Chapter 2
Downloading Java from the Oracle website
Installing Java
Using Java tools
Getting help
Java development environments have two basic approaches. On the one hand, you can use a sophisticated integrated development environment (IDE) such as NetBeans or Eclipse. These tools combine a full-featured source editor that lets you edit your Java program files with integrated development tools, including visual development tools that let you create applications by dragging and dropping visual components onto a design surface.
At the other extreme, you can use just the basic command-line tools that are available free from Oracle’s Java website (
). Then you can use any text editor you want to create the text files that contain your Java programs (called source files), and compile and run your programs by typing commands at a command prompt.
Before you can start writing Java programs, you have to download and install the correct version of the Java Development Kit (JDK) for the computer system you’re using. Oracle’s Java website provides versions for Windows, Solaris, and Unix. The following sections show you how to download and install the JDK.
To get to the download page, point your browser to
. Then follow the appropriate links to download the latest version of Java SE for your operating system. (At the time I wrote this, the latest version was 14.01.)
When you get to the Java download page, you find a link to download the Java JDK. Click this link, and then select your operating system and click the JDK Download link to start the download.
The JDK download comes in two versions: an executable installer and a .zip
file. Both are about the same size. I find it easier to download and run the .exe
After you download the JDK file, you can install it by running the executable file you downloaded. The procedure varies slightly depending on your operating system, but basically, you just run the JDK installation program file after you download it, as follows:
After you start the installation program, it prompts you for any information that it needs to install the JDK properly, such as which features you want to install and what folder you want to install the JDK in. You can safely choose the default answer for each option.
When the JDK installs itself, it creates several folders on your hard drive. The locations of these folders vary depending on your system, but in all 32-bit versions of Windows, the JDK root folder is in the path Program Files\Java
on your boot drive. On 64-bit versions of Windows, the root folder will be either Program Files\Java
or Program Files (x86)\Java
. The name of the JDK root folder also varies, depending on the Java version you've installed. For version 14.0.1, the root folder is named jdk-14.0.1
Table 2-1 lists the subfolders created in the JDK root folder. As you work with Java, you’ll refer to these folders frequently.
TABLE 2-1 Subfolders of the JDK Root Folder
Folder |
Description |
The compiler and other Java development tools |
Configuration file |
This library contains files needed to integrate Java with programs written in other languages |
Modules for the Java Module System (new with Java 1.9) |
Copyright and license information for various Java components |
Library files, including the Java API class library |
After you install the JDK, you need to configure your operating system so that it can find the JDK command-line tools. To do that, you must set the Path
environment variable — a list of folders that the operating system uses to locate executable programs. Follow these steps:
Open Windows Explorer, right-click This PC, and choose Properties.
This brings up the System Properties page.
Click the Environment Variables button.
The Environment Variables dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 2-1.
In the System Variables list, scroll to the Path variable, select it, and then click the Edit button.
This brings up a handy dialog box that lets you add or remove paths to the Path
variable or change the order of the paths, shown in Figure 2-2.
folder to the beginning of the Path
folder, and press Enter.Use the Move Up button to move the bin
folder all the way to the top of the list.
Note: The name of the bin
folder may vary on your system, as in this example:
c:\Program Files\Java\jdk-14.0.1\bin;other directories…
FIGURE 2-1: The Environment Variables dialog box.
Click OK three times to exit.
The first OK gets you back to the Environment Variables dialog box; the second OK gets you back to the System Properties dialog box; and the third OK closes the System Properties dialog box.
FIGURE 2-2: Editing the Path
For Linux or Solaris, the procedure depends on which shell you're using. For more information, consult the documentation for the shell you’re using.
Java comes with several command-line tools that you can run directly from a command prompt. The two most important are javac
, the Java compiler used to compile a program, and java
, the command used to run a Java program. These tools work essentially the same way no matter what operating system you're using.
You can compile a program from a command prompt by using the javac
command. Before you can do that, however, you need a program to compile. Follow these steps:
public class HelloApp
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("Hello, World!");
Pay special attention to capitalization. If you type Public instead of public, for example, the program won't work. (If you don’t want to bother with typing, you can download the sample programs from this book’s website at
Open a command prompt, use a cd
command to change to the directory you saved the program file in, and then enter the command javac
This command compiles the program (javac
) and creates a class file named HelloApp.class
Assuming that you typed the program exactly right, the javac
command doesn't display any messages at all. If the program contains any errors, however, you get one or more error messages onscreen. If you typed Public
instead of public
despite my warning earlier in this section, the compiler displays the following error message:
C:\java\samples>javac error: class, interface, or enum expected
Public class HelloApp
1 error
The compiler error message indicates that an error is in line 1 of the
file. If the compiler reports an error message like this one, your program contains a coding mistake. You need to find the mistake, correct it, and compile the program again.
Normally, the javac
command compiles only the file that you specify on the command line, but you can coax javac
into compiling more than one file at a time by using any of the techniques I describe in the following paragraphs:
If the Java file you specify on the command line contains a reference to another Java class that's defined by a java
file in the same folder, the Java compiler automatically compiles that class too.
Suppose you have a java
program named TestProgram
, which refers to a class called TestClass
, and the
file is located in the same folder as the
file. When you use the javac
command to compile the
file, the compiler automatically compiles the
file, too.
command. The following command compiles three files:
javac *.java
that lists three files to compile:
You can compile all the programs in this file by using an @
character followed by the name of the argument file on the javac
command line, like this:
javac @TestPrograms
The javac
command has a gaggle of options that you can use to influence the way it compiles your programs. For your reference, I list these options in Table 2-2.
