final Solution; ghettos; Jews

Extraordinary Pacification (AB exercise) (1940) 142


Fabre-Luce, Alfred 213

Falkenhorst, General Nikolaus von 192, 221, 301

Falkowski, Father Stanisław 469

Far East 41, 112, 189, 220, 312

Farge, Yves 268

Farinacci, Roberto 534

Fascism 1, 2–5, 10, 21, 32, 38, 41, 79, 80, 109, 111, 118, 167, 183, 187, 196, 205, 216, 272, 317, 318, 533, 536, 537–8

Grand Council 3, 534

Fascist French Popular Party (PPF) 276

Federal Republic of Germany (FDR) 550

Fegelein, Hermann 399

Fehlis, Heinrich 195

Fermi, Enrico 523

Fermi, Laura 523

Final Solution 308, 437–8

altruistic endeavours 463–70

Command Staff Reichsführer-SS 394–401

dregs of humanity 410–15

Eichmann’s world 415–18

in France 220

German knowledge of and reaction to 438–42, 539

heinously moral acts 403–10

in Holland 471–6

participants in 476

in Poland 124, 131, 142, 440–1

as putative emergency 401–3

resettlement and extermination programmes 147–52

in Russia 91, 251–2, 441

in Serbia 217

use of gas 411–15

see also concentration camps; extermination camps; ghettos; Jews

Fini, Gianfranco 538

Finland 113, 155–7, 181, 223–4, 226, 254, 545, 559

Fiske, Pilot Officer Billy 185

Fiume 1–2, 5

Flanders 160

Fletcher, Admiral Jack 358, 359

Flick 548

Flossenbürg 84, 325, 541, 547

Flynn, John T. 182

Fog, Mogens 293

Foggia 456

Foley, Frank 470–1

Foot, Michael 35

Ford, Gerald 182

Foreign Correspondent (film) 185

Formosa 14, 328

Forster, Albert 135, 143, 145

Forte dei Marmi 310

Fraas, Mogens 197

Franc-Tireur 276

Franc-Tireur et Partisans 285

France 5, 13, 29, 30, 31, 32, 39, 40–1, 45, 46, 54, 57, 60, 62–3, 73, 74, 87, 115, 117, 127, 149, 158, 168, 175, 187, 191, 192, 198–9, 269, 343, 361, 448, 455, 549

see also Vichy France

Franco, General Francisco 64, 115, 183, 199, 204, 212

Franco-Prussian War (1870–1) 127, 202

Frank, Brigitte 139, 140

Frank, Hans 29, 135, 137, 138, 139–42, 146, 149, 195, 473

Frank, Karl Hermann 304, 306

Franz Ferdinand, Archduke 41

Franz, Kurt 410

Fredendall, General Lloyd 353, 357

Frederick the Great 22

Free French 164, 191, 274, 280, 284

Free French XIX Corps 357

Freiburg 177

Frenay, Henri 205, 270, 271, 272, 296

Frenkel, Naftaly 82

Freyberg, General Bernard 160, 342

Frisch, Otto 517, 520

Fritsch, Werner von 32, 33, 132

Fritt Folk 195

Fritzsch, Franz 466

Fronte Clandestino Militare 309

Frost, Colonel John 378

Frunze, Mikhail 347

Fuchs, Günther 427

Fuchs, Klaus 520

Fukuoka prison camp 552

Fussell, Paul 375


Gabimageik, Josef 305, 306

Gabolde, Maurice 216

Galicia 135, 412

Gallipoli 160–1

Gamelin, Maurice 41

Garbett, Cyril, Archbishop of York 505

Gardelegen 541

Gardsen 407

Gargnano 535

Gariboldi, Italo 315

Gauleiters 99–100

Gdingen (Gdynia) 145

Gellately, Robert 83

Geneva 43, 45, 450

Geneva Conventions 227, 381, 383, 385

Geneva Disarmament Conference 28

Geneva Protocols (1925) 9

Genro 13

George II, King of Greece 296

George V, King of England 12

Georgia 91

Gerbrandy, Pieter 540

German Democratic People’s Republic (DDR) 550

German Labour Front 97–8, 99, 105, 151

German Military

1st Cavalry Regiment 395, 406

1st Parachute Division 373

2nd Panzer Group 349

3rd Panzer Group 245

4th Mountain Division 242

8th SS Infantry Regiment 394, 403

60th Infantry Division 251

68th Infantry Division 251

99th Infantry Division 250

113th Infantry Division 243–4

137th Infantry Division 244

167th Infantry Division 223

299th Infantry Division 250

490th Infantry Division, 3rd Battalion 240

Army Group A 235, 236

Army Group B 235

Army Group Centre 225, 226, 232, 233, 234, 236, 239, 246, 248, 324, 345

Army Group North 231, 232, 233, 248, 249

Army Group South 130, 135, 230, 232, 249, 251, 315, 400

Army High Command 131, 232, 234

Eighteenth Army 249

Eleventh Army 223, 234, 252

Ninth Army 323, 326–7

Pioneer Battalion 113 250–1

Reserve Battalion 101 404

Seventeenth Army 245

Sixteenth Army 247

Sixth Army 236

Sonderkommandos 250, 251–2, 423

SS Cavalry 249, 396, 398, 399

SS ‘Das Reich’ 2nd Panzer Division 285, 286

SS Death’s Head brigades 84, 124, 394, 395

SS Galicia Division 549–50

SS Prinz Eugen Division 414

Tenth Army 126

Third Army 131

Waffen-SS 132, 239, 247, 284, 361, 381, 392, 396, 420, 471, 472, 542

XLIII Corps 237–8

XX Army Corps 234

German National Socialists 21, 97, 103, 395, 503

German Police Battalions 247, 250, 251–2, 395, 400, 402, 404, 406, 408

German Reserve Police Battalions 395

German Social Democrats 29, 38, 108, 230

German Womanhood 97

German-Italian Army of Africa 356

German-Italian operations 314–19

German-Soviet Pact (1922) 108, 109–10

Germany 5, 10, 11, 14, 18, 20–1, 259, 272, 522

and awareness of Final Solution 539

bombing of 480, 495, 497–9, 503, 508–14, 538

British attitude towards 45–7

comparisons with Stalin’s Russia 76–107

continued interest in 551

diplomatic relations with Soviet Union 107–14

East-West split 550

guilt industry in 550–1

march to war 53–60

military aggression 40–1, 42, 61–2

rape and plunder of 539–40

re-armament in 29–34, 41, 48, 110

rise of Third Reich 22–34

and SS evacuation of concentration camps 541–2

suicides in 542–3

unconditional surrender 538, 550

war crime trials in 543–50

see also Communism-Nazism; Nazis

Gersdorff, Major Rudolf-Christoph Freiherr von 246, 248

Gestapo 101, 124, 125, 158, 193, 195, 211, 219, 270, 283, 286, 304, 307, 309, 407, 423, 425, 427, 448, 456, 465, 558

Ghandi, Mahatma 52

ghettos 443, 449

anti-Semitic film on 386

control in 422–3

Councils of Jewish Elders in 419–22, 424–5, 427–9

in Cracow 141

in the Crimea 252

deportations and resettlement 427–30

dissenting Germans sent to 401

economy of 423–5

escape from 463

establishment of 422

and ghetto tourism 150–1

lawlessness in 150

resistance and dissent 425–7

in Warsaw 149–50, 412, 421, 423

see also concentration camps; extermination camps; Final Solution; Jews

Gibraltar 3, 10, 171, 356

Giraud, General Georges 272, 275

Girofano 361

Gish, Lillian 182

Globocnik, Odilo 147–8, 411, 429, 542

Gneisenau 158

Godesberg 63, 64

Goebbels, Joseph 57, 58, 62, 71, 72, 99, 108, 151, 184, 191, 211, 352, 542, 551

Goede, Horst 150

Goerdeler, Carl 58

Gogolin 135

Goldhagen, Daniel 401

Gol’tsev, General 347

Göring, Hermann 26–7, 30, 32, 33–4, 44, 67, 72, 99, 117, 146, 168, 194, 211, 312, 395, 547

