Chapter Twenty Six


Matti rushed to the phone. It was on its fourth ring.

“Hello, is this Matilda Belafonte?”

“Yes… this be she…”

“This is Nurse Johnson, the Supervisor of Palliative Care at the Grey Nuns’ Hospital—”

“I ‘spect you be calling me. You just wants to say Jenny woke up from her nap. Ain’t that so, now?”

Nurse Johnson chuckled, “I’m afraid Ms. Hamilton was more than sleeping. She was deceased—”

“Yes, I know that, but you calling to let me know she no longer be deceased, but come back to the land of the living. Now, that be the gospel truth… ain’t that so?”

Nurse Johnson shook her head, “My, my, Matilda… you sure are a woman of faith. But you’re absolutely correct; Ms. Hamilton has miraculously come back to the land of the living, as you said. And she is perfectly hea—”

“Praise the Lord! Halleluiah!” Matti yelped! “I just knew Jesus was busy earlier on. He’s back and tendin’ to business! Halleluiah! I just can’t wait to tell Chloe…”

Matti dropped the phone and started to run to Chloe’s room and then came back to the phone.

“I be so sorry, Nurse Johnson, I’m so excited to tell Chloe the news I forgot to thank you for phoning. That be the best news I heard since Harry Belafonte sang in Carnegie Hall!”

“I also wanted to tell you not to come right away as Ms. Hamilton’s room is completely occupied by doctors and nurses examining her—”

“I can just see the puzzled looks on their faces! Yes sir, they be scratchin’ their heads for a long time trying to figure out how the great Physician does His healing works. He just say, ‘Jenny, it be time to get up now, that’s right, you wake up and you be openin’ your pretty blue eyes and give me one of your sweet smiles. There ain’t no-one that can resist that, Ms. Johnson. Even Lazarus after sleeping for four days just got up and walked out of the tomb!”

“Well, I can’t argue with you, Matilda, some mighty Power did an amazing job on Jenny. She was so critically ill; the cancer had attacked almost every cell of her body—”

“See now, that’s how the Lord works sometime. Not only does He heal the sick, but also heals people who need a boost in their faith. Now tell me, has your faith increased over this?”

“I must admit it has… this is all so unbelievable, I’ve never seen anything like it in all the years of nursing. And the kiss that Jenny and Henry Pederson had just before she died was so powerful, so filled with love.”

“And that is what the Lord responds to. Love touches His heart right away. It draws out His power. We all be so filled with love for Jenny and praying so hard for her, He just have to be listenin’.”

“Well, He did, Matilda…He sure did.”

“I best be going to the bathroom, I still so excited I better pee before going to Chloe’s room… oh, she in for one biiiiig surprise. That young thing feeling so sad over her Auntie being gone, I just can see her face lightin’ up with joy! We be singing and dancing so hard the hotel management may throw us out!”

Nurse Johnson and Matilda shared a good long laugh.

“Be seeing you later, Nurse Johnson. Thank you for calling!”

“Oh, Matilda!” Nurse Johnson exclaimed, “Matilda, are you still there?”

“Yes, I be here…”

“You work for Mr. Hamilton, correct?”

“Yes, that be so…”

“He and his staff have been calling nonstop to make arrangements to ship Ms. Hamilton’s body back to Ottawa, but since what has happened that won’t be necessary. He said that you would be assisting in that matter, as well—”

“That man be in for one big surprise! I forgot all about him. Yes, I’ll call him as soon as I tell Chloe the good news. I don’t know how he’ll take to this. I know he be wantin’ her back, but now… Oh sweet Jesus, Your healing business is a long waaaay from being over!”