Rich, Pete’s added the Newbuild to the round.

Down to the swamp, I don’t think. Can’t be arsed.

They’re yours if you want, a third of my share.

The Senior Price Price Monitor says: market due to grow.

There are scandal readers in them there meshes, kid.

Start at the WIMPEY sign and circle back.

Do you know the acronym concept?

R-I-P for Rest in Peace, I guess.



No – I tell a lie. A word you can say, a word

compressing others.

Posh, Mum says, for Port Out Starboard – .

Starboard – . Whatever the H stands for. WASP

in America: White Anglo Saxon Protestant.

Do you know what the Prods make of WIMPEY?




Playground fact: WIMPEY stands for We Import More Paddies Every Year