Chapter 2

Using JavaServer Pages


check Seeing how servlets work in the MVC model.

check Learning about the life cycle of a JSP page

check Trying out expressions and JSTL tags

check Doing more with the Request object

check Looking at a complete, albeit simple, JSP application

In Book 7, Chapter 1, you discover how to create servlets that write HTML data directly to a page by using the PrintWriter object accessed through response.out. Although this technique works, it is far from the ideal way to develop web applications. Any sensible web application design separates the business logic (the Java code) from the presentation (the HTML). Generating HTML directly from a Java servlet was fine for introducing how servlets work, but it isn't a viable way to write actual web applications.

That’s where JavaServer Pages (a technology usually called JSP for short) comes in. A JavaServer Page is an HTML file that has Java servlet code embedded in it in special tags. When you run a JSP, all the HTML is automatically sent as part of the response, along with any HTML that’s created by the Java code you embed in the JSP file. As a result, JSP spares you the chore of writing all those out.println statements.

Note: To work with JavaServer Pages, you must first set up a working Tomcat environment. For information on how to do that, please refer to Book 7, Chapter 1.

Understanding JavaServer Pages

A JSP is an HTML document that’s saved in a file with the extension .jsp instead of .htm or .html. In many cases, .jsp files are stored in the application's home folder. But if your application has a lot of .jsp files, you can store them in subfolders. When you run the jar command to create a .war file to deploy to Tomcat, the .jsp files will be included in the .war file so they wind up in the right place on the server. (For more information, refer to Chapter 1 of this minibook.)

A .jsp file consists of a mixture of HTML elements and special tags. Here's an incredibly simple example — not particularly useful, but it demonstrates how tags are embedded with HTML:



<p>Two plus two equals ${2 + 2}.</p>



Here, the embedded tag is ${2 + 2}. This tag is called an expression tag. When the page is rendered, the expression in the tag is evaluated and the result is rendered to the page. So, this JSP page displays the following text on the browser:

Two plus two equals 4.

Let’s take a closer look at the life cycle of a simple JSP page such as the preceding one. Suppose the JSP page is named Four.jsp and it lives in a web application named misc on your local computer, where Tomcat is installed. You could request the JSP page by entering the following in a browser address bar: http://localhost:8080/misc/Four.jsp. Or, you could click a link that references this URL.

Either way, the server receives a GET request for the Four.jsp file.

Assuming this is the first time Four.jsp is requested, its HTML and tags are parsed and converted to a Java servlet, saved in a source file named and compiled to a class named Four_jsp.class. These files are saved within a folder called work on the Tomcat server.

The Four_jsp servlet is then invoked. It uses an output stream to write HTML code for the page in much the same manner as the programs in Chapter 1 of this minibook wrote HTML using PrintWriter.out to write HTML. In fact, if you peek inside the file, you'll find these lines:


out.write(" <body>\r\n");

out.write(" <p>Two plus two equals ");


org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.proprietaryEvaluate("${2 + 2}",


(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext)_jspx_page_context, null));

out.write("</p> \r\n");

out.write(" </body>\r\n");


With the exception of the line that calls the proprietaryEvaluate method, these lines simply regurgitate the HTML in the Four.jsp file. The proprietaryEvaluate method call handles the ${2 + 2} expression.

Fortunately, you don't have to worry about how the servlet created for a JSP page works — you can simply trust that it does. The point is that every JSP page becomes a servlet, and it’s the servlet that actually responds to the request for the JSP page.

Most JSP applications involve not only GET requests but POST or PUT requests as well. A typical JSP presents a form into which the user enters data. When the user submits the form, the data is sent to the server as a POST request. The POST is handled by a servlet often called a controller. (The controller servlet is distinct from the servlet automatically generated for the .jsp page; you have to code the controller servlet yourself!)

The controller servlet receives the data entered by the user, validates it, and acts on it, often by retrieving or updating database data. The controller typically adds data to the JSP page by appending it to the request in the form of request attributes, which usually wind up in the request message body as JSON data. Then the controller forwards the request to the JSP page.

When the JSP page receives the request, it renders the response in the form of HTML, which is then sent to the user to be displayed on the browser.

