Chinese Down the Amazon

“What do you think, baby? Does this place look all right to you?”

“Is it safe?”

“Safe as any motel room in Alabama can be, I guess. At least it looks clean.”

“And it doesn’t stink of old cigarettes, like the last one.”

“We can stay here.”

“I’m tired, Mom.”

“Take off your shoes and lie down, baby. I’ll go out and bring back something for dinner. I’ll bet there’s a Chinese restaurant in this town. There’s Chinese everywhere, Roy, you know that? Even down the Amazon it said in the National Geographic. I can get some egg rolls and pork chow mein and egg foo yung. What do you think, baby? Would you like some chow mein and egg foo yung? I’ll just make a quick stop in the bathroom first. Out in a jiffy.”

“Could I get a Coca-Cola?”

“Oh! Oh, Christ! This is disgusting! Come on, baby, we’re moving.”

“What happened, Mom?”

“Just filth! The bathroom is crazy with cockroaches! Even the toilet’s filled with bugs!”

“I don’t see any bugs on the bed.”

“Those kind come out later, when the light’s off. Get off of there! The beds are probably infested, too. Let’s go!”

“I’ve got to put on my shoes.”

“You can do it in the car. Come on!”


“Yes, Roy?”

“Could I get a hamburger instead of Chinese?”