Chapter Thirty One


Henry screeched Lauren’s car to a stop near the front door at the Grey Nuns’ hospital. The space was reserved for at least three taxis and since none were there, he decided to take a chance. He parked the car so half was in the cab area and the other half in the no parking section and then quickly made his way inside the main entrance lobby. Jenny was probably still in intensive care. He ran past the admittance area and directly towards an elevator. It was almost an exact replay of what he had done that morning.

His heart was pounding, as the bell rang announcing the fifth floor. He noticed the nurses’ station straight ahead. He didn’t expect Nurse Johnson to be still on duty, yet there she was, filling out a report and talking excitedly to a group of nurses.

“Hi, Ms. Johnson,” Henry exclaimed, as he rushed towards the counter.

Nurse Johnson’s jaw almost hit the counter as she looked up at Henry in total surprise. “There he is… it’s Henry Pederson! It was his kiss that brought Ms. Hamilton back to life!”

“I hope that’s the case… is Jenny really alive?” Henry asked, just to confirm that it really did happen. It still seemed so unreal that such a thing could occur.

Nurse Johnson continued to stare at Henry as if she were entering another world. He began to get worried that perhaps Father was mistaken.

“Yes, Mr. Pederson …” Nurse Johnson finally said. She almost called him Prince Charming as that is how she perceived him. Only a prince could have possibly given Ms. Hamilton the kiss of life. It surely had to be his yearning, loving, tender kiss that brought that sickly woman back from the other side… she just knew it had to be him… at least in part.

“Yes,” continued Nurse Johnson, “Ms. Hamilton is alive! Miraculously, healed! She is very well indeed … we all can’t understand what happened. Dr. Kreake thinks an instantaneous remission and total healing has taken place… but I have my own theory of it all.”

Henry’s heart soared at the confirmation. He was going to ask Nurse Johnson what she meant by that, but he was too anxious to see Jenny.

“Is she still in room 505?”

“Yes, she is. We want to keep her here overnight and then move her down to a private room in the morning.”

“Is it okay for me to see her?”

“Even if I said no, I know wild horses wouldn’t be able to stop you. We gave her a sedative a half hour ago. There was such a commotion after I discovered that she had suddenly revived. The news spread so fast throughout the hospital that within minutes, doctors and nurses from all wards flooded the area. “Poor, Ms. Hamilton was inundated with questions. The doctors and nurses should have known better, but it was so miraculous, the medical staff couldn’t help themselves. She may be asleep when you go in. Should you wake her, please keep your visit brief. I know her niece and friend are coming up shortly, as well. And perhaps your daughter-in-law has heard the news. I would have called her, but I don’t know her number. So perhaps, please do so. The girls may have, but it wouldn’t hurt for you to call, as well.”

Henry merely nodded, as he simply couldn’t wait another minute to go see his Jenny.

“Yes, go right ahead Mr. Pederson. Oh, I’m so happy for you and Ms. Hamilton. I’ll try to keep any curious doctor away until your visit is over.”

Henry felt relieved to get away from the counter. He could feel the heat rising to his face as the other nurses gawked at him. Henry quickly walked down the hall towards room 505. He wondered if Jenny would remember he was here before she died. Will she still recognize me? What will I say? This is all so incredible. He still felt that he had to actually see her to believe deep down that she really came back.

Henry brushed the few hairs on the top of his head with the palm of his hand, took a deep breath, then slowly walked into Jenny’s room and hopefully… back into her life.

The bedside lamp was on, casting a warm glow on Jenny’s face. Like earlier this morning, Jenny was asleep, but he had to admit she appeared healthier and… he was relieved to note that the sheet on top of her chest gently rose and fell. Her right hand was lying upon her chest, holding something at the end of a chain. He knew what was in Jenny’s hand.

Henry thought his heart would pound through his chest as he neared her bedside, his eyes glued to her beautiful face. She looked like Sleeping Beauty. Perhaps it was his kiss that brought her back.

He instantly wanted to hold her and kiss her and never let her go again. Yet, an awkwardness was now present that wasn’t there this morning, almost as if a courting phase was about to take place. Jenny’s impending death this morning cut through all formality. There was no time to be concerned about protocol.

There was immediacy.

They had expressed their love for one another freely… trying desperately to beat death, which was knocking at the door.

But now, the urgency wasn’t there. Perhaps it was time to slow down and enjoy this reunion. They could savour it, enjoy every moment of it. This second chance would make up for all the times they were denied and cheated out of being together while growing ever more deeply in love!