Gorky, Maxim 95

Gorogopoulos viaduct 298

Gott, General William ‘Strafer’ 343

Göttingen 436

Gould, Florence 211

Goworowo 132

Graebe, Friedrich 466

Grajasnowo 243

Graml, Bernhard 223

Grandi, Dino 533, 534, 538

Granville, Christine 291

Graziani, Marshal Rodolfo 187

Great Asia Association 17

Great Depression 15, 39, 42, 47, 55, 96

Great Patriotic War 387–9

Great Terror (1936–8) 89, 94, 108

Great Wall of China 18

Great War 1, 2, 5, 13–14, 21, 23, 35–7, 38, 39–40, 42, 45, 48, 59, 68, 124, 127, 135, 160, 161, 181, 187, 203, 210, 225, 245, 259, 273, 323–4, 334, 338, 339, 341, 343, 354, 360, 376, 391, 452, 473, 484, 501, 507

Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere 258, 266

Greece 5, 54, 74, 118, 188–9, 221, 277, 293, 314, 448

Greenwood, Arthur 170

Greifswald 464

Greiser, Arthur 135, 414, 429

Grese, Irma 548

Greville, Mrs 190

Grew, Joseph 553

Grey, Lord 45

Grini 298

Groningen 474

Gross, Andor ‘Bandi’ 448

Gross-Rosen 84, 541

Grossmann, Vassily 365, 371, 461

Life and Fate 462

Groves, General Leslie 355, 518, 519, 520, 523, 526

Grozny 236

Gruppe di Azione Patriottica (Gappists) 309, 310

Grynszpan, Herschel 71

Guadalajara, Battle of (1937) 10

Guadalcanal 375

Guam 515, 516

Guderian, Heinz 98, 221, 234, 327, 349

Guéhenno, Jean 204, 205–6, 207, 212

Guernica (1937) 10

Guidelines for the Treatment of Political Commissars 228

Guilty Men 35

Guingand, Brigadier Freddie de 343, 540

Guisco, Spartaco 217

Guitry, Sacha 212–13

gulags 81, 82–3, 90, 91, 92, 419, 431

Gumbinnen 237

Günther, Rolf 417

Gusev, Fyodor 346


Haakon VII 194, 298

Habsburg Empire 55

Hácha, Emil 72, 73, 304

Haffner, Sebastian 26–7, 94–5

Häfner, August 250

Hagen, Herbert 125

Hagerup, Inger 299

Hague Commission of Jurists 164

Hague Laws of Land Warfare 127, 228, 383, 400

Haigh, Bishop Mervyn 503

Haile Selassie 8

Hainan Island 329

Halder, Franz 123, 173, 222, 223, 224, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 249, 320, 323, 324, 325

Halifax, Edward Wood, Lord 34, 36, 50–1, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58, 64, 72, 159–60, 169–70, 184, 288, 313

Halsey, Admiral William ‘Bull’ 358, 359

Hamann, Heinrich 401–2

Hambro, Sir Charles 289

Hamburg 180, 195, 436, 441, 480, 495, 499, 503, 514

Hamburg-Altona 25

Hancewicze 397

Hangerup, Inger, Aust Vågøy 299

Hangmen Also Die (film) 308

Hankow 20

Hanneken, Hermann 292

Harlan, Veit 396

Harper, Harold 318, 378

Harriman, Averell 313, 351

Harris, Arthur ‘Bert’ 179, 455, 487, 492–500, 509, 512, 513

Harvey, Oliver 254

Hasselberg, Dr Alfred 130

Hassell, Ulrich von 132

Hauck, Walter 284

Haukelid, Knut 302–3

Havel, Václav 70

Hawaii 260, 358

Heidegger, Martin 79

Heiden, Konrad 108

Heimbach, Lothar 407

Heinrici, General Gotthard 237–8, 239, 242–3, 325–6

Helldorf, Graf 70

Henderson, Sir Nevile 34, 44, 46–7, 58, 59, 118

Henlein, Konrad 56

Henneicke, Wim 474, 475

Henson, Hensley 50, 163, 337, 505

Hercberg, director of central prison (Łódimage) 426

Hess, Ilse 99

Hess, Rudolf 99

Hessen 71

Heston aerodrome 60, 63, 67

Het Apeldoornse asylum 472–3

Hewitt, Edgar Ludlow 486

Heydrich, Bruno 306, 308

Heydrich, Reinhard 116, 117, 124, 125, 126, 130, 133, 211, 241, 244, 304–6, 409, 444, 549

Hilberg, Raul 403, 420

Himmler, Heinrich 49, 98, 106, 131, 132, 133, 143, 144, 145, 147, 152, 244, 247, 249, 252, 306, 394, 395, 399, 405–6, 414, 444, 464, 473, 541–2

Hindenburg, General Paul von 125

Hinsley, Cardinal Arthur 450

Hirohito, Emperor 12–13, 15–16, 19, 26, 256, 257–8, 259–60, 527, 551, 552, 554–5, 558

