‘Cheesy’ tomato and basil braids

{ MAKES 8 }

1 sheet gluten-free puff pastry

1 egg, lightly beaten

200 g (7 oz/1 cup) chopped tomatoes

20 g (¾ oz/¼ cup) nutritional yeast flakes

small handful basil leaves, shredded

Preheat the oven to 210°C (410°F) and line a baking tray with baking paper.

Lay the pastry on a clean work surface, brush with the egg and cut into 1 cm (½ inch) strips. Join three of the strips at one end, then braid (plait) them together. Repeat with the remaining strips. Lay the braids on the prepared baking tray.

In a medium bowl, combine the tomatoes, yeast flakes and basil. Place teaspoonfuls of the mixture in each depression in the braids and bake for 10–15 minutes, until puffy and golden. They will keep in an airight container for 3–4 days.

Note: For a photo of these braids, see here.