Chapter Thirty Seven


According to catholic doctrine, a miracle is a sign of God’s grace, manifested as a sudden event that defies rational or scientific explanation. This case has all the earmarks of an event attributable to a supernatural intervention.”

“There is no doubt, John; the Lord’s healing power is clearly evident. When I administered the last rites to Jennifer that early morning, she was so consumed with the disease that several times I thought she had already expired. When I left her side that morning, I knew it would be the last time I would see her alive. Just before I left, her doctor came in to check on her and he also indicated there was no further hope for the sickly woman and was surprised that she was still breathing.”

A contemplative silence fell over the room as both men reflected over the happenings since that eventful day. The Archbishop had immediately conducted an investigation while the events were still fresh in the memory of those involved. Archbishop John O’Neil and Father Engelmann had met every day since the miracles occurred, going over and over the facts.

In the far corner of the room sat the Archbishop’s secretary, taking notes of their conversation.

The two men sat, facing each other in comfortable chairs, in front of the Archbishop’s large mahogany desk, as was usually the case when he invited someone to his office. The sun, streaming through the large windows, revealed the grain in the desk’s surface, then bounced off towards the two men warming their faces.

“So, David, let’s go over this again—”

“John, I cannot say anything different from what I have already told you the last three times.”

“I understand David, but my report must be accurate to the last the word. Miracles are not taken lightly by the Church. Once my report is sent to the Vatican it will be scrutinized and gone over by many cardinals and experts in the field. They shall not stop in just reading about this incidence but shall send an emissary to investigate, perhaps a delegation. What has happened has not only affected Jenny, but also you and seemingly many others.”

“As you wish, John…”

So Father recounted the events all over again; from the time he gave Jenny the last rites, to when he received Henry’s phone call that Henry had discovered Jenny’s diary and how concerned he was that Jenny may die at any time. Henry had asked that he and the care home residents pray for a miracle to keep her alive and to heal her.

“I immediately went to the chapel and told the residents Henry and Jenny’s amazing love story and that Henry had just discovered a diary in the house he purchased several months ago which showed incredibly that it was Jenny’s home! He had also learned that Jenny was in the hospital dying and asked that we pray for a miracle.”

Father paused for a moment and shook his head, “I have never seen anything like it, John, how heartfelt my sharing was received by my prayer warriors. It must have stirred their memories from their earlier lives, of their loved ones because the response to my request to pray for Henry and his beloved, Jenny, was so overwhelming it could have moved a mountain… and, as we can see, it did! Our faith that God would heal Jenny was palpable. I could feel the power of the Holy Spirit. He was already at work amongst the residents, as well. When I saw Johnny getting out of his wheelchair and stand up, in praise of God, I prayed all the more fervently and so did the others.”

“The Church most often investigates miracles that involved the intercessory prayers to Saints or those that were beatified and waiting for a miracle to be attributed to them, so they might be canonized. Tell me, David, were any petitions directed to certain holy persons that might have interceded on behalf of you and the group to the Lord?”

“Not directly, I did at one point cry out to Padre Pio and Father Seelos, both holy men that I had read about. Padre Pio is especially known for healings.”

“Yes, I know of Padre Pio. He is being investigated as having received the stigmata of Jesus and a very holy man indeed. In any case I shall make a note of it.”

“Did Henry direct any pleas to saints when you spoke with him, John?” Father wanted to know.

“Indirectly he did, David.”

“To whom did he ask to intercede, John?”

“It was you, David. Henry considers you to be a very holy man, as do many others in the parish. Henry said he cried out that the Lord might hear your prayers as being more receptive to the Lord than his.”

Father simply gazed at John, with a neutral look, not wishing to be elevated in any way over others.

The archbishop paused, looking down at a sheet resting on his lap and continued.“So tell me once more what happened to you after you left the prayer meeting.”

“I went to my room, got my Bible, and then made my way to the sun room. I felt weary, John. Visiting Jennifer, for the last two weeks, drained me emotionally. I was ready for the Lord to take me home. I recall reading the 23rd Psalm. I nearly made it to the last stanza when I passed on.”