Hiroshima 514, 528, 529–30, 554

Hirota, Koki 560

Hirsch-Jeckeln, Charlotte 400

Hitchcock, Alfred 185

Hitler, Adolf 43, 79, 143, 270, 315, 350

abortive diplomatic talks 61–9, 72

and the Balkans 188–9

conspiracies against 248, 391, 536

effect of Great War on 21–3, 36

foreign policy 5–6, 7, 10–11, 18, 20, 24, 28–34, 46

and future of France 202

ideology and beliefs 22–6, 49, 52, 85, 100–1, 313

and invasion of Britain 172–3, 177

and Kristallnacht 71

last-chance mentality 107, 115

and mass exterminations 395, 437, 441–2

military aggression 40, 44, 45, 52–3

and Mussolini 312, 534, 535

and ‘night of the long knives’ 85, 94

and North Africa 377

and Operation Barbarossa 221–3, 231, 232, 233–6, 251, 377, 409

as orator 13, 23, 26, 85

orders reprisals and executions 218, 219, 220, 304, 306

and POWs 452

and rape of Poland 112–14, 115–18, 123, 352

reaction to Pearl Harbor 261

relationship with his generals 319–28

rewards and compensation culture 97–100

road to war 37, 53–60, 73, 75

suicide of 542

support for 25–7

and youth culture 102–3

Mein Kampf 22, 44, 62, 98, 108

Hitler Youth 103, 106–7, 121, 284, 389, 397, 464

Hitler’s Madman (film) 308

Ho Chi Minh 260

Hoare, Samuel 8, 43, 44, 51, 64

Hobby, Colonel Oveta Culp 355

Hobsbawm, Eric 80, 118

Hochlinden 116

Hoepner, General Erich 221, 229, 234, 326

Hofmaier, SS-Obersturmbannführer 145

Hohberg und Buchwald, Anton von 397

Holland see Netherlands

Hollywood 182, 183

Holmes, Richard 372

Holocaust see Final Solution

Homma, Masaharu 328, 556

Honjo, General Shigeru 552

Honsfeld 361

Hoover, Herbert 42, 182, 522

Hopkins, Harry 184, 319, 345, 350–1, 488

Horn of Africa 5, 6

Hornbeck, Stanley 259

Horthy, Miklós 55

Höss, Rudolf 414, 415, 549

Hossbach, Colonel Count Friedrich 32

Hoth, General Hermann 221, 245–6

Hotz, Karl 217–18, 219

Hoxha, Enver 297

Hughes, Colonel Richard 510

Hull, Cordell 260, 350

Hull (place) 490

Humbert, Agnès 209, 273

Hungary 70, 125

Hyde Park memorandum (1944) 520

Hydro 301–2


I Accuse (film) 550

Iceland 192

IG Farben 451, 456, 548

Iida, Shojiro 328

Imamura, Hitoshi 328

Imperial War Museum (London) 66

Imperial Way sect 14

India 52, 163, 263, 264, 447, 493, 515, 556

Indo-China 255, 559

Indonesia 524, 559

Insterburg 539

International Military Tribunal for the Far East 555–60

International Settlement 42

IRA 167, 287

Ironside, Field Marshal Edmund 335

Irving, David 514

Isherwood, Christopher 28

Ishiwara, Colonel 15–16

Ismay, General Hastings ‘Pug’ 79, 162, 165, 335, 349–50, 354

It Happened Here (film) 501

Itagaki, Colonel 15–16

Italian Communist Party 2

Italian Military, 8th Garibaldi Brigade 310

Italo-Abyssinian war (1936) 1, 31

Italo-German Pact of Steel (1939) 21

Italy 11, 30, 32, 41, 42, 109, 117, 187–9, 272, 314–19, 534

Ivan the Terrible 89

Iwo Jima 330, 331, 332–3, 386, 529


Jackson, Robert 181

Jakobson, a judge (Łódimage) 426

Jannings, Emil 98


atrocities committed by 19–20, 265, 561–2

bombing of 514–32

and Britain 41, 42–3, 48

and China 15–20, 110, 257, 265

and Germany 20–1, 110

imperial 12–14

and Italy 11, 21, 537

militarism in 12–13, 14

military leadership in 311, 328–33

and racism 13, 14, 261, 267

and Russia 87

and US 186

war crime trials 551–5

and war in the Pacific 255–60, 261–7

and Western influence 13–14

Japanese-Soviet neutrality pact (1941) 255, 559

Jaranilla, Delfin 557

Jaurès, Jean 269

Java 264

Je Suis Partout 213–14

Jeckeln, Friedrich 250, 395, 399–400, 549

Jehol 18

Jehovah’s Witnesses 99, 435

Jemtschita 242

Jena 243

Jeschonnek, General Hans 177

Jewish Agency 449, 457

Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee 461


Allied reactions and knowledge of exterminations 443–62

atrocities and massacres 34, 70–1, 79, 126, 131–2, 134, 137–8, 140–1, 217, 220, 222, 244, 247–52, 261, 283, 309–10, 390–1, 444, 445, 449, 450, 451, 453, 471, 538–9, 541, 542

census of 208–9

in Denmark 467, 476

deportations 145–6, 214, 224, 460, 463–4, 472

dismissal from employment 72, 100

Dutch 471–6

hatred and dislike of 22, 24–5, 27, 38, 59, 102, 106, 183, 204, 214, 237, 241, 313, 386

