This newest book is finished. And it is time to thank all the people who shared their expertise and those who encouraged me along the way.
Michael Korda, my editor who for forty years has been my guiding light. All the thanks in the world, Michael.
Marysue Rucci, editor-in-chief of Simon & Schuster, who as always is a wise and discerning voice every step of the way.
John Conheeney, spouse extraordinaire, who for over twenty years has listened to me as I sigh that I am sure this book isn’t working.
Kevin Wilder for all his help educating me on how a detective investigates a murder case.
Kelly Oberle-Tweed for giving me insight into the role of guidance counselors.
Mike Dahlgren for his advice on what a college would do if it had a controversial student headed its way.
My son Dave, who works with me every step of the way. Much of the credit for this plot belongs to him.
My grandson David, who has Fragile X syndrome. Thank you for inspiring my Jamie character.
Finally, and of course, to all of you, my readers, I hope I will entertain you in the time you give to reading this book. God bless you, one and all.