The archbishop gestured for Father to continue.“When I spoke with Henry, he said after Jenny died, he fell asleep in her room and dreamt that he saw you offer up your life to God in exchange for Jenny’s life. Did you make such a covenant with the Lord?”

“Yes John, prior to meeting with the care home residents, I did make such a plea to the Lord.”

“You see, David, these details are important. I understand your reluctance to make public such personal matters, but in this case it’s most necessary that we know all the facts not only surrounding this event, but for future reference of your life. Over the years I have received many letters from your parishioners expressing your holiness and the power of your confessionals.”

“Come now, John, it’s nothing more than my love for the people and the Lord coming through, no more than in other parishes.”

The Archbishop was going to say more about David’s holiness and how he was an outstanding moral example to everyone he met, but thought better of it. David would interpret it as an attack on his humility. He would strive all the more for others not to apply such glowing attributes upon him.

“Now, my committee assisting me upon this matter has interviewed the nurse who found you in the sun room as well as all the residents who participated in a celebration of your passing…” The Archbishop paused and smiled at the holy man sitting across from him. “It was not that they were celebrating your death and happy to see you go…it was to celebrate your going home to the Lord.”

David knew what His Eminence was referring to, but smiled and nodded to show he appreciated the archbishop’s efforts to inject some humour into this matter which was becoming tedious.

“In any case, all those at the care home said you had clearly died and then miraculously came back. Initially they found you gone…apparently that is when you went to see if Jenny was alive and then they all were elated to see you return to the care home fully restored. That part of the event seems well substantiated however, if the Vatican sends a delegation to our fair city to further investigate these miracles, they usually send what is known as the ‘General Promoter of the Faith,’ or ‘Devil’s Advocate’. His role is to raise objections and doubts which must be resolved. For example, one member of my committee has already stated that the deaths of all three of you was pronounced after taking your pulse. In your instance, Nurse Frowler took your pulse as was the case in Henry’s death by the ambulance attendants. No actual monitor was used and thus opens the door to doubt that your heart and Henry’s stopped beating. Could it be the pulse just slowed down? Perhaps the blood pressure was so low, the pulse wasn’t detectable. You were all more or less in a deep, deep trance and came out of it.”

“But what of Jenny, John? Whether she died or not is not even an issue. Her body was completely overtaken with cancer and then instantly healed. Only the Lord’s hand in all this can possibly explain what has happened here.”

“Yes, I don’t discount what you say, it’s just that I know how rigorous it will be . You may be annoyed and frustrated by my questions but you have not seen anything of the interrogation that lies ahead. You will be questioned again and again if they see fit to do so. As I have told you, miracles are not taken lightly. Many are reported every year but most can be accounted for and readily dismissed.”

“I assure you, John, I did pass on to the other side and so did Henry and Jenny.”

“Yes, let’s go over that again. You say you were met by your guardian angel…Zachariah. Is that correct?”

“Yes, after my spirit left my body in the sun room, I immediately saw my lifelong protector. We watched as the residents came into the room and began a prayer meeting celebration on my behalf as we have already discussed. It was at that time Zachariah informed me how Henry and Jenny’s love for one another was so ardent and long lasting.”

“And he said that their angels were involved; that Henry and Jenny’s guardian angels imparted of their heavenly energy to the two young people at the moment they gazed into each other’s eyes…”

“That’s correct, John. I know it sounds incredible, yet perhaps, even angels can be seduced to go beyond their assigned duties when a union that is so close to heaven is found on earth. Apparently, Henry and Jenny’s very souls were united due to their angels’ involvement.”

The archbishop remained silent. This part of the story was almost unbelievable and yet, David appeared to be in command of all of his senses. He had known David for most of his life to be a man of God and of such high integrity. If it had been anyone else, he would have discounted or doubted this happening almost immediately.

“Yes, and then shortly after you say, Jenny and Henry and their guardian angels appeared on the scene.”