help and clemency towards 245, 273, 318, 463–70

in Italy 11, 318, 468

in London 180

memorial and museums 550

in Poland 122, 125, 126, 131–2, 137–8, 140–1, 466–7

and post-War Germany 550–1

as refugees 44, 446–8

and Sudeten Germans 57

suicide of 34

and war crime trials 546–7

see also concentration camps; extermination camps; Final Solution; ghettos

Jodl, Alfred 312, 320

Jordan, Bill 277–8

Jourdan, Ernest 276

Jud Süss (film) 396

Juin, General Alphonse 357

Jünger, Ernst 391

jungle warfare 374–5, 381–2


Kachalov, General 347

Kaganovich, 87

Kaluga 237

Kamenetz-Podolsk 250, 400

Kamenev, Lev 90, 460

Kanstein, SS-Oberführer Paul 193

Kappler, Herbert 309, 310

Karaganda 431

Karelia 156

Karski, Jan 450–1

Kassel 71

Kasserine 377, 379

Katowice 129–30

Katýn Forest 155, 352, 405, 440–1, 544, 545, 549

Kaufmann, Karl 436

Kazakhs 79

Keitel, Wilhelm 98, 133, 218, 220, 228, 244, 245, 312, 320–1

Kellogg, Frank B. 40

Kellogg–Briand Pact (1928) 40, 545, 558

Kelly, George 350

Kennan, George 350

Kennedy, General Sir John 340–1, 344, 344–5

Kennedy, Joseph 184

Kerr, Alfred 27

Kertsch 252

Kesselring, Albert 309, 310, 312, 315, 317, 550

Keyes, Sidney 377

Keynes, John Maynard 36

Khalkhin Gol 226, 256, 383

Kharkov 251, 286, 459, 544

Kiel 55

Kiev 224, 230, 232, 250–1, 286

King, Admiral Ernest 354, 498

Kipling, Rudyard 386–7

Kirov, Sergei 87, 89, 90

Kita Ikki 14

Kitchen, James 454

Kitchener, Lord 161

Kleist-Schmenzin, Ewald von 58, 59, 221, 326

Klemperer, Victor 85, 371–2

Kluge, Günther von 221, 234, 325, 327

Knäbel, Alois 394

Knoblauch, Kurt 394–5

Knochen, Helmut 211

Knox, Frank 308

Kobe 517

Koch, Robert 144

Kocourek, Franta 73

Koenekamp, Eduard 151

Koenig, General Pierre 280–1

Koga, Commander 16

Köhnke, Colonel 439

Kokoda Track 382

Kokura 528, 531

Kollontai, Alexandra 105

Kolo 412, 427

Kolyma 77, 78

Kolyma river 82

Komi province 82

Komsomol 95, 103

Konev, Ivan 233

Königsberg 134, 541

Konoe, Prince Fumimaro 256, 258, 259, 266

Korea, Koreans 14, 16, 20, 79, 267, 328, 374, 524, 556

Korean War (1950) 554

Kos 418

Koschorrek, Günther 362–3, 380–1

Kosovo 297

Kossak, Zofia 469

Kota Bahru 262

Kovalev, Ivan 346

Kovno Ghetto 420–1

Kovno (Kaunas) 247, 248, 427

Kozelsk 154

Kragujevac 217

Krakauer Zeitung 143

Kramer, Josef 548

Krasnodar 544

Kraus, Karl 26

Kremenchug 249

Kremlin 95, 96, 110, 113, 115, 120, 233, 313, 346, 349

Kressendorf 139, 140

Kretschmer, General Alfred 312

Kristallnacht (1938) 71, 395, 549

Krüger, Friedrich Wilhelm 138, 142, 195, 473

Krupp of Essen 45, 498

Krupskaya, Nadya 89

Krynica 139

Kuala Lumpur 328

Kubiš, Jan 305, 306

Küchler, General Georg von 131–2, 227, 229, 249

Kufstein 67

Kulotino 240

Kunduz province 551

Kurhessen 71

Kuribayashi, Tadamichi 330–3

Kuribayashi, Takako 331, 332

Kuribayashi, Taro 331

Kuribayashi, Yoko 331

Kurile Islands 260, 531

Kursk 360, 363

Kutlin, General Z. Iu. 89

Kutuzov, Mikhail 389

Kuusinen, Otto Ville 156

Kuznetsov, Admiral Nikolai 345

Kvaternik, Slavko 409

Kwantung Army 15–16, 18, 527

Kyoto 12, 523, 528, 544

Kyushu 523, 524


La Maddalena 534

La Taye 198

Laabs, Gustav 412–13

Lachowicze 399

Lake Como 537

Lake Garda 535

Lake Maggiore 6

Lammers, Hans 395, 441

Landsberg 548

Lang, Cosmo, Archbishop of Canterbury 50, 108, 486, 502–3, 504

Lang, Fritz 308

Lange, Herbert 411–12

Langhäuser, Rudolf 130–1

Laos 266

Laqueur, Walter 440

Latin America 185, 186

Latvia 113, 343, 399

Laval, Pierre 6, 8, 43, 44, 199–200, 201, 207, 271

Le Bourget 67

League of German Maidens 103

League of the Militant Godless 101

League of Nations 1, 5, 8, 11, 17–18, 27, 28–9, 30, 31, 38, 39, 40, 42–3, 46

League of Nations Covenant 28, 54

Leahy, Admiral William 342, 354, 529

Lebensraum 23, 32

Lechatov 419

Lécussan, Joseph 280, 281, 282

Leeb, Wilhelm Ritter von 221, 232, 248, 326

Lefkadas 418

Lehideux, François 203

Leipzig 512, 543

LeMay, Colonel Curtis 508, 515–16, 517, 518, 524, 528–9

Lemberg (Lwów) 135, 153, 241

Lemkin, Raphael 545

Lend-Lease Act (1941) 186

Lend-Lease programme 253, 254, 256, 261, 272, 448, 506, 521

Lenin, Vladimir I. 25, 80, 82, 85–6, 88–9, 104

Leningrad 112, 224, 230, 231, 232, 233, 346, 549

Levi, Primo 328, 433

Levovich, Lev 363

Lewis, Albert ‘Zulu’ 175

Lewis, Cecil Day 308

Ley, Robert 97, 99

Libération 273

Libre France 273

Libya 5, 8, 171, 187, 317, 357

Lichtheim, Richard 449

Lida 465

Liddell Hart, Basil 503

Lidice 306–7, 308, 451, 549

Liedtke, Major Max 463, 464

Liénart, Cardinal 284

Lilliput magazine 47

Limoges 278

Lindbergh, Charles 182, 183

Linz 34

Lippmann, Ole 293

Lippmann, Rosenthal & Co. 474, 475

Lipski, Jósef 116

Lisbon 319

Lischka, Kurt 211

Lithuania 51, 74, 110, 113, 120, 247, 407

Little Entente 30, 70

Litvinov, Maxim 110, 145

Lloyd George, David 60, 159, 161, 180, 334

Locarno Treaties (1925) 30, 40, 47

Łódimage ghetto 413, 414, 419, 421, 422–30, 449

Łódimage (Litzmannstadt) 135, 151

Lofoten Islands 298, 299

Lofy, Reinhold 464

Lombard, Gustav 396–9, 406

London 10, 31, 37, 49, 53, 74, 167, 172, 177–9, 198, 274, 297, 313, 449, 450, 457, 485, 488–9

London conference (1945) 545

Londonderry, Lord 36, 48, 98

Longstop Hill (Tunisia) 379

Lorraine 149

Los Alamos 519, 521, 523, 532

Lothian, Lord 184

Lübeck 496–7

Lubelska, Izbica 450

Lubin, Germaine 213

Lublin 135, 148, 151, 427, 429

Lubliniec 130

Lubyanka 90, 549

Łuck 145, 241

Ludwigshafen 177

Luftwaffe 37, 119, 168, 171, 172, 173, 174, 177, 178, 197, 201, 223, 224, 234, 236, 242, 245, 314, 455, 484, 487, 502, 507, 508, 539, 542

Lyons 270, 271

Lytton Report 43

MacArthur, General Douglas 382, 524, 529, 552, 553, 554–5, 558

McCarthy, Joseph 548

McCloy, John 458

MacDonald, James Ramsay 6, 7

Macedonians 5

Mackensen, General Eberhard von 309

Mackensen, Baron Hans Georg von 313

McNair, General Lesley 354

MacNeice, Louis, Autumn Journal 66

Madagascar 149, 419, 468

Madeira 97

Madrid 167

Madritsch, Julius 466

Magdeburg-Anhalt 71

Magill, Franz 396, 398

Maginot Line 40, 57, 112

Magyars 55

Maisky, Ivan 110

Majdanek 461, 541

Makarevskaya Pustin 249

Malan, Adolph ‘Sailor’ 175

Malaya 255, 262, 264, 265, 328, 329, 559

Malenkov, Georgy 345

Malmedy 361, 548

Malone, Corporal Brian ‘Bluey’ 381

Malta 42

Mälzer, General Kurt 309

Manchester Guardian 49

Manchukuo 17, 18, 20, 42, 328, 329

Manchuria 14–18, 42, 43, 91, 233, 256, 257, 521, 527, 530, 531

Manchurian Incident 16

Mandel, Georges 199

Manhattan Project 355, 522, 527

Manila 556, 560

Mann, Thomas 27, 57

Mannerheim, Carl Gustav 156, 313

Mannerheim Line 156–7

Mannheim 177, 489

Manstein, Erich von 221, 234, 239, 251, 252, 550

Manual for General staff Officers during War 228

Mao Zedong 80, 410

maquis 270, 272, 276, 277, 279, 280, 282, 283, 284–6

March of Time (newsreels) 185

Marcks, General Erich 223

Marder, Karl 422

Margesson, David 159

Marianas islands 527

Marlborough, Duke of 160

Marseilles 6, 270

Marshall, George C. 301, 311, 340, 353–7, 523, 525, 526, 528

Marshall-Cornwall, Sir James 162

Martin, Kingsley 294

Marxism 38, 80, 85, 100

Mary, Queen 67

Marzabotto 310

Masaryk, Jan 67, 69

Maskelyne, Jasper 291

Massawa 162

Matisse, Henri 212

Matsui, General Iwane 560

Matsuoka-Henri Agreement (1940) 559

Matteotti, Giacomo 3

MAUD Committee 517

Maufe, Gerry 363, 378

Mauthausen 84, 304, 305, 307, 547

Mediterranean 3, 11, 41, 169, 189, 262, 312, 338, 377

Mediterranean Fleet 7

Meidner, Ludwig 35

Memel 74

Memelland 110

Ménétrel, Bernard 208

Menzies, Robert 164, 167, 337

Merin, Moshe 428

Mers-el-Kebir 171, 201

Mesopotamia 484, 486, 493

Messe, General Giovanni 315

Metaxis, General Ioannis 74

Mexico 42

Mezzano 363

Mickiewicz, Adam 155

Middle East 39, 187–8, 189, 262, 263, 338, 341, 357, 377–9, 446

Midway 358–9, 382

Mihailovíc, Draza 199, 290, 296

Mikhaili, Major General 347

Mikhoels, Solomon 461, 462

Mikoyan, Anastas 85, 87

Milan 536, 537

Milice 276, 279–83, 285

Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale (MVSN) 3, 6

Milorg 298

Minsk 399, 462

Minzberg, Leib 421

Mitsubishi 16

Mitsui 16

Mitterand, François 271–2

Mlana 419

Model, Walter 323, 327

Modlin 120

Mogilev 245, 249

Mola, General 167

Molde 194

Moldenhauer, Johann 422

Molotov Line 224

Molotov, Vyacheslav 87, 88, 110, 111, 113, 119, 120, 148, 152, 345

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (1939) 21, 115, 145, 208, 216, 295, 460

Mongolia 17

Mononeri, Lieutenant Giuseppe 316

Monowitz 451, 456

Montbéliard 294

Monte Camino (1944) 370

Montefiore, Simon Sebag 89

Montgomery, Bernard 230, 342, 343–4, 357, 378

Montpellier 274

Moravec, Colonel František 305

Moravskà Ostrava 59

Morgenthau, James 544

Morrison, Herbert 335, 446, 501, 504

Moscow 79, 95, 108, 111, 112, 119, 120, 154, 224, 230, 231, 232, 233, 236, 254, 269, 351, 491

Moscow Conference (1942) 453, 543–4

Moscow, Treaty of (1940) 157

Moser, Alfons 216

Motole 396–7

Moulin, Jean 198–9, 269, 274–5, 276

Mountbatten, Lord Louis ‘Dickie’ 335

Mukden Incident (1931) 16, 559

Müller, Filip 431

Mundschütz, Martin 402–3

Munich 71, 75, 110, 112, 439

Munich Agreement 67–9, 71–2, 73, 118, 269, 305, 307

Munich Beer Hall putsch (1923) 71

Munich crisis 37

Murat 285

Murmansk 223, 254

Murray, Williamson 454

Murrow, Edward R. 58, 165, 185

Mussert, Anton 198

Mussolini, Benito 2, 3–11, 13, 29, 31, 33, 36, 43, 44, 49, 50, 54, 67–8, 71–2, 74, 115, 116, 169, 170, 187–9, 312, 313, 314, 315, 318, 377, 522, 533–8

