



The people of Israel


To provide poetry for the expression of praise, worship, confession, and prayer.

What a treasure it is to hold Israel’s hymnal in our hands! These songs of God’s people (many written by David) take us on a wild ride, from the heights of praise to the depths of despair and back again. As we sing our way through this book with the psalmists, we wrestle with questions of fairness, loneliness, fatigue, doubt, and uncertainty. How is it that the wicked seem to prosper while the righteous suffer (3773)? Why does the Lord seem to hide himself in times of trouble; will relief from our suffering ever come (10; 13)? Darkness and light, sorrow and joy, even the “dark night of the soul”—all these and more seem to be a normal part of life for God’s children. Yet one truth is certain for all who love God and remain faithful in suffering: We can know the presence and shelter of the sovereign Lord forever (73:21-28).


  floral bullet  Joy is good medicine. Though many have tried, no one has adequately described the awesome power of joyful praise and worship. The transformation brought by uplifting songs in the face of life-shattering struggles is wonderful. Praise can not only change one’s perspective but also heal the heart, body, and soul. In times of discouragement, joyful praise can be our greatest hope (43:5).

  floral bullet  God determines the timing of his intervention. We are not spared the troubles of life simply because we are God’s children. The psalms wrestle candidly and honestly with these realities. While we know that God rescues his children, his compassion and mercy do not compel him to intervene immediately. Yet, he is always on time. Even as we ask, “O LORD, how long will you forget me?” (13:1), we can have faith in our heavenly Father, who loves us too perfectly to rescue us too soon.

  floral bullet  We can surrender our questions to God. As human beings, we sometimes feel we have the right to ask God a lot of questions—Who? (14:7); What? (116:12); Where? (39:7); Why? (2; 22). Thankfully, God knows us and accepts our questions as a part of our worship when we ask them with hearts fully surrendered to his will.