Henry quietly pushed a chair beside her bed and slowly sat down. Tears of bliss surfaced as he stared at his first love. He silently prayed in thanksgiving to Jesus for bringing Jenny back to life. Not more than six hours ago he sat in this very chair as she slipped away. Henry wiped a tear rolling down his cheek, still in a state of awe over what had transpired.

He wondered if it really was Father’s prayers and those of the residents that brought his loved one back. He smiled at the thought that it might have really been his kiss like that of Prince Charming. It made him recall the dream he had on the day he’d met Jenny. He had dreamt that same dream earlier today again after Jenny passed on and that it was Death coming to take her away. But as he approached her, anticipating the touch of her lips, she suddenly disappeared and in her place was an older man wearing a tan-coloured suit with a yellow flower in the lapel. It was Father Engelmann! It was him who gave his life for Jenny… or was it?

If Father really had given himself as the sacrificial lamb, Henry thought further, then why was Father’s life restored, too? This entire matter was so incredible. Perhaps they would never know why or how all three of them had passed away and miraculously came back…

It is all so incredibly, unbelievable!

The important thing was that they had all been given a second chance at life. The thought overwhelmed Henry as he gazed at his dear sweet Jenny. Her eyelashes were soft and thick. Her golden hair had filled in from this morning and spread out on the pillow and shimmered like a halo. Her white nightgown was her own, not the one from the hospital. He couldn’t remember if it was the same one he had seen on her that morning. Cut lace outlined her collar and was U-shaped around the front. The silver chain sparkled as she moved slightly, but then was lost in her hand which clutched the gift he had sent her almost thirty two years ago. Henry marveled at the fact that he wore an identical one around his neck and would until his dying breath.

He drew a deep sigh at the very thought he would have to leave her after a short visit. He wanted her in his sight every minute.

Jenny began to stir, as if sensing his presence in the room. It was the same that morning. Her long eyelashes flickered and her eyes opened. She looked over at Henry, her clear blue eyes lit up and she smiled. A warm flush rose to Jenny’s face and an expression grew in her cerulean blue eyes as if she was seeing an angel before her. She was so in love with Henry…

“Oh Henry, you came back… it’s so nice to see you.”

Henry sensed that Jenny felt a bit awkward too; she moved her hand hesitantly towards him. Henry immediately responded and took her hand into both of his. The moment their hands touched, Henry felt that same surge of pure ecstasy go through his entire being as it did when they first held hands crossing the Avenue when he was 15 years old. It was the same now as it was then and earlier that morning, only more so now. Incredibly, his sweetheart came back and with it all the pent up love, yearning and desire suppressed in the recesses of his heart.

“Oh Jenny,” was all he could say as tears welled up in his eyes. He carried her hand in his to his lips and gently kissed it.

Jenny rolled over towards Henry and brought her other hand onto his. Tears had filled her eyes as well. Neither could speak… the love flowing between them said what words couldn’t possibly say.

Softly, Jenny spoke. “Oh Henry, Father Engelmann was here a short while ago. He said that you were in an accident after you left the hospital this morning… did you actually die and come back, too?”

“Yes, apparently my SUV was totally destroyed and the ambulance attendants were amazed that I wasn’t hurt. They said I did die and came back. When I spoke with Father, he said that he passed away this morning as well and was miraculously healed… I don’t understand it all. I don’t remember much of anything after I left you this morning until I found myself in the ambulance.”

“I don’t remember anything either. After I saw you and Camilla, it seems like I went into a deep sleep… it was so peaceful and then, I suddenly awoke. The first thing I noticed was the absence of pain and how thirsty and hungry I was. When I called the nurse to ask for some tea she turned as white as a ghost when she came into my room. She couldn’t believe that I was alive. She looked so foolish for calling the attendants in the morgue to come and get me.

“Anyway, within minutes after she and the attendants left, doctors and nurses began to stream in, asking me all kinds of questions and examining me… they all looked so puzzled and amazed. I loved it when Doctor Kreake came in… he’s my doctor. He couldn’t get over it. He kept saying it was a miracle. He had seen remissions in the past, but nothing like this…” Jenny’s words trailed off.

“Did you know that Father was the same Engelmann that owned the corner grocery store?”

“Yes! He told me! I couldn’t believe that Father David was the same man that you worked for! I honestly didn’t know and who would have thought? He said the same thing and yet, he was upset with himself for not realizing it sooner. He always had the feeling that he knew me from some place before, but couldn’t put his finger on it, was the way he put it. We were trying to talk about it more and also his passing today as well, but so many doctors interrupted us that he decided to go. He said he would call you right away.”