Mussolini, Rachele 535, 536

Mutachiang, Battle of (1945) 531

Mutsui, Iwane 20

Muus, Flemming 293


Naftalin, a lawyer (Łódimage) 426

Nagano, Admiral Osami 257, 257–8, 259

Nagasaki 514, 528, 529, 530, 531, 554

Nagumo, Admiral Chuichi 260, 358–9

Nanking 19, 560

Nantes 217, 218, 219, 303

Naples 538

Narvik 158

Nasjonal Samling (NS) 195–6

National Committee of French Liberation 275–6

National Legion of Mothers of America 183

National Socialist People’s Welfare (NSV) 486

National Solidarity Movement 304

National-Political Educational Institutions 104

National-Socialistische Beweging (NSB) 198

Natzweiler 84

Naumann, Erich 473

Nazis 13, 15, 20, 49–50, 187, 352, 391, 396, 405, 420, 445, 450, 460, 503, 546

air attacks 37

anti-Semitic barbarity 70–1

British policy towards 45–7

Nuremberg rally 59

political violence 25–6, 29–30, 38

rise of 22–31

support for 36

see also Communism-Nazism

Nebe, Arthur 248

Nedíc, General Milan 199

Nelson, Sir Frank 289

neo-Nazis 80

Netherlands 158, 167, 191, 217, 471–6, 540–1, 549

Neu-Sandez 402

Neubrandenburg 542

Neuffer, General Georg 439

Neurath, Konstantin von 20, 32, 33, 304

Neustadt 144

Neustrelitz 542

Nevsky, Alexander 389

New Deal 182

New Economic Policy (NEP) 86, 87

New Guinea 375, 382, 385

New York 182, 183, 184, 449, 518

New York Times 497, 509, 525

New Zealand 118, 445, 481

Newfoundland 181

Nicaragua 42

Nicolson, Harold 190, 263

Nicolson, Nigel 447

Nietzsche, Friedrich 23

Night and Fog operation 217

Niigata 528

Nikolskoe 249

Nimitz, Chester 524, 529

Nisko 147

Nisko Plan 131

Nitti, Frencesco 1

NKVD 81, 82, 90, 91, 92, 108, 109, 152, 154, 155, 229, 230, 233, 241, 247, 250, 347, 348, 363, 389, 405, 440, 460, 461, 462

No Foreign War Crusade (1937) 181

Normandy 354, 361, 374, 439, 455

Norsk Hydro Works 299–301, 302

North Africa 275, 276, 297, 314, 343, 356, 361, 377–9, 382, 438, 446, 447, 452, 507, 522

North West Frontier 160

Norway 157, 158, 159, 191, 194–7, 221, 298–302, 448, 512, 545

Nowy Targ 404

nuclear weapons 518–32

Fat Man 528, 531

Little Boy 527, 528, 529–30

Nuremberg 59, 77, 121

Nuremberg Laws (1935) 84

Nuremberg Trials 238, 482, 545–8

Nye, Robert 182

Nygaardsvold, Johan 194


Oberg, Karl 211

Obersalzberg 99

October Protocols (1936) 31

Odense 293

Odessa 251

Office of Strategic Services (OSS) 445

OGPU 82, 95

Ohlendorf, Otto 252, 402

Oishi, Colonel Masayuki 265

Okinawa 516

Olsen, Hjalmar 197

Omdurman 160

Onishi, Vice-Admiral Takijiro 552

Operation Alligator 284

Operation Anthropoid 305, 308

Operation Bagration (1944) 349

Operation Barbarossa 253, 312

atrocities of 236–52

failure of 229–36

planning for 221–9

Operation Blue (1942) 235

Operation Bunny Hug 336

Operation Clarion (1945) 511–12

Operation Coronet (1945) 523, 524

Operation Decisive 524

Operation Downfall (1945) 523

Operation Edelweiss (1942) 235

Operation Gomorrah (1943) 499

Operation Green 33

Operation Gunnerside (1943) 300–1

Operation Harvest Festival (1943) 429

Operation Heron (1942) 235

Operation Little Saturn (1942) 236

Operation Olympic (1945) 523, 524

Operation Otto 34

Operation Red 33

Operation Savannah 289

Operation Sea Lion 172, 173

Operation Shatter (1944) 510

Operation Tannenberg 125

Operation Thunderclap (1944) 511

Operation Torch (1942) 356

Operation Typhoon (1941) 232

Operation Uranus (1942) 236

Operation Weserübung 158

Operations Compass 188

Opole 150

Oppenheimer, Kitty 519

Oppenheimer, Robert 519, 520, 523, 525, 526, 527, 531–2

Oradour-sur-Glane 281

Oran 171

Ordensburgen 104

Ordzhonikidze, 87

Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) 241

Orgburo 87

Orsha 249

Orwell, George 95

Osaka 517

Oshima, Hiroshi 20, 113

Oslo 194

Ossendrijver, Andre 475

Ostashkov 154, 155

Ostmark 84

Oimagewiimagecim 454

Ottawa Conference (1932) 39

Otto Line 148

Ottoman Empire 39

Outer Mongolia 91


Pabst, Helmut 369–70

Pacific 17, 42, 186, 254, 358–9, 361, 507, 529, 558

Pact of Paris see Kellogg–Briand Pact (1928)

Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza 254

Pahlavi, Reza Shah 253–4

Pal, Radhabinod 559

Palatinate 149

Palermo 538

Palestine 446, 450

Palfinger, Alexander 422–3

Palmnicken 541

Panay (US gunboat) 19

Pannwitz, Heinz 307, 549

Paris 44, 69, 71, 201, 204, 205, 209, 210–12, 216, 220, 270, 273

Paris-Soir 41

Park, Air Vice Marshal Keith 175

Parsons, Captain William 519, 529

Passchendaele 493

Patton, George C. 353, 356, 357, 358, 380

Paucker, Arnold 460

Paul-Boncour, Joseph 41

Paulus, Freidrich 223, 236

Pavelíc, Ante 199, 313–14

Pavlov, General Dmitry 230

Peace Ballot (1935) 43

Pearl Harbor 253, 254, 257, 259, 260, 262, 354, 360, 383, 412, 559

Peierls, Rudolf 517, 520

Peirse, Sir Richard 454, 487

Peking 18

Penzlin 542

Percival, General Arthur 262–3, 383

Pershing, General ‘Black Jack’ 353

Persia 253–4

Perth, Lord 67

Petacci, Clara 536, 537

Pétain, Marshal Philippe 171, 199–205, 207, 208, 218, 271, 272, 471

Peugeot, Rodolph 294

Peulevé, Harry 276–7

Philippe of Hesse, Prince 33

Philippines 245, 255, 264, 265, 328, 383, 517, 523, 556, 560

Piaf, Edith 213

Picasso, Pablo 10, 212

Pietromachi, Luca 318

Pinsk 398

Pius XI, Pope 69

Pius XII, Pope 468, 538

Placentia Bay 253, 256, 263

Plunkett-Ernle-Ernle, Admiral Reginald 112

Podolia 404

Poland 15, 24, 29, 40, 51, 69, 70, 74, 78, 159, 175, 184, 191, 215, 217, 222, 224, 289, 352, 390, 412, 429, 449, 452, 545, 549

Army and SS clashes in 130–2

bestiality of assault on 121–3

Bromberg incident 128–30

commencement of hostilities 115–18

Final Solution in 147–52, 440, 467, 468–70

first blitzkreig 119–21

and the Frank family 139–41

German colonisation of 144–6

Kultur in 139, 141–4

occupation and administration of 134–9

proposed attack on 112–14

Soviet invasion 152–5

SS task force in 124–7

unease concerning atrocities in 132–3

Polish 303 Koimageciuszko Squadron 175

Polish National Council 449, 450

Political Warfare Executive 191

Poltava 232, 462

Pomerania 29, 99

Popular Front 41

Port Arthur 260

Port Moresby 382

Portal, Sir Charles 178, 289, 294, 452, 454, 487, 489, 490, 491–2, 497–8, 500, 513–14

