Book 4

Strings, Arrays, and Collections

Contents at a Glance

  1. Chapter 1: Working with Strings
    1. Reviewing Strings
    2. Using the String Class
    3. Using the StringBuilder and StringBuffer Classes
    4. Using the CharSequence Interface
  2. Chapter 2: Using Arrays
    1. Understanding Arrays
    2. Creating Arrays
    3. Initializing an Array
    4. Using for Loops with Arrays
    5. Solving Homework Problems with Arrays
    6. Using the Enhanced for Loop
    7. Using Arrays with Methods
    8. Using Varargs
    9. Using Two-Dimensional Arrays
    10. Working with a Fun but Complicated Example: A Chessboard
    11. Using the Arrays Class
  3. Chapter 3: Using the ArrayList Class
    1. Understanding the ArrayList Class
    2. Creating an ArrayList Object
    3. Adding Elements
    4. Accessing Elements
    5. Printing an ArrayList
    6. Using an Iterator
    7. Updating Elements
    8. Deleting Elements
  4. Chapter 4: Using the LinkedList Class
    1. Understanding the LinkedList Class
    2. Creating a LinkedList
    3. Adding Items to a LinkedList
    4. Retrieving Items from a LinkedList
    5. Updating LinkedList Items
    6. Removing LinkedList Items
  5. Chapter 5: Creating Generic Collection Classes
    1. Why Generics?
    2. Creating a Generic Class
    3. A Generic Stack Class
    4. Using Wildcard-Type Parameters
    5. A Generic Queue Class
  6. Chapter 6: Using Bulk Data Operations with Collections
    1. Looking At a Basic Bulk Data Operation
    2. Looking Closer at the Stream Interface
    3. Using Parallel Streams