This basic servlet architecture is consistent with the popular Model-View-Controller (MVC) paradigm used for modern web applications. In an MVC application, application components are segregated into three distinct layers:

  • Model: The Model handles representation of and access to data objects that drives the application. Typically, the Model layer includes classes that define application objects such as customers, invoices, products, courses, employees, and so on. In addition, the Model layer may contain classes that manage access to the underlying storage that holds the data objects, such as SQL databases. (In some cases, the access classes are considered to be a separate sublayer, often called the Repository.) The Model layer may also house business rules, for example decisions about discounts or shipping methods.
  • View: The View handles the presentation to the end user. In a JSP application, the JSP pages comprise the view.
  • Controller: The Controller manages the interactions between the Model and View layers. In a JSP application, the servlets, which receive requests, act on them, and then redirect to the JSP pages, are the main elements of the Controller layer.

I explain how to create controller servlets later in this chapter. But first, let's look more closely at the types of tags you can use in a JSP page.

Using UEL Expressions

You can include many different types of tags in JSP pages. In this section, I show you how you can incorporate expressions into your JSP pages using Unified Expression Language (UEL) tags and JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) tags.

Unified Expression Language

One of the most common needs in JSP pages is to evaluate expressions. The syntax for evaluating expressions is governed by a standard called UEL. Here’s the basic form of a UEL expression:

${ expression }

Wherever you place a UEL expression in your JSP page, the expression will be evaluated and the expression itself will be replaced by the result of the evaluation.

Here’s the example that I present earlier in this chapter:

&lt;p&gt;Two plus two equals ${2 + 2}.&lt;/p&gt; <!--<ce:anchor id="pp:778 np:779" role="page-break"/>-->

Here, the UEL tag is ${2 + 2} and the expression within the tag is 2 + 2. When the expression is evaluated, the result (4) replaces the entire tag. So, the text rendered into the page is:

Two plus two equals 4.

A UEL expression can contain standard mathematical, relational, and logical operators, plus a few others, as shown in Table 2-1.

TABLE 2-1 UEL Expression Operators



Arithmetic Operators




Subtraction (or negation when used as a unary operator)



/, div


%, mod

Modulus division

Relational Operators

==, eq

Equal to

!=, ne

Not equal to

>, gt

Greater than

<, lt

Less than

>=, ge

Greater than or equal to

<=, le

Less than or equal to

Logical Operators

and, &&


or, ||


!, not


Conditional Operator

A ? B : C

Evaluate A, then evaluate either B or C depending on result of A

Empty Operator


Prefix operator that determines if a value is null or empty.

UEL expressions are also used to access objects that are available via request attributes. In your Java servlet, you can create a request attribute by calling the Request object's setAttribute method. Then, the JSP page can retrieve the attribute using a UEL expression. I explain how to do this in the section “Working with Attributes,” later in this chapter.

JSP Standard Tag Library

JSTL tags are designed to simplify the task of crafting the user interface in a JSP page. With JST tags, you can easily provide for data formatting, as well as repeating or conditional content.

JSTL is based on XML, so JSTL tags fit naturally in your HTML code. JSTL tags elements are enclosed by < and > symbols, have an element name, and can optionally have attributes and content. A start tag marks the beginning of a JSTL tag, and the end is marked by an end tag that uses the same element name preceded by a slash. If a JSTL tag has no content between the start and end elements, you can combine the start and end tags by ending the tag with a slash. For example:

<c:out value = "Two plus two equals ${2+2}."/>

This example renders the text Two plus two equals 4.

Here's an example of a JSTL tag that has separate start and end tags with content in between:

<c:forEach begin="1" end="10">

<p>All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.</p>


This example renders ten consecutive paragraphs, all saying All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

JSTL tags come in five flavors:

  • Core tags: Provide the core functionality of JSTL and are likely the ones you’ll work with most.
  • Formatting tags: Provide special formatting capabilities for numbers, dates, and times.
  • Function tags: Provide several common operations, mostly for manipulating strings.
  • SQL tags: Let you interact with SQL databases.
  • XML tags: Let you interact with XML data.

In the following sections, I show you some of the more common tags in the core and formatting groups.