“We have been over this three times, John, and I must admit my patience is running low. However, I shall tell you one more time. I expected to see Jenny on the other side, but was surprised to see Henry. I met Jenny’s guardian, Hannah and Henry’s lifelong protector, Gabriel as well. Jenny shared how much she wanted to marry Henry and suggested we all go through the tunnel of light and hoped God would make an exception in their case to marry in heaven. Clearly the Lord indicated that marriage does not exist there, but Jenny was adamant. Just after we decided to go, an archangel emerged from the tunnel, bearing news to our protectors. It was a decision that Zachariah said would be coming to determine our fate. It was then that the healing power of God swept through us and we were all three returned to earth fully restored to life. In Jenny’s case not only to life, but completely healed of the cancerous disease that had totally invaded her body.”

“Now, David, I understand that you are tiring of this matter. However, I must to a degree play the Devil’s Advocate, as you will surely be asked this upon future investigation of these happenings. When I spoke to Henry and Jenny about their after death experience, they both have no memory of any of this. The only thing they know is what they have been told; that they died and miraculously came back to life. It seems definite that in all three of your cases, death was established by some medical attendant. In your case, it was Nurse Frowler, the ambulance attendants in Henry’s case and Nurse Johnson that witnessed Jenny’s death. The only thing that cannot be verified is what you have said happened in the afterlife…

Could it have all been just a dream, David?”

“No, John, I saw what I saw. I am still elated and dizzy by the celebration we shared after we knew of the Lord’s workings in our lives. I never expected to be returned to earth—”

“That’s what Henry said, too. After he dreamt that you had given your life for Jenny, he was surprised that your life was restored as well.”

“The Lord has further work for me to do, John. This is another reason why I know that it was not at all a dream. I have communed with my angel and the Lord all my life, John, and I know when His will is revealed to me. He wishes for me to carry out two missions.”

The archbishop sat up in his chair. He was glad now that he had decided to go over this with David once more. This was the second time his dearly benevolent friend had withheld pertinent information unintentionally.

“I understand, David that you may think this has solely to do with Jenny, but what has happened to you and Henry is also of vital importance. It may be connected to the Lord’s decision to perform this miracle or it might very well help us to understand this entire matter more clearly when we know all of the facts.”

The archbishop uncrossed his legs and planted both feet squarely on the floor. He leaned forward towards David as if not to miss a word the holy man might say in response to his next question.

“David, tell me, what further work does the Lord wish for you to do?”

“I can see by your look, John, that you are as surprised as I was to learn that at my age, what was there that the Lord could further possibly want me to do? The Lord is the God of all possibilities. Surely, there are countless others in the peak of their lives that could carry out any mission the Lord requires.”

“And yet, He asked you!”

“Yes, this may be as hard to believe as the miracles themselves, John, but the Lord wishes for me to write a book that encompasses my life and that of Henry and Jenny. I told him that I was not a writer, but Zachariah said that he and the Holy Spirit would assist me. My protector said that Henry and Jenny’s story would touch the hearts of many people and bring many back to the faith. Earlier, when I had shared Henry and Jenny’s story with the care home residents it was evident that the love story touched their hearts, too. Their response was truly overwhelming. Perhaps, yes, just maybe, such a story would have such an effect on the faith of a larger multitude of people.”

The archbishop’s eyes grew wide as he nodded his head.

“Yes, David, the more I learn of this story, the more astonished I am over what has transpired over the years and what finally has happened to bring these two together. Yes, it is truly all miraculous, indeed.“

The archbishop paused for but a moment and then continued. “There is something else which hasn’t been substantiated yet which supports and gives further credence to what you have shared with me, David. When I spoke with Henry the other day, he said he had received a call from a man by the name of Peter. Henry said that he was the man who had fathered Jenny’s child, Camilla. Apparently he was quite ill and died that same morning as Jenny did. He informed Henry that he had seen him and Jenny as well as you, David, when he passed over to the other side. He saw everything which you described about meeting Henry and Jenny and their angels. He too, saw the archangel bring a message to the angels and the resulting healing power of God sweep over all three of you. He too saw Henry and Jenny disappear and return to earth and that you stayed behind for some time speaking with your guardian. He said you had been given a vision in which for a split second, you were surrounded with a light that blinded him. When it diminished and went away, you had tears in your eyes and agreed to return to earth. Perhaps, it has to do with your second mission…”

And just as His Eminence sat back to relax and get more comfortable, he quickly resumed his former alert position, but now expressing even greater interest to what Father would say to his next query.