To use one or more of these options, type the option before or after the source filename. Either of the following commands, for example, compiles the
file with the -verbose
and -deprecation
options enabled:
javac -verbose -deprecation
javac -verbose -deprecation
Don't get all discombobulated if you don’t understand what all these options do. Most of them are useful only in unusual situations. The options you’ll use the most are
-classpath or -cp
: Use this option if your program makes use of class files that you’ve stored in a separate folder.-deprecation
: Use this option if you want the compiler to warn you whenever you use API methods that have been deprecated. (Deprecated methods are older methods that once were part of the Java standard API but are on the road to obsolescence. They still work but may not function in future versions of Java.)-source
: Use this option to limit the compiler to previous versions of Java. Note, however, that this option applies only to features of the Java language itself, not to the API class libraries. If you specify -source 1.4
, for example, the compiler won't allow you to use new Java language features that were introduced in a version later than 1.4, such as generics, enhanced for
loops, or Lambda expressions. But you can still use the new API features that were added with version 1.5, such as the Scanner
: Use this option to list the options that are available for the javac
command.TABLE 2-2 Java Compiler Options
Option |
Description |
Generates all debugging info. |
Generates no debugging info. |
Generates only some debugging info. |
Generates no warnings. |
Outputs messages about what the compiler is doing. |
Outputs source locations where deprecated APIs are used. |
Specifies where to find user class files. |
Specifies where to find user class files. |
Specifies where to find input source files. |
Overrides locations of bootstrap class files. |
Overrides locations of installed extensions. |
Overrides location of endorsed standards path. |
Specifies where to place generated class files. |
Specifies character encoding used by source files. |
Provides source compatibility with specified release. |
Generates class files for specific virtual-machine version. |
Provides version information. |
Prints a synopsis of standard options. |
Prints a synopsis of nonstandard options. |
Passes |
Enables preview features — features that have been tentatively released in the current version but have not yet been adopted as standard. Use this option with caution, because a preview feature may be removed from the next version if it doesn't pan out. |
When you successfully compile a Java program, you can run the program by typing the java
command followed by the name of the class that contains the program's main
method. The JRE loads, along with the class you specify, and then runs the main method in that class. To run the HelloApp
program, for example, type this command:
C:\java\samples>java HelloApp
The program responds by displaying the message "Hello, World!"
If Java can't find a filename that corresponds to the class, you get a simple error message indicating that the class can’t be found. Here’s what you get if you type JelloApp
instead of HelloApp
C:\java\samples>java JelloApp
Exception in thread "main"
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: JelloApp
This error message simply means that Java couldn't find a class named JelloApp
Like the Java compiler, the Java runtime command lets you specify options that can influence its behavior. Table 2-3 lists the most commonly used options.
The javap
command is called the Java disassembler because it takes class files apart and tells you what's inside them. You won’t use this command often, but using it to find out how a particular Java statement works is fun sometimes. You can also use it to find out what methods are available for a class if you don’t have the source code that was used to create the class.
TABLE 2-3 Common Java Command Options
Option |
Description |
Runs the client virtual machine. |
Runs the server virtual, which is optimized for server systems. |
Lists the directories or JAR or zip archive files used to search for class files. |
Does the same thing as |
Sets a system property. |
Enables verbose output. |
Displays the JRE version number and then stops. |
Displays the JRE version number and then continues. |
Lists standard options. |
Lists nonstandard options. |
Enables the |
Enables assertions for the specified classes or packages. |
Enables system assertions. |
Disables system assertions. |
Here’s the information you get when you run the javap HelloApp
C:\java\samples>javap HelloApp
Compiled from ""
public class HelloApp{
public HelloApp();
public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
As you can see, the javap
command indicates that the HelloApp
class was compiled from the
file and that it consists of a HelloApp
public class and a main
public method.
If you become a big-time Java guru, you can use this type of information to find out exactly how certain Java features work. Until then, you probably should leave the javap
command alone except for those rare occasions when you want to impress your friends with your in-depth knowledge of Java. (Just hope that when you do, they don't ask you what the aload
or invokevirtual
instruction does.)
Before you get too far into figuring out Java, don’t be surprised if you find yourself wondering whether some class has some other method that I don’t describe in this book — or whether some other class may be more appropriate for an application you’re working on. When that time comes, you’ll need to consult the Java help pages.
Complete documentation for Java is available on the Oracle Java website at
. Although this page contains many links to documentation pages, the one you’ll use most is API Documentation. The API Documentation page (
) provides complete documentation for all currently supported versions of the Java API. Figure 2-3 shows the home page for the Java SE 14 API documentation.
FIGURE 2-3: A home page from the Java SE 14 API documentation.
FIGURE 2-4: The documentation page for the String class.
Frankly, this documentation isn’t that much help for beginning programmers. It was written by computer scientists for computer scientists. You can tell just by looking at the table of contents that it isn’t for novices. The first chapter is called “Introduction” (that’s not so bad), but Chapters 2 and 3 are titled “Grammars” and “Lexical Structure,” respectively, and matters just get more arcane from there.
That’s why you’re reading this book, after all. You won’t even find a single sentence more about lexical structure in this book (other than this one, of course). Even so, at some time in your Java journeys, you may want to get to the bottom of the rules that govern such strange Java features as anonymous inner classes. When that day arrives, grab a six-pack of Jolt Cola, roll up your sleeves, and open the Java Language Specification pages.