Deploying the JSTL taglib files

Before you can start using JSTL tags in your JSP pages, you need to download the .jar files that implement the tags. You can download the necessary .jar files from the Apache Tomcat website at You should download the following two files:



Create a folder named lib in your application's WEB-INF folder. Then copy the taglib .jar files to the new lib folder.

If you have the necessary permissions, you can also deploy these files directly to Tomcat so they'll be available to any application. Just copy the files to web-apps\ROOT\web\WEB-INF\lib.

Adding the <taglib> directive

Before you can use JSTL tags in a JSP page, you must add a <taglib> directive to the JSP page to identify the tag category you want to use (core, formatting, functions, and so on). The <taglib> directive sets a prefix that appears before tags for the specific category. For example, you can specify that all core tags begin with c:.

Table 2-2 shows the prefix and <taglib> directive you should use for each JSTL tag category. Although you can specify any prefix you want, you should stick to the standard prefixes listed in the table.

Here's an example of a simple .jsp with <taglib> directives for the core and functions categories:


<%@ taglib prefix = "c" uri = "" %>

<%@ taglib prefix = "fmt" uri = "" %>


<p>This page contains two taglib directives</p>



TABLE 2-2 JSTL Tag Prefixes and <taglib> Directives



<taglib> Directive



<%@ taglib prefix = "c" uri = "" %>



<%@ taglib prefix = "fmt" uri = "" %>



<%@ taglib prefix = "fn" uri = "" %>



<%@ taglib prefix = "sql" uri = "" %>



<%@ taglib prefix = "x" uri = "" %>

As you can see, the taglib directives appear near the top of the file, immediately following the <html> start tag.

Looking at Core Tags

The core tags provide basic functionality, such as displaying the results of expressions, making choices, and processing loops, with a few other goodies thrown in for good measure. Table 2-3 shows all 14 of the available core tags. I look more closely at the most important ones in the sections that follow.

TABLE 2-3 Core Tags


What It Does


Catches any exceptions that might be thrown within the body of the tag.


A switch-like construct that sets up a selection of choices identified by when tags within the body of the choose tag. You can also include an otherwise tag if none of the when tags is selected.


A conditional tag. The body of the tag is evaluated if the condition is true.


Gets a resource based on a URL and renders its contents to a page or to a variable or a reader.


Sets up a for loop. The body of the loop is evaluated once for each iteration of the loop.


Iterates over a string of delimited tokens.


Evaluates an expression and renders it to the page. It can optionally encode XML tags to guard against script injection attacks.


Used in the body of a choice tag. Its body is evaluated if none of the when tags in the choice tag's body is true.


Adds a parameter to a URL created by the url tag.


Redirects to a URL.


Removes a variable created by a set tag.


Creates a variable and assigns it a value.


Creates a URL to which parameters can be added using the param tag.


Used in the body of a choice tag. Its body is evaluated if the expression is true.

Using c:out

One of the most commonly used core tags is out. This tag evaluates an expression and renders it to the page. The expression is supplied via the value attribute, like this:

<c:out value="All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."/>

You can include a UEL expression tag in the value. For example:

<c:out value = "Two plus two equals ${2+2}."/>

And you can include the attribute excapeXML to force the special XML characters <, >, &, ', and " to be rendered by escape sequences such as &lt; or &. This special encoding can help prevent a common type of software attack called cross-site scripting, in which an attacker attempts to inject code into the value of a form field.

Working with variables

You can create variables that you can use in your JSP page by using the c:set tag. You specify the name of the variable using the var attribute and the value by using the value attribute.

When you're finished with a variable, you can destroy it by using the c:remove tag.

Here’s an example that creates a variable named two, gives it the value 2, uses it in expressions in the value attribute of a c:out tag, and then removes the variable:

<c:set var="two" value="2"/>

<c:out value="${two} + ${two} = ${two + two}"/>

<c:remove var="two"/>

Getting conditional

You can create the equivalent of an if statement by using the c:if tag. Here's an example:

<c:set var="commissionrate" value="0.02"/>

<c:set var="salestotal" value="9886.00"/>

<c:if test="${salestotal >= 10000.00}">

<c:set var="commissionrate" value="0.05"/>

<p><c:out value="Your commission rate is ${commissionrate}."/></p>


Here, a variable named commissionrate is created and given an initial value of 0.02. Then, a c:if tag is used to see if a variable named salestotal is greater than $10,000. If it is, commissionrate is increased to 0.05 and the lucky salesperson is told about the increase. Alas, in this case, there will be no such happy news, as salestotal has been set to $9,886 — just below the threshold. Better luck next month!