“David, please share with me what the second task is that the Lord requires of you?”

“You have a keen perception, John; I was allowed to see all that went before, not only in the lives of Henry and Jenny but of all humanity. It was to prepare me for the task of writing their story. It was at that point, however, that I still desired to come home to the Lord and see my Anna and parents and friends. Zachariah understood and anticipated that I might not wish to carry out that task and leave it up to God’s divine providence to accomplish that mission. However, I was then allowed to see into the future and why it was that the Lord saw it best that I carry out that task. I recall seeing what it was and immediately said yes, that I would do it. Upon my return to earth, it vanished from my memory. I recall Zachariah saying that neither man nor angels see what the future has in store. While memory of it was taken away from me, I have the feeling that I will know what it is that the Lord wishes of me as soon as that time comes into my present existence.”

John sat back but wasn’t relaxed. He was clearly disappointed in not knowing what the Lord further required of the holy man before him. He had no idea of what it possibly could be. He hoped to be alive to see that day. It must truly be something that only a man dear to the Lord is capable of carrying out.

“There is no mistake, John, I have been brought back for two reasons. I didn’t mention this before as I thought it was not related to Jenny’s miraculous recovery. And I suppose, the offering of my life wasn’t necessary as the prayers of the nursing home and those of Henry and Jenny and the solicitations of their angels were sufficient to be heard by the Lord and bring about these miracles.”

The Archbishop nodded, his countenance still carrying the look of disappointment over not learning of what Father’s second mission might be.

“There is one other issue, David. Henry mentioned something that has puzzled him and now me. When he went to Jenny’s home later that day of his accident, he still didn’t know of her miraculous recovery until you called and told him. But before you called, he said he walked in the back yard and noticed Jenny’s diary laying on the swing in her gazebo. Henry swears that the diary was in his SUV at the time of the accident. He recalls seeing it when he left the hospital. He was curious about two matters. First, how did it get there? And second, he noticed that Jenny had made an entry earlier that day about family matters and asking to be forgiven by her son. He has no memory of how either of those things could have happened. Just by chance, David would you know anything of this?”

“Yes, John, when I was given the vision of everything that went before in order for me to write about all that happened to Henry and Jenny, I saw after Henry left the hospital, both his and Jenny’s spirits were in the SUV with the diary between them. Immediately after the accident, Jenny went to her home and took the diary with her. When Henry arrived there he saw Jenny writing in her diary. After she made her entry, she took Henry back to the accident scene to see what had happened to him. After that, they came to see me and Zachariah as I told you earlier. Why Henry and Jenny were not allowed to recall their stint on the other side eludes me as well, John.”

“Well, that does explain that mystery and further substantiates your stint on the other side and what you have seen. Do you now see why it’s so necessary to go over and over this matter, David?”

The two men sat in silence for several moments until they heard the secretary in the corner of the room turn several pages of her notes.

“Well, I shall write up the report as you have told it to me and submit it. I believe all you have told me David; however, there are skeptics who do not know you as I do and will play the Devil’s Advocate. As we know David, the Lord is in perfect control of the universe at all times. The workings of His divine providence are a most incredible miracle. How He works with the laws of nature to perform miracles (many of which are never acknowledged) in the lives of people all the time. His purpose; to restore their faith and to bring healing, is both astonishing and totally incomprehensible. So many of the challenges and trials that come into our lives are dealt with in this way and yet, there are times when He chooses to work without secondary means and intervenes directly against the natural order of life He created. Clearly, David, this is one of those times. Perhaps we will never know the complete repercussions of the Lord’s work in this matter…”

“Or perhaps, John, the full repercussions are yet to be revealed…”