Portugal 74

Posen (Poznán) 110, 135, 155, 539

Potsdam Conference (1945) 29, 527, 528

Potsdam, Day of (1933) 22

Pound, Admiral Dudley 341

Prague 37, 55, 56, 62, 63, 73, 304, 307, 549

Predappio 537

Primieri, General Clemente 318

Prince of Wales 253, 263

Prinz Eugen 55

prisoners-of-war (POWs) 79, 120–1, 136–7, 154–5, 200, 201, 203, 213, 218, 229, 232, 239, 240, 242, 243, 244, 245, 264, 274, 310, 315, 316, 348, 361, 375, 378, 383, 385–6, 390, 399, 411, 452, 453, 510, 524, 526, 549, 550, 552, 560–1

Profumo, John 159

Prussia 22, 99

Prützmann, Hans-Adolf 395, 399, 400

Przemýsl 131, 463, 464

Pucheu, Pierre 218, 271

Pudney, John 178

Puganov, Major General 347

Purple Heart, The (film) 525

Puyi, Emperor 17


Quebec 520

Queen Victoria Hospital (East

Grinstead) 176

Quisling, Vidkun 194–6, 197, 202


racism 13, 20, 22–5, 27, 44, 64, 106, 136, 261, 379, 381–2, 384–7, 390, 556, 559

Radio Bari 8

Radio Minsk 117

Radio Moscow 191

Radiojournal 57

Radom 135

Raeder, Admiral Erich 32, 172

RAF Medmenham 456

Ramsgate 172, 179

Rangoon 561

Rapallo 109

Rapallo, Treaty of (1920) 2

Ras Imru 9

Rasch, Dr Otto 134, 249, 250

Rastenburg 323, 399, 535

Rath, Ernst von 71

Raubal, Geli 89

Rauter, Hanns Albin 473, 549

Ravensbrück 99, 307, 435–6

Reams, Robert 448

Red Army 54, 79, 91, 109, 155, 157, 224, 226, 229, 230, 233, 239, 240, 242, 244, 247, 254, 345, 346, 347–8, 350, 352, 363, 365, 370, 376, 387, 452, 459, 488, 512, 520, 539, 542, 550

Red Cross 9, 120, 352, 378, 392, 437, 452, 561

Red Star 461

Red Terror 82

Red Years (1919–20) 2

Rediess, Friedrich Wilhelm 195

Ree, Harry 294

Reese, Peter 231, 368, 369, 391

Regensburg 508–9

Regia Aeronautica 314

Regio Esercito 317–18

Reich Labour Service 121, 132, 307

Reich Party Day of Peace (1939) 116

Reichenau, General Walther von 18, 126, 221, 232, 242, 251, 326

Reimann, Colonel 439

Reinecke, Lieutenant General 244

Reinhardt, General Georg-Hans 230, 326, 327

Remphohener, Kurt von 145

Renouvin, Jacques 270, 274

Renthe-Fink, Cecil von 193

Repulse 263


in Amiens prison 456

and bending of rules of war 276–7

British involvement in 287–310

development of 268–70

groups involved in 272

organisation of 273–6

reprisals and trade-offs 277–83, 286

stress and risk involved 270–2

upsurge in acts of sabotage 283–6

see also Special Operations Executive (SOE)

Résistance 273

Reynaud, M. 169, 171

Rhineland 22, 28, 31, 40, 44, 45, 200, 219

Ribbentrop, Joachim von 10, 31, 33, 49, 53, 62, 72, 75, 111–12, 112–14, 115, 118, 120, 152, 349, 460, 546

Richtohofen, Wolfram Freiherr von 234

Ridgeway, General 353

Riefenstahl, Leni 105

Riegner, Gerhart 449, 450

Riga 401

Rimini 550

Rivas, Gonzalo Montt 445

Roatta, General Mario 317

Robeson, Paul 461

Robin Moor (freighter) 186

Röhm purge (1934) 6, 85, 549

Rokossovsky, Konstantin 89, 233

Röling, Bert 559

Rome 1, 8, 72, 189, 308–10, 534

Rome-Berlin Axis 11, 54, 74, 111, 183, 186, 188, 191, 223, 236, 254, 270, 271, 272, 315, 316, 320, 352, 356, 447

Rommel, Erwin 107, 201, 314, 326, 343, 378, 379

Roosevelt, Franklin D. 447, 486

British appeals to 168, 170

Chamberlain’s disdain for 54

and Churchill 168, 184, 488

counsellors and generals 311, 319, 340, 350, 353–9

and de Gaulle 275

gangster metaphor of Germany 62

Hitler’s view of 261

and Lend-Lease aid 186, 256

and nuclear weapons 520, 521

and Stalin 351–2

and US participation in War 181–2, 253

and war crime trials 544

Roques, General Franz von 248, 400

Roques, Karl von 400

Rosenberg, Alfred 151, 211, 395

Rostock 480, 497

Rostov-on-Don 232

Rotterdam 473, 484

Royal Air Force (RAF) 39, 167, 172, 173, 174–80, 185, 197, 262, 289, 294, 297–8, 436, 441, 451, 455–6, 462, 493, 498, 506–7