Note that the c:if tag does not have an else clause. You can simulate that by following a c:if with another c:if that tests for the opposite condition, like this:

<c:set var="commissionrate"/>

<c:set var="salestotal" value="12955.00"/>

<p><c:out value="Your sales total is ${salestotal}."/></>

<c:if test="${salestotal >= 10000.00}">

<c:set var="commissionrate" value="0.05"/>


<c:if test="${salestotal < 10000.00}">

<c:set var="commissionrate" value="0.02"/>


<p><c:out value="Your commission rate is ${commissionrate}."/></p>

In this example, the commissionrate variable is not given an initial value; instead, it is assigned either 0.02 or 0.05 depending on the value of salestotal. This time, the lucky salesperson gets the commission bump because salestotal is set to $12,995.

This same logic could be implemented with c:choice as follows:


<c:when test="${salestotal < 10000.00}">

<c:set var="commissionrate" value="0.02"/>


<c:when test="${salestotal >= 10000.00}">

<c:set var="commissionrate" value="0.05"/>



Here, the first c:when covers the case in which the sales total is less than $10,000 and the second c:when covers the case where the sales total is greater than or equal to $10,000.

Another way to do this would be with c:otherwise, like this:


<c:when test="${salestotal >= 10000.00}">

<c:set var="commissionrate" value="0.05"/>



<c:set var="commissionrate" value="0.02"/>



Creating loops

The last core tag I'll cover in this section is c:forEach, which lets you create simple iterations. You can mimic a standard for statement by setting the begin and end attributes, like this:

<c:forEach var="i" begin="1" end="10">

<p><c:out value="${i}"/></p>


This loop simply counts from 1 to 10, displaying each number on a separate line.

You can use the step attribute to specify a step other than 1, but unfortunately you can't use a negative value for step. So, there’s no way to count backward, at least not without some clever programming. Here’s one way to do it:

<c:forEach var="i" begin="0" end="9">

<c:set var="j" value="${10-i}"/>

<p><c:out value="${j}"/></p>


Notice here that the forEach actually counts from 0 this time instead of from 1. That’s because the subtraction is done before the value is printed, so if you started from 1 you’d end up counting backward from 9.

You can also use c:forEach to iterate over a list. I show you an example of that in the section “The ListMovies Application Meets JSP,” later in this chapter.

Formatting Numbers

The formatting tags let you format values as numbers and dates. You can specify detailed formats for numbers, controlling such things as the number of decimal digits to display and whether to use commas or currency symbols or format numbers as percentages. You can also format dates using a variety of common formats.

In this section, I focus on using the fmt:formatNumber command to format numeric values. Table 2-4 lists the attributes of this tag.

Here's an example that formats the variable salestotal as currency and commissionrate as a percentage.

<fmt:formatNumber var="totalfmt" value="${salestotal}" type="currency"/>

<fmt:formatNumber var="commfmt" value="${commissionrate}" type="percent"/>

In both cases, the formatted values are returned in string variables, which can later be included on the page.

TABLE 2-4 fmt:formatNumber Attributes


What It Does


The value to be formatted.


The variable used to store the result. If omitted, the tag is rendered in place.


Specifies one of three types of formatting: number, currency, or percent.


A true or false value indicating whether digits should be grouped with commas.


The maximum number of digits shown to the left of the decimal point.


The minimum number of digits shows to the left of the decimal point.


The maximum number of digits shown to the right of the decimal point.


The minimum number of digits shows to the right of the decimal point.


A formatting pattern used to format the value. The pattern string can include symbols such as # for a digit, 0 for digits that should show as zero even if not significant, commas and decimal points, and currency symbols.

