The people of Israel and Judah
To warn God’s people that judgment is coming and to offer pardon for those who repent.
Like many other prophets, Micah was frustrated with the spiritual hypocrisy that plagued the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. His specific commission from God was to preach to the wayward people of Judah. He predicted the fall of Samaria, which came true in 722 BC, and cited two reasons for the judgment of Jerusalem: oppression of the poor and refusal to listen to God’s prophets. Drawing on his experiences under the reigns of both good and bad kings, Micah preached about the people’s rebellion against God and warned of the dire consequences to come. But he also offered the hope of God’s blessings for those who would listen, receive his message, and follow God.
Like the prophet Micah, people who have gained insight from their experiences should always be taken seriously. When people with disabilities talk about their suffering, they should be heard. They have great truths and valuable warnings for us all.
Speaking from the shadow. Micah lived in the shadow of his better-known contemporary Isaiah, but this doesn’t diminish the importance or impact of Micah’s message from God. Similarly, because of false assumptions, people with disabilities are often not acknowledged for their valuable contributions to the body of Christ.
Uplifting the poor. Micah expressed concern because the most vulnerable among the people of Judah were being mistreated. The wealthy invented ways to cheat the poor out of what they rightly deserved. The suffering endured by the meek saddened the Lord, who promised to be their defender: “Father to the fatherless, defender of widows—this is God, whose dwelling is holy” (Ps 68:5).
Accomplishing God’s purposes. The sins of the nations may seem catastrophic, but God is still sovereign. In the end, the Lord’s purposes for his people will be accomplished, even when his plans appear to be thwarted by wickedness. Those who suffer yet walk humbly with the Lord will find comfort and triumph in the end.