see also Bomber Command

Royal Dutch East Indies Army 473

Royal Flying Corps 484, 493

Royal Naval Air Service 485

Rozenblatt, head of Jewish Order Police (Łódimage) 426

imageycki, Stanisław 150

Ruhr 455–6, 474, 479, 481, 489, 498–9

Ruines 285

Rumania 40, 54, 70, 74, 118, 173, 189, 223

Rumkowski, Mordechai Chaim 421–5

Runciman, Lady 58

Runciman, Viscount 58, 64

Rundstedt, Gerd von 119, 131, 135, 221, 232, 250, 251

Russia see Soviet Union

Russian Military

2nd Guards Rifle Division 348–9

3rd Guards ‘Stalingrad’ Mechanised Corps 387

395th Rifle Regiment 349

Russo-Polish War 109

Ruthenes 55, 70

Rwanda 547

Rykov, Alexei 91


Saarland 30

Sachsenhausen 99, 141

Saigon 328

St James’s Palace Declaration (1942) 453, 543

Saint-Amand-Montrond 278–83

Saipan 516

Salazar, António de Oliveira 204

Salerno 374

Saló Republic 535, 536

Salonika 418

Salter, Alfred 502

San Fernando 264

Sandrin, René 280, 281

Sandys, Ian Duncan 164, 337

Sanji, Rear Admiral 556

Sardinia 535, 538

Sarraut, Albert 40

Sato, Major Misao 383–4, 527

Scandinavia 158, 192–7

Scavenius, Erik 192, 292, 293

Schacht, Hjalmar 51

Schaefer, Emanuel 130

Scharnhorst 158

Scharway, Captain 400

Schaub, Julius 71

Schindler, Oskar 466–7, 471, 477

Schirach, Baldur von 149

Schleicher, Kurt von 29

Schloss Klessheim 311

Schmald, Walter 286

Schmidt, Corporal Anton 464–5

Schmidt, Paul 118

Schmidt, General Rudolf 245

Schmundt, Rudolf 248

Schnurre, Karl 111

Schobert, General Eugen Ritter von 221, 223, 324

Schöngarth, Karl Eberhard 473

Schoonderwoerd family 475–6

Schorfheide 99

Schulenburg, Friedrich Graf von der 112, 119

Schusnigg, Kurt von 33, 53

Schuster, Cardinal 536

Schwanenwerder 99

Schwarzbart, Ignacy 449

Schwede-Coburg, Franz 144

Schweinfurt 508–9

Scotland, Colonel 543

SD (SS Security Service) 125, 193, 195, 196–7, 211, 227, 239, 240, 249, 285, 417

Seaforth Highlanders 379

Sebastopol 234

Second Panzer Army 245

Second World War 21

appeasement process 38, 39–75

Battle of Britain 173–80, 185

Blitz 37, 179–80, 185, 483, 490, 491

and British determination to carry on 168–72

Churchill factor 158–68

D-Day 381, 454, 458, 500, 540

declarations of support 118

events leading up to 30–4, 112–14

final months 538–43

global 253–67

Greek participation 189

Hitler’s invasion plans 172–3

invasion of Poland 119–33

Italian participation 187–9

and Japanese capitulation 551–5

Japanese participation 255–60, 261–7

northern and western Europe 192

phoney war 158, 487

post-war effects on Germany 550–1

post-war reconstruction 366

repatriation 549–50

Scandinavian offensives 192–7

Soviet invasion 221–52

US participation 181–6, 253

Vichy France 198–220

war crime trials 543–9, 555–62

Seetzen, Heinz 406

Selbourne, Lord 298

Serbia, Serbs 2, 217

Serebryakov, Leonid 96

Serebryakov, Zorya, Women of the French Revolution 96

Sereny, Gita 415

Sèvres, Treaty of 543

Seyss-Inquart, Artur 33–4, 198, 473, 540

Shang Teh-yi 560

Shanghai 16–17, 19, 42

Shaposhnikov, Marshal Boris 345

Shawcross, Sir Hartley 545

Sheffield 177

Shertok, Moshe 457

Shetland Isles 299

Shostakovich, Dmitry 156

Siberia 81, 83, 108, 243, 460

Sicily 374, 538

Sidi Barrani 188

Sieger, Captain 217

Signal 274

Sikorski, Władysław 155, 449, 452, 454

Silesia 84, 135

Silverman, Sydney 450

Simferopol 252

Simon, Sir John 30, 41, 43, 51

Simonov, Konstantin, ‘Wait for Me and I Will Return’ 389

Simpson, Wallis 32

Sinclair, Sir Archibald 458, 489, 492, 493, 497, 502

Singapore 11, 255, 262, 263, 265, 328, 329

Singleton, Mr Justice 491

Sinicyn, Major 145

Sirk, Douglas 308

SIS 287, 289, 294, 445

Skinnarland, Einar 300

Skoda 111

Skorzeny, Otto 535

Sledge, Eugene 364–5

Slim, William ‘Bill’ 342, 343–4

Slovaks 55, 64, 70

Slovenes 2

Slutsk, Abram 91

Smith, Walter Bedell ‘Beetle’ 353, 540

Smuts, Jan 160, 171, 319

Sobibor 404, 412, 415, 451, 471

Soldau 134

Solovetsky Islands 82

Solts, Aaron 94, 95

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 82

First Circle 83

Prussian Nights 539–40

Somaliland 5, 6, 187

Somervell, General Brehon 354

Somerville, Vice-Admiral James 171

Somme 35, 233

Sook Ching 265

Sorge, Richard 233

South Africa 40, 118, 160, 445, 481

South Tyrol 535

Southgate, Maurice 284

Soviet Union 13, 17, 21, 24, 25, 30, 37, 40, 44, 54, 57, 74, 75, 135, 173, 187, 189, 196, 217, 269, 272, 361, 387–9, 390, 439, 459, 520, 548, 559

atrocities perpetrated in 236–52

and Barbarossa+2 345–52

and bombing of extermination camps


failed offensive against 229–36

invasion plans 221–9

see also Communism-Nazism; Operation Barbarossa

Spaak, Paul-Henri 296

Spaatz, Carl ‘Tooey’ 506–7, 510, 511

Spaight, J.M. 486

Spain 74

Spanish Civil War 4, 10, 31, 64, 167, 183

Special Operations Executive (SOE) 171, 276, 284, 319, 338

consequences of 299–310

Danish network 292–4

development of 287–91

foreign support for 296–7

and Nazi reprisals 295–6, 298–9, 303, 304, 306–7, 309–10

personnel 291

results of activities 297–9

scepticism concerning 294–5

terrorist activities of 288, 291–2

training 291

see also Resistance

Special Wanted Persons Lists 125, 129

Speer, Albert 221, 320, 429

Speidel, Hans 211

Spruance, Admiral Raymond 358, 359

SS 23, 49, 62, 77, 82, 83, 85, 97, 98, 116, 123, 124–32, 138, 141, 142, 143, 144, 148, 149, 152, 154, 195, 196, 211, 211–12, 219, 227, 238, 239, 245, 247, 249, 283, 286, 299, 309, 361, 389, 396, 401, 406, 407, 431–2, 457, 462, 463, 472, 541, 549

SS German Earth and Stone Works 84

SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler 97, 98

Stafford, David 290

Stahlecker, Walther 195, 247–8

Stalin, Joseph 311, 488, 527

and bombing raids 491, 502

collectivisation and industrialisation policies 87–90

executions and deportations authorised by 91–2, 108, 155, 345, 347, 460

foreign policy 75, 107, 108–11, 113, 119, 145, 254–5, 313

gulag system under 82

and Operation Barbarossa 222, 225, 226, 230, 242

personality cult 80, 115

purges 56

puritanical personality 95

relationship with Churchill and

Roosevelt 350, 351–2

and war crime trials 544

as war leader and strategist 345–53

Stalin Line 224

Stalingrad 232, 236, 356, 363–4, 371, 440

Stangl, Franz 415

Stanley, Oliver 446

Stargard 542

Stark, Admiral Harold 354

Starobelsk 154

Stauffenberg, Count Berthold von 536

Stauning, Thorvald 193, 292

Stavka 345

Steinberg, Paul 433

Stern Gang 446

Stewart, Sidney 366–7

Stilwell, General ‘Vinegar Joe’ 264, 353

Stimson, Henry 42, 186, 354, 521, 522, 522–3, 525, 528, 544

Stokes, Richard 502

Stolp 539

Stoss, Veit 122

Strauss, Franz Josef 241

Streckenbach, Bruno 142

Strength through Joy movement 97

Stresa 7, 30, 31

Stülpnagel, General Carl-Heinrich von 210, 221

Stülpnagel, General Otto von 210, 218, 219–20

Stumme, General Georg 326

Sturzo, Luigi 4

Stutthof 541

Suburov, Alexander 389

Sudeten German Freikorps 61–2

Sudeten German Party 56

Sudeten Germans 55, 56, 57, 58, 59–60, 63, 255

Sudetenland 57, 62, 64, 68, 70, 124, 308

Suez 3

Suez Canal 8, 52

Sugiyama, Field Marshal Hajime 257, 552

Suhard, Cardinal 219

Sulawesi 264

Suluks 561

Sverdlovsk 464

Sweden 157

Swit (Polish radio) 191–2

Switzerland 449, 464, 537

Sykes, Eric 291

Système-D 206–7

Szabò, Violette 291

Szilard, Leo 526

Taft, Robert 183

Taft, William 522

Taisho 12

Taittinger, Pierre-Charles 211

Taiwan, Taiwanese 263, 267, 556

Tajiks 78

Taliban 551

Tanggu Truce (1933) 18

Taranto 189, 260

Target for Tonight (film) 185

Tatra Mountains 140

Tavistock, Marquis of 51

Tehran 351

Telechany 397

Televåg 299

Teller, Edward 521

Temple, William, Archbishop of

Canterbury 503

Terboven, Josef 194, 195, 196, 299

Terijoki 156

Texcier, Jean, Conseils á l’occupé 215

Thailand 255, 329

Theresienstadt 542

Thoma, General Ritter von 318, 438

Thomalla, Richard 412

Thorak, Josef 98

Thyssen, Fritz 108

Tientsin 18

Tilsit 407

Times, The 46, 60, 74, 450, 459

Timor 264

Tinian 516, 529, 531

Tiso, Monsignor Jozef 72

Tito, Marshal 199, 297

Titsch, Raimund 466

Tiverton, Lord 485

Tizard, Sir Henry 491

Tobruk 188

Todorov, Tzvetan 434

Todt, Fritz 57

Todt Organisation 214

Togo, Admiral 260

Tojo, General Hideki 258, 259, 260, 552, 561

Tokyo 11, 20, 21, 233, 312, 515, 516–17, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 547, 555