Here's an example that uses various attributes to indicate that the numeric value of the variable n should be rendered with at most seven digits and at least one digit to the left of the decimal point, exactly three digits to the right of decimal point, and with digit groups separated by commas:

<fmt:formatNumber value="${n}"






With this formatting, the value 1234.56 will be displayed as 1,234.560.

The pattern attribute lets you provide a formatting specification more concisely by using characters such as # and 0 for digits, as well as commas and a decimal point. Here's how the previous formatting example could be done with pattern:

<fmt:formatNumber value="${n}" pattern="#,###,##0.000"/>

The resulting output is the same.

Considering the Controller Servlet

Up to this point in this chapter, I focus on using expressions and JSTL tags to create JSP pages. The JSP pages are responsible for handling the Presentation layer of a JSP application. In this section, I turn my attention to creating servlets that handle the Controller layer.

A servlet for a JSP application is very different from a stand-alone servlet. A stand-alone servlet is responsible for emitting HTML that will be sent to the client as part of the HTTP response (see Chapter 1 of this minibook). It typically does this by grabbing a PrintWriter instance from the Response object and writing hand-crafted HTML.

That's a serious violation of the MVC design paradigm for modern web applications, in which the presentation logic of the application should be separated from the business and control logic. In a JSP application, the JSP page is solely responsible for crafting the user interface: That’s the job of the HTML and the UEL expressions and JSTL tags in the .jsp file.

The servlet in a JSP application is responsible for processing the request received via a GET message, which may involve calling upon classes in the Model layer to retrieve or update database data or to make business decisions. When these tasks have been completed, the servlet redirects the request to the JSP page, which builds the final presentation and sends it off to the client.

There are two important tasks you need to know how to do to create even a simple controller servlet for a JSP application. First, you need to know how to attach data to the Request object so that the data will be passed on to the JSP page; you do that by setting request attributes. Second, you need to know how to redirect the request to the JSP page.

Setting request attributes

To attach data to the Request object, you use the Request.setAttribute method. This method has the following signature:

void setAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object o)

As you can see, just two parameters are required. The first parameter is a String that provides a name for the attribute. The second parameter is the attribute itself, which can be literally any kind of Java object. In other words, you can pass absolutely anything you want to the Presentation layer. It's up to the Presentation layer to render the object in a format suitable for the client.

Here’s an example that adds an ArrayList named movies using the attribute name movies:

request.setAttribute("movies", movies);

The JSP can then access the ArrayList using the attribute name movies.

In the section “Creating loops,” earlier in this chapter, I mention that you can use c:forEach to iterate over a collection. Here's an example that retrieves Movie objects from the movies attribute, assigns them to a variable named movie, and then displays the Title property of each Movie:

<c:forEach var="movie" items="${movies}">



You'll see code similar to this in a complete action later in this chapter.

Redirecting to the JSP page

When your controller servlet has attached all the data to request attributes, it’s time to redirect the request to the JSP page. You do in the servlet’s doGet or doPost method by using a somewhat confusing combination of method calls on the Request object:

request.getRequestDispatcher("/ListMovies.jsp").forward(request, response);

Here, you first call a Request method named getRequestDispatcher to obtain a RequestDispatcher object. This method requires that you specify a URL for the resource you want to redirect to — in this case, the JSP page named ListMovies.jsp.

When you have the RequestDispatcher in hand, you call its forward method, which forwards the request. You must supply both a Request and a Response object, which are typically passed on from the Request and Response method received as arguments to the doGet or doPost method. Keep in mind that the Request object now carries the attributes you assigned. In this way, the JSP page will receive the attributes so it can format the data.

That's about all there is to it, at least for the simplest of JSP pages. In the next section, I put everything together in a complete application.

The ListMovies Application Meets JSP

This section presents a JSP version of the Movies application that I present in Chapter 1 of this minibook. This version uses a servlet called moviejsp. Figure 2-1 shows the output displayed by the JSP. Like the version in Chapter 1, this version displays the movies contained in a text file named movies.txt. This version also adds a count of the movies in the file, as shown in the header “9 of My Favorite Movies.”

Screenshot displaying the output of the ListMovies JSP in action. This version also adds a count of the movies in the file, as shown in the header “9 of My Favorite Movies.”