“Yeah, I couldn’t believe my ears when he said that you were healed. I came right away. But that is when I told Father that I was in an accident and had died… yet, he already knew and you just told me as well, that he shared that with you. How is it that he saw those things and we didn’t…?”

“He said he came right up here to see you when he miraculously came back, as well. He wanted to make certain that he wasn’t imagining it… and that’s another thing, did he tell you that he saw his guardian angel and ours, too?”

“I don’t know, Henry. He didn’t say… perhaps he did see something that we didn’t when he died. It’s all so strange…”

Jenny grew silent and shook her head in awe of all that had happened since that morning, but her expression carried a more serious note.

“When Father David came in, I immediately told him that I needed to go to confession and ask to be forgiven for the way I kissed you earlier this morning. It had been such a lifelong wish and prayer of mine to see you and kiss you before I died. When I saw you, I didn’t think of your lovely wife and that my actions and words might offend her.”

Henry was about to explain what had happened to Julean, but Jenny continued—”

“But then Father told me that you knew that I was divorced from my husband and that your wife, Julean, had passed away several years ago. It made me feel less guilty knowing that I wasn’t interfering with your marriage. Yet, I don’t want you to feel that I am happy she is gone… I’m so sorry for her passing Henry.”

Henry gazed lovingly into Jenny’s eyes. “It’s okay, Jenny. Julean knew of you and before she passed on it was her prayer that you and I might someday find each other again…” Henry’s words trailed off. He thought of telling Jenny more about Julean and how she knew of his teenage sweetheart, but now was not the time.

Jenny remained silent, though her eyes told Henry to go on.

Henry shrugged his shoulders and slowly continued. “Since the day we parted back in grade nine, I have always held you in my heart. I never got over you and… apparently in my dreams I spoke of you and that is how she knew.”

Jenny squeezed Henry’s hand, as he struggled to go on.

“Julean was an amazing person. Although I could never explain why, after all those years you and I were apart, my love for you never lessened, she seemed to understand and accept my feelings.”

“That must have been so difficult for her.”

Henry’s eyes filled with tears again and he remained silent, not knowing what to say. It seemed so awkward to speak of Julean like this with Jenny. He hadn’t planned on talking about his former wife and yet it all just seemed to flow out so naturally. He had to admit that he loved them both, deeply.

“I never forgot about you either, Henry. Over all the years, you and Camilla were ever present in my heart. I just can’t believe that I saw her and you earlier today; that my guardian angel made my prayer come true. The image of you both remained in my mind when I passed away and was still there when I woke, or rather, came back to life.”

“It’s all so incredible Jenny! That I indirectly became the father to the girl you gave birth to. Somehow I knew in my heart that you had conceived a child during that evening when Eddy’s friends took you to the park, but I would never have imagined that it would have turned out to be Camilla. Yet, the moment my son first introduced me to her, it was as if I was seeing you. She looks so much like you, Jenny.”

“I believe that our guardian angels had something to do with all this.”

Jenny reached with the hand not holding Henry’s and caught the pewter angel hanging around her neck. As Jenny raised it up, Henry took hold of his, as well. The two angels seemed to dance and flit about, catching the light of the lamp.

“It’s amazing how we sent each other identical pewter angels and how the last letter containing them survived all the others.”

“So you know that the other letters were destroyed?”

Henry nodded. “It’s okay, Jenny. Your parents had their reasons and we did receive the most important one of all.”

Jenny’s eyes misted. She tried to speak… “They were very sorry for what they did…”

Jenny couldn’t go on.

“It’s in the past, Jen; the important thing is that we are together right now.”

And just then, the two pewter angels collided with a tiny clink. It was as if the angels were celebrating their reunion.

Henry and Jenny smiled at one another. “See, Jenny, it’s as you said, our guardian angels had a lot to do with our coming back to each other.”

Jenny let go of the angel and turned her head towards Henry’s hand, holding hers on the bed. She pulled on Henry’s hand and brought it to her lips and tenderly kissed it.

“I love you so much, Henry.”

Her golden hair fell over their hands and Henry felt the warmth of her tears cascade down through their intertwined fingers.

Henry could no longer speak, his being was enraptured with pure joy and complete happiness, as a quiet peaceful silence fell over the room. No words could even begin to ever capture the love flowing in their hearts and between them at that moment.

Jenny raised her head and gazed into Henry’s eyes for but a moment before he leaned forward and their lips softly touched.

All the pain and heartache seemed to melt away in the tenderness of their kiss. All that was left was the promise of a new beginning. They knew in their hearts that their angels had brought them together and somehow a wonderful miracle had happened in their lives.