Torgau 541

Tory, Avraham 420–1

Toyoda, Teijiro 256

Transit Rout IV (Galicia) 412

Trawniki 401

Treaty for the Renunciation of War as an

Instrument of National Policy see Kellogg–Briand Treaty

Treblinka 404, 415, 451, 461

Treitschke, Heinrich von 21

Trenchard, General Sir Hugh ‘Boom’ 485, 507

Trenet, Charles 213, 471

Trentino 535

Tresckow, Lieutenant Colonel Henning von 248

Trier 437

Trieste 535

Tripartite Alliance 21, 261

Triple Alliance 111

Triple Entente 13

Tripolitania 5

Trotsky, Leon 86, 460

Trotskyist-Zinoviev Centre 90–1

Truman, Harry 521, 523, 527, 531–2

Trummler, Dr Hans 125

Truth Prevails (radio station) 55

Trzebinia 456

Tsolakoglou, General Georgios 199

Tsushima, Battle of (1905) 260

Tukhachevsky, Marshal 109–10

Tulle 285–6, 361

Tulp, Sybren 473, 474

Tunisia 356, 357, 438

Turkey 54


Ugaki, Matome 552

Ukraine, Ukrainians 78, 88, 148, 152, 230, 231, 247, 250, 286, 328, 361, 437, 476

Ultra 500

Umberto, King 537–8

UN Commission on Human Rights 562

Union of Malay Youth 266–7

United Movements of the Resistance (MUR) 275

United Nations Commission for the Investigation of War Crimes 453, 543–4

United States of America 14, 17, 21, 42, 43, 181–6, 222, 258, 260, 261–2, 272, 445

Upper Silesia 110, 124, 129

Urania (radio station) 57

US Army Air Force (USAAF) 354, 355, 455, 457, 459, 462, 482, 483, 495, 499, 500

bombing of Europe 506–14

bombing of Japan 514–17, 526–32

US Military

36th ‘Texan’ Infantry Division 376

71 ‘Eagle’ Squadron 185

82nd Airborne 373

101st Airborne 373

180th Infantry Regiment 380

509th Composite Group 528

combined Fifteenth Air Force and RAF in Italy 507

Eighth Air Force 506, 507–8

Expeditionary Force 353

II Corps 357

Strategic Air Forces in Europe 507

Twelfth Air Force 507

Twenty-First Air Force 515

USS Indianapolis 527, 528

USS Kearny 186

USS Reuben James 186

Utrecht 473

Uzbeks 78


Vailati, Bruno 310

Vallat, Xavier 208

Valmy 273

Valois, Georges 205

Vansittart, Robert 8, 43

Varecka, Hugo 70

Vatican Radio 191

Velletri 390

Venice 6, 536

Verdun 35, 203, 233

Verona 536

Verona Manifesto (1944) 536

Versailles, Treaty of (1919) 6, 11, 18, 22, 28, 30, 34, 36–7, 44, 72, 109, 200, 324

Vichy France 255, 266, 317, 471, 522, 559

black market in 206–7

collaboration in 204, 214–16, 272

critics of 207

cultural aspects 212–14

deployment of troops in 209–12

detainment and trials in 204

establishment of 200–3

executions and assassinations in 216–20

Jews in 208–9, 219–20

Resistance in 269–86

support for 204–5

territory of 200–1

Victor Emmanuel III 3, 7, 534, 537

Vienna 23, 34, 70, 417, 535

Vierzon 209

Vietnam 266

Vigors, Tim 174

Vilna 449, 461, 464–5

Vistula Illustrated 143

Vladivostok 272

Vlaminck, Maurice de 213

Voigt, Frederick 49

Voiron 276

Völkischer Beobachter 352

Volkogonov, General Dmitry 349

Vologda 232

Vorkuta 77, 82

Vorob’ev, General P.I. 347–8

Voroshilov, Kliment 75, 87, 254, 345

Vrba, Rudolf 453

Vyazma 232

Vyshinsky, Andrei 96


Wachsturmbann Eimann 143–4

Wächter, Werner 71

Wake Island 552

Wallenberg, Raoul 471, 477

Wannsee Conference (1942) 412, 473

war crimes and criminals 453, 459, 482

see also Nuremberg Trials

War Crimes Group 547

War over England 37

Warlimont, General Walter 322

Warsaw 112, 119, 120, 121, 135, 137, 151, 192, 451, 455, 465, 484

Warsaw ghetto 149–50, 412, 421, 423, 449

Warthegau 411

Washington Treaty 42

Waugh, Evelyn 8

Wavell, General Archibald 188, 189, 263, 338–9

Webb, Beatrice 80

Webb, Sidney 80

Webb, Sir William 557

Weichs, Maximilian Freiherr von 221, 245, 249

Weicker, Lowell 511

Weimar Republic 24, 25, 29, 30, 96, 102, 144, 324

Weizmann, Chaim 185, 457

Wells, H.G., Shape of Things to Come 35

Wenneker, Vice-Admiral Paul 312

West Prussia 110, 117, 145

West Volhynia 404

Westerbork 471, 472, 474

Western Front 187, 338, 495, 507

Westminster, ‘Benny’, Duke of 36

Wetjen, Reinhold 310

Wetzel, Fritz 195

Wetzler, Alfréd 453

Widmann, Albert 411

Wiedemann, Captain Fritz 58

Wiesbaden 200

Wilhelm II, Kaiser 13, 62, 543

Wilhelmina, Queen 198

Wilhelmshaven 487

Wilkie, Wendell 183, 351

Wilson, ‘Jumbo’ 341

Wilson, Sir Horace 50, 65–6

Wilson, Woodrow 1, 44

Winant, John 184

Wirth, Christian 410

Wise, Stephen 450

Wittmer, Major 245

Witzleben, General Erwin von 249

Wolff, Karl 399

Wöllersdorf 30

Women’s Army Corp 355

Women’s Auxiliary Air Force 174

Wood, General Robert 182

World Jewish Congress 449, 450

World Zionist Organisation 449

Woronesch 464

Woyrsch, Udo von 124, 131

Wuppertal 498

Wurm, Theophil 441

Wyszanow 126–7


Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial 466

Yagoda, Genrikh 90–1, 95

Yale University Law School 182

Yalta Conference (1945) 501, 512, 521

Yamamoto, Fleet Admiral Isoruko 358, 359

Yamashita, General Tomoyuki 262, 263, 264–5, 312, 328–9, 383, 556

Yangtze 19

Yank 447

Yates, Dornford 291

Yeshuv 318

Yezhov, Evgenia 92

Yezhov, Nikolai 87, 89–90, 91–2, 95–6, 109

Yokohama 517

Yorktown 359

Young Pioneers 103

Young Plan (1929) 26, 28

Young Turk movement 543

Yugoslavia 5, 40, 44, 70, 189, 191, 221, 290, 297, 317, 536, 547


‘Z Plan’ 60

Zambröw 121

Zamoyski, Count Stefan 454

Zemke, Colonel Hubert 509

Zetland, Lord 37

Zhukov, Georgy 233, 256, 345

Zingales, General Francesco 315

Zinoviev, Grigory 90, 460

Zionism 153, 421, 446, 447, 449, 460, 468, 520, 551

Zitomir 250

Zog, King 297

Zöpf, Willi 473

Zoppot 144, 539

Zoria, Nikolai 546

Zubalovo 95

Zuilen 475

Zweig, Stefan 67

Zygelbojm, Szmul 449–50