FIGURE 2-1: The ListMovies JSP in action.

The application consists of four components:

  • A class that represents a movie with three properties: Title, Year, and Price. The class uses the accessor pattern to expose these properties. (This class is shown in Listing 2-1.)
  • A class that manages the file I/O necessary to retrieve the movie data from the Movies.txt file. This class is identical to the version presented in Chapter 1 of this minibook and is shown in Listing 2-2 for reference.
  • The controller servlet for the application. In the web.xml file, this class is mapped directly to a servlet named movies with the URL pattern \Movies. So, it can be invoked from a browser by navigating to http://localhost:8080/moviejsp/Movies. This class is shown in Listing 2-3.
  • ListMovies.jsp: The JSP page for the application. When a request is made for the moviejsp servlet, the ListMove class calls upon MovieIO to get the list of movies. It then appends the list to the Request object and forwards the request to ListMovies.jsp. The JSP page then renders the HTML for the response and sends it to the browser. The JSP page is shown in Listing 2-4.


package com.lowewriter.moviejsp;→1

public class Movie


private String title;

private int year;

private double price;

public Movie(String title, int year,

double price)


this.title = title;

this.year = year;

this.price = price;


public String getTitle()→17


return title;


public int getYear()→22


return year;


public double getPrice()→27


return price;



Here are the key lines of this class:

  • →1 The Movie class is part of the package com.lowewriter.moviejsp. All the other classes for this application also belong to this package.
  • →17 The getTitle method is the accessor for the title property.
  • →22 getYear is the accessor for the year property.
  • →27 getPrice is the accessor for the price property.


package com.lowewriter.moviejsp;


import java.util.*;

public class MovieIO


public static ArrayList<Movie> getMovies()


ArrayList<Movie> movies = new ArrayList<Movie>();

BufferedReader in = getReader("c:\\data\\movies.txt");

Movie movie = readMovie(in);

while (movie != null)



movie = readMovie(in);


return movies;


private static BufferedReader getReader(String name)


BufferedReader in = null;



File file = new File(name);

in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file) );


catch (FileNotFoundException e)


System.out.println("The file doesn't exist.");



return in;


private static Movie readMovie(BufferedReader in)


String title;

int year;

double price;

String line = "";

String[] data;



line = in.readLine();


catch (IOException e)


System.out.println("I/O Error");



if (line == null)

return null;



data = line.split("\t");

title = data[0];

year = Integer.parseInt(data[1]);

price = Double.parseDouble(data[2]);

return new Movie(title, year, price);





package com.lowewriter.moviejsp;


import javax.servlet.*;

import javax.servlet.http.*;

import java.util.*;

public class ListMovies extends HttpServlet


public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,→10

HttpServletResponse response)

throws IOException, ServletException


ArrayList<Movie> movies = MovieIO.getMovies();→14

request.setAttribute("movies", movies);→16

request.setAttribute("number", movies.size());→17


.forward(request, response);



Here are the key points of the servlet class:

  • →10 The doGet method accepts Request and Response objects.
  • →14 Here, MovieIO.getMovies() is called to obtain a list of movies. The controller servlet is concerned only with the representation of this data as a list; the MovieIO class is the only class that knows that the underlying data is stored in a text file.
  • →16 The list is added to the Request object as an attribute named movies.
  • →17 The number of elements in the list is added as an attribute named number.
  • →18 The request along with its attributes is redirected to the ListMovies.jsp page.

LISTING 2-4 ListMovies.jsp

<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>→3



<title>List Movies: The JSP</title>


<!--<ce:anchor id="pp:794 np:795" role="page-break"/>-->&lt;body&gt;

<h2><c:out value="${number}"/> of My Favorite Movies</h1>→10

<h3 >

<c:forEach var="movie" items="${movies}">→12

<p>${movie.year}: ${movie.title}</p>





Following is an explanation of the key lines in this JSP:

  • →3 This taglib directive is required to use the JSTL core tags.
  • →10 The number attribute is retrieved from the Response object and inserted in the heading.
  • →12 This c:forEach tag iterates over all the movie objects in the movies attribute. For each movie, the year and title properties are extracted and displayed on the page.