Their life together would start now … their lives would begin to make up for those days, months and years of secrecy and denial since that memorable summer of their youth. Yes, a new life between two people who were never more deserving and more in love … theirs would be a union that would truly be heaven blessed.

“Oh, Henry I love you so much, I still can’t believe this is real.”

“I love you, too, Jenny, with all my heart.”

They gazed into each other’s eyes again with a look of awe, realizing that this was all happening. There was so much to say, so much to explain, so much to tell each other of their lives. But all that would come out in the days ahead.

Suddenly, their reverie was broken by a soft tap on the door and Nurse Johnson peeked in while still holding the door. “I know you two want to be together forever, but others are waiting to see Jenny and both of you have had a very eventful and exhausting day, to say the least.”

“Yes, I was about to leave, Ms. Johnson. Reluctantly!” Henry added with a smile.

Nurse Johnson made her way into the room and held the door open. “There are some flowers for you…”

Immediately a delivery man carrying an armful of daisies entered the room. He was followed by another and then another.

The first man that came in spoke, “I assume that you are Marjorie Hamilton?”

“Yes, I am…” Jenny said, her eyes quaking in surprise.

“These are from your husband, James Hamilton.”

Jenny wanted to correct the man, but let it slide. It was of no concern to him, yet she knew it would be unsettling for Henry.

“He wanted you to know how much joy it has given him to know that your health has been restored.”

As the delivery man spoke, even more flowers were brought in. Soon the room was filled with all kinds of wildflowers, especially daises. The florists had thought of everything; they brought vases and stands for the flowers, knowing there were neither containers nor tables to set them on.

Henry stood there flabbergasted, not knowing what to say. Jenny gazed at Henry, feeling very uncomfortable as well. This was totally unexpected.

As the owners of the florist shops and delivery personnel were leaving, Matti and Chloe came into the room and broke the uneasiness in the air.

“Chloe! Matti!” Jenny shouted as she hopped out of the bed and opened her arms to her dear friends.

“Oh, Jenny, I be so busy praising the Lord ever since I heard the news.”

“Auntie!” Chloe stepped back to make sure it was her auntie. “I can’t believe this!” Chloe shook her head from side to side. “You’re completely healed! It’s like night and day from the past few days and especially this morning!! You didn’t look so good. But look at you now! You look amazing! Oh Auntie! How I wish Mom was here to see this.”

“That would make everything even more perfect… I miss her so much.”

Chloe moved forward again and hugged her dear aunt. “Oh, Auntie I am so happy for you!” Chloe burst into tears and slowly let go.

Immediately, Matti came forward and embraced her dear friend. “I just don’t know what to say.” Tears streamed from her eyes. “This be the best day of my life. The Lord be so gracious, Jen. You look so good, and healthy and fine!”

“Yes,” interjected Chloe, being more composed, “you look so beautiful and rested Auntie. This is amazing… truly amazing!!”

Jenny noticed Henry standing by the door, somewhat shy being there. “You remember Henry Pederson?” asked Jenny, her gaze falling on him.

“Yes, we sure do!” said Matti. “And I remember the kiss you two had. That was someting soooo special.”

Henry turned red and began to blush. Jenny’s cheeks tinged with pink as well.

“If we be interrupting you two, we can come back,” offered Matti.

“No, no, that’s fine Matilda, I was just leaving. Nurse Johnson said you girls might be by and this has been an exhausting day for all of us. I shared with Jenny that I was in an accident as well when I left this morning. She can tell you what happened.”

Looking back at Jenny, “Well, I better go Jenny. I’d like to come back tomorrow. What time would be best?”

Jenny walked towards Henry, stood in front of him and placed her hands on his shoulders. Henry began to swim in her blue eyes and his embarrassment of being in the presence of the other two girls vanished. He drew her in closer as if to squeeze her into his heart. He could feel Jenny do the same.

“I still can’t believe this. Maybe I am still on the other side! Thank you dear God, thank you,” said Jenny as she leaned forward and kissed Henry. “I can’t wait for you to come back tomorrow. The earlier the better…”

Jenny’s friends couldn’t contain their oohing and aahing with Matti praising the Lord in between.

Henry suddenly became aware of their presence and red rolled up his neck once again.

He looked at Matilda and asked, “Does Camilla know what has happened yet?”

“We be calling her as soon as we get back to the hotel, unless you want to deliver the good news.”

“Yes, I will call her as soon as I get home. She is in for one big surprise.”

“Oh, Henry, I can hardly wait to see her again. Tell her to come as soon as she is able.” Jenny’s eyes sparkled with joy and delight.

Henry pecked Jenny on the cheek and smiled. He turned to the